Jean Of Bright City 13

Chapter 81: Fight! Molu (on)

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"I said Jean, what's the name of your old song?"

At the end of the young season with wine glasses, in the joyful atmosphere of the bar, drunkenly leaning on the bar, watching the whistle blowing, silently drinking Jean, the joyous atmosphere of the scene calmed down with this whistle.

The melody that is slightly sad but soft and suitable for dreaming makes many people indulge in the sweet voice, and at the end of the season, he listens intoxicatedly.


There was a round of applause in the bar, and Jean took a sip of liquor and said flatly.

"Previously, when people could only live in underground mines, a lady often played this tune in order to coax the child to sleep."

"Jean, what age were you from? Wow, haha, what dreams are you talking about?"


The memory in my mind so far appeared like a walking light. At the end of the season, he took off his glasses slightly and pressed the middle of his nose with a sad tone of voice.

"Only going straight ahead, and showing no fear, can break through all obstacles."

After taking a breath of smoke, Jean stood up, throwing away his cigarette butts, the uniform he was throwing away, and the uniform flying in the wind landed gently on the ground, with a striking white-red vortex pattern on the shoulder.

"This road does not work. The two of you have now been arrested for violating the crime of urban harm. If you resist..."

Jean’s expression began to become very serious, his eyes cold, and his smile evil.

"First beat you to death."


With his head bowed at the end of the season, C139 had raised his arms to make a defensive appearance, but he only saw a light blue light. The whole person had flew out backwards and slammed into an underground on the rails On the iron, even people took the subway and flew out.


A spit of blood spewed out, and C139 suffered a violent impact, his eyes widened in pain, and all the plans were crossed in his head, and his head began to faint.


Jean dropped his left foot and stood on the same step as the end of the season. His right foot was gently on the back step. His movements were elegant and his body bent slightly. His head reached the end of the season's ear, and his hand was inserted into his pocket.

"How many years are the end of the season?"

"More than 30 years."

Jean grinned slightly.

"Accurately, 33 years, 4 months, and 23 days. I don't want to hear what you are debating. For some kind of justice, or for the future of mankind, follow me back."

At the end of the season, he put his glasses in his pocket and smiled slightly, but the smile at the end of the season was a little crazy.

"I don't want to argue anything, and I don't want to get your relief or understanding. It's just that once you said that a man wants to do something, there is no reason, right?"


"This dead boy, you have to say it several times before you can understand it. The water was finally obtained from the aid station. If you are thirsty, just pass it."

"Mom, just drink a little bit."

"Saliva just over."

C139 came awake, there was a tingling pain in his back, he widened his eyes, a piece of iron pierced his abdomen, the tip had protruded his belly, his fangs widened his eyes, and he howled angrily, unclamped Holding his metal wagon, he pulled the sharp object out of his body a little bit, and he rolled off the subway crushed by the impact.


The blood dripped, C139 pressed the abdomen and back, pulled off the clothes, and leaned his head to tighten the bleeding part. His consciousness was still a little vague, but what appeared in front of him was a golden throne on the steps. one hand.

"You must not fall here, even God cannot stop me."

During the speech, C139 pressed a hand on the rib of his semi-mechanized body. After pulling off the skin, a small red button was exposed. The moment he pressed it, his stiff body was able to move after just a few seconds, pain The feeling disappeared instantly, and he looked at the two on the stairs obsessively.

As long as Jien is dragged down to give the end of the season time to escape to the Southern District, he can find ways to escape, and the plan can continue to be implemented.

The almost crazy C139 ran quickly. Their semi-mechanical biochemical transformation can cut off the pain nerves. This is a very periodical method. The pain will make the body extremely inflexible. Now is the time to fight for life.

As a mutant with only level B, C139 had undergone a semi-mechanical biochemical transformation surgery as early as 10 years ago. All this was to wait for this opportunity to be on the throne.

"Adult at the end of the season, you go first, we must not fall here, our subordinates will do their loyal duties."

A furious roar sounded, and with the flames coming out, the already burning C139 flew up to Jean.

Jean squeezed C139's neck and made a sizzling noise. The flame burned his clothes. At the end of the season, he rushed up the stairs. Jean turned his head and didn't look at C139.

"Little myself go away."


With a loud noise, the stone steps shattered, and C139 was hit by Jean on the ground. The moment he turned around and just rushed over, he stopped.

"Who is the little one?"

The flame on C139 was extinguished. There was a dark hole at the fingertips of his raised hands. The sun was shining. In front of Jean, a dazzling light flashed across the bottom of his eyes from time to time. The white silk line at the subway station.

"Who defines it, who is the king, who is the pawn!"

Jean tilted his head and squinted at C139. He was already scarred. Although he had just received the first blow, he had been seriously injured.

"Do you want to die?"


With C139's hands crossed, Jean quickly turned back into the air and rose in the air, then fell down the stairs.

Pieces of rock fell off the wall. C139 turned around and looked at Jean with excitement. He only had to hold on for 10 minutes. Even if it was the end of the season with ordinary people, he could run to In some people's neighborhoods, as long as they run to the South District, they will be foolproof, and the people above should have sent people to answer.

"Give up resistance, you can't run away."

C139 grinned terribly and shook his head constantly.

"You never looked down at the ground, Jean."

A cigarette burned, and Jean took a long sip, smiling slightly helplessly.

"Idiot, wouldn't it be unsteady if you didn't look at your feet?"

With a burst of laughter, C139 jumped towards Jean, the fingers of both hands were manipulating the invisible line, and he drew towards Jean.


Having left the subway at the end of the season, he did not run, but looked at the subway exit that had blocked most of the collapsed stones in front of him. C139 laughed loudly inside him. He was surprised, but he seemed to understand He smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"A cicada is a cicada, and no matter how hard it becomes a mantis, it can't be a carduelis or a kid."

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