
Chapter 143

A few days later, I woke up slowly, and it was Tai Shici who was guarding me. The room was quiet and empty, and the smell of incense burners unique to the temple could be heard in the distance. Tai Shi Ci was very happy to see that I was awake, and patted me and said, "You still know how to open your eyes! I thought you had just fallen asleep!"

I moved slightly, and I gasped in pain. There is really no place in the whole body that does not hurt inside and out, and the bones and veins of the whole body are broken after a fight with Li Jin. My heart sank, when I was fighting on the stage, my head was hot and reckless, thinking that even if I died, I would have to pull him Li Jin, now I was okay and calmed down, and my heart began to gradually become afraid, afraid that I would be disabled, let alone follow Lu Bu to fight in the future, it would become a problem to even get out of bed and walk.

I asked Tai Shi Ci, "Why are you here with me, and what about them?" I was referring to Wang Shihao, Fan Jianghui, and a few of their entourage that I brought, but Tai Shi Ci thought I was talking about Cao Cao, Sun Ce and others. Tai Shici slapped me on the leg again and said: "What a big face you kid is, isn't it enough to have me here to accompany the bed, what kind of character is Cao Mengde, then Sun Ce and Zhou Yu don't look at their young age, their family is also a well-known number one person, how can they be as kind as me to put An Shigao's Dharma class and not listen to it, and make a special trip here to accompany you!".

I only felt that I had slept in a daze for a few days, but I didn't know that the lecture was still going on, so I asked, "Isn't the lecture over yet?" Tai Shici shook his head and said: "Where, it's too exaggerated, I talked for seven days and seven nights in a row, everyone rested on the spot when they were tired, and when they were hungry, they went to the back meditation room to eat vegetarian fasting." Tai Shi Ci approached to show me his face and said, "See, my face is blue."

I smiled and said to him: "It turns out that you don't particularly care about me, but to skip class!" Tai Shici smiled and said, "Take care of both, both left and right." However, they will also come to see you when they are off class, and the people on Yuan Shao's side are not pleasing to us, but you defeated Li Jin, who is the best in the world, in front of everyone, and many people have become your hardcore supporters. "

I thought to myself that it was really a catastrophe and that if I didn't die, there would be a blessing in the future, and I was about to play with Li Jin at that time, but it turned out to be a mistake and broke his pangolin palm, Li Jin couldn't save face and admitted defeat and left, so I was lucky to leave my life.

Suddenly I remembered something, I wanted to reach out to pull Tai Shi Ci's clothes, but the pain made me feel a thrill. Tai Shi Ci saw that my expression was different, so he asked, "What's wrong?" My voice couldn't help but tremble a little, and asked, "What about my master? What about my master Huang Haitang?

Tai Shici's face sank when he heard this, and my mood also plummeted. Tai Shi Ci thought about how to say this, and was silent for a long time, and I waited for a long time, and Tai Shi Ci sighed and said: "At that time, you were in a mess after the fight, and with the departure of the Venerable Master and the King of Lingnan, we exchanged words under the stage, and at this time, a few of us rushed up to observe your injury, but we were stopped by Abhitama, and he himself diagnosed your injury. I asked, "Is An Shigao himself?" Tai Shici nodded, "Yes, his internal strength cultivation is good, it is said that it took a lot of methods to protect your heart, and did not let the blood flow back to you and leave you disabled, although the remaining problems are more troublesome to deal with, but An Shigao said, as long as you recuperate well, there will be no major problems with normal people in the future." I

was a little relieved to hear this, but I didn't know why I was still suffocated. So he muttered, "So my master is also gone, isn't it?" Tai Shi Ci said: "It was too chaotic at the time, and several of our attention was on you, and we didn't care about her at all." I nodded, my expression was gloomy, and Tai Shici said when he saw this: "Then you can stay by yourself for a while, and I'll go to the back to see if the meal is ready, and call you some." "

After Tai Shici left, the whole meditation room became more secluded, and I even began to think that it would be good if I lived here alone in the future, every day I was full of food and chanting, and I was hungry to eat, carefree, the only trouble was that I couldn't eat meat, anyway, I don't like to drink. Thinking about it this way, I seem to be quite suitable to be a monk, but the current monks are all foreigners from the Yueshi country, and no one in our Han Dynasty dares to officially shave, to put it bluntly, I am afraid that being a monk cannot marry a wife and have children is a business that cuts off children and grandchildren, I wonder if I will be the first local monk to be particularly famous. But this doesn't work, if that's the case, then people in the world will spread bad things about me, they say that since I won Li Jin, I suddenly saw through the red dust and left home. Good guy, Li Jin's palm cut off the love thread for me.

- I can't help but start missing Huang Haitang again. I have never been able to figure out why Huang Haitang is so out of control in front of Li Jin, is it because of emotional entanglements, or are they old acquaintances? I only know that the two of them can be grandchildren when they are young, and Huang Haitang's qigong and martial arts all the way are taught by Li Jin, and the others can no longer connect the two of them.

