Big Forest!

One of the three most famous Warcraft settlements in the continent.

The area is almost the same as the land area of the Buck Kingdom, spanning the Heaven Dou Empire and the Star Luo Empire.

The other three-fifths are in the empire, a huge primeval forest, with complex terrain, wetlands, swamps, and so on.

The demons there are also extremely terrifying, and the closer you get to the middle of the forest, the more powerful the monsters become.

"Brother Tianji, we shouldn't need to obtain a ring, what are you doing in this big forest?"

Rong followed Ye Tian into the big forest and looked around curiously, his eyes full of curiosity.

"yes! Tianji, with our current strength, even 100,000 should not be able to help us anything! He

also nodded, a little confused why Ye Tianjian brought them here.

It is said that with Ye Tianji's strength and strength, even if it is ten years, it can be made casually, and it should be impossible for the ring to arouse Ye Tianji's interest.

So don't think about it, Ye Tianji brought them here, it shouldn't be for the ring.

Although she didn't say anything, she also looked at Ye Tianjian a little curiously.

"Hehe, it's good, it doesn't work for us, and I'm not here for..." For

the curiosity, Ye Tianjian was not surprised, but smiled gently.

"Although it doesn't work for me, the Warcraft living here still has some effect for me!"

In the Omori are living ten beasts, individuals who split from the dragon.

If a few of them were subdued, it would be a very good help for Ye Tianji.

After all, the physical body and strength are much stronger than ordinary humans.

As long as they use it well, their achievements in the future will not be much worse than a few of them.


"Could it be that the purpose of the Celestial Mark is to live in those two 100,000-year demon beasts in the great center?"

Listening to Ye Tianji's words, as if he had thought of something, he slowly spoke.

Lin is called a paradise not only because there is no human development here.

More importantly, in the center of this forest, there are still 100,000 people living that can be compared to the Human!

Therefore, the beasts living in the forest will be much happier than other places.

Otherwise, with the inferiority of people, the big forest would have been occupied long ago, and the beasts would have been raised in captivity, becoming professional props when they wanted to obtain the ring.

"Two ten beasts!"

Swallowed his saliva, listened to Na's words, and Xiaoxiao and Zhu Qing, there was obviously a little surprise in their eyes.

"I'm afraid it's not all, according to what I said, there is a very terrifying fluctuation in the depths of the Great Forest, and that power is much stronger than those two 100,000-year demon beasts..."

Speaking of this, a trace of jealousy obviously flashed in his bright eyes.

You know, his grandfather is a ninety-nine level limit, and even he is surprised by the power, which shows how strong that power is.

Although her strength now has the limit of combat power, she should be far from being an opponent when dealing with that force.


"So is our purpose this time for that powerful force?"

"Brother Tianji, do you know what that power is?"

Several people glanced at each other, and then looked at Ye Tianji, and there were already some vague guesses in their hearts.

"Well, I do know what that power inside is!"

"There are indeed beings that are more powerful than the ten beasts living there!"

Nodded, for the curious women, Ye Tianjian smiled and slowly told them the truth in the big forest.

In the forest, there are seven of the top ten Warcraft in the continent.

They are ranked first, among the dragon clan, their strength has reached the level of 890,000.

The Jade Goose, ranked first among the top ten fierce beasts, has a strength of 590,000 years.

The top ten fierce beasts ranked fifth, and the strength of the goose is similar to that of the goose, and its strength has reached 540,000 years!

The top ten fierce beasts ranked sixth, and the bear with a very strong attack and defense has been in strength for 480,000 years.

The top ten fierce beasts ranked eighth, and the king with three heads also had a strength of 310,000 years.

The ten fierce beasts ranked tenth with powerful spiritual attributes, and his cultivation was only 250,000 years.

But the weirdness level, even if the eighth-ranked red king met, he had to retreat by three points.

Of course, this is not just the real power of the forest.

In the big forest, there are several beasts that can be compared to 100,000-year-old fierce beasts.

Just like the brother, the Demon God Tiger and the personal guard Zi Ji beside him.

Although these beasts cannot be compared with the ten fierce beasts, their strength cannot be underestimated by anyone.

Listening to what Ye said about the Great Forest, the eyes of all the women present were full of shock and incredulity.

"This... 890,000-year

beast..." "Ten beast ranking..." "

Celestial mark, is there only a more than 100,000-year beast on it?"

"It's so powerful, I haven't heard of such a powerful beast before!"

"And that king, what is that, is it also some powerful monster?"

All the women chattered around the Celestial Mark, constantly asking about things in the Great Forest.

"Okay, okay, come one by one, come one by one..." Listening

to the chatter of the women, Ye Tianjian also shook his head a little crying, waved his hand, and signaled everyone to be a little quieter.

"Regarding the truth in the big forest, I will take you to see it in person in a moment, and you will be clear..." Compared

to the dry words of a person here, it is better to take them to have a good look in person, so as to better let them understand.

"Okay, then let's go now!"

"Listening to what Brother Tianji said, I have already developed a very strong interest in those top ten..."

Eighty or ninety thousand years, it should sound very powerful! Hearing

that Ye wanted to take them to see them in person, the women really quieted down a little.

One left and one right gathered around the trace, and slowly walked towards the depths of the great forest under the leadership of Ye Tianji.

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