Chapter 17: Integrated Union

"If I can take advantage of this opportunity, the rewards will be much greater than those of an ordinary Immortal King," Lin Changsheng thought.

However, it was difficult to get close to the Blood Moon.

Even for an Immortal King, approaching the Blood Moon was extremely risky, even considered a suicidal act.

This Blood Moon represented a legendary realm, and there were rumors that someone had already come close to reaching that realm.

"The Emperor Realm!"

The realm that all Kings aspired to.

Whether it was the Immortal King of the Immortal Domain or the Immortal King of the Foreign Domain, they all yearned for that realm.

Whoever steps into the Emperor Realm will become the ruler of the heavens and earth.

Once, Lin Changsheng also considered the Emperor Realm as his goal, but it seemed like an unattainable dream.

Now, Lin Changsheng's goal is even more determined.

He wants to become an Immortal King within a hundred years. Although the legendary realm is far away, the game of luck has given him hope.

Lin Changsheng believes that if he can make good use of the game of luck, he might really be able to step into that realm.

Become the only Emperor in this world!

His gaze shifted away from the Blood Moon.

The road ahead is long. His current task is to find the luck children and kill them all, seizing their Goldfingers and luck.


Snow Moon City, City Lord's Mansion.

A spatial passage appeared, and Lin Changsheng walked out of it.

He took out the things he had purchased from the system store from his storage ring and began to enhance his strength as the Lord of Snow Moon City.

Not long after, Qing He returned.

"My Lord, I had good luck. Can you guess what I brought back for you?" Qing He smiled, her eyes curved like a crescent moon.

Lin Changsheng glanced at his personal panel and saw that Qing He had captured a luck child.

"You've captured a luck child," Lin Changsheng smiled.

"Indeed, nothing can escape your notice," Qing He took out a sack from her storage bag. Inside the sack was an unconscious luck child.

"My Lord, while I was searching for those places of opportunity, I found him..." Qing He explained the whole incident of capturing the luck child.

While Lin Changsheng was taking advantage of the opportunities in the Foreign Domain, Qing He had been leading people to search for the opportunities left behind by the two previous soul bodies.

These opportunities were hidden in dangerous places, but the rewards were still considerable.

However, perhaps due to Lin Changsheng's negative luck value, Qing He found that a few of the opportunities had already been taken by others after successfully finding them.

Qing He became alert and quickly rushed to the next opportunity, hiding nearby.

Sure enough, not long after, a luck child appeared there.

Qing He then took action, subdued and bound him, and brought him back.

After explaining everything, Qing He handed a ring to Lin Changsheng.

Lin Changsheng took the ring, and the panel displayed relevant information.

"A Black Iron Level ring. After killing the luck child, it can be used by consuming fifty villain points."

"Tip: If the player has multiple rings, they can perform an Integrated Union with the Goldfingers. After the Integrated Union, the villain points required for leveling up will be reduced."

This luck child's Goldfinger is the same as Cai Kun's.

"Can the Goldfinger be Integrated Union?" Lin Changsheng saw the prompt on the panel.

After the Goldfinger Integrated Union, the villain points required for leveling up will be reduced.

Lin Changsheng's divine consciousness swept over the ring, inside of which was a trapped soul that had ignited the divine fire in its lifetime.

With a thought, Lin Changsheng grabbed the soul from the ring.

This soul was ethereal and somewhat weak, obviously having suffered a beating from Qing He.

Soon, Lin Changsheng obtained all the opportunities that the old man knew about, and then he sent the old man to meet the other two souls.

The two of them were still too lonely, so he sent them another companion. When they had nothing to do, the three of them could play cards together.

After dealing with the old man, Lin Changsheng turned the unconscious son of luck into ashes and seized a lot of luck.

Lin Changsheng looked at his panel and finally his luck was positive, changing from -20 to 5.

It wasn't easy. It took killing four sons of luck to make his luck turn positive.

Now Lin Changsheng finally didn't have to worry about being targeted by this world.

After spending fifty villain points to obtain the permission to use the ring, Lin Changsheng chose two rings from the Integrated Union.

"Prompt: Goldfinger Integrated Union successful, obtained new item Ink Jade Ring (Enhanced Version), can summon souls by consuming fifty villain points."

Lin Changsheng checked the experience points required for upgrading.

"Ink Jade Ring (Enhanced Version) upgrades to Bronze Level, requires consuming two hundred and fifty villain points."

Originally, without the Integrated Union, upgrading the ring to Bronze Level required consuming five hundred villain points. Now it was directly reduced by half.

Lin Changsheng was very satisfied with this result.

Originally, he was still worried that the Goldfinger possessed by the sons of luck he captured would be useless, but now it seemed that it wasn't the case.

"Player: Lin Changsheng."

"Villain Alias: Soul Heavenly Emperor."

"Camp: Villain."

"Identity: Snow Moon City Lord of the Great Li Dynasty."

"Level: Black Iron Level."

"Villain Points: 150."

"Luck Points: 5."

"Warning Range: One hundred kilometers."

"Items: Ink Jade Ring (Enhanced Version), Pay-to-Win System, Ultimate Attribute System."

"Ranking: None."

Lin Changsheng checked his villain panel.

He now had one hundred and fifty villain points. Killing one more son of luck would allow him to upgrade the Ink Jade Ring.


"Brothers, these sons of luck are too difficult to kill. We almost got them three times in a row, but they managed to escape."

"Indeed, these bastards are like slippery eels. They can easily slip away."

"Hahaha, I've successfully killed one son of luck."

"Brother 6!"

"Guys, I've created a group called 'Justice Alliance.' Everyone should join the group and exchange experiences on dealing with the sons of luck."

"This is necessary. We should stick together, otherwise if they gang up on us, we will become more and more disadvantaged."


The chat channel for the villain camp was lively, with everyone discussing and exchanging ideas on how to deal with the sons of luck.

Today is the seventh day since the start of the luck game. During these seven days, some villains have successfully killed the sons of luck around them, while others have been successfully counter-killed by the sons of luck.

But overall, the villain camp still has a slight advantage.

Some people have created chat groups to exchange methods and experiences in dealing with the sons of luck.

However, there weren't many messages related to the sons of luck in the chat channel today.

These people have discovered that the sons of luck won't share anything related to themselves in the chat channel. It's already rare enough for them to be able to exchange experiences with each other.

After taking a brief look at the camp chat channel and understanding the current situation of both sides, Lin Changsheng closed the panel.

(End of this chapter)

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