
Chapter 80

Guo Yan and Zhou Xiang were busy integrating the affairs of the two families, and they didn't come to me and Huang Haitang for three days. Huang Haitang was bored, and he didn't want to teach me martial arts in this messy courtyard, so he proposed to continue westward.

We went to say goodbye to Guo Yan, Guo Yan was very surprised, and kept us with a lonely face: "Senior Huang and Brother Shun'er have done so many things for us in Huangsha Castle, I have been so busy in the past few days that I haven't had time to thank the two of you in person, I can't just leave like this, at least I have to think about it for a while, let me do my best, and teach Brother Shun'er this set of knife techniques!"

Huang Haitang shook his head and smiled: "Don't be polite, I'm just tired of staying, don't talk so much about etiquette." As for this nerd's knife skills, I found that he couldn't improve at all by rote memorization, but instead threw a roll in the pile of dead people, hummed, and immediately changed into a person.

Guo Yan said solemnly: "This is true, even I can't kill Uncle Rong's father and son, Brother Shun'er didn't even know what the internal force was a few days ago, and it was risky to fight against the disciples of this sect, and now it has reached this point, it seems that it is indeed a practical combat faction!"

I didn't understand the allusions that these Jianghu characters said, so I said to Guo Yan and Zhou Xiang: "I'll go back to Jinyang after I finish here, and if you need my help in the future, come to Jinyang City to find me." I thought for a moment and added, "If I can't find it, I'll look for Lu Bu or Zhang Liao, and say that my friends will naturally help." "

I also remembered it when I said it, if people really went to Jinyang to look for me, but I didn't mix well and didn't have much fame, and I couldn't find out about me, how embarrassing it would be!

Thinking of this, I am a little lost, although it is currently smooth sailing with Huang Haitang, but if I encounter some accidents this year, I will die in a foreign country, and if they don't know about this matter in the future, they will go to Jinyang to find me, so there are Lu Bu and Zhang Liao to help them.

Thinking that since you have to find me so far, there must be a very tricky matter, and I can help Lu Bu and Zhang Liao without me, so it is not a loss to them, after all, these two people are much stronger than me. In this way, I have done my best to my friends.

Guo Yan and Zhou Xiang kept again and again, Huang Haitang insisted on leaving, and they had no choice but to send someone to sort out a lot of items and set a carriage to send us.

Huang Haitang exaggeratedly exclaimed: "Where can we use so many things! We are not in a hurry to pay homage to Tong Lao'er!" After that, he laughed, climbed into the carriage and picked out a few favorite small things and put them in his personal purse, and said to me: "Don't leave it out of your mind, you can also go and get a few!"

I got into the carriage, Guo Yan was still sincerely almost begging Huang Haitang to bring the carriage and gifts, Huang Haitang laughed outside the carriage and laughed: "I rode in the same car with him as a lonely man and widow, and it is not good for him to have a bad reputation when it is spread out, this kid has not married a daughter-in-law yet! Besides, we don't know where to go this way, such a big car is stupid and slow, wouldn't it be in vain to give those thieves an eye and more senseless fights."

As soon as Huang Haitang's words came out, Guo Yan and Zhou Xiang were all shocked, it was rare for her to say such compassionate words, although she said that she did not create any "senseless fights", but in our opinion, there was no such thing as "fighting", it was obviously "not to do some senseless massacres"! Therefore, Guo Yan and Zhou Xiang immediately closed their voices and did not persuade Huang Haitang to accept the carriage gifts.

I opened this and opened that in the carriage, most of them were gold, silver and jade. I thought to myself that this Guo Yan is also real, and the two of us are going to travel the rivers and lakes with so many treasures, isn't it clear that there are many things to do for ourselves! But this sincere heart is really rare, and I thought that we didn't have too much entanglement on the road, so I took some money and put it on my body.

Guo Yan took my hand and said, "Although we haven't been together for a long time, I feel that I am very close to the Shun'er brothers. There is nothing to take at the time of parting, these ordinary things on the car are a burden to the two, a few days ago I wrote a copy of the internal strength cultivation experience, Shun'er brother brought it with me, you can use it to Xi in your spare time. It's just that later, because there are too many sect affairs in the past few days, they haven't finished writing yet, if Brother Shun'er can practice there, naturally they don't need to learn my superficial internal skills, and they can directly guide you to cultivate more advanced ones by Senior Huang. "

I was very upset to hear Guo Yan say this, although he was much busier in the past few days due to the merger of Flying Eagle Castle, but a few days ago, he was tirelessly staring at me all night to cultivate internal strength, and it was easy to rest for a while and go back to his room to write me the essence, which really moved me a lot. When he took it out of his arms, I thought it was a bamboo slip, but it was a neatly folded piece of Caihou paper.

Guo Yan said sincerely: "Thinking that the Shun'er brothers are away all the year round, it may not be convenient for the scroll to be around, so it is written on paper for easy carrying." The only bad thing is that the paper is not easy to preserve, and the quality is weak, so the Shun'er brothers should cherish it more.

I saluted him and said, "Brother Guo is good and hardworking, Gao Shun must remember it in his heart, and continue to practice hard!"

Then we said goodbye to each other, and only then took two horses to go out under the constant urging of Huang Haitang. Guo Yan and Zhou Xiang took their disciples and sent them twenty miles out of the town before we persuaded us to go back.

Huang Haitang was in a good mood, humming along the way, I didn't say anything after her, I just listened to her say some interesting things about the rivers and lakes. After talking for a long time, she was tired, so we walked aimlessly along the official road all the way west.

When I came to the bottom of a mountain, I subconsciously reined in my horse and looked up the mountain. When Huang Haitang saw it, he asked: "What, are you still thinking about sending clothes to the old woman's son?"

I also felt a little stupid, and I didn't know how far away from the old woman, scratched my head and replied: "Since I have promised others......

" Huang Haitang slapped the horsewhip, turned around and walked up the mountain road, I followed behind, and when I reached the middle of the mountain, I saw a bush of thatched houses, Huang Haitang sighed and said: " What kind of world, how can there be mountain people everywhere, can't you really live down the mountain?" Although

Huang Haitang's martial arts are high, he has never asked about the world, and he has been free all day long, and his life is nothing more than drinking and fighting.

I said behind her: "If you go down the mountain, you will either be beaten by the yellow turban thieves or arrested