Ye Tianji sat above the hall, an exclusive position!

Looking at the people gathered below, Ye Tianjian exuded a domineering aura from the inside out.

"How, what did I tell you to do?"

Looking at the side, Ye Tianjian didn't talk nonsense, and asked straightforwardly.

"Back to my lord!"

"The army you ordered us to gather has already been assembled, and just wait for your order, we can directly attack the remaining Heavenly Kingdom and the Baguo!"

The people looked at each other, and they all knelt down on one knee, reporting what Ye Tianjian had ordered them to do before.

"Well, you can!"

Listening to the report, Ye Tianji's expression did not change in the slightest, still so cold and emotionless.

"Since you are ready, then you two can also prepare, and later bring me the army to take the Barak Kingdom to me!"

"Remember those who dare to obstruct, there is no amnesty for killing!"

Looking at it coldly, Ye Tianji's voice was like a soul-stimulating talisman, which was full of fear.

"Yes..." Feeling

the coldness emanating from Ye Tianji's body, he didn't dare to say the slightest nonsense, and hurriedly ordered his life.

"Let's go!"

Then, Ye Tianjian waved his hand and signaled to go and prepare.

With Ye Tianji's order, how dare you have the slightest slack, quickly got up to leave, and went down to prepare.

"The four of you go to the country!"

"Unite with the Glazed Sect, and all the forces of the Heavenly God Academy will be wiped out for me!"

"Of course, the Heavenly God Academy is the academy opened by me, you should pay attention to it!"

Although the students in the Heavenly God Academy have not yet grown up, they all have great potential.

Therefore, in order to prevent any accidents, Ye Tianjian still gave them a good instruction.

"Yes! My lord! Several

people looked at each other, and also understood Ye Tianji's words and nodded.

Since it is an adult house, then not to mention, it should also pay attention to the line.

After all, Ye Tianji's terrifying strength had already penetrated into everyone's heart.

If you accidentally let this big man have any ideas, it will be a disaster!

"I want to zone? District, it shouldn't be a problem to have the four of you! His

eyes glanced coldly at the people below.

"There will definitely be no problems, don't worry, adults!"

"I'll see you this time!"

Ye Tianji's words fell, and the other few all said.

"Good! Go ahead! Hearing

the words of several people, Ye Tianjian finally showed a smile on his face and opened.

"Obey, my lord!"

Seeing this, he respectfully bent down and saluted, and quickly walked to the hall.

After everyone was gone, Ye Tianjian put his gaze on his body.

After it is a foregone conclusion, then we will deal with the remaining sects next!

"Among the three sects, except for one, let's go for the rest!"

Saying that, Ye Tianjian looked at the person.

"I have deliberately improved your strength, even if 100 comes, it will be your opponent, disappointed!"

Looking at the offering, Ye Tianjian slowly got up and said in a calm tone.

"Please rest assured, adults!" The elder quickly bowed and bowed respectfully towards Ye Tianji.

Now they are six to the point of divine messengers, in the continent where there are not many of them.

The limit represents the peak combat power.

And they are now all beyond the limit, in the whole piece.

Moreover, the pills they all took had greatly improved their various amplification effects.

Even, their strength is not inferior to the divine envoys of the same rank, and they can burst out several times the terrifying combat power of their own.

This kind of improvement is by no means a star and a half simple!

Therefore, the six of them are quite confident in the pair.

"Well, you guys go down and prepare first!"

"Go and clean up those who oppose me!"

"Remember! Don't leave a single mouth alive! Speaking

of this, Ye Tianjian's temperament condensed, and his eyes looked very scary.

"Do as your lord is told!"

Hearing this, he bowed down and took the order, and then turned around and walked out of the palace!


the disappearing backs of the six people, Ye Tianjian looked at the body of the departing person.


Listening to Ye Tianji's summons, Dong glanced at each other and slowly walked out, his expression calm, and there was no dissatisfaction.

"You two get ready!"

"I will take your sect and bring those remnants of the Heavenly Sect!"

Standing up, Ye Tianjian let out a breath of turbid breath, pondered for a moment, and then said slowly.

"Good! My lord! We understand! Hearing

Ye Tianji's words, he nodded and said yes.

They knew that Ye Tianji was definitely going to make a move!

However, although I kind of understand, why Ye Tianji.

However, they did not dare to ask anything, after all, Ye Tianji was their master!

"Remember, you guys are not small, although the two of you are here now, they will not be your opponents!"

"But, no matter what, be small!"

Three good villains, although it is said that because of their own reasons, the three have disappeared more than half.

However, luck is not so easy to deal with.

And over there, it can still be turned off all the time, if you are not careful, an old six yin wave.

Therefore, before leaving, Ye Tianji still had a good sentence.


Listening to Ye Tianji's reminder, people's faces were full of doubts.

With the power of the Heavenly Sect in the near future, will it still be an opponent to come?

"We understand!"

But, after thinking about it carefully, the two of them nodded anyway.

After all, with Ye Tianji's identity, he said to be careful, then we should be careful.

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