
Chapter 149

Kebi Neng's troops went out of Daqingshan, successively plundered Youzhou Macheng, Daijun and other places, followed by the breakthrough of Gaoliu, towards Yanmen County in Bingzhou, and wandered near Pingcheng.

Budugen was highly nervous after receiving Lu Bu's letter, he was actually fooled by Liu Bei, the old yinbi, at that time Liu Bei just poured him fierce medicine, confusing him and saying how rich and stable it was to replace Kebi Neng, how simple and easy the method was, as soon as Budugen came up, he didn't care about any kindred feelings, and stepped on Liu Bei's thief ship. As a result, Liu Bei took advantage of the situation to lead the largest Xianbei force entrenched in the north of Youzhou to Bingzhou, and after driving away Kebineng, he dominated the Youzhou side, and also robbed us of a batch of grain trucks by the way, including the grain master Hu Che'er was also abducted by him, and his whereabouts are still unknown.

First of all, the local Hu people and foreigners were accustomed to being disciplined by the graceful stick of Kebineng, and they did not buy the new Budugen, so it took him a long time to stabilize the local security. Secondly, this Yunzhong County is not as good as Liu Bei said, what materials are rich and dense, and the grass is dense, it is not like that. This Yunzhong County borders the grassland in the north, and borders Yanmen County and Wuyuan County in the east and west, and it has been a place of contention for soldiers since ancient times.

This time, Kebi can make a comeback, and Du Gen is even more frightened, when he was a nomadic tribe in the past, Kebi can have a family and a business, so he can use Liu Bei's power to take Cloud City in one fell swoop. Now his net worth and property are located here, for him in the bright Kebi can be in the dark, what he could do back then Kebi can also do now, if he is dignified and has a decisive battle with him, it would be good, I am afraid that Lai will not leave nearby, shoot you today and rob you of a vote tomorrow, Budugen is guarding an empty city that is not very rich in vain, I am afraid that I want to fight and have no heart. Fortunately, Lu Bu was righteous and took the initiative to contact him and send troops to fight together, Bu Dugen was very active, and immediately sent his first general Fu Luo Han to join us in the army. After leaving Jinyang, we met with Fu Luo Han in the Zuoyun area to discuss matters related to the attack on Kebineng.

Fu Luohan brought 10,000 elite soldiers, including 2,000 cavalry, 8,000 infantry, and about half of the elite of Yunzhong County were released. On our side, it was rather shabby, with a total of 800 cavalry and less than 2,000 infantry. Seeing this, Fu Luo Han was greatly blamed, and complained to Zhang Liao: "At the moment of the great enemy, your master Xiushu came to invite us to fight together, but he sent such a small number of soldiers and horses, could it be said that he wanted to take us to die for nothing?"

If you have any doubts, you don't have to go to war, just lend me 1,000 cavalry, and leave the rest to me!"

Zhang Liao said very simply: When the enemy's formation is chaotic, just beat the drum and march.

When I came back, I asked him, "Where are you so sure, that Kebineng has brought tens of thousands of people, and the mighty team can't see the first place, and you take less than 2,000 cavalry to charge into battle, what is the difference between

sending you to death?" Zhang Liao laughed and said: "You still defeated the four unique people in the world, once you get to the march to fight, how can you be like an idiot?" I was not convinced, and said angrily: "What kind of idiot?" Zhang Liao said: "It doesn't matter if he brings tens of thousands of people or hundreds of thousands of people, the total number of people engaged in the front is so many, I just need to break up the vanguard troops, and the rest of the people take advantage of the chaos to run, you step on me and I step on you, that kind of snowballing casualties are more than our own guns to stab to death."

I retorted to him: "You know that bragging, tens of thousands of people are like rainbows, how can you dare to say that you can defeat others with a shy bear face if you don't have 2,000 people?"


As usual, I don't believe Zhang Liao's bragging to me, but he lifted Lu Bu out, and his credibility inevitably increased a few points. I asked again: "Okay, even if as you said, Feng Xian'er is not there and you can only fight all the way, then what should I do next?"

