Chapter 40: Begin!

On the square, the children of luck were no longer calm because they had discovered Lin Changsheng's level as an antagonist.

Indeed, the children of luck had more privileges in the early stages.

For example, in the early stages, antagonists did not have an antagonist value.

But the children of luck had 1 point of luck value.

This 1 point of luck value could be used to check the level of an antagonist nearby.

Each child of luck had one chance, so in general, they wouldn't use it recklessly.

A bronze-level child of luck would have an additional point of luck value, meaning they had two chances.

If there were silver-level children of luck, they would start with 3 points of luck value and have an extra chance.

Of course, if any child of luck killed an antagonist at the beginning and obtained 100 luck value, it wouldn't matter.

The group of children of luck became lively.

"Listening to you guys, I won't come to the Imperial Capital anymore. The Great Li Dynasty is so big, I can just settle anywhere and develop."

"That's right, I won't come either."

Some children who had joined the group but hadn't arrived at the Imperial Capital were all celebrating.

They went straight back home.

"I still can't understand how a city lord can be a bronze-level antagonist. Bronze-level antagonists are usually at the level of marquis or duke."

"The hierarchy in this world is strict. Even if a city lord is wealthy, they cannot surpass marquis in terms of actual strength. Otherwise, it would be going too far, and other nobles wouldn't sit idly by."

"He must have some hidden strength."

"I've always said that the Lord of Snow Moon City has a problem. The time he invented those things was too early."

A few children of luck discussed this matter, and soon other children of luck joined in.

"You guys think, could this bronze-level antagonist have risen by killing other children of luck?"

At this moment, a child of luck suddenly said this.

As soon as this sentence was spoken, the group of children of luck instantly quieted down.


Then, another child of luck replied with three words.

"To go from Black Iron Level to bronze-level, you would have to kill five children of luck. It's only been about ten days since the transmigration, and the children of luck are still relatively scattered. How could he kill five children of luck in such a short time?"

"Yes, and if the antagonist wants a Goldfinger, they would have to consume antagonist value to obtain our Goldfinger, making the upgrade progress even slower."

Other children of luck quickly responded.

They all denied this possibility.


When that child of luck said this sentence just now, the hearts of these children of luck subconsciously tightened.

Their eyelids couldn't help but twitch.

This speculation was too terrifying!

It was even more terrifying than the Lord of Snow Moon City, who had the strength of a bronze-level antagonist from the beginning.

The initial level of an antagonist depended on the strength brought by their identity after transmigration.

There weren't many antagonists who had bronze-level strength at the beginning, but there weren't too few either.

Several marquis-level antagonists in the Imperial Capital, weren't they all like that?

But over these ten days, these marquis-level antagonists had only dealt with a few careless children of luck at the beginning.

When divided among them, they couldn't even get one each.

There were still many antagonists who had probably killed one or two children of luck over these ten days.

But not many more than that.

So, as long as they were careful, bronze-level antagonists weren't actually terrifying.

But what if the Lord of Snow Moon City was a Black Iron Level antagonist from the beginning and killed his way up to become a bronze-level antagonist?

Moreover, he did it in just a few days, killing four or five children of luck and ascending to a bronze-level antagonist!

That would be too terrifying.

Some children of luck subconsciously felt it was impossible.

Because even bronze-level antagonists found it difficult to do so.

The time was too short.

Not to mention, in the past few days, the Lord of Snow Moon City had been in the Imperial Capital all along.

Apart from dealing with that provoking child of luck at the beginning, he hadn't made any other moves.

In such a situation, if this speculation were to come true...

Then, during the first three or four days, did the Lord of Snow Moon City really kill several other children of luck?

How powerful would the Lord of Snow Moon City be?

The problem was, why was the powerful Lord of Snow Moon City initially judged as a Black Iron Level?

This was the contradiction.

"This contradiction cannot be resolved. The Lord of Snow Moon City couldn't have upgraded by killing children of luck. From what I see, he must have hidden strength."

After analyzing these contradictions, a child of luck said.

"Whatever, no matter what happens today, I'm going to escape from the Imperial Capital while chaos ensues."

Some children of luck no longer had the mood to discuss.

They weren't afraid of other Black Iron Level antagonists.

But now, the Lord of Snow Moon City, for some unknown reason, made them anxious.

This child of luck felt uneasy. He vaguely felt that the terrifying speculation might actually be true.

The Lord of Snow Moon City might really rely on killing children of luck to upgrade.

He lost interest in discussing.

Not only him.

On the square, other children of luck also lost interest in discussing and closed their luck panels.

They were also uneasy.

Originally, they were most wary of those marquis-level antagonists.

But now...

The Lord of Snow Moon City had become the biggest threat in their hearts.

They began to realize.

After coming to the Imperial Capital, the Lord of Snow Moon City had only dealt with one child of luck and had been inactive ever since.

