The beef was so delicious that it was hard to eat.

An Xin took the beef from Nan Yuan's colander and filled her mouth with chopsticks again.

Nan Yuan: "..."

Okay, okay, now you've taken the spoon too, right?

"The beef you scalded...well... belongs to me,'s all mine." After swallowing the beef in her mouth, An Xin continued, "If you want to eat it, I'll scald it for you."

The socially anxious girl raised her black chopsticks and put the last few pieces of beef into the colander. Her little hands looked even whiter and more delicate against the chopsticks.

Then she imitated Nan Yuan's operation just now.

Interestingly, when An Xin subconsciously wanted to put the colander into the spicy pot, she stopped moving.

The next second, she shook her little hand and changed the direction of the colander and sank it to the bottom of the tomato pot.

After a few seconds, the beef on the spoon was lifted up.

Nanyuan picked up the chopsticks and prepared to pick it up, but the next second he was hit by the chopsticks on the opposite side.


Hehe, you learn quickly, you dare to hit my chopsticks?

Nanyuan chose to continue to pick up the beef in the colander with chopsticks, but he was responded by another chopstick knock.

Anxin pursed her lips and frowned slightly: "Nanyuan, put down your chopsticks."

"Oh? You let me put it down, so I put it down?"

"I don't care, put it down quickly!"


Put it down, why are you so fierce?

Nanyuan put the chopsticks in his hand back to their original position, then stretched out his hand to push the small bowl in front of him forward a little distance, prompting that the spoon of beef should be poured in here.

The socially anxious girl ignored it, picked up her chopsticks and picked up the beef in the colander, and put it into Nanyuan's mouth, and dubbed:

"Come on, open your mouth quickly, ah~"

Nanyuan tilted his head, stretched out his hand to block it, and said: "Sorry, I refuse."

What a joke, I feed you, and you feed me, what kind of talk is this?

People who don't know would think that we are a couple!

This has a very bad influence!

"Don't think about it, I will never agree, even if I jump into this pot, I will not agree!"

After saying this, the air on the table suddenly fell into silence.

Nanyuan still kept tilting his head, but he couldn't help but secretly glanced at Anxin opposite him, and then a pair of watery peach blossom eyes instantly broke into his eyes. The owner of those eyes seemed very aggrieved, as if he would start to shed pearls in the next moment...


Forget it, misunderstanding is misunderstanding, I have been reborn, do I still care about other people's opinions?

Nanyuan simply felt that he was thick-skinned, and it was definitely not to please the socially anxious girl.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he was fed a mouthful of beef.

At this moment, when Nanyuan looked at the peach blossom eyes again, he found that they had narrowed into two crescents.

Hmm... I have to say, the socially anxious girl smiled... Hmm... It's pretty good... It's a pity that most of her face was covered by her hair and glasses...

The next second, another piece of beef was fed into Nanyuan's mouth.

Hmm... This beef tastes really good...


Two minutes later.

"Manager An, another piece, ah~"

An Xin looked at the two empty plates in front of him and said, "No, it's my turn, you've almost eaten all the beef!"

"Tsk, so stingy."

Although he said this, Nanyuan had already picked up the colander and put the duck intestines in.

"Let's eat something else this time."

After saying that, he divided the shrimp paste and prawns on the plate into two portions, poured the small portion into the tomato pot, and put the large portion into the spicy pot.

"Okay! (#^.^#)"

The socially anxious girl also picked up another colander and put some fat beef in.

Soon, they started feeding each other again...


Inside Haidilao.

Another area.

"Xiaoyu, pass me the beef on the plate." Maqin said to the person opposite.

But after a while, she found that there was no response, so she continued to shout.


Wen Hanyu came back to her senses: "Ah?"


"Oh, here, give it to you."

Maqin took the plate, then stretched out her chopsticks to pick up the beef and put it into the spicy pot to scald it.

She looked at her absent-minded best friend and knew that she must be thinking about something, and...

Based on what happened recently, she was probably thinking about Nanyuan.

Maqin picked up the chopsticks

She put the beef into her mouth and chewed it, thinking, did Xiaoyu regret it?

But it’s too late to regret it now. Nanyuan might be eating with Anxin somewhere at this moment, and most of them are feeding her with love. Maybe...

She swallowed the beef in her mouth, picked up a shrimp paste from the bottom of the pot, and then took a small bite, letting her thoughts continue to leap -

Maybe they are eating hot pot like the two of us now...

Tsk tsk tsk, the young couple at the table not far in front looks very similar, and they are still wearing the school uniform of our Fisher Girl No. 1 Middle School. Maybe... eh?

Wait a minute.

Maqin was so shocked that she swallowed the shrimp paste that she hadn’t chewed completely. She rubbed her eyes, and when she opened them again, she found that the man and woman at the table were Nanyuan and Anxin in her imagination just now.

Oh my God!

Are you serious!

I just YYed casually, and you did it directly?

The next second, Ma Qin suddenly remembered the scene of forgetting to take the key back to the classroom that day...'s normal for them to do this, too normal.

They can't be controlled in school, how can they be controlled after leaving the school?

"Hmm? Xiaoqin, what are you looking at?"

Wen Hanyu was a little confused. She found that Ma Qin had been looking at the direction behind her from just now, and she was surprised.

Ma Qin was startled and immediately replied: "I didn't see anything!"

She thought, if her best friend saw this scene, what would happen?

Can this meal still be eaten?

However, the more you worry about something, the more likely it will happen.

At this moment, Wen Hanyu has turned her head and looked in the direction her best friend was looking.

At first, she was a little confused, not knowing what to see.

Until the next second, a man and a woman in the uniform of Yu Nu No. 1 Middle School came into her sight.

Nanyuan? ...!

An Xin? ...!

As luck would have it, the moment Wen Hanyu turned her head, she saw Nanyuan pick up a piece of meat and put it into Anxin's mouth. The next second, Anxin put another piece of meat into Nanyuan's mouth with chopsticks...


The chopsticks in Wen Hanyu's hand fell on the table.

No... Impossible!

Already feeding each other? Are they really together?

If they are not together, how could they do such a thing?

Although Wen Hanyu had seen Nanyuan and Anxin go to the cafeteria to eat together at school before, and they held hands in front of her, she felt that these were all fake actions by Nanyuan to attract her attention.

But the idea of ​​her and Maqin coming to Haidilao for dinner this time was something she suddenly came up with while shopping just now, so her bestie must not have known about it before, so there was no way to tip her off.

Seeing this, Wen Hanyu felt annoyed for no reason, and the next moment she planned to stand up!



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