
After Ye Tianji's voice fell, the night whip's mind roared.

He finally understood the purpose of the other party's coming to him.

Then the look on his face couldn't help but become uncertain, and he didn't know what to do.

Has he discovered his secret?

No, besides himself, only one ghost king knows about this matter?

Even his most loyal subordinates didn't know his secret, how did this Ye Tianji know?

Is he lying to me?

"How? The leader of the Night Scourge will not even know the name of his master!

At this moment, Ye Tianji's cold voice sounded again.

Instantly broke the last luck in the heart of the night whipper.

At this time, he only felt a chill in his back, and cold sweat flowed down his sideburns.

"Night Lord, what's wrong with you? Is it sick? Ye

Tianji's brows furrowed slightly, looking at the night whip who was sweating coldly, and asked with an evil smile.

"Ahhh... Not...... Nothing, it's just that the quality of sleep has been poor lately, and the mental state is not very good! The

night whip wiped the cold sweat that broke out on his forehead, barely squeezed out a smile, and opened his mouth to explain.

"Huh, huh?"

Looking at the night whip who was still holding up, Ye Tianjian sneered again, and did not say more, but picked up the wine jug on the table and poured two glasses of wine, one of which was pushed in front of the night whip.

The other cup was passed to his lips, and he tasted it slowly, revealing a look of enjoyment.

And seeing this scene, the fear in the heart of the night scourge was even greater, but on the surface, he tried his best to maintain indifference, and spoke.

"Young Master Ye, I wonder who the ghost king you just said is?"

He decided to test whether Ye Tianji really knew his secret, in case he guessed wrong.

"Hehe, Ghost King, it's just a shameless and despicable villain..." waved

his hand, for the Ghost King, Ye Tianjian's face was full of disgust and disgust.

"Oh! It's really surprising that the Ghost King is such a despicable and shameless guy!

"I wonder what he did to make Ye Gongzi hate him so much?"

After hearing Ye Tianji's words, the night scourge hurriedly asked, wanting to get more information about Ye Tianji about the ghost king, after all, he was too familiar with the ghost king.

As an undercover agent sent by the Ghost King to be by Hades, he knew what a cruel executioner the Ghost King was.

Killing without blinking, simple and rude.

But anyone who is targeted by him has no good end.

And Ye Tianjian actually dared to scold the Ghost King, which shocked him a little.

"Hate him? He is not qualified enough!

Ye Tianji's tone was filled with a thick disdain, as if the Ghost King was not worthy of entering his vision at all.

Who is Ye Tianji?

Ye Tianji is a dark demon who has destroyed the evil existence of two worlds.

In front of him, a ghost king is not even worthy of carrying shoes, let alone hating it.

"Uh--that Ye Gongzi, you talked about him today..." The

night whip was a little confused about Ye Tianji's thoughts at this time.

However, he did not dare to continue to dwell on this topic, but wanted to change the topic.

But before he could start changing the topic, Ye Tianjian suddenly spoke again.

"Night Lord! I don't know if you are comfortable doing it as an undercover agent under Hades!

His face showed a playful look, as if he appreciated people like Nighthawk very much.

And after hearing Ye Tianji's words, the figure of the night whip suddenly trembled.

There was a look of panic in his eyes, but he immediately returned to normal.

He didn't expect that Ye Tianjian would actually talk about this issue, and he was so frank.

But this is to make the night whip, his mind turned sharply.

Thinking that since the other party can find him, he must have already had enough evidence, or his identity has been recognized.

For a while, his face changed, and he didn't know what to do.

But even so, the Nighthawk would never admit it, after all, his plan had succeeded.

Even if it fails, it can't involve the ghost king.

"Young Master Ye, where did you hear this? I have never heard of any ghost king, and how can I talk about being an undercover agent! The

night whip spoke, his face still calm as water.

However, his heart was pounding, as if it was about to pop out of his chest, making it difficult for him to breathe, and his face was swollen and red, like a pig's liver.

"Cut, his acting skills are worse than our third-tier female stars in Blue Star, and I am embarrassed to pretend again!"

"That is, he won't really think that we are fools, can't see that he is weak-hearted!"

And after hearing the words of the night scoundrel, Huolin Fei and Slim Jun also opened their mouths to mock, and at the same time showed contempt on their faces.

After all, the acting skills of the night whip are really clumsy.

Although the cultivation of the two of them is not high, but their eyes are not blind, how can they not see that the other party is covering up.

And as the words of the two fell, the night whip's heart completely sank to the bottom.

"Hmph! I was actually discovered by you! Looking

at Ye Tianjian and Huolin Fei, the night scourge snorted coldly, and a trace of cold light flashed in his eyes.

Since he couldn't hide it, there was no need for him to pretend anymore.

"Since you know, then you will give Lao Tzu death!"

After the words fell, the figure of the night whip flashed violently.

In the entire room, wisps of afterimages suddenly appeared.

Then he waved his arms and quickly shot out in all directions, attacking towards Ye Tianji and several people.

Obviously, he wanted to take advantage of his current advantage to kill these people in one fell swoop.

"Hehe, Nighthawk, you really can't wait!"

Looking at the night cane who rushed up, a sneer appeared on Ye Tianjian's face, and he shook his head gently.

"But you underestimate me too much!"

Then, his right hand was raised and slowly grabbed towards the night whip.

In an instant, the air in the room suddenly froze, and a huge coercive pressure emanated from his body and swept out in all directions.


Then, Ye Tianji's outstretched right hand slammed on the body of the night scoundrel.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw the body of the night whipper, as if it had been hit hard, shot backwards and slammed into the wall.


The severe pain spread throughout the night whipper's body, causing blood to overflow from his mouth.


The Nighthawk's throat rolled, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

At this time, his eyes were dull, and his eyes were full of shock.

He never thought that Ye Tianji would be so strong.

Just one move is to seriously injure yourself, it is really terrifying!

"You... Who exactly?

After struggling to stand up, the night scourge covered his abdomen and asked with a pale face.

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