In my opinion, Huang Haitang, such a heroic and crazy little demon girl, would lose all her mind for an old man who was over half a hundred years old, and even disdained me to fight for her, and even refused to stay to see me more, so she took advantage of the chaos to chase Li in. I thought of the days when we spent time together day and night last year, even if I hadn't stood up for her today, even if I had been injured by inadvertently fighting someone next to me, she would have to stop to look at me and ask me how I was!

I struggled to sit up, leaning against the head of the bed and the wall, although every inch of my body moved was a pain from all directions, but the pain in my body was greater, and it would somewhat alleviate some of the depression in my head. A voice lingered in my head all the time, hovering like a viper and refusing to leave.


long after, because of the physical exhaustion caused by moving my body, I actually leaned on the head of the bed and fell asleep groggy. Later, Tai Shici came back with a bowl of vegetables to wake me up, and the fragrance from the green leaves woke me up. Since I couldn't move my hands, Tai Shici fed me spoonful by spoonful. After eating, he felt even more hungry in his stomach, and shouted again and again to add rice, Tai Shici went back and forth several times to serve the food, and finally couldn't help complaining: "You are a rice bucket, you haven't eaten a drop of water for a few days, and this meal seems to make up for all the food in the past few days."

I smiled at him and said, "You don't understand this, do you? This is called a general's belly, which is the belly of leading troops to fight." I've heard people say that if you want to be a general, you first have to be able to eat general's food. The general's meal is a special amount of food that can be practiced for some special environmental factors when marching and fighting.

Tai Shi Ci opened his eyes and thought for a while, and asked, "Who told you this nonsense?" I chewed the vegetable leaves and replied, "It's either Lu Bu or Zhang Liao." I thought about it again and said with certainty: "It should be Zhang Liao, Lu Bu won't teach me this boundless thing." Tai Shici said: "Hey, then I will have to beat him up when I see this person named Zhang Liao in the future." I asked, "Why?" Tai Shi Ci said, "He fooled you." "

With him here to talk to me, my mood is gradually getting better. I asked him, "How is the injury on your body?" Tai Shi Ci touched his belly and said hatefully: "It's nothing, that old yin is too damaged, I tried to find him several times to theorize, and I asked Zhou Yu's kid to stop me." "

I can't help but admire Zhou Yu for being a big ghost and doing things more thoughtfully than us adults. I said to Tai Shici: "Even if you knock on the door now, that old Yin Bi will not admit it, and maybe he will beat you up and give you a framed hat." Tai Shi Ci took a mouthful of thick phlegm, so angry that he didn't know what to say.

I asked him again: "Do you know that your master has been here, why didn't you go back with him?" Tai Shi Ci was stunned and said, "Which master?" I exclaimed: "You fought with me for him, and you forgot about it now?" Tai Shi Ci patted his thigh and stood up, and said excitedly: "Is the old man here of the Sword God?" I will go to his old man to ask him for advice on swordsmanship. I sighed and said, "You really kowtow to the back of your head, he left early, and he walked with Li Jin." Tai Shi Ci was disappointed, and said sadly: "Why didn't anyone tell me!" I said helplessly: "I guess I know your master-apprentice relationship, Cao Cao and Zhou Yu Where do they know, and although Zhao Yun is a subordinate of Tong Yuan, he and his master didn't come when they fought in Tianfengling last year."

Tai Shici was very upset and so angry that he hammered his legs again and again. I comforted him and said, "You don't have to be so discouraged, your own master, one day you miss a special trip to visit." Tai Shi Ci shook his head again and again when he heard this, and said: "I am not an official disciple of the Sword God! The reason why I went up to Heng Mountain with him last year was that when the old man of the Sword God and the old man of our state and county steward talked together, he heard that there was such a person as me, so he called him to play two swordsmanship and showed him, and his old man immediately pointed out that I had made a lot of improvements, and I was very convinced, and I just arrived at the end of the year, so I accompanied him to Heng Mountain.

I was speechless when I heard this, and it took me a while to react and ask, "So you are not his disciple?" Tai Shi Ci thought for a while and said, "It's not a formal disciple, although it is also treated as a master, but after all, the time is urgent, and I don't have time to perform formal etiquette." After a while, Tai Shi Ci added: "The same is true of that Senior Brother Ma, when we stopped to drink tea at a post station, Master was overheard by him when he was teaching us some swordsmanship theories, Senior Brother Ma laughed and said, 'The theory is pedantic, but the style is not small. I was amazed when I heard it, and said, "This Ma Chao really dares to say it, he dares to be so unethical in front of the sword god Li Yan."

Tai Shi Ci said: "Yes, I thought so at the time, there are people in the world who dare to say that the theory of the Sword God Master is not good, isn't this a clear search for death." I thought to myself that I had just half-entered the master's sect, and I was not yet a fully formal disciple, and I wanted to show my face in front of the master, so I immediately slapped the table and stood up, isn't it right with Senior Brother Ma. "

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