
Chapter 114

After returning to the state, we were trapped in the camp and assigned it separately, from daily supplies to military training, we were distinguished from the soldiers next to us, and soon there were many dissatisfied voices, saying that we were trapped in the camp and hung up a false name, and it was not counted as eating and drinking all day long, and we were all choosing the best to eat and use, and even more so, we actually began to spread rumors in private that Lu Bu began to organize private soldiers, and had the mind to argue with Ding Yuan.

When I was drinking that night, I told Lu Bu what I heard, Lu Bu laughed when he heard it, Zhang Liao didn't put the wine in his mouth, and said with the wine on his lips: "It's Fengxian's private soldier." Lu Bu nodded and said: "Yes, this army that can fight and train is of course my own, otherwise let Ding Yuan's relatives occupy various important positions in the army, and there will be a crisis in the future, who will be expected to quell the rebellion!"

Only then did I know that Lu Bu valued me deeply, and said on the spot that he would continue to practice his ability to lead troops. Lu Bu said to me: "You have never liked to drink, which is a good thing for those who lead troops to fight. I wondered, "I haven't heard of it." Lu Bu said: "I died because of drinking and misconduct, so naturally I can't hear it." Zhang Liao took over the conversation and said: "Although he doesn't drink alcohol, he eats a lot of meat." With him, there is not enough food at this table.

Lu Bu waited until I finished arguing with Zhang Liao before he said: "This is difficult to say, it is easy to say, it is simple to say, it is nothing more than two points, you have to rush in front of the brothers in the war, and you have to be behind the brothers when you divide the treasures." After hearing this, Zhang Liao exclaimed: "This is difficult!" Lu Bu nodded, Zhang Liao also pondered and did not speak, so I pondered these two points over and over again.

On May 30, there was a strange sight of the Tengu Eclipse Day. At that time, I was practicing in the back mountain, which was densely wooded, and I didn't feel much change in the sky. However, many people in the city said that they had seen the tengu eclipse with their own eyes, and the originally bright sun suddenly appeared a gap, and even the sunlight dimmed. Many people looked up, and many were blind for no reason, some were blind after a short period of blindness, and some were literally blind.

The people wailed together, and there were some experienced old people who took out gongs and drums from home to beat them, and for a time there was chaos outside the city of Jinyang, and the sound of gongs and drums and cries were mixed together, and even we who were training in the back mountains heard it. Li Zhong waited and asked: "Isn't it the Yellow Turban Thief who has entered the city?" I raised my hand to fight, Li Zhong was so frightened that he hid aside, the peddler was so tired that he sat on the ground after training, and said weakly: "If those stupid thieves rush into the city to harass the people, heh, Lu Ye can bury them all alone." "

As soon as I heard this, Zhang Liao and Lu Bu were all in the city, and they could hold it when the sky fell, so I sent two brothers with neat legs and feet back to visit Xin'er, and we continued to practice ours, until Tan'er came back, I didn't know that there was a solar eclipse.

Ren Qiang was older than us and knew a little more, and he was a little worried when he heard that it was an eclipse: "When the tengu comes, they can't look directly at the sun, and those farmers who make crops don't understand, so they must have hurt their eyes." I also thought it was strange, so I asked Ren Qiang, "Is it really that evil?" Ren Qiang explained: "The old man in the village said that when the emperor often behaves and behaves that are detrimental to virtue, God will condemn the world and make the sun we rely on disappear." The big head answered: "I heard that it took less than a stick of incense to swallow." Ren Qiang shook his bald head and muttered, "Then I don't know." "

I thought in my heart that this Emperor Ling has not been smooth in recent years, first Taiping Dao rebelled all over the country, Xiliang has Nangong Boyu and a group of people rebelled, and there are Xianbei people looting everywhere in Youzhou and Zhou, the emperor's Nangong was burned by the fire for no reason, this year has just been repaired, this God has condemned the world again, it is true to say that the king's immoral behavior is at a loss, but there are a slight signs of chaos above, and the people of Li below us will be widely implicated, although on the one hand, there is some schadenfreude about what happened to Emperor Ling, but when I calm down and think about it, I am more worried about the impact on the people of our bitter cold land。

After a few days, when we returned to the city after training, we were tired like dead dogs, and the rituals and music in the city were continuous, and we could hear it from afar, and it seemed that the old guy Ding Yuan had already begun to take action. An emergency meeting was held that night, and Lu Bu called me alone, and said straight to the point: "Shun'er, I have to bother you to go to Luoyang now." "

When I heard this, my head grew straight away! It's not that I'm afraid, but it's because I'm excited! Luoyang, that's the national imperial capital, where the emperor lived, how many emperors and generals have appeared in that place in ancient times, how can it be a place where a local chicken and a dog like me can go?

My excited palms were faintly sweating, and Lu Bu thought I was afraid, so he smiled and said, "Don't be nervous first, I'm not sending you to fight." Zhang Liao rolled his eyes next to him and said, "If you really want to fight Luoyang, I will definitely not send you there!" This time I caught talking stubble, so I said to Zhang Liao proudly: "Don't be complacent, son dog, although your martial arts are stronger than mine, and your riding skills are better than mine, but who of our brothers now has a real army under his hands? Whoever goes to the camp must be honored as a master? Who is now half a high-ranking official, and who is the deputy general of whom?"

