A great man once said that beauty is a gift from heaven to mankind, what reason do we have not to respect them, to accept them religiously, and to turn a blind eye to beautiful women is to be disrespectful to heaven.

Ye Tianji looked at the girl around him, and there was no wave in his heart, not even a ripple.

Perhaps for ordinary people, this group of girls is indeed quite beautiful and attractive, but Ye Tianjian can't look at this group of superficial girls at all.

Although they are young and lively, full of youth and full of seduction.

But Ye Tianjian always felt that they were just a group of vases, and they were nothing but their appearance and figure!

Take the red-haired girl just now, that kind of posture is simply a disgrace to a woman's face, no different from a pheasant!

This kind of goods, Ye Tianji couldn't raise the slightest interest at all.

It's not that Ye Tianji looks down on them, but they don't have any attraction in themselves!

"I repeat, stay away from me!"

Looking at the pitiful appearance of those girls, Ye Tianjian felt even more annoyed and depressed in his heart.

His patience is running out!

If these girls didn't leave, Ye Tianji couldn't guarantee that something unpredictable would happen.

"Shh Husband, you are so annoying! When

the red-haired girl saw that Ye Tianji had driven them away, she immediately said aggrievedly.

Her words were full of complaints, as if she had suffered a great grievance.

"Yes, husband, why did you drive us away!"

Another girl in black was not far behind and said, she was also very aggrieved, she didn't provoke him, why did he yell at her?

"Yes, people like you so much!"

The rest of the girls also echoed one after another, exaggerating one by one, as if they couldn't immediately throw themselves into Ye Tianji's arms.


Ye Tianjian looked mocking and sneered disdainfully.

"I don't care if you like me or not, in short, you can't get in my way."

Ye Tianjian was too lazy to talk nonsense, looked at the group of girls indifferently, and said in a tone without a trace of emotion.

Speaking of this, Ye Tianjian turned around and prepared to leave here, because he felt that he had had enough of these girls.

What these girls are doing is simply disgusting!

Ye Tianji had just taken a step when suddenly a fragrant wind blew by.

Then, Ye Tianji only felt that his arm was being grabbed, and then a soft body threw himself into his arms.

"Husband, don't go! People know that they are wrong, is it okay to forgive others?

A girl looked at Ye Tianjian with pitiful eyes, and then rubbed Ye Tianjian with her weak body, and said in a charming voice.

Seeing that Ye Tianji still did not react in the slightest, the girl's courage also increased a little, and then slowly raised her head and wanted to kiss Ye Tianji's lips.

Looking at the red lips that were close at hand, Ye Tianjian's face changed slightly.

This group of women is just too much!

I actually wanted to kiss him!

He Ye Tianji is something that ordinary people can casually touch!

At this moment, Ye Tianji's right hand flicked, and the girl who wanted to kiss herself was directly thrown out and fell a few meters away.

"Hmph! Find death!

Looking at the girl who fell to the ground, Ye Tianjian's face was as gloomy as ink, and his eyes were cold.

He had already warned this group of women, but this group of women was still obsessed, so Ye Tianjian didn't mind teaching them a lesson and letting them remember for a long time.

Seeing that the girl was thrown out, the girls around were also frightened and screamed, hiding in the distance, looking at Ye Tianjian in fear.

Ye Tianjian looked around expressionlessly, and then said slowly.

"If you continue to make trouble, I can't promise how far I'll throw you out next time!"

Hearing Ye Tianji's threat, many girls shrunk their necks and did not dare to approach any longer.

After all, they still remember the fate of that girl just now.

These girls are not stupid, since Ye Tianjian can throw the girl out just now, it is obvious that they have a very strong combat power, of course, they are not willing to risk trying.

"Husband, don't be angry with people, people like you too much."

The red-haired girl got up from the ground at this time, looked at Ye Tianjian, pretended to be a little sheep, and said pitifully.


Ye Tianjian glanced at the red-haired girl, snorted coldly, ignored her, and walked straight ahead.

The red-haired girl was immediately stunned, and a pair of beautiful eyes stared at Ye Tianjian's back, full of resentment.

"Damn stinky man, wait! Sooner or later, I will make you fall under the pomegranate skirt of the old lady! The

red-haired girl clenched her pink fist and muttered angrily.

She rolled her eyes and suddenly made a look at the girls next to her.

"Hey, come here!"

The red-haired girl greeted a few companions beside her.

"What's wrong?"

Hearing the greeting of the red-haired girl, a girl with short hair asked suspiciously.

They have a very good relationship on weekdays and often help each other.

Moreover, they are all classmates and often play together on weekdays, and their feelings for each other are naturally very deep.

"You'll do as I say later."

The red-haired girl lowered her voice and told them the plan.

"Okay! We get it. After

listening to the red-haired girl's orders, the girls all looked at each other strangely, and then nodded one after another.

Then, they also quietly followed behind Ye Tianji.

As for Ye Tianji, what the redhead had just said naturally did not escape his ears.

It's just that Ye Tianjian didn't care, because he thought that these girls were purely brain-dead.

One by one, they wore a leak, heavy makeup, dressed like a leprechaun, and looked like a fox spirit, which was simply disgusting.

"Alas! I really don't understand what happened to young people now, are they brainwashed by TV series or the Internet?

"How can there be so many girls who are not in a good way? It's really puzzling.

Ye Tianji shook his head, and his heart became more and more disappointed in this world.

In this society, women are becoming more and more impetuous, unscrupulous, even at the cost of hurting themselves....

This is a very sad and very painful thing.

Even a man like Ye Tianji, who had been murderous and ruthless, couldn't help but frown at this situation.

Not only that, in his opinion, the most important thing for a girl is to clean up and love herself, otherwise how long can she be happy even if she marries well.

"Forget it, I don't want to think about it."

Ye Tianjian shook his head, and then couldn't help but speed up his pace and leave here.


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