Chapter 267: Bastard?

"He is a well-known master of fraud in the Republic of China, good at landscapes, flowers and birds, and Buddha statues."

"He studied under the famous ancient master Wang Zhuxu. He has been immersed for many years and has superb skills. The ancient paintings he copied can reach the point of being fake and real, and he even stuns many experts."

"His real name is Zhao Wengong."

Hearing Chen Guanyang's explanation, everyone present was stunned.

They are no strangers to copying everyone.

The most famous one in the Republic of China was Zhang Daqian.

Naturally, Zhang Daqian needless to say more, and together with Qi Baishi, he called "Zhang in the South and Qi in the North".

But his other public identity is "Master of Counterfeiting"!

And, how awesome is this person? He did not shy away from making fakes!

Even publicly admit it.

This is already at a certain level.

It is said that Zhang Daqian has copied all the authentic works of famous masters in the past dynasties no less than ten times, among which the best is the copy of Shi Tao, the "four monks in the early Qing Dynasty"!

It can be called false and true, and it has deceived countless people. The world gave him the nickname "Shi Tao Resurrection"!

To what extent is the work he copied?

Chen Banding, a well-known painter and collector and appraiser, once took out a Shi Tao album of his own collection and invited friends to appreciate it.

Zhang Daqian glanced at it and admitted publicly that "I painted this."

Everyone didn't believe it, Zhang Daqian directly picked up a stroke and drew a picture, and the audience was shocked.

And the most amazing thing is that even the works he copied are still high at auction, with millions of them at every turn!

Some are even more valuable than the original.

This is quite outrageous.

Of course, this Zhao Wengong is not very famous.

So the works he copied are not so valuable, just as Lin Chen said, only four figures.

"This Zhao Wengong was originally just for copying, but I didn't expect someone to sell his works as authentic."

Lin Chen continued: "So, in order to save his reputation and learn from the pain, in his later years, every copy of his work will leave his nickname, Duobao Painter."

Everyone couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Sure enough it is a fake."

"Well, if you don't take it apart, who can tell there is a fake?"

"Unlucky for this boss, hundreds of thousands have been beaten up."

At this time, Hua's shirt was completely messy, and her heart was as greasy as she had eaten shit.

I really responded to Lin Chen's words...

If you say it, the picture is worthless.

He stood on the spot, staring at the four words stubbornly, his face full of resentment, and his fists clumped together fiercely.

"This treasure friend."

At this moment, Chen Guanyang said loudly: "This matter is my fault at Yonghe Auction House."

"Here, I will pay you no."

"In addition, the previous appraisal fee will also be refunded."

When he said something, a lot of applause suddenly sounded.

"Old Chen deserves to be a master!"

"Knowing mistakes can be corrected, and doing good things is great."

"If it was someone else, they would have been killed and refused to admit it, or even confessed their relationship."

"Yes! And he can humbly ask a young man for advice, it shows that he is broad-minded."

"Old Chen is good! Yonghe Auction House is good."

"Old Chen is getting older, and it is inevitable that we all understand it when we get confused."

"That's it, no one can bear to see hundreds of things a day."

The friends' eyes were sharp, and they all uttered their support immediately.

Chen Guanyang was a little surprised.

He didn't expect that he had missed it, but not only did his reputation remain unaffected, he actually circled a wave of fans...

"Forget the appraisal fee, I don't need it."

"Boy, I remember you."

Hua Shirt gave Lin Chen a bitter look.

What he cares about is not this little money, what he cares about is being dulled by Lin Chen.

After pressing a harsh word, he immediately got out of the crowd in a desperate manner.

"Come on, Jianbao continue."

Lin Chen beckoned and shouted at the crowd: "Please keep order and line up."

"Listen to Master Lin!"

After experiencing the incident just now, many Tibetan friends became more convinced of Lin Chen.

Just as Lin Chen was preparing for the next game, the antique world of Demon Capital had already exploded.

"Have you heard? Even Chen Guanyang of Yonghe Auction House has to consult the auctioneer named Lin Chen from Qianbaidu."

"What? Chen Guanyang"

"God! Chen Guanyang actually wants to follow Lin Chen as a teacher? Don't you know? Of course it's true!"

"Mom, Chen Guanyang actually accepted a master..."

It was originally a matter of asking each other for advice, but it was getting more and more outrageous.

Even many tabloid reporters were alarmed.

Those from the media have posted a lot of posts, which is dazzling.

【Shock! Chen Guanyang worshipped a young man as a teacher! 】

[On the secrets that Chen Guanyang and Lin Chen have to say. 】

[Lin Chen, formerly known as Chen Chen, is the illegitimate son of Chen Guanyang! 】

Various headline parties have pushed the already lively events to a new level.

In addition, the blood relationship between Lin Chen and Chen Guanyang was highly excavated.

Just when everyone has one head and two are big.

The handed down collection can't sit still.

"In one morning, these thousands of Baidus have already been searched twice. Is it worth it?"

"Hey, even Mr. Chen has compromised. The situation is a bit bad."

"By the way... Lin Chen is really Chen Guanyang's illegitimate son?"

"Asshole, you believe in such nonsense."

There was a lot of discussion in the lobby.

Many people are discussing the online video of Chen Guanyang and Lin Chen just now.

Originally, as employees of Handed Down Collection, they did not put Qianbaidu in their eyes at all.

After all, they ranked third, and Thousand Baidu ranked fifth, with a fourth in between...


No one thought that the fourth one would be so unconvinced that he would be directly persuaded.

Of course, they didn't know that Chen Guanyang had already played against Lin Chen, otherwise it would never have been that attitude.

"Okay, talk less about some things."

At this moment, an old man in his sixties took a sip of ginseng tea and rubbed his puffy old eyes.

He is Lai Jiahong, the chief appraiser of the handed down collections, and he is extremely prestigious.

When Lai Lao spoke, everyone was silent.

"Lao Lai, this auction list is still very important..."

"Thousands of Baidu are so strong now, we can't just sit back and watch."


Lai Jiahong snorted softly and gasped for a long time.

"What can a boy in his twenties have?"

"What's the reaction of the other two?"

He asked in a deep voice.

"Nothing happened."

A young buddy replied.

"Hehe, it's all a bunch of old foxes."

A sly smile appeared on Lai Jiahong's old face.

The cake in the magic city is so big, some people eat too much, some people can't eat it.

The two auction houses ranked first and second would never allow Qian Baidu to provoke them to their positions.

The reason why he didn't make a move was just waiting for his own response.

If you don't see rabbits or scatter eagles, they are all old men who live well, who doesn't know who.

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