After I finished talking in a row, Zhang Liao's face turned green with anger. After the establishment of the trapping camp on the same day, Lu Bu made up the formalities for me, and after a series of stamps and stamps, I was actually one level higher than Zhang Liao. Lu Bu said casually: "Since a new combat unit has been established, don't be idle, it just so happens that Wenyuan doesn't have an official position, so let's be assigned to your camp as a deputy general, so it can be regarded as having a letter appointed by the imperial court." "Although Zhang Liao is a hundred reluctant, but after all, even if he is registered in the imperial court when he enters the trapping camp, the bandit-born dog son naturally refuses to let go of this opportunity, and reluctantly comes to our battalion, the position is my lieutenant, but he doesn't train with me, and still follows Lu Bu all day long.

Whenever there is a big and important matter, as long as I fight with Zhang Wenyuan, Lu Bu has to put things aside for a while, and listen to our battle for 300 rounds before the two sides hold the fight. Lu Bu said to me: "The request for 'saving the sun' in the capital has come down, and we have asked all our states and counties to send capable people to Luoyang to listen to the Venerable Master's opening of the altar and teach the Fa, and then teach it to the states and counties after returning from their studies, so as to ensure that the 'saving the sun' activity will achieve complete results."

I heard that one head became two heads, and I asked in a daze: "What 'only hurts people'?" Lu Bu emphasized: "It is the master of Zhizhi, his full name is Zhilou Jiayu, he is a high-ranking monk of the Yueshi country, and he came to Luoyang to teach the scriptures during the Guanghe years, and Emperor Huan and Emperor Ling all respected him, and he would be invited to preside over the overall situation whenever this kind of national event occurred, and this time was no exception." As

soon as I heard that I was going to Luoyang to listen to the monk's chanting, and saw Zhang Wenyuan's dog son smiling ill-intentionedly, I shook my head vigorously and said: "I don't know a few big characters, where can I understand this thing? It's better to ask Zhang Wenyuan to go, he knows everything about poetry, books and songs, and he is not much better than me!"

Lu Bu and Zhang Liao looked at each other and smiled, as if they had made up their minds that I would definitely go, so they heard Zhang Liao say: "There is still something I haven't said, I said that I promise that you will be the first to go, and no one can stop you." I was not angry with him and said: "You are less here, in order to listen to the great monk chanting the scriptures, you can make up any nonsense."

Lu Bu said with a smile: "Then you really wronged Wen Yuan this time, he really wanted to go, but considering your preferences, he still decided to give you this great thing." I knew that Lu Bu would never lie to me, and when I heard him say this, I got up and sat down there with my hands outstretched: "Say! If it's really a good thing, I'll invite my dog son to drink." Zhang Liao laughed and said, "Hey, I'm afraid the dog son is going to bleed today." I

heard Lu Bu say: "This Venerable Master is not only a great monk who can speak the Tao, but also a supreme master of Buddhism, and the 'Prince of Vitan' An Shigao is tied for the first place in the world.

I couldn't bite a word clearly, and stumbled and said for a long time: "Fart, what kind of phlegm is fart?" Zhang Liao leaned back with a smile, and kept wiping his tears and said: "Fengxian, let me tell you, don't tell this fool about the cause and effect, how does he know who An Shigao is!"

Although Lu Bu also laughed, he didn't have Zhang Liao's mocking joy, he said to me: "If you don't understand, you have to learn, and if you learn it, you will understand?" I nodded with a flushed face, but I still didn't understand what the fart prince was.

Lu Bu continued: "Vitan is a Buddhist term, usually referring to the Hinayana Buddhism, this An Shigao was originally the prince of the rest of the country, and later had an epiphany and became a monk from all over the country, and he was in Luoyang and this branch of the Venerable Master are translating Buddhist scriptures and spreading the Dharma, and has a high reputation.

I wondered: "How can a monk who recites scriptures and hits the bell all day long be a master of martial arts?" Lu Bu was slightly surprised and said: "Not only is it a master of martial arts, this An Shigao is still a half-immortal body, it is rumored that when he traveled to Lushan, he once overtook a local giant python, the giant python made waves in Poyang Lake, eating countless people, An Shigao heard it and said that the giant python was his classmate in his previous life, and after his death due to his violent personality, he became a giant python and became the god of Tinghu Lake, entrenched in that Poyang Lake. An Shigao chanted the sutra for seven days and seven nights, and the god of Nating Lake shed his skin and became a teenager, and he no longer harmed the local people.

When I was listening to it from ear to ear, Zhang Liao also answered: "Another time, when An Shigao went to Jiaozhou to visit Li Jin, the king of Lingnan, he was killed by a young man on the street in full view, but he came back to life soon after.

I couldn't believe it: "Being a monk is so awesome?" Lu Bu nodded and said: "Although this Venerable Master does not have so many magical legends as An Shigao, but in terms of Buddhism, An Shigao is only Hinayana Buddhism, and the Venerable Master is Mahayana Buddhism, do you say

it is powerful?" I sat there like a fool and said, "I don't understand what is big or small, but it seems that the bigger ones will be more powerful."

Zhang Liao snorted coldly and said, "What's more powerful than that-I heard that the people of the branch are going to personally preach the Dharma this time, not only the Prince An Shigao of Bitan just mentioned will come, but even those peerless masters who are the four peerless masters in the world will come together to talk about Xi martial arts, do you say it is powerful?"

As soon as I heard the words 'four extremes', I slammed the big hammer in my heart.

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