I’ve Got Hold of Your Koi

Chapter 175 This wave of brushing your face is awesome

Before today, although Xia Beini knew that Ye Lian would hold a concert, she didn't know the exact date and which venue.

Today, when she saw the push content saying that it was August 2nd at the Beijing Gymnasium, she was shocked, and suddenly remembered a particularly important thing.


It's August 2nd, Beijing Stadium!

It was the same day and place in her previous life. The famous female singer in Huaguo, Ye Sha, fell from a high altitude while dancing due to stage equipment failure, and died before being sent to the hospital. She was only 28 years old.

At that time, she still thought it was a pity, so she specially sent a wreath at the memorial service.

Because it was someone who had nothing to do with her, she lived again in this life, and she didn't pay attention to it again. She never thought that in this life, the person who held the concert there turned out to be Ye Lianxiang, whom she hated the most.

Haha, God help her too!


Seeing that there are only a few days left for the concert, in order to focus on the stage, Ye Lian wants to put all her energy on the rehearsal. Apart from cooking, eating and sleeping, she hardly ever leaves the practice room.

As for the HUO Group's endorsement, of course Du Meiyun made an agreement with them, and they will negotiate face to face after the concert, anyway, there is no rush.

On the last day of July, Ye Lianxiang's Yunsi advertisement that she shot earlier also started to be put on the market.

Overnight, almost every street and alley, every supermarket, was overwhelmingly filled with her beautiful figure.

Ye Lian thinks that although she has been frequently searched recently, she is not well-known among the people. At best, she is only a third-tier star who is relatively popular on the Internet.

But now, as soon as the Yunsi shampoo is spread out, this wave of facial cleansing is very good.

Uncles, aunts and uncles, even if they can't pronounce her name, they still remember this fresh and refined face, which is also very discerning.

Seeing the rising of various indexes, Du Meiyun was overjoyed, and a phone call came, "Baby, you are really popular now. Haha, after the concert is over tomorrow, and then you sign a contract with HUO Group, you should be able to jump in." You are at the tail end of the second-tier stars. If you continue to work hard, I believe that within three years, you will be able to reach the first-tier position by yourself."

Ye Lian's thoughts were also affected by her, "Sister Du, it took three years to step on the front line, isn't it too long? I want to be the best actress next year."

"Haha—it's right to have lofty goals, but you still have to keep your feet on the ground."

"Then let's keep our feet on the ground and work hard to ascend."

Ye Lian was about to finish, when she suddenly remembered something, "By the way, I have two friends who are coming to the venue, please tell the organizer to reserve two good seats."

"What kind of friend? Mr. Huo?"

Du Meiyun was curious.

As soon as she heard her mention Huo Shiyun, Ye Lian wanted to puff up her cheeks directly: "That's not true, he's on a business trip tonight and won't be back until two days later. He missed my concert perfectly."

"Is that so? That's a pity."

Du Meiyun understood.

"It's nothing to be sorry about."

Ye Lian wanted to finish talking dully, when she saw Huo Shiyun walking in through the mirror wall of the practice room, her eyes rolled, and she couldn't help saying deliberately, "Anyway, these days, when I rehearse, he doesn't look less I actually have reason to suspect that he deliberately avoided the concert, hum!"

"Your singing and dancing abilities don't make him so intimidated."

"Isn't it? I also think I'm pretty good, but someone doesn't have the level of appreciation."

After finishing speaking, seeing Huo Shiyun's long and superior legs approaching, she hurriedly said, "Okay, I won't talk to you for now. Remember to save the ticket for me, hang up."

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