Divine Realm!

The White Tiger God General looked at the hundred divine officers and divine soldiers in front of him, his face solemn.

"Guys! I'm sure you should know who our enemy is this time! The

White Tiger Divine Gun was aimed at a place in the void and said in a deep voice.

The divine generals and divine soldiers behind him all tensed up, staring at the void with tense faces.

"It's the devil! The

White Tiger God General's voice was not loud, but it reached everyone's ears, and suddenly made everyone's faces change.

Demon! That's the most terrifying existence.

The legendary demons are extremely strong and can easily kill any living being, even masters at the level of god generals.

During the ancient war, it was still the eight immortal gods who sacrificed themselves and the Heavenly Emperor Lord to join forces, which very reluctantly sealed the demons into hell.

And now....

"Lord White Tiger! Hasn't this demon been sealed by the Heavenly Emperor? How did it come about? A priest couldn't help but ask.

When the White Tiger God General heard this, his eyes glanced coldly at the priest.

The priest immediately fell silent and bowed his head.

"Although Lord Heavenly Emperor sealed the demon, this seal was not completely sealed.

"Now the demons have broken through the seal and come to the world, in order to restore their strength, they destroy everywhere and kill everywhere!"

"This war, we must defeat them!"

"Otherwise... When the demon completely regains its strength, I am afraid that the entire God Realm will suffer a devastating blow! As

soon as the White Tiger God's words fell, everyone's hearts became heavy.

The strength of the demons is undoubted, if it is really as the White Tiger God will say, the power of the demons will be restored, and the God Realm will usher in an unprecedented disaster.

The Divine Realm is a holy place for countless lives, and they will never allow such a thing to happen!

"White Tiger God General! Please order! A

burly divine soldier walked up and bowed respectfully to the White Tiger God General.

"Good! The

White Tiger God General took a deep breath and looked in the direction outside the Divine Court.

"Officers and soldiers, please heed my call! Travel with General Ben to the human realm and fight the devil!

"Defeat them, and we will be able to save the living!" The

White Tiger Divine General's voice was loud and full of passionate will.

After his words fell, everyone nodded in unison.

"Fight! War! War! Countless

angry roars sounded, and the sound shook the clouds and echoed in the void for a long time.


Human world!

Ye Tianji looked at the golden turntable that gradually stopped, with a look of anticipation in his eyes.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host, get a copy of the source of the Dark Five Spirits!

As the cold prompt sound of the system came into his mind, the corners of Ye Tianji's mouth were also slightly upturned.

"The source of the five dark spirits, this is a good thing!"

The source of the five dark spirits, as the name suggests, is the source of the five spirits of the dark attribute.

The five spirits can also be called the five elements, and they are also the basis for us to understand the world.

The power of the five elements is divided into five different attributes: gold, wood, water, fire and earth.

Gold (for aggregation), wood (for growth), water (for infiltration), fire (for destruction), and earth (for fusion).

In ancient times, theologians also used the theory of the five elements to explain the formation of all things in the world and their interrelationships.

And the source of these five spirits is the root of these five elements.

The energy contained in it is extremely huge, even comparable to the purest chaotic power when heaven and earth first opened.

As long as the source of the dark five spirits is refined, then his strength will definitely increase by leaps and bounds, reaching an incredible realm.

Ye Tianji's eyes narrowed, and his gaze burned as he looked at the golden turntable in front of him.

"This time the luck is actually so good, so give me another king lottery!" Ye

Tianji's eyes were full of hope, and his pupils were constantly shining.

【Ding! Good host!

As the system sounded a pleasant sound again, the golden turntable suddenly spun rapidly again, emitting a dazzling golden brilliance.

When Ye Tianjian saw this scene, he immediately held his breath and stared nervously at the turntable, looking forward to the prizes that could be obtained in this king lottery.

Soon, the rapidly spinning golden turntable slowly stopped.

A white aperture, as the turntable stopped, also appeared in front of Ye Tianji's eyes.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Invincible Aura (ten seconds)]

"Invincible Aura?"

Ye Tianjian squinted his eyes and stared curiously at the white aura in front of him.

[Invincible aura, with this aura, the host you will have invincible time! ] 【

In this invincible time, no one can cause you harm!】 【

Even if the Heavenly Dao comes, in this invincible time, it can't hurt you in the slightest! 】 Looking

at Ye Tianji, who was a little puzzled, the system immediately displayed all the information about the invincible aura in front of Ye Tianji.

"Good! With this skill, even if the Heavenly Dao comes, I will not be as passive as before! Integrating

the invincible aura into his body, Ye Tianjian nodded with satisfaction.

This time, the prize obtained by spending two million nightmare points, Ye Tianjian liked it.

Especially the first source of the Dark Five Spirits, this is a huge help for Ye Tianji now.

Because, as long as he successfully fuses this source of the five dark spirits.

Then in the next battle process, Ye Tianjian did not have to worry that his strength would be suppressed by the Heavenly Dao.

After all, this source of the five dark spirits is not a power that belongs to this world.

With the rules of this Tiantian Dao, it could not suppress Ye Tianji's source of the Dark Five Spirits.

Coupled with the invincible aura he had just obtained, Ye Tianji really had nothing to be afraid of now.

Even if the Heavenly Emperor who had sealed himself came, Ye Tianjian had a certain degree of certainty that he would devour the Heavenly Emperor.

As soon as he thought of this, Ye Tianji was already a little impatient and wanted to immediately go to the Divine Realm.

Go and send that damned Heavenly Emperor into his own dark space.

However, there is no rush yet.

Because, now, Ye Tianjian still wanted to familiarize himself with the power he had just acquired.

The power of time, the source of the five dark spirits, plus the eight demonic qi!

Each of these forces, each of which is taken out, is very powerful.

Especially the power of time, which can affect time and affect history.

As long as Ye Tianji is familiar with these forces, when the time comes to deal with the Heavenly Dao, it is not a matter of hand-to-hand.

[Host your luck today is really good, do you want to have a few more king lottery? ] 【I

believe that after all, if you are lucky, the prize you will get next time will be better! 】 Just

when Ye Tianji was just about to familiarize himself with the power he had just acquired.

The slightly cold and excited voice of the system sounded again.

"Don't use it for the time being, the two things I got this time are enough for me to digest..." Waving

his hand, Ye Tianjian thought for a moment, but still did not choose to continue the lottery.

After all, his previous strength has not yet been controlled.

Even if he gained new power, Ye Tianji would not be able to control it in a short time.

It is better to refine and familiarize yourself with the current power first, and wait until the current power is familiar.


Ye Tianjian shouted indifferently towards the void.


I saw a huge black giant tiger, flapping its black wings, and quickly came to Ye Tianji's side.

"You help me protect the Dharma, I will now familiarize myself with the power I just acquired!"


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