Chapter 77 Live broadcast! Great war!

Accompanied by that shrill cry.

Among the dozens of space passages forcibly opened by Lin Changsheng, at the same time, countless armies rushed out crazily!

This is countless, it is really countless!

The number is so terrifying, so densely packed that from a distance, they look like billions of locusts!

It looks extremely terrifying!

Every second, tens of thousands of servants and troops rush out!

In a short period of time, the army rushing to the Ancient Mine of Absolute Beginning has reached several million, and this number is still increasing crazily!

"Kill them all!"

The forces stationed at the Ancient Mine of Absolute Beginning did not give up. In the sky, a dense mass of troops rushed towards Lin Changsheng.

On the ground, an equally large number of servants and cannon fodder also stood over.

"I'm off! Did you encounter such a big scene when you first came to a foreign land?"

When Lin Changsheng's army rushed out, a voice rang out from a deserted mine in the Ancient Mine of Absolute Beginning.

This voice came from a human being!

This human being is also a Son of Fortune!

His system is a bit special, it is a bronze-level live broadcast system.

This system allows him to broadcast live to all Sons of Fortune on the forum.

During the live broadcast, the more people who watch, the more active, the more satisfied, and the greater the mood swings, the more live broadcast points he will be able to draw and draw.

If his system is upgraded, it can be broadcast live to more people.

This live stream Son of Fortune has been live broadcast in the Immortal World before.

However, everyone is a transmigrator. Although some people watch his live broadcast, the number of people watching it is not particularly large.

Fortunately, he discovered a giant dragon before, and after the live broadcast, it attracted a lot of people's attention.

From this, I got a wave of live broadcast points, and after the lottery, I accidentally got a camouflage suit and a random teleportation charm.

This teleportation talisman is not one-way and can be used twice, once to teleport there and once to teleport back.

After this live stream Son of Fortune used a random teleportation talisman, it happened to be teleported to the Ancient Mine of Absolute Beginning, which was loosened due to Lin Changsheng's attack.

After discovering that he was in a foreign land, the live streamer Son of Fortune was a little scared at first, but then he felt that this was his opportunity.

No one watched the live broadcast in the Immortal Ancient World, but what about the one in the foreign world?

So the live streamer Son of Fortune put on camouflage and started live streaming.


The live broadcast in a foreign land attracted many Son of Fortune viewers on the forum.

This is the first time these Sons of Fortune have seen the scene in a foreign land.

Seeing that it had attracted a lot of attention, the live streamer Son of Fortune thought for a while and spent another 1 point of luck to put his live broadcast room on the villain forum.

Black Iron Level's live broadcast system cannot be put on the villain forum yet.

But his bronze-level live broadcast system is already enough.

Now, his live broadcast room also attracted a large number of villains.

Through his live broadcast room, it was rare that both Son of Fortune and the villain appeared at the same time.

People watching the live broadcast haven't discovered this yet.

Everyone is looking at the different scenery in a foreign land.

At this time.

There was a violent vibration in the Ancient Mine of Absolute Beginning.

Immediately afterwards, the live stream Son of Fortune saw the space channel wide open and countless servants and armies rushing out!

The live streaming Son of Fortune immediately shocked me!

He didn't expect that he would encounter such a big scene when he first arrived in a foreign land!

"Nima, are those locusts?

"Anchor, please zoom in closer and let us take a look."

"Stop shouting, those are definitely not locusts. This is a war in a foreign land. The scale of the war is probably not small. Host, run away. It's not easy to watch the live broadcast. Don't die."

"I'll go. Are Son of Fortune and the villains in this live broadcast room? Sons of Fortune, come on, let's start a group."


In the live broadcast room of Son of Fortune, other Son of Fortune also spoke one after another.

There are also some villains speaking.

After the live streaming Son of Fortune was initially frightened, he looked at the soaring number of people in the live streaming room and realized that this was a huge opportunity for him!

If he uses it well, he can gain weight!

Maybe you can get a lot of live broadcast points!

"Wealth is found in danger, fight hard!"

This guy looked at the distance and found that his place was far away from the battlefield, and at the same time it was relatively high, and there were no foreign creatures.

Simply a great location.

So, this guy pointed the camera at the battlefield. Naturally, his camera was not handheld, but realized through the system.

Although the battlefield was far away, the photos were very clear.

the other side.

In a short period of time, millions of troops rushed out.

It unfolded densely and overwhelmingly, rushing towards the depths of the Ancient Mine of Absolute Beginning.

In the Ancient Mine of Absolute Beginning, millions of creatures rushed past.


Two black torrents collided violently.

I don’t know how many exotic creatures were turned into dust in this collision!

From behind, more exotic creatures pounced on them.

In the sky, both sides flapped their wings, killing each other in the sky.

From the beginning, the battle became extremely fierce!

On the other side, a huge army also rushed over.

This is an army from another force.

The current Ancient Mine of Absolute Beginning is controlled by two powerful Ancient Clan.

The two Ancient Clan's permanent armies in the Ancient Mine of Absolute Beginning both number in the millions.

Of course, not all of them are soldiers, there are also a lot of servants and cannon fodder.

