"Find out the ins and outs of the matter." On the car to the police station, Feng Zhen told the middle-aged man coldly.

"Understood, I have already sent someone to investigate."

As a person who can come out in Lanjing City, don't look at this middle-aged man shrinking in front of several old people, but he is one of the core executives in Lanjing.

Isn't it just a detention incident?

Anyone who enters a police station is recorded.

Not long after, news came from there that Jiang Cheng was indeed in the police station, and he was safe now without any danger.

The old people were relieved when they heard this.


In the police station.

The duty officer who just woke up slowly turned around, rubbed his sleepy eyes, and following his movements, the inferior folding bed creaked a few times.

He sat up.

Just one door away, countless police officers gathered outside the room, guarding the door firmly.

All of them are public officials of the police station. They have just been notified by the high-level officials. They did not specify the specific requirements, but they just watched and closed Jiang Cheng's interrogation room.

Don't let a fly in there!

There was silence after the sound of footsteps, and the young police officer inside the room was puzzled, not knowing what was going on outside.

But when he wanted to open the door, he found that the door was firmly locked.

"what happened?"

The young police officer turned his head, and everything in the room shocked him even more.

The half of the wall opposite the window was actually covered with white paper. The boy looked haggard, frowning tightly, leaning over to write something on the wall from time to time.

Who else could it be if it wasn't Jiang Cheng!

He stayed up all night!

All the adaptive formulas in my mind, human gene diagrams, possible variants, evolution terminal!

Painted it all over again!

Then follow these drawn pictures to conclude the thesis!

But working on a computer is completely different from writing with a pen.

How many words can a piece of paper hold after the flamboyant writing?

A whole night of hard work and formulas all over the wall is the result of Jiang Cheng's victory!

Before I knew it, it was already half past eight in the morning!

Jiang Cheng didn't notice the footsteps outside, and didn't notice when the police officers in the same room woke up. He entered a state of ecstasy, with only his formula in his eyes.

Nothing else!

"My God, you wrote all night?" The young policeman gasped.

He didn't know the complicated formulas on the wall at all, but it seemed that he was so shocked that his scalp tingled.

A convoy successfully arrived at the gate of the police station!

The special police once again sealed off the area like they did at Lanjing Institute of Technology.

The old people got out of the car, couldn't restrain their excitement, and walked in a hurry, getting faster and faster!

"Interrogation Room No. 8, Jiang Cheng is inside." The director was already waiting at the door.

"Lead the way!" Feng Zhen whispered.

The leather shoes stepped on the ground, and the "tap-tat-tat" sounded like everyone's heartbeat.

These old men had no idea what kind of scene they would witness when they opened the door themselves!

That means that Huaxia has stepped on a ladder of progress...

It is not an exaggeration to describe it like this!

Weng Chengwen, Shu Zhicheng, Feng Zhen, Zhong Lao.

Four characters who stomped and made the whole of China tremble stood in front of the interrogation room.

All the nearby police officers were dispersed.

The special police officers also kept a fairly safe distance.

After a long time, the gray-haired old man put his hand on the doorknob...

Push door!

And enter...

Everything in the house caught their eyes.

A young man stood inside, with a thin back, and raised his pen blankly.

A whole wall is covered with white paper...

Not a single vacancy.

The paper is densely covered with handwriting and genetic maps.

The breeze blows back from the window, the A4 paper rolls are wrinkled, and the sound of "squeaky" can be heard endlessly.

The entire police station fell silent.

Everyone didn't dare to breathe out.

Those who don't know hold their breath, and those who know are shocked beyond measure! !


Deathly silence!

Four old scientists, none of them took a step!

They were stunned on the spot!

What is the young man writing furiously? They all have answers in their hearts!

That's the real human genetic diagram! !

It is a hell-level difficulty plan that has been overcome for countless years but has not made much progress!

Now it's where the naked eye can see it, on an ordinary wall!


Under the pen of this unremarkable young man, what is drawn is the picture scroll that human beings have dreamed of drawing from the beginning of their birth to now!

That is the scroll of life!

The human genome contains about 3.16 billion DNA base pairs, which are two nitrogenous bases combined by hydrogen bonds.

By cracking all the variants, you can develop genetic medicine and reveal all the causes of diseases!

Even change the course of human evolution.

Is this just a plan... Are the variations in the human genome really that important?

As the Chinese know, how many children die every year due to genetic diseases?

A sighing doctor in a hospital will tell you.

Weeping parents will tell you.

Gray-haired professors in the biotech world will tell you.

This variation represents another step towards the ladder of human progress in my Yangyang Xia Kingdom!

It means that tens of millions of children will be saved because of the obscure formula on this wall!

Jiang Cheng held the gel pen, and his frowning brows suddenly relaxed. He was in the silence, and he didn't notice the door that opened behind him or the person standing at all.

He squatted down and wrote down the last formula on a piece of paper...

throw pen.

Have the wind.

Jiang Cheng opens his hand...

Hot sunlight streamed in through the high windows of the interrogation room, covering the paper on the walls.

The wind roared.

This is an extremely ordinary action, throwing out the pen lightly...

The human genome conquers thesis, so far!

After several days of forgetting to eat and sleep, it finally came to an end.

"Hahahahaha..." Jiang Cheng laughed heartily, his eyes turning red unknowingly.

Among the several old people standing at the door, none of them moved.

The shock in their hearts was like a mountain roaring and a tsunami, rippling up a thousand waves!

An eighteen-year-old boy actually took off this jewel in the biotechnology world!

They understand why teenagers laugh and why they drop their pens.

Embark on this road alone, without a high-tech scientific research team, without sophisticated experimental equipment!

Only Jiang Cheng has no hesitation.

"Immediately seal off this area, and clear all police officers out! Bring photography equipment to take pictures of the manuscripts on the wall!"

"Every piece of paper is not allowed to be damaged in the slightest! Seal it all and put them in a top-secret folder!"

"Escort Jiang Cheng out of the police station! The Tigers will provide close protection! No accidents will happen!"

"Lanjing City is under full martial law, armed helicopters are ready! Shu Zhicheng and Weng Congwen, you two, bring the documents back to the Institute of Biotechnology!"

Orders were issued from the mouth of the majestic Zhong Lao! !

The middle-aged man, members of the Tigers and the director all stood upright!


Hearing the voice behind him, Jiang Cheng suddenly turned around...

One old and one young.

China's top research dean.

An ordinary Lanjing college student.

The two make eye contact...

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