I don't know how many years, maybe hundreds or thousands of years.

Ever since Ye Tianji crossed into the other world, he hadn't eaten again.

After all, as a dark demon, even if he didn't eat or drink for thousands of years, he wouldn't have anything to do.

Gently pick up the fork and knife on the side, cut a piece of steak, and slowly put it in your mouth.

"Is it delicious?

Meizhen stared at Ye Tianjian expectantly and asked.

"Hmm! The taste is very good, with the level of a 5-star chef.

Nodding, Ye Tianjian said appreciatively.

Hearing Ye Tianji's praise, Meizhen also showed a smile, appearing even more beautiful and charming.

"That's good, if it's delicious, I'll make more for you next time!"

"Haha, then thank you Mijin...

Ye Tianjian nodded and did not refuse, because this was exactly what he wanted.

"It's okay, as long as you like to eat, I'm happy!"

Mijin smiled slightly, and a pair of cute pear swirls appeared on her pretty little face.

Seeing this, Ye Tianjian's heart couldn't help but ripple.

But soon, Ye Tianji returned to normal.

He is a dark demon, how can he be confused by a human girl?

It must be an illusion, it must be an illusion....

"By the way, where are you from Tianji!"

Brushing the hair next to her ear, Meizhen looked at Ye Tianjian and asked with a smile.

Carefully looking at Ye Tianji's novel dress, Meizhen was very curious in her heart.

At first, Meizhen also guessed that Ye Tianji might be a foreigner.

However, when she heard Ye Tianji's name, she knew that he should not be a foreigner.

After all, Ye Tianji's name with such a Chinese charm could not be a foreigner at all.

"I'm a Bashu person!"

After a slight hesitation, Ye Tianji's eyes carried a trace of nostalgia.

Although nearly a thousand years have passed since that memory, it is still deeply imprinted in his mind and cannot be forgotten.

"Bashu? Hearing

this name, Meizhen's eyes couldn't help but light up.

She is very familiar with this place!

Because her brother, Dr. Balu, is now in a research institute in Bashu.

"yes! But that was before, and now... Huh..."

Picking up the coke beside him, Ye Tianjian took a sip with a wry smile on his face.

"This way!"

Seeing the bitter expression on Ye Tianjian's face, Meizhen was also a little distressed in her heart, but she didn't know what to say.

He could only choose to silently accompany Ye Tianjian and quietly look at his side face.

For a while, neither of them spoke, just enjoying the food so quietly.

And at this moment, Meizhen's mobile phone suddenly rang.

The moment she heard the ringing of the mobile phone, a look of panic appeared on Meizhen's face.

"Ahem... Tianji, I'm sorry..." She

took out her mobile phone, glanced at the information, and her face immediately became ugly.

"What happened? Sensing

the change in Meizhen's expression, Ye Tianjian hurriedly asked.

"Nothing, just some spam messages..."

Mijin barely squeezed out a smile and put her phone away.

"It's okay, if you need help with anything, just talk to me!" Looking

at Meizhen's smile, Ye Tianjian smiled slightly and said.

"Eun... I know!

Nodding, Mijin's eyes shining with gratitude.

"By the way, I suddenly remembered that the kitchen gas was not turned off, I'll turn it off..." As

soon as the words fell, Mijin hurriedly stood up and ran to the kitchen.

"Hehe, the show is about to begin!"

"Let me have a good glimpse of the power of the protagonist of this world!"

Looking at her hurried back, an evil smile appeared at the corner of Ye Tianjian's mouth.

At this time, Meizhen, who had just run into the kitchen, also hurriedly took out her mobile phone and made a call.

"Hey! Qiunnan, quick! The Psychic Beast has appeared! When

the phone was connected, Mijin said straight to the point.

"Psychic beast! There

was a surprised voice over there.

"That's right, just in Huasheng Plaza, you go quickly!"

Meizhen's voice urged a little anxiously.

"Good! I'll rush over now! Listening

to the perfect real narration, the other party did not hesitate and hung up the phone.

Hearing the busy sound of the beep, Mijin breathed a sigh of relief.

"I hope that Qiunan can successfully stop the attack of the magical beast, otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

Meizhen's brows furrowed together and she said to herself with an ugly face.

"Alas, however, with Qiunnan's strength, it shouldn't be too bad...

Sighing slightly, Meizhen shook her head, turned and left the kitchen, and continued to chat with Ye Tianji.


At this time, outside Huasheng Square, three monsters with fierce faces were wreaking havoc.

And the strongest of them is an extremely ugly-looking giant monster.

It was standing in the center, staring at the frantically fleeing humans with murderous intent in his eyes, as if looking for something.

Its volume is more than two meters tall, and its whole body is covered with black scale armor, which looks extremely hideous and terrifying.

Around it, there were scattered piles of corpses and blood.

"Crocodile beast! Cockroach beast! Rock Beast! Give it to me, kill them all, leave no one! A

lewd man dressed in black next to the crocodile beast ordered with a fierce face.

Roar! Roar!

The three supernatural beasts roared angrily and rushed towards those humans.


"Help, I don't want to die, don't catch me... "

Don't... "

Suddenly, screams, pleas for mercy, wails... Various sounds are intertwined.

Under the chase of these three terrifying beasts, those ordinary humans were like toys, without any resistance, and were torn apart little by little...

"Hmph! This group of lowly ants is used to exterminate!

Looking at this cruel scene, the lewd man had a sneer on his face and infinite contempt in his eyes.

"No... Don't! I can pay any price I can pay but hope you don't hurt my child! At

this moment, a disheveled woman stumbled from a distance, crying and shouting.

The woman looked very old, but her face was full of tears.

Looking at her appearance, a look of disgust suddenly appeared on the face of the lewd man.

"Get out! Don't dirty my eyes! With

that, he waved his hand and was ready to shoot the woman out.

"No... No...... Please... Don't!

The woman begged with a sad look.

"Mom! Get out of the way, you bastard! At

this moment, a little girl of fifteen or sixteen ran over, pushed the woman away, and blocked the black-robed man.

"You little brat, get out of the way for Lao Tzu!

Looking at the girl who was in the way, the black-robed man suddenly showed an impatient expression on his face.

"Don't hurt my mom, please don't...

The little girl said with a stubborn face, her fists clenched, and her eyes were filled with crystal tears.

"Yo huh! Dare to fight with Lao Tzu! Hearing

that this little girl actually dared to talk back to him, the black-robed man's eyes flashed coldly, and he directly raised his foot and kicked over.

"Bang... "

A kick kicked the little girl's body fiercely, and her whole body flew out upside down and fell heavily on the ground.

"Poof... A

large mouthful of blood spurted out, and the little girl went straight unconscious.

"Hmph! Still dare to talk back to Lao Tzu, really don't I dare to kill you?! A

sinister smile appeared on the black-robed man's face, and he was ready to do it again.

"Stop! "

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