In addition, there are also a large number of exotic creatures that mine ores in Ancient Mine of Absolute Beginning.

Two armies rushed towards Lin Changsheng's army at the same time!

Collided with Lin Changsheng's army!

"Hahaha, die!"

A powerful creature laughed and slaughtered Lin Changsheng's army of servants.

Every time he took action, thousands of servants were killed directly.

The strength of this creature has almost reached the immortal level!

In a short period of time, it killed tens of thousands of war servants.

This guy was excited to kill and was laughing, suddenly.

The guy held his head and yelled.

The next second.

This creature, which is equivalent to the pinnacle of the human realm, has a head that explodes like a watermelon!

A fox with an extremely hot figure and a black armor suddenly appeared. It was she who killed this powerful creature!

Directly use mental impact to crush the opponent's brain!

After this fox tribe appeared, he moved his hands, and a large number of figures in the sky fell into chaos instantly.

I saw a creature laughing and touching his neck with the weapon in his hand.

The two warriors didn't know what they saw, and they broke each other's necks!

The army in a large area was completely thrown into chaos. In a short period of time, they killed each other.

Immediately afterwards, more fox tribe rushed out.

In the Ancient Mine of Absolute Beginning, the two Ancient Clan armies stationed here were soon unable to withstand them!

Not only can't they withstand it anymore, but these two Ancient Clan's armies can't even escape!

"Nima, so powerful!"

"Is this the scale of war in a foreign land? The scale is too terrifying!"

"It's scary. What kind of race are those? They're so enchanting!"

"The Fox Clan, definitely the Fox Clan, they are so strong, look, the army on the opposite side is about to die!"


At this time, in the live broadcast room of Son of Fortune, Son of Fortune and the villain were no longer on the line.

Everyone talked about the war.

In fact, the scale of this war exceeded their imagination!

Even the transmigrator, they have never seen so many lives appearing on a battlefield at the same time!

However, now, they have no idea how big the scale of this war is!


The entire Ancient Mine of Absolute Beginning shook violently again.


Immediately afterwards, two huge space doors fell heavily.

At the same time, on the other side of the Ancient Mine of Absolute Beginning, a large number of space passages were also opened!

Inside, a large number of exotic creatures rushed out crazily again!

The live streamer Son of Fortune was shocked. He turned the camera around and saw the scene of the army rushing out on the other side!

Son of Fortune's mouth opened wide again in this live broadcast.

"Queen, support from two Ancient Clan has arrived."

Among the Fox clan, Bai Qian quickly received the report.

"Let's go, it's our turn!"

Seeing the support from the two Ancient Clan arriving, Bai Qian quickly rushed into the passage.

Behind her, other fox tribes rushed in one after another.

Opposite, in the Ancient Mine of Absolute Beginning, support from the two Ancient Clan is still coming in a steady stream.

And their army stationed in the Ancient Mine of Absolute Beginning was also retreating frantically.

Some powerful sergeants withdrew anyway.

But those millions of cannon fodder were wiped out without any way to withdraw them.

After the support from the two Ancient Clan arrived, they did not attack immediately, but continued to gather.

As if there was a tacit understanding, the Fox Clan's army was constantly rushing out and gathering.

In the Ancient Mine of Absolute Beginning, on the huge battlefield, armies from both sides continued to gather.

It's so densely packed that you can't even see beyond it.

Tens of millions of exotic creatures gathered together, and the battle lines stretched out were hundreds of kilometers high.

It looks extremely spectacular.

There are battlefields everywhere in the sky and on the earth!

Above the Fox Clan army, the Queen of the Fox Clan Bai Qian stood there, followed by millions of Fox Clan.

Her strength is the most powerful among the fox clan.

Under Lin Changsheng's improvement at all costs, Bai Qian's strength has already reached the immortal level. With the use of bloodline skills, her combat power can even reach the pseudo-immortal King Level in a short time.

This is why Lin Changsheng is so relieved that she is here.

Even if the enemies of the Immortal King Level attack, as long as Bai Qian uses the formation, he can withstand it for some time.

On the opposite side, the clan leaders of the two ancient clans have also arrived on this battlefield.

A powerful aura stirred, confronting Bai Qian.

Neither side spoke, but faced each other high in the air.

Below, the armies from both sides were still rushing out.

"Grandma's bear, how many people are needed?"

"It's so scary, I feel at least tens of millions!"

"More than that, it's more than tens of millions on one side. Look at how far this battlefield has spread. Add it all up, and I'm afraid it's already over 100 million!"

"Hiss! Isn't the foreign land so generous? It can cost billions of dollars at a time."

"Billions of miles of energy!"

"This should be a royal war in a foreign land. In a foreign land, all the people are soldiers. Unlike humans, even if a kingdom has a population of over 100 million, only a few can participate in the war, and the final scale of the war will only be a few million."

"It's so scary!"

"What's even more terrifying is that I learned from the information in the temple that the Immortal King will usually participate in such a war!"

"Hiss! Immortal King!"


In the live broadcast room of Son of Fortune, the scale of such a war shocked all the Son of Fortune and the villains in the live broadcast room!

(End of chapter)

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