I’ve Got Hold of Your Koi

Chapter 284 Specially Passed to Daughter-in-Law


Huo Shiyun regained his composure, picked up the red thread tied with the jade pendant, and carefully helped Ye Lian want to put it on.

"Well, it suits you very well."

He hooked his lips, his brows and eyes smudged with a faint smile.

Ye Lian wanted to smile and said, "This jade pendant has a lot of years at first glance, so it can't be your family heirloom?"

"Well, it's specially passed on to my daughter-in-law."

he said seriously.

Ye Lian wanted to blush pretty, and her voice was soft, "Then I'll take good care of it."


He nodded slightly, and patted her on the shoulder, "I really have to go, remember, I have to kiss every day."

"I know, I know, you are so boring."

Ye Lian wanted to shake his arm with a smile, but for some reason, she smiled, but her eyes were a little moist.

She really is a girl who loves to cry, hey!


Huo Shiyun quickly disappeared from her sight, Ye Lian wanted to reluctantly look at the direction he left, and stood there blankly for a long, long time until——

"What are you looking at?"

Someone tapped her on the shoulder from behind.


Ye Lian wanted to be startled, turned around, and met a pair of beautiful eyes, it was Ji Xiaolin.

Standing beside her were He Xuanxi and Shen Tuoyu.

They are all here.

"You scared me to death."

Ye Lian wanted to cover her little heart, and smiled reproachfully.

However, with Ji Xiaolin's pat, the sorrow of parting in her heart was patted away a lot.

It seems that in the next few days, she must devote herself wholeheartedly to her work so that she will suffer less from missing her.

Huo Shiyun, what should we do? This is just the beginning of separation, I miss you.


Except for Xu Yuxi, everyone was present, and it seemed that it was time to board the plane.

But at this time, he was informed that the flight was delayed.

International flights are delayed from time to time, and everyone seems to be used to it, so they chatted in the lounge without being affected.

"By the way, think about it. Do you have any plans to release a song in the near future? Shall we sing a song together?"

Ji Xiaolin took the initiative to ask.

She is a rare talented girl in music, and she also cherishes talented people, but in her eyes, Ye Lianxiang obviously belongs to a girl who is talented and not arrogant.

"Okay, I'm very happy."

Ye Lian wanted to agree without hesitation.

As a singer, she doesn't even have a decent album, and she has long thought about releasing a song.

"Then let's discuss it if we have time these days?"

Ji Xiaolin looked excited.

"Okay, okay."

Ye Lian wanted to smile and nod.

The two hit it off immediately, and the harmonious atmosphere made He Xuanxi a little envious.

He also wants to work with her.

So, he simply joined the discussion, "Can I participate together?"

Just as Ye Lian wanted to refuse, she heard Ji Xiaolin say, "Of course, with you joining, we will definitely have a different spark."

Ye Lian thought: "..."

Is it too late for her to quit now?


Shen Tuoyu is an actor, and he has few common topics with these singers, but he and Ye Lian want to have a good relationship, and sitting next to her, taking advantage of Ji Xiaolin and He Xuanxi talking about music, he wants to say to Ye Lian: "Listen! Say you want to shoot "The Savage Girl"? When will it start?"

"It should be next week. After we finish recording this episode, we will join the group when we go back."

Ye Lian wanted to tell the truth.

Then he added, "I'm playing the female supporting role, and I don't have many roles."

"Well, I heard that you were originally appointed to be the heroine, why didn't you act?"

Shen Tuoyu was curious.

Ye Lian was about to answer when she caught a glimpse of a tall figure walking in slowly from the corner of her eye.

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