I've Become The Immortal King And You Say I'm A Villain

Chapter 42 Immortal King’S Special Attention

Chapter 42: Immortal King's Special Attention

"The problem shouldn't be big. If Yunshu, the Immortal King, detects anything unusual, it's impossible for only one person to descend."

In the group of villains, Qin Zhengming's few words made the other villains determined.

In the Qin Zhengming family's Divine Fire Realm, they weren't too worried after sensing the approximate strength of this envoy.

Now they were like arrows on the string and had to be released.

Even if Yunshu, the Immortal King, detects something unusual, they can only continue with the blood sacrifice and open the pathway for the arrival of the Immortal King.

"I'll go, is that the envoy of the Immortal King!"

"This aura is so powerful. As soon as she appeared, there was a sense of awe that filled the entire scene. What if the Immortal King himself descends?"

"These long legs, tsk tsk, when I become an immortal, I want to have a few envoys like this too."

In the group of Luck's children, the arrival of the Immortal King's envoy once again stirred up excitement.

As for many ordinary people, they had already begun to worship.

In the sky, after the arrival of the Immortal King's envoy, the holy light faded away.

This envoy was dressed in white armor from head to toe, with a helmet on her head.

Her appearance couldn't be seen.

However, her graceful figure, along with her long legs and flowing hair, revealed her female identity.

After descending, she didn't touch the ground but gently moved her right hand, and a soft light appeared around her.

This soft light enveloped her.

Forming a crescent moon.

This blue moon hung in the air, and its radiance blocked out the sun.

At this moment, for the millions of people in this square, the sun no longer existed.

The entire world was illuminated by a blue moon.

"Envoy of the Immortal King."

On the high platform, Lin Changsheng also glanced at the envoy in the sky, then withdrew his gaze.

It was within Lin Changsheng's expectations that Yunshu, the Immortal King, sent an envoy to preside over this matter.

This way, it was just right.

Otherwise, if the Ant Ancestor suddenly appeared, the current power of the Imperial Capital wouldn't be able to withstand it at all.

Even if suppressed, the Ant Ancestor still possessed the power of the Immortal level.

"Three should be able to hold on for a while."

Lin Changsheng thought.

The Imperial Capital itself secretly had an immortal existence, and Yunzhi, after obtaining the power of the Immortal King, could barely be considered one too.

Adding this envoy.

Holding off the Ant Ancestor would be enough.

All of this was within Lin Changsheng's plan and control!

Shortly after the envoy descended, a long and melodious bell rang.

In the sky, white immortal light began to descend.

On the high platform, everyone was enveloped in it.

The baptism ceremony officially began.

The entire ceremony, the actual baptism time, wasn't long.

The preparation time beforehand actually took up a lot of time.

The formal baptism only lasted for an hour.

The Immortal King's baptism wasn't about directly imparting power but rather subtly transforming their bodies.

It could make their bodies stronger.

Or enhance their vitality, allowing them to live longer.

Or dissolve all the diseases in their bodies.

For some cultivators, it could even enhance their strength and help them break through bottlenecks.

Such a baptism ceremony was not without its consumption.

But the rewards were also significant.

After each baptism ceremony, the devoutness of the believers would increase by one level.

Yunshu, the Immortal King, could also gain more power of belief.

White light enveloped them.

Lin Changsheng felt that his body was in a warm state.

A surge of energy with the aura of the Immortal Dao was being infused into his body.

This energy was incredibly pure, giving Lin Changsheng the feeling that it was the diluted version of immortal power.

That's why it had such a good effect.

Nourished by this energy, Lin Changsheng could feel that every cell in his body was benefiting.

Lin Changsheng felt the baptism of Yunshu Immortal King's energy and quietly began to introduce some of the energy into his hidden exotic power.

Last time, he didn't do it because Yunshu Immortal King's attention was all on him.

This time is different, with so many people, Lin Changsheng is more cautious and there won't be any problems.

At this moment, a new change occurred.

In the sky, a brighter light appeared and slowly descended.

The size of the light represents who Yunshu Immortal King favors more.

As they saw this holy light, the onlookers became curious.

They all wanted to know who the lucky one this time was.

And then, they found out.

It was Lin Changsheng!

Divine light enveloped Lin Changsheng.

"It's the Lord of Snow Moon City. Immortal King has bestowed additional power to the Lord of Snow Moon City!"

Someone in the crowd shouted.

Originally, the divine light that enveloped Lin Changsheng during the initial baptism was already quite substantial.

Now, Yunshu Immortal King was showing even more favor to Lin Changsheng.

Giving Lin Changsheng a separate baptism.

Such additional favor is rare in previous baptism ceremonies.

Some people who had also witnessed the previous ceremony quickly noticed that Yunshu Immortal King's extra favor towards Lin Changsheng far exceeded the past.

The divine light was not only more radiant, but also larger.

It enveloped Lin Changsheng completely.

Even Lin Changsheng's divine light was more abundant than Yunzhi's.

This also represented more power!

"Even Immortal King recognizes the Lord of Snow Moon City. There are rumors that Saintess Yunzhi is about to step down from her position as Saintess. Does that mean he will soon become Saintess Yunzhi's husband?"

Some people speculated.

"It seems that only the Lord of Snow Moon City is worthy of our Saintess in the Great Li Dynasty!"

"Yes, other nobles, even the heirs of the royal families, pale in comparison to the Lord of Snow Moon City."

"That's great. Once the Lord of Snow Moon City becomes Saintess's husband, we will definitely be better off!"

"If the Lord of Snow Moon City can go further and become the king, that would be even better."

On the square, as they saw Lin Changsheng receiving more attention from Immortal King, the people started discussing.

Their understanding of this matter was simple.

That is, Yunshu Immortal King probably recognized Lin Changsheng.

Agreed to let Lin Changsheng become Saintess's husband.

So, more power was bestowed to show recognition!

Naturally, they were pleased to see this.

Many people even hoped that Lin Changsheng could become the actual ruler of the Great Li Dynasty.

They envied the prosperity of Snow Moon City.

It wasn't easy for many commoners to leave their respective noble families.

There were also many free citizens, but the conditions for joining Snow Moon City were not easy.

But what if Lin Changsheng became the actual ruler of the Great Li Dynasty?

In the eyes of these commoners, perhaps the entire Great Li Dynasty could become as prosperous as Snow Moon City!

This is the charm of the Lord of Snow Moon City in the Great Li Dynasty!

Even if Lin Changsheng wanted to become the king now, there would be many people who would support him!

"Even Yunshu Immortal King is paying extra attention to him, damn it."

"This should be because of Yunzhi, right?"

"It should be. Everyone around here is saying that. But there may also be some hidden secrets that we don't know."

"Weren't you in the core area of the temple that day? Did you hear any news?"

"No, I'm just a janitor in the library. How could I have access to core information?"

At this time, in the Luck's Son group, the Luck's Sons were also discussing this matter.

Many Luck's Sons were puzzled by Yunshu Immortal King's extra attention to Lin Changsheng.

Vaguely, they felt that things might not be as simple as the surrounding commoners said.

But they couldn't find any other reasons.

It's already 6000 characters, and that's it!

(End of this chapter)

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