
Chapter 19

After passing the sheep intestine warehouse and going north, crossing the North Mountain, and then arriving at Loufu and Pei County, walking along the official road for a while, and then passing to Mayi. Zhang Liao turned a blind eye and still rode a horse in front. When Lu Bu saw it, he asked, "Passing by my hometown, how about we go and rest together?"

Zhang Liao said disdainfully, "Hey, there is no one at home, so it's okay not to go, it's important to hurry."

"I've been walking for almost a day, and I don't know if I have time to make a fire and cook when I enter the boundary of Dingxiang County." Let's go to the village to rest for a while!"

Saying that, Lu Bu led everyone into Mayi Village, and the villagers were all frightened when they saw the soldiers entering the village, and they were all scared and screamed, and Lu Bu sent Wei Yue to lead the soldiers everywhere to tell people that they just passed through the soldiers and did not rob people and did not collect food, and they did not settle down until they were impetuous after more than half an hour.

The villagers of Lu Butuo led the way to the ruins of the Nie family, and it was indeed a large mansion that was more than enough to accommodate 800 soldiers. Lu Bu let everyone eat first, and then did not leave the courtyard if there was nothing to do, so as not to disturb the people. Then he asked the merchants in the village to mobilize wood and stone from elsewhere, and arranged for everyone to rebuild the tiled house for the Nie family.

Zhang Liao stopped, "My hometown is uninhabited, what are you spending this world repairing it!

Lu Bu instructed the brothers to continue to work and ignore him, "The more no one lives, the more we must repair beautifully, and we must not be overlooked." When you break into fame and fortune in the future, you will come here to build a new house, and build it directly on the original site of the Nie family's ruins, and tell the world that after you Zhang Wenyuan is the Nie family, you have not dishonored the prestige of your ancestors!"

Zhang Liao was stunned when he heard this, and he thought for a long time before he went to work with everyone.

More than 800 people built a house, and the soldiers were digging trenches all day long to repair the village, so a small house was simply not a problem, and it didn't take much effort to turn it over after the stone and wood arrived. It could be seen that Zhang Liao was very happy, shouting back and forth, and his face was full of radiance.

Lu Bu sat side by side with me on the threshold of the courtyard and watched everyone busy, and asked me, "Does Shun'er know the origin of this Mayi?"

I shook my head, how could I know this. I used to only know when wheat is planted and when it is ripe, but now I know a little bit about cutting people, but compared to the vast world, I am still as ignorant as a straw.

Lu Bu waited for a while, without the slightest intention of showing off, and said in a calm tone, "Here, it used to be the place where the Qin Dynasty general Meng Tian chased the Xiongnu north to besiege the city and raise horses, so it was called Mayi." "

Is Meng Tian very powerful?"

"Garrisoned in the nine counties for more than ten years, recovered the Hetao and built the Great Wall, and defended against the Xiongnu shock.

"I'm not familiar with him, but I still think you're a little better."

Lu Bu laughed, "There are legends and stories in this Mayi, do you want to listen to them?"

I liked these the most, so I begged him to tell them quickly.

"When the city was first built, it was not called Mayi, but just a defensive fortress. However, near the end of the fortifications, there were many collapses, and no matter how much the soldiers and craftsmen repaired them, it was useless. Later, out of nowhere, a flying horse came and ran around the place where the city wall had collapsed, and some people built the city along the trail of the horses' hooves, and the city wall did not collapse anymore.

"It's not exciting at all, I thought it was the kind of marching and fighting. "

There are those too, do you want to hear it?" I

nodded vigorously, and Lu Bu said, "Our Han Dynasty's border fortress was always violated by the Xiongnu before, and it was friendly and sent money, and the Xiongnu often received money and took people without faith, and killed and plundered the people on our border three or four times.

I glared, "So damnable?!Fuck you!"

"I can't hit it." The Huns live far away in the desert, or live in Qilian Mountain, and when you raise a large number of soldiers, they will have long disappeared, and when your army withdraws, they will come back and do nonsense. "


angry, I'm angry!" Lu Bu smiled and gave me a back, "Yes, Shun'er is angry, Emperor Wu is also angry, and it just so happened that at this time, the ancestor of his family stood up and came up with an idea." As

he spoke, Lu Bu pointed to Zhang Liao's back.

"His family's original surname was Nie, and his ancestor was called Nie Yi, who was the one who came up with the idea. It was precisely because of this move that angered the foreign clan, and the descendants of the Nie family changed their surnames to avoid trouble. At that time, Nie Yi said, 'The Xiongnu are often border troubles, so it is better to take advantage of their unpreparedness and relatives to lure them into the fortress and ambush the troops to attack, and they will win a great victory.'

I was glad to hear it, "Shoot! Fuck it!"

"Yes, shoot." Our Emperor Wu also thought so, so he sent an army of 300,000 to ambush in the Mayi Valley, and arranged for the flying general Li Guang to ambush in the rear of the Xiongnu, preparing to seize their baggage. "

Okay, good! Fight, fight!"

Then Nie Yi went to the meeting alone, and entered the Xiongnu tent alone, deceived the trust of the Xiongnu king on the pretext of stealing the city, and prepared to lure the enemy deeper. "

Fuck me, such a seed?"

"yes, a lot of guts. All the preparations were done, but the king of the Xiongnu brought an army of 100,000 to a place more than 100 miles away from Mayi and noticed the ambush, so he ordered people to withdraw the army, and everything was arranged in vain. "

I listened to it with great energy, and when I learned that the Huns had withdrawn, I didn't feel disappointed.