In this situation, the Lord of Snow Moon City was probably brewing an attack that they couldn't imagine!

Otherwise, why would the Lord of Snow Moon City deliberately hint at them?

These children of luck are not stupid. After understanding these key points one by one, their faces became even more solemn.

They formed a stark contrast with the people around them who were cheering for the name "Lord of Snow Moon City".

"If we want to control the Great Li Dynasty in the future, we must get rid of this Lord of Snow Moon City."

While the children of luck were worried one by one.

Several marquis-level villains had different perspectives on the matter.

Naturally, they couldn't investigate Lin Changsheng's villain level.

One by one, they discussed this matter from the perspective of controlling the overall situation, looking down on it.

These marquis-level villains also had ambitious plans.

Dealing with these children of luck in the imperial capital was just their first step.

After dealing with them, they would divide the Goldfinger and villain values of the children of luck, and then use their own resources to further enhance their strength.

The second step would be to eliminate the children of luck in the Great Li Dynasty, so that the obtained villain values could be used to upgrade the Goldfinger level.

It would also help eliminate threats.

Compared to other internal threats in the Great Li Dynasty, the internal threat was even greater.

Even if the children of luck in other kingdoms grew up, it would be difficult for them to cause trouble in other countries until they reached a certain level.

It was like before transmigrating, even if you could control everything in the Dragon Kingdom, if you went to the northern part of Myanmar, you could still be caught off guard.

And it might not be the kind without anesthesia.

Unless your strength was strong enough to make a dynasty fear you.

Or the enemy you were dealing with was just a minor character.

Their third step was naturally to openly or secretly control the entire Great Li Dynasty.

After controlling the Great Li Dynasty, they could proceed to the fourth step.

The fourth step was to march into the Immortal Ancient World.

These guys' plans were very detailed.

Because of this, the Lord of Snow Moon City, who had such prestige in the Great Li Dynasty and was favored by the Saintess, became a thorn in their eyes.

Especially since the Lord of Snow Moon City had never shown any intention of joining them.

Not only did he not join, but it seemed like he wanted to start his own fire.

"Lord of Snow Moon City."

"Lord of Snow Moon City."

On the square, the shouts of the people continued.

"The fanaticism of the ignorant masses."

A villain sneered, saying.

In his eyes, these people were too ignorant.

Each and every one of them was caught up in the frenzy of the crowd.

On the carriage, Yunzhi tightly held Lin Changsheng's hand.

Suddenly, she made a bold decision.

She held Lin Changsheng's hand and raised it high.

This time, the cheers of the people became even louder.

The entire square was filled with waves of sound, even the clouds in the sky were dispersed!

Finally, the carriage carrying Lin Changsheng and Yunzhi arrived below the temple.

There was already a very large platform there.

Everyone who was qualified to receive the baptism of the Immortal King would go up to this platform.

Elder Liu had already arrived there with other elders and the higher-ranking staff of the temple.

He had already seen Yunzhi's actions.

At first, Elder Liu's eyelids twitched, and the other elders behind him coughed lightly one by one.

After all, Yunzhi was still the Saintess.

Although she was already in the process of stepping down.

But she hadn't completely stepped down yet, so what she did was somewhat inappropriate.

"Stop coughing, I'm not blind. The Lord of Snow Moon City is the person Immortal King instructed to give the holy order, so let it be."

Elder Liu brushed off the matter with a single sentence.

Since it had already happened, what else could he say?

If it were someone else, he would also be dissatisfied, but Lin Changsheng was different.

Yunshu Immortal King had emphasized it.

In Elder Liu's speculation, Lin Changsheng might have become the Saint Child.

It seemed reasonable for the Saint Child to hold hands with the Saintess.

Elder Liu comforted himself in this way.

The carriage arrived.

Several maidservants came forward, and with their support, Yunzhi and Lin Changsheng got off the carriage.

The cheers on the square finally quieted down.

"Saintess, Lord, please."

Elder Liu made a gesture of invitation.

Yunzhi was going to change her clothes inside, and she would be responsible for communicating with the Immortal King later.

Elder Liu naturally couldn't leave Lin Changsheng alone outside.

After entering the temple, Yunzhi went to the dedicated dressing room with the accompaniment of several maidservants.

Elder Liu stayed with Lin Changsheng.

"The Lord's spirit is good. Immortal King will definitely pay special attention to the Lord during today's baptism ceremony."

Elder Liu chatted casually with Lin Changsheng.

After about half an hour, Yunzhi finally came out wearing a simple yet refreshing and holy Saintess attire.

With the company of some nuns, Yunzhi stepped onto the center of the high platform and began to perform the ritual, attempting to communicate with the Immortal King.

As she moved, the divine light emitted by the temple gradually changed.

In the sky, it seemed that celestial music was playing.

There were also scenes of immortals flying.

The baptism ceremony officially began!

(End of this chapter)

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