After sitting in the library for an entire afternoon, Nanyuan had already finished more than ten papers.

During this period, he found that he had become very good at writing papers, and there were only one or two questions that made him pause and think for a while.

Recently, the number of times he asked Anxin has also decreased. Many times, as long as he glanced at the answer, he could almost understand the key ideas of solving the problem.

Stopping writing, Nanyuan opened his phone and found that it was already 4:30 in the afternoon.

At this point, it was almost time to find a place to eat.

Thinking of this, Nanyuan turned his head and prepared to call Anxin to leave, but at this moment he found that this idiot's little hands were still flying on the keyboard.


This hand speed is a bit too fast to be a novice, right?

He glanced at the computer screen and found that the text on it was also moving forward at the same speed as when he was typing at home.

"Get ready for dinner, Director An."

When the socially anxious girl heard the word "eat", her hands paused for a moment, but soon continued to dance.

"Wait... wait a minute, I'm not ready yet."


Nanyuan took a breath of cold air, slightly shocked.

Now even eating can't tempt this idiot?

However, he didn't continue to urge him, but waited for another 10 minutes before the keyboard tapping finally stopped.

Fortunately, the keyboard sound of the laptop was relatively quiet, otherwise Nanyuan felt that he couldn't finish the test paper at all.

"It's done!" An Xin stuck out her pink little tongue.

"Oh? How much did you write?"

After all, it was the first time to write, and it would be the best if she could type 6,000 words in an afternoon.

An Xin returned to the draft box and pointed with her finger:

"Hey... let me see... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, a total of 7 chapters."

When Nan Yuan heard this, he subconsciously replied:

"Oh, 7,000 words, that's also impressive... huh? What? 7 chapters?!"

He immediately put down his phone and leaned towards the laptop of the socially anxious girl, and the distance between the two of them instantly closed.

Nan Yuan carefully looked at the chapters in the draft box and found that in addition to his previous drafts, there were indeed 7 more chapters, and the number of words in each chapter was maintained at about 2,200 to 2,500.

? ? ?

What the hell?

According to this situation, a rough calculation shows that 15,000 words were coded in one afternoon?

You call this the first time you coded?

Wait a minute.

Quantity does not represent quality, and writing more does not necessarily mean writing better.

Although Nanyuan was quite satisfied with the first chapter of Anxin Code, he hadn't read the subsequent chapters yet, so he couldn't make a conclusion all at once.

Then, Nanyuan clicked on the second chapter of Anxin Code and looked at it...

After 15 minutes, he scanned all the chapters.

He felt that he could make a conclusion now -

She is simply a genius!

Seeing Nanyuan staring at the screen without saying a word, the socially anxious girl thought that her writing was not good, and hesitantly said:

"Is it... not written... well? I can revise it again."

Revise it?

There is no need!

The next moment, Anxin's little hands were tightly held by Nanyuan.

"Director An, you are really my lucky star!"

How can I not be lucky?

According to this situation, it will not take a month, no, it should be said that within a week, the socially anxious girl can take on the responsibility of the novel "Dragon King" alone.

An Xin looked at her tightly clasped hands, her face slightly red as she asked:

"So... don't you need to change it?"

"No, absolutely not!"

What else is there to change? We are just making some quick money as start-up capital. Do you want to become a god with one book?


Nan Yuan paused, and felt that becoming a god with one book seemed to be... not impossible for An Xin.

At this moment, he suddenly thought of a lot of things. Maybe it's not impossible for An Xin to write a book on her own...


According to the existing detailed outline and outline, An Xin does have no problem continuing to write, but if she is asked to create a new book now, it is somewhat unrealistic.

Although I don't know if it is difficult for An Xin, it will definitely not be realized in a short time, at least it won't be as easy as writing 15,000 words in an afternoon.

Mainly the labels such as [unconfident] and [inferiority] are

The biggest obstacle for the socially anxious girl is that she can’t even write something original. Even if she finishes writing, she is not sure whether it is good or bad.

Nanyuan thought that if he wanted to [create a god], he had to make the socially anxious girl confident first, otherwise she would not be able to convince herself with what she wrote, let alone convince others.

The ghostwriting of the Dragon King is just the right opportunity for her to get rid of these labels.

If a person wants to be confident, one of the necessary factors is to have money in his pocket.

Although it is a bit tacky, as long as he is a normal person, especially those who have experienced the beatings of society, they really understand the importance of money.

99% of inferiority comes from poverty, and 99% of self-confidence comes from wealth.

Thinking of this, Nanyuan picked up his mobile phone and prepared to transfer the manuscript fee, but he was stunned the next second. He suddenly remembered something...

"Don't you have a bank card and Alipay account?"

The socially anxious girl was suddenly confused when she heard it.

Why did the topic suddenly jump to this?


Nanyuan picked up the white iPhone 4s on the table.

App store, search for Alipay, install, open the app to register...

A series of operations were completed in one go.

Then when it came to setting the payment password, Nanyuan pushed the phone in front of the socially anxious girl.

The socially anxious girl had been watching the operation of the person in front of her. Although she didn't quite understand why Nanyuan wanted to install this app for her, but...

Why bother so much, just be obedient!

She picked up the phone and muttered to herself while tapping the screen:

"1, 2, 1, 0, 0, 4...Okay, I've set it up!"

Nanyuan was already powerless to complain about the socially anxious girl's habit of babble while setting passwords, but he couldn't help but remind her:

"In the future, when you need to set a password like this in front of others, or when you enter the password, don't read it out loud, understand?"


I'll only read it to you, I won't tell anyone else!



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