I’ve Got Hold of Your Koi

Chapter 127 Whole Brand Spokesperson

Du Meiyun happened to have acquaintances at the inspection office, so they got the inspection report at noon that day.

Except for the bottle used by Xu Xiang, which met safety standards, the other shampoos contained a large amount of hair loss solvent.

"How can this be……"

The report in her hand was about to be squeezed into a ball by Du Meiyun. However, she still couldn't believe that it was unbelievable that a big brand like Yunsi would make such a fatal mistake.

Ye Lian thought that she was also in a complicated mood, but her thoughts were more on Huo Shiyun.

How on earth did he know it contained hair-loss agents when the shampoo didn't smell or color in any way?

so amazing.

But right now, solving the problem is the most important thing. Ye Lian pursed her lips and asked Du Meiyun, "Sister Du, should I go to the brand next?"

"Well, I just called Rose, we'll go find her now."


The two rushed to CC Daily Chemical without stopping.

This is the most important moment. Rose, Yunsi's brand director, went downstairs to greet them. The first thing she said when she saw them was, "I'm really sorry for causing trouble to you. Let's talk in the reception room first."

No excuses, no doubts, and a good attitude, it really makes people hard to find fault.

When they arrived at the reception room, the door was closed. Rose warmly greeted them to sit on the sofa, poured coffee for them, and said sincerely: "I have to thank you for this. If you didn't find the problem in time, once those products are put on the market , the loss will be immeasurable."

Ye Lian wanted to lower her eyelashes and sit quietly without speaking.

Du Meiyun said: "If it weren't for the authoritative inspection report, I can't believe that your products will have such a big quality problem. This endorsement, my family thinks about it and dare not accept it."

"I understand your concerns, but...the matter has not reached that point yet. These problematic products have not yet been put on the market, and we will destroy them all."

Rose swears by it.

Ye Lian wanted to hook her lips, and looked up at her, "What about the other batches that entered the market? Can you guarantee that there will be no problems?"

"If there was a problem with the previous product, I would have received a complaint long ago."

After Rose finished speaking, he hesitated for a moment, and then confessed, "To be honest, our company had a traitor, who was bought by a competitor and poisoned the company's products. This person was arrested two days ago, and he told the police that he was The raw materials of the shower gel have been poisoned, we just sent all the batches of the shower gel for inspection, but unexpectedly, even the shampoo was also affected.”


Unexpectedly, there would be such an inside story of an unfair business war. Du Meiyun and Ye Lian wanted to look at each other, and for a while, they didn't know what to say.

Rose looked at them and couldn't help sighing, "If you still insist on terminating the contract, our company will respect your decision and make compensation to Ms. Ye. But...to be honest, endorsements are risky, you accept For other endorsements, you dare to guarantee 100% that the other party's products are free from any problems?"


"CC Daily Chemical is a century-old brand, and Yunsi Shampoo has been selling well for decades. We admit that due to negligence this time, competitors have an opportunity to take advantage of it, but it will never happen in the future. The group attaches great importance to it and specially A special quality control team is set up to strictly control every production link, and no mistakes are allowed. At the same time, we will also send every batch that enters the market to be inspected again to ensure nothing goes wrong. Therefore, if the quality of the product is problematic, you You can rest assured. As for the endorsement—"

Speaking of this, Rose smiled slightly, "Our president has spoken. If Ms. Ye is willing, I hope you can become the full brand spokesperson of CC Daily Chemical Group."

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