
"Abominable! Damn it! Damn it!

"Who is it! Who is it! Who exactly!

"Dare to humiliate me like this!"

Xiao Yan clenched his fists, and his whole body was bruised. His eyes were scarlet, as if they were about to drip blood, and his handsome face was full of anger and unwillingness.

"Damn it! Damn it!

"Who the hell?!"

At this time, Xiao Yan had already got up from the bed, and he was standing naked on the floor.

Looking at the ape who had passed out on the bed, the anger and hatred in his heart rose again.

"Damn beasts!"

"Today you will die!"

Saying that, Xiao Yan picked up a sharp dagger from his bookshelf and stabbed it fiercely towards the abdomen of the ape.


The dagger penetrated deep into the body of the combined ape, and blood splattered out instantly.

As if it was not enough, Xiao Yan pulled out the dagger and stabbed it in the abdomen again.

Repeatedly, Xiao Yan killed seventy or eighty knives before he stopped.

When he stopped, red blood flowed all over the room.

Looking at the corpse of the ape, he finally relieved a little, but he still couldn't eliminate the hatred in his heart, which would only make him more painful.

It's like there is a fishbone stalk in the throat, you can't swallow it, you can't spit it out, it's very uncomfortable.


In the end, he really couldn't stand it, and roared up to the sky, venting the grievances in his chest.

"Hah... Ha... "


After laughing for a long time, Xiao Yan suddenly squatted down and cried with a headache, like an injured beast.

The cry was miserable and pathetic.


At this moment, he seemed to be out of control, crying wantonly, without any reason. Tears ran down the corners of his eyes, wetting his clothes.

"Alas, Xiao Yanzi..." Just

as Xiao Yan cried bitterly, a dazzling white light flashed on his ring.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Yan's teacher medicine dust slowly floated out of his ring.

Looking at Xiao Yan, who had a painful face, he looked at the ape who died on the bed.

I wanted to say something, but the words stuck in my throat couldn't say anything. Finally, turn into a light sigh.

"Alas, what a crime."

Regarding what happened before, the medicine dust is also in a coma.

But, looking at the current scene, he can more or less guess a little.

It should be that someone used some despicable and shameless means to get the ape over.

Then he used something similar to Tsubaki medicine to let his apprentice Xiao Yan and this combined ape.

Thinking of this, the medicine dust is a little afraid to speculate.

After all, the picture is really a little bloody, which is unimaginable.


"Tell me, what happened to him just now?"

"Who exactly will... Count me secretly!

Holding the monstrous anger in his heart, Xiao Yan gritted his teeth and asked, his eyes sharp.

What happened just now is unbearable for anyone.

If Xiao Yan hadn't been hit all year round, his heart would have been extraordinary.

Now maybe he picked up the dagger in his hand long ago and committed suicide by seppuku himself.

"Hey, Xiao Yanzi, you calm down first."

Hearing Xiao Yan's questioning, Yao Chen shook his head.

Immediately, he raised his hand and waved, and a gentle force suddenly gushed out.

In an instant, Xiao Yan, who was still crying, felt a warm current wrap around his body.

The emotions that were still angry and angry also began to calm down at this moment.

"This matter is not simple!"

"Xiao Yanzi, think carefully about what enemies you have in this Utan City!"

"And it's still the kind of enemy of life and death!"

Seeing Xiao Yan, who had calmed down, Yao Chen's gaze changed, and he began to become serious and vigilant.

You must know that you were also a strong man in the nine turns of Douzun before his death!

Although he is dead now, his strength is not as good as before.

However, his soul is also the strength of the heavenly realm.

Therefore, his insight is strong.

What happened just now, obviously not quite right.

You must know that the strength of that combined ape is only a one-hit level monster, and there is no power at all.

On weekdays, don't say that he came to Utan City, just say that he may not be able to do it out of the Warcraft Mountain Range.

Therefore, this matter must be someone secretly making means!

Moreover, this person's strength is at least the strength of Douhuang, and it is not an ordinary Douhuang.


Listening to the words of the medicine dust, Xiao Yan's brows suddenly frowned, and his heart began to think quickly.

He Xiao Yan is in Wutan City, and he basically cultivates in the Xiao family Xiao family on weekdays, and does not go out, so there will be no enemies.

To say that there are enemies ....

That's all...


Looking at the medicine dust, Xiao Yan gritted his teeth and spit out three words.


Yao Chen's gaze suddenly sank, and he muttered, "It shouldn't be!" "

Although that kid in Galleo is weird, his strength is only at the level of the Douwang!

Don't drug Xiao Yan and yourself, with the soul power of his own heavenly realm, he can't connect with Xiao Yan.

Rarely, is there anything else hidden in this matter?

With his brows furrowed, Yao Chen suddenly felt in his heart that this small Utan City was very difficult.

"Teacher, do you have any way to make my strength grow rapidly!"

"I must kill Galleo, I must crush his corpse into ten thousand pieces!"

Fists clenched, Xiao Yan, who had originally calmed down, fell into madness again.

His eyes were filled with a thick murderous intent, and even a trace of black fog was already permeating out.

He Xiao Yan can endure anything!

It's just that things related to his innocence can't be endured!

Especially this is the case, which inexplicably gave his innocence to a beast.

No matter what, Xiao Yan couldn't bear it!

"Although I have a way to quickly increase my strength, I won't give it to you!"

"Because this method is too dangerous and evil, and it is not tolerated by the world!"

Looking at Xiao Yan, who was already a little crazy, Yao Chen frowned, and said in a very solemn tone.

At the same time, he endured his weak body again and began to calm Xiao Yan's emotions.

"Whew... Whew..." Hearing

the teacher's words, Xiao Yan took a few deep breaths of cool air and tried to suppress the violent aura in his heart.

"I know, teacher!"

Nodding, Xiao Yan regained his composure.


"Xiao Yanzi, cultivation must be taken step by step, remember not to take shortcuts!"

It seemed that he was still a little uneasy, and the medicine dust looked at Xiao Yan and instructed again.


Fists clenched, Xiao Yan nodded expressionlessly.

"Then teacher, do you have any powerful fighting skills to teach me!"

"I want to get stronger quickly and kill that guy from Galleo as soon as possible!"

Staring at the medicine dust like a torch, Xiao Yan said with a hint of indifference in his tone.

"Fighting skills!"

Listening to Xiao Yan's words, Yao Chen did not answer immediately, but looked at him very seriously.

"Okay, you clean up this side first!"

"I'll hand over your fighting skills in a moment!"


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