Zhang Liao snorted, looking quite arrogant and said: "Then Liu Bei is willing to use the tactic of capturing the king to let his sworn brother risk his life to assassinate the leader of the enemy army, but if he fails, the consequences will be unimaginable." Feng Xian didn't allow us to use this kind of yin damage move from the beginning, and he would never do the so-called thing of injuring 10,000 enemies and mutilating 8,000 people, and he would never let our brothers take that kind of risk. So what we have Xi has always been a decent infantry combat method, that

is, our cavalry breaks up the formation-" I suddenly realized, and continued: "Then our infantry will fight the actual battle, follow up and crush the other party in one fell swoop?" Zhang Liao nodded and said: "In order to support your infantry, Fengxian asked for money to give money to people, and now when it is time to use you, how to fight yourself to see it, the boss of the camp surnamed Gao is not surnamed Zhang, the surname Zhang just opens the way for you, and the rest is up to you." "

Soon we will assemble and begin to advance towards the peaceful castle where Kebineng is entrenched. Pingcheng is at the junction of the two states, but the security of the city in the border area is not very good, for example, the people of Youzhou come to Pingcheng to commit something, and the officials of Youzhou will shirk and say that it is the prisoners of Youzhou, so they ask the officials of Youzhou to arrest, but the officials of Youzhou will say that it is in the boundary of the state and ask the officials of the state to arrest, and the two sides pass the buck to each other, and finally the offender escapes, and finally the matter is over, and there is no follow-up to say.

Since there was no prior engagement, we found a small group of patrol scouts when we reached the vicinity of Heijo. Zhang Liao didn't say a word and led the troops to chase up and cut down, and then the horse galloped, and when he arrived at the bottom of Pingcheng, the other party was not alert, the fire should be lit and the food should be eaten, the house robber was counting the materials, and the horse was resting on the back.

Zhang Liao gave an order to launch a general attack, his cavalry troops went straight into the center of the company camp and slashed and killed, I took the trap camp and other infantry brothers to follow, Hao Meng was responsible for commanding the infantry outside the trap camp, at this time I felt that it was better to wait and see the enemy's dynamics, don't rush in and people will rectify the formation in time and trap us inside.

I was very angry and shouted to Hao Meng: "Your mother's Zhang Wenyuan has led troops to kill, let's stay a little longer, they will have less support, and if they are surrounded, they will count on our infantry to rescue them!"

Hao Meng stared at me for a long time, although his attitude was soft, but he didn't give orders. My command is limited to the trapped camp, even if there are 10,000 people in the trapped camp, it is under my control, and another person outside the 100 people in the trapped camp is not under my jurisdiction, Hao Meng does not spit out, I naturally have no way to command his subordinates, although everyone knows the relationship between my Lu Bu and Zhang Liao, but the troops are like this, obey the superiors, one link after another, this is the rule.

I had no choice but to take a hundred traps and stick them into the enemy camp. Zhang Liao's cavalry was in a mess after it passed, and many Xianbei people didn't understand what was going on, and they were still in a trance, and when they saw that we were coming to a hundred and ten people's sword team, they raised their spirits again, and picked up the guys to fight us.

Zhang Liao was no longer to be found in the local ranks, and the scattered foreigners gradually gathered and surrounded us. I thought that only a hundred people in the camp would not be able to hold out for long, and I personally slashed and killed in front, but who knew that my brothers were also extremely fierce, and one hundred and ten people occupied one side like a dangerous mountain, and let him wind and waves still stand still.

In the second row, Ren Qiang and other pikemen were the mainstay, assisting the sword and shield soldiers in assassinating the attacking enemy, and it didn't take long for a large circle of people around us to be killed and wounded, and they were obviously all enemies.

At this time, Zhang Liao rushed back from the other side with people, and shouted at me from a distance: "Withdraw quickly, withdraw quickly! Their main force is coming!"

Soon a large number of enemy cavalry arrived, rumbling like a thunderstorm. Hao Meng's face was different, but he still forced himself to pretend to be calm. Zhang Liao and his cavalry were unaware, and when they saw that the other party was coming, they stepped on their horses and said to me: "Shun'er, let's go and kill for a while after we finish resting, don't rush to answer, we shouldn't be able to defeat them the first few times, after all, we have a limited number." When they are completely chaotic, for example, when the former army begins to help the Chinese army assist in defense and dispatch indiscriminately, it will be time for you to make a move. After speaking, he said to Hao Meng: "You follow Shun'er throughout the whole process, if you let me know that you are retreating from the battle, even if you die and come back from the battlefield, I will have to peel your skin!"

Hao Meng's face was particularly ugly, but I didn't care about him at all, just stared at the battle ahead. I saw Zhang Liao with less than 2,000 cavalry rushing back and forth on the enemy's left flank for a few battles, although it caused a great confusion in their border defense, but the front row and the middle of the head were not chaotic at all, so I kept Zhang Liao's words in mind and did not dare to act rashly.

After a few charges, Zhang Liao launched a fierce attack, carrying a gun and inserting it from the flank, and the brothers behind him followed, dividing the enemy from east to west, and when he appeared on the enemy's right flank, the enemy's formation was completely chaotic, and the people in the front row did not know what was happening. The Chinese army was opened, and the people on the left and the Chinese army were noisily chasing Zhang Liao, while the people on the right were killed a lot before they understood what was happening.

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