I've Become The Immortal King And You Say I'm A Villain

230. Chapter 230 Immortal Domain Live Broadcast

Chapter 230 Immortal Domain Live Broadcast

In a short period of time, Lin Changsheng rose from a mid-level Immortal King, to an upper-level Immortal King, and then to a powerful lawmaker!

In other words, a strong man at the level of law, when he first enters the Immortal Domain, enjoys the baptism of the Immortal Domain for newcomers!

This is unprecedented!

This has never happened before!

In the past, when newcomers entered the Immortal Domain, they were the strongest and most powerful, which was the limit of pseudo-immortal strength!

Even the True Immortal level is impossible.

When you become a pseudo-fairy queen, you cannot hide your strength.

Even if you can slightly extend your stay with the help of some special treasures, this extended time is also limited.

It will not exceed thirty days.

The average pseudo-immortal only has ten days.

Even if it takes thirty days, how far can it grow?

But Lin Changsheng was originally a powerful immortal king. For him, the difficulty was just how to hide his immortal king side.

As long as the side of the Immortal King is hidden, these are not problems.

Thus, an unprecedented baptism for the entire Immortal Domain began.

"Wow, 666, host, how did you do that? You actually went to Immortal Domain!"

"Is this the Immortal Domain? There are so many fairies~"

"Although it's different from what I imagined, it's much better than the always gloomy environment in a foreign land~"


When Lin Changsheng rushed towards the Immortal Domain.

Another live broadcast room appeared on the Son of Fortune and Villains forum.

Some Son of Fortune and the villain entered the live broadcast room and discovered the difference in this live broadcast room.

This time, the live stream Son of Fortune actually went to Immortal Domain!

This has aroused the interest of many Son of Fortune and villains.

In this live broadcast room, the popularity is also soaring like crazy!

"Sure enough, the bet was right!"

In Immortal Domain, in a huge city, Son of Fortune, a live streamer with a faint brilliance, smiled.

He was able to come to Immortal Domain because he got a super expensive prop from the live broadcast system.

This guy's strength has also risen very quickly.

As a silver-level Son of Fortune, the live stream Son of Fortune is already ranked in the top three in terms of its own strength.

Although he didn't kill many villains, this guy caught the attention of Lin Changsheng several times.

Now, he has reached the semi-Immortal Level.

It's just a little weaker than the super gold-level Son of Fortune.

Of course, the corresponding upper limit of power for a silver-level live broadcast system is half an immortal.

After reaching the half-immortal peak, his growth rate will slow down.

Last time, after Lin Changsheng eliminated Dong Di, this guy gained a lot of live broadcast points.

Then, he came to the Half Immortal in one fell swoop and redeemed the item that could only be redeemed after the Half Immortal Queen.

An item that allows him to go to the Immortal Domain.

This prop does not directly take him to the Immortal Domain.

Instead, after using it, he can communicate with an Immortal King. The faith contained in the item allows him to trade with that Immortal King.

Thus, let the Immortal King lead him to the Immortal Domain.

The time he could stay was only three days.

Because the Immortal King that leads him is not very strong and has just reached the mid-range level.

Today is the first day of live streaming Son of Fortune to Immortal Domain.

After the other party brought him up, they sent him to this city with a large number of new immortals.

This city is very huge.

Although it is large, it is naturally not like a human city, with a sea of ​​people inside.

Compared to the Immortal Ancient World, the population density here is too sparse.

There are a large number of new immortals living here.

These new immortals rarely come out.

In the city, the most numerous ones are some Holy Spirits.

These Holy Spirits are all ownerless.

The Immortal King behind them fell for various reasons, and these Holy Spirits had nowhere to go, so they came to live in the city.

Over the long years, many Immortal Kings have fallen.

There are also many of these Holy Spirits.

Live stream Son of Fortune has the Fairy Light Shield given to him by the Immortal King of the trade.

In addition, his own strength has reached half-immortal.

So, he was walking alone in the city while live streaming.

The number of people in the live broadcast room is also increasing.

"666, it's really the Immortal Domain. The sun looks so big from the Immortal Domain!"

"So many beautiful fairies!"

"Ahhhh, my obsession with becoming an immortal has once again been aroused, but why am I such a rubbish?"

“I’d like to ask, Bronze-level Goldfinger, is it possible for him to become an immortal?”

"Yes, just slower!"

"Shit, if it's a bronze-level Goldfinger with high talent, the possibility of becoming an immortal is quite high. The rest depends on luck~"

In the live broadcast room, the discussion was extremely lively.

Undoubtedly, this live broadcast of Son of Fortune has once again aroused the desire of all players to become immortals.

Who doesn't want to become a powerful fairy?

At this time.


In the middle of the city, an extremely huge light pillar suddenly fell from the sky.

"Wow, look~"

In the live broadcast room, someone exclaimed.

The live stream Son of Fortune also became interested, mustered up the strength, and flew over there.

"what happens?"

he asked a nearby Holy Spirit.

"I don't know. Over there is the baptismal pool, which is the only place for new immortals to enter the Immortal Domain. There should be new immortals arriving, but there is so much movement this time. I haven't seen such a baptism for many years. This A new immortal should be the pinnacle of pseudo-immortals!"

That Holy Spirit said.

As soon as the Holy Spirit finished speaking, the beam of light suddenly increased in size.

All of a sudden, it became more than ten times bigger!

Not only that, the intensity of energy inside is even more astonishing!

You can feel the terrifying energy even from a distance!

"So big?"

The Holy Spirit's eyes couldn't help but widen!

"Is this the limit of pseudo-immortality?"

That Holy Spirit guesses.

"Impossible, even the ultimate pseudo-immortal has not received this level of baptism."

A passing word of the Holy Spirit.

As soon as they finished speaking, the beam of light further grew in size.

All of a sudden, it became dozens of times bigger!

Such a large beam of light frightened these two Holy Spirits!

This isn't over yet.


Because, immediately, the whole city was shaken.

No, not just this city.

The Immortal Domain where this city is located was shaken violently!

"what happened?"

This shock shook out a large number of Immortal Kings who were originally reclusive in this Immortal Domain!

In the sky, a large number of Immortal Kings appeared!

"Why is there such a big movement?"

After sensing the movement, the new immortals who ran out looked in the direction of the baptismal pool.

They had never seen such movement before.

"Huh? Is it immortality?"

High in the sky, several Immortal Kings are gathering there.

This is Yunshu Immortal King and several others.

They came to the top of the city early and waited.

When everyone enters the Immortal Domain, they will enter the fairy city in the central Immortal Domain.

This is also the reason why there are so many new immortals in this fairy city.

Many new immortals will choose this city to settle down after entering the Immortal Domain.

Here, you can also buy some useful things for new immortals.

Yun Shu, Immortal King and the others rushed over as soon as they got the news.

As for the Darkmoon Immortal King, he is still on his way back from the Sea of ​​Chaos.

On the way back from the Sea of ​​Chaos.

(End of chapter)

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