"Isn't that meaningless!"

"And it's very important."

"After that, our Han Dynasty will no longer humiliate and kiss the Huns, anyway, they will tear their faces, so it's better to have a good time." Therefore, this unsuccessful 'siege of Mayi' opened the prelude to our Han's all-round counterattack against the Xiongnu! Therefore, Wei Qinghuo later broke hundreds of thousands of Xiongnu in a row, and beat the Xiongnu who had been harassing our border for many years to the other end of the desert in one fell swoop. "

I was jumping when I heard it, and I wanted to dance and kill the enemy together. Lu Bu laughed at me when he saw it, "So, many times it's not meaningless to fail." The inspiration and legacy it brings has the potential to lead to more and greater deeds.

Lu Bu looked up at the sky, it was getting late.

"In this troubled world, who is not a spark that does nothing. It's just that until the end, no one knows what impact their actions will have on future generations.

Lu Bu was stunned, and immediately excused himself.

"But ask for a clear conscience!" I

looked at his extra height, still looking trapped in the great mansion. Life is suddenly like a traveler from afar, and everyone can't tell what is going back and forth in this life, and they are all crawling forward by instinct. Suddenly, he felt that Lu Bu was short in stature, and he was lonely in this high-walled courtyard. The courtyard was full of enthusiastic people, celebrating a certain year and something, but he stayed quietly in a corner, looking at everyone's imperceptible laughter from afar.

That night, we rested in the Nie family's compound, and the next day Lu Bu ordered someone to distribute the remaining materials to the villagers, so that everyone could take good care of them. When the people received the things, they rejoiced and agreed.

After leaving Mayi and passing through Wuzhou, he entered Dingxiang County. In front of a wide river, Lu Bu pointed with a horsewhip, "Shun'er knows the name of the river?"

I shook my head, Zhang Liao smiled, "He knows a fart, as far as I, a person born in Mayi, can't tell, let alone him."

Lu Bu said, "It is precisely because I know that I don't know that I want to teach." So he turned to me again, "This is called Qingshui River, and the north of the river used to be the land of the Xiongnu herding horses, and we used to fight from this Henan to Hebei." I

listened with all my might, but then I was deflated.

"The ancient generals fought hundreds of thousands of men and horses, and now we have 800 people, which is too much!"

Zhang Liao also said, "That's right, let's be a vanguard scout at most, I haven't heard of an army of 800 in the past."

Lu Bu said, "Why Shun'er doesn't understand, Wen Yuan also coaxed."

Zhang Liao spread his hands, "That's what it was!"

"Okay, let me ask you," Lu Bu said, "Huo Quai, the great general of the wolf Juxu, went out for the first time to kill countless enemies and went hundreds of miles

deep into the enemy territory, how many soldiers did he bring?" "This ......" Zhang Liao scratched his head, "Didn't General Huo follow the army on the expedition, how could he still say that he went deep into the enemy territory?"

Lu Bu snorted, "Seventeen years old, eight hundred horsemen, light soldiers raided, and overkill.

Zhang Liao exclaimed, "Is it really fake?" "

So Wen Yuan not only has to practice martial arts in his spare time, but also read more books." Zhang

Liao was ashamed of what he said, and Lu Bu asked me again, "Do you know what 'overkill' means?" Zhang Liao didn't

mock me this time, but followed me to listen to what Mr. said.

"'Excessive' means that the number of enemies killed far exceeds the number of losses on one's side. It's like, 'If you kill one of my brothers, I'll destroy your whole family.'" So

Shun'er, you say, is 800 people enough?" I was sweating when I heard this, "Enough is enough, it's fucking enough! I'll take 800 brothers in the future, even if there are thousands of troops on the other side, we won't be cowardly, one word: cut fuck!" Zhang

Liao laughed at me, "Where is this word?—— tell you Shun'er, we will also bring 800 brothers in the future, but we are a little more powerful than you, you fight 10,000 people, we fight 100,000 people!" Whoever mentions me Zhang Liao in the future

will not dare to sleep at night!" "You just brag about you! According to what you say, I think you are a lonely soul who turned into a terrible ghost after being trampled to death by the rebels!"

"Hey, if you don't believe it, we can sign and draw a charge."

Zhang Liaozhen brought pen and paper to Zhang Luo's subordinates to draft documents, and Zhang Liao was not satisfied with the writing several times before and after.

"What bullshit doesn't understand, brothers, none of us have ever studied and can write a few neat words? This guy will have to cash in with General Gao in the future, the handwriting is blurry and the literature is incomprehensible, what if this dog son turns his face and refuses to admit it!" Lu

Bu saw that the two of us had lost the frustration we had before, and our mood improved, so he personally wrote down a note for us. The first time I saw Lu Buti write with a pen, it was actually better than the gentleman who taught in the village, it was beautiful and atmospheric, and it was neater than the couplets posted during the New Year.

Wen Yuan and I didn't know how to write, so we both pressed our handprints. There was no cinnabar on the march, so we dipped in ink and pressed it on the bamboo chips. Wen Yuan put away the bamboo piece closely, and couldn't help sneering at me.

"Stinky boy, in another thirty years, when I, Zhang Wenyuan, lead 800 brothers to shock Huaxia, I think you will not recognize it!"

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