The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next meeting.

"Nanyuan! Nanyuan! Let's go!"

Anxin was so excited that she couldn't control herself, but she only dared to urge quietly and didn't dare to make a noise.

Although there weren't many people around the computer city, she still didn't feel as relaxed as she did at school or the library.

"Don't worry, I still have to buy something."

Nanyuan started the will-o'-the-wisp and drove Anxin forward.

According to Anxin's family situation, there was definitely no WiFi, but it was impossible to install it in her house for a while.

After all...

Nanyuan couldn't come to my house and say: Auntie, your daughter has become my employee, and now I want to install WiFi in your house so that she can help me with work. You don't want your daughter to have no network when she's working, right?

If I really do that... I will be beaten out by Anxin's mother with a broom in the next second.

So it is necessary to take Anxin to the telephone business hall to buy a wireless network card now, as long as the computer can connect to the Internet.

Nanyuan came to the store, regardless of the type of wireless network card package and the price, and planned to directly get the highest-end monthly package for Anxin.

The waiter in the store saw two students coming in, and estimated that they were just here to take a look, and they didn't even have the desire to promote a word. Who would have thought that this handsome boy would start with the top-end wireless network card, which made him stunned.

Are high school students so capable now?

You know, this top-end wireless network card package costs hundreds of yuan a month, and you can do it just like that?

Nanyuan really doesn't need this little money now. The net income from the two novels alone is 70,000 yuan a day. The balance in the card is rising day by day. If you spend money on such things, you can't spend it all.

But this doesn't mean you can spend it casually.

Nanyuan planned to use these funds as the starting source of the studio when he went to college. After going to college, he would definitely need money for various expenses.

He did not plan to buy a house now. The first reason was that there were only a few hundred thousand yuan in his card. Although he could barely buy a house with full payment, it was not very useful. It would take several years for the house price to appreciate. Nanyuan could not wait that long.

If he earned more money after going to college, he would consider buying a house, but he had no such plan for the time being.

A few hundred thousand yuan is indeed an astronomical figure for a high school student, but it is really not much for an entrepreneur.

After buying the wireless network card, Nanyuan took out his laptop and tried it on the spot. He left the store only after he found that he could access the Internet normally.

"Hey, this thing will be plugged into your place from now on. Don't lose it. If it is lost, it will be considered as lost public property and you will be fined. Do you understand?"

"Ah? Then can you not plug it into my place?"

An Xin was a little scared when she heard the word [fine]. She hadn't paid back the 500 yuan she had advanced yet. What if she lost it again?

"You are the one who needs to use your laptop. If not you, who should I plug it into?"

"Okay... okay." The socially anxious girl nodded aggrievedly.

Nan Yuan originally planned to go to the supermarket next and let the snack director behind him exercise his authority, but when he saw the Apple mobile phone store next to him, he suddenly thought of something.

"Get off the bus."


An Xin was holding the laptop bag and was ready to go to the supermarket happily.

Why did she get off the bus suddenly? Didn't she go?

Although she was confused, she still got off the ghost fire obediently. As soon as her two long legs touched the ground, her little hand was pulled by Nan Yuan to the mobile phone store next to her.

An Xin is socially anxious but not stupid. After she looked up at the direction she was going to go, she immediately stopped and resisted, asking knowingly:

"Where are we going?"

Nan Yuan glanced at An Xin who suddenly did not move, and replied: "To buy a mobile phone."

"Who are you buying it for?"

"Are you stupid? Of course I'm buying it for you! I already have one." Nan Yuan dug into his pocket and took out a black iPhone 4.

Hearing this, the little head of the socially anxious girl immediately shook like a rattle, "No... I don't want a mobile phone, mobile phones are not office supplies."

Seeing this familiar look at this moment, Nan Yuan knew what was going on.

This idiot probably thought that he was going to advance her salary again, otherwise why would he resist so strongly.

"The mobile phone is indeed not an office supply, but it is a learning supply, do you know?"


An Xin felt that she was reading

She has a lot of books, and she is the top student in the grade anyway. How come she doesn't know that mobile phones are school supplies?

Nanyuan looked serious and explained slowly:

"Teacher An, think about it yourself. What if I am not in school during holidays and I suddenly have questions about learning? You must have something to communicate with me, right?

You didn't reply to my QQ message before. Do you know that I couldn't sleep because of my study problems? Can you bear to see the haggard and pitiful appearance of someone who wants to study?"

An Xin was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect the matter to be so serious.

Did he really not sleep when he couldn't contact me?

"Yes... I'm sorry, I will reply to your message on time next time."

After An Xin finished speaking, she wanted to raise her little hand to swear, but at this time she found that her little hand was grabbed by a big hand. She put it down silently when she raised it halfway.

The next second, she wanted to raise another little hand, and found that the hand was holding the laptop bag again.


You can't raise your feet to swear, right?

Seeing this, Nanyuan knew that he had achieved his goal, so he pulled Anxin to continue walking forward, but before he could move his feet, his hand was pulled back by the socially anxious girl.


Anxin was very shy, she waved the things in her other hand,

"If it's QQ, you can log in directly with a laptop, so that I can contact you."

Nanyuan was a little helpless and knocked on her little head,

"Are you stupid? You can't always carry a laptop with you, only a mobile phone can be put in your trouser pocket for convenience!"

The socially anxious girl felt a little pain and said "hmm". She thought, [For you, I can really carry a laptop with me at all times], but she didn't say this.

"If you only use QQ and text to answer, how emotionless and cold it is!

And it's hard to explain it clearly on QQ in a short time. Sometimes you have to rely on mobile phones to make calls. Only by hearing the other party's voice can you speed up the progress of learning, so what are you hesitating about? Buy it quickly! And..."

An Xin nodded: "Okay, then go buy a mobile phone."

Nanyuan was about to continue making up stories, but found that the socially anxious girl agreed to buy a mobile phone when he was only halfway through his words.

Nanyuan: "???"

What's going on? Why did she agree so straightforwardly this time?

Brother is going to give you some strength, and give you a whole five thousand years of Chinese history. I guarantee that your head will be buzzing, and you will buy it in a rush.

How come it's just over before it even started?

But as long as the result is good, Nanyuan doesn't care about the rest.

He really felt that Anxin needed a mobile phone, otherwise it would be inconvenient for the two of them to contact each other. Now it was just about studying. If Anxin really became his ghostwriter in the future, there would be more things to contact, and this mobile phone could not be saved.

The reason why Anxin agreed so quickly was because she heard those words——

[Hear the other party's voice]



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