I’ve Got Hold of Your Koi

Chapter 178 Opening

"Mr. Huo? I want to know him too. "

Ye Lian didn't intend to let outsiders know about her relationship with Huo Shiyun, so she naturally denied it.

When Xia Beini heard this, she finally let go of her hanging heart.

It seems that Huo Shiyun is not the financial backer behind this bitch, but besides him, who else in the HUO Group can spend 100 million to sign such a third-tier spokesperson?

Does Huo Shiyun know that his company is such a mess?

But, forget it, anyway, after tonight, this woman will probably die young, and fame and fortune endorsements are just floating clouds.


Ye Lian didn't care about the fact that Xia Beini showed up with ulterior motives and left mysteriously. Afterwards, she put all her body and mind into the upcoming stage performance, and didn't even take a look at her phone.

This concert also cooperated with a certain video platform to broadcast live on the whole network.

Before the show started, the live broadcast room was already full of fans from all walks of life, including true fans and many black fans.

They swiped the screen one after another, and the scene was extremely lively.

[The female goose is awesome. Looking forward to the wonderful performance of the female goose. 】

【think treasure think treasure】

【Scythe comes to report】

[Hehe, sickle? Ye Lian thought that she was only worthy of using such an ugly scythe. 】

[Looking forward to Ye Lianxiang's breaking sound concert tonight! 】

[Broken sound concert? Upstairs is really talented. 】

[Heizi please go away! My family wants to be the best in the world in singing. 】

[There are black fans upstairs, the identification is complete. 】

[Come on, Xiangbao! 】

【Wow, it's started, it's started...】

At eight o'clock, the explosive opening dance was ignited, and the emotions of the audience online and online were all aroused, and they all became excited at the same time.



"come on baby—"

This is a fast song with a full sense of rhythm. If you don't have good singing and dancing skills, you can't control it at all, but Ye Lian wants to perform very well, it is perfect, and the audience is completely ignited.

The grandstand on the second floor.

Sitting on the seat with a great view, Xia Beini looked at Ye Lian with complicated eyes and wanted to sing and dance.

When she entered the arena just now, she had observed the layout inside the venue. Whether it was the lighting, sound, or equipment on the stage, they were all exactly the same as the information she had seen on the video in her previous life. Even the public relations company that carried out the event was the same. Home.

This is the perfect place for Ye Lian to die.

Sha Beini shook her head, instead of watching Ye Lianxiang's performance, she picked up the earphones to plug her ears and listen to her own music.

Anyway, something happened to the encore part at the end, so don't worry.


At the same time, Huo Shiyun was dealing with a huge security incident.

In fact, there is no such thing as a meeting that has been set long ago and cannot be changed. He lied to her in good faith to prevent Ye Lian from worrying.

The real situation is that an important laboratory of the HUO Group exploded, and the poisonous gas filled the entire town. Thousands of people have been infected with strange diseases, and the situation is very critical.

The only luck among the misfortunes is that the town is full of employees of the HUO Group, and the news is easily blocked, so that even after the incident happened for a day, no one outside knew about it.

The poisonous gas was coming fiercely. In the past, with Huo Shiyun's spiritual power, they could be dispelled without any effort.

Unfortunately, he only gave half of his spiritual power to Qiao Chenyuan, and he has not recovered yet. Therefore, it took a full day and night to resolve the crisis.

Huo Shiyun's face was pale due to excessive consumption of internal energy, and his tall body was crumbling.

"Your Highness, are you alright?"

Huo Kong hurried forward to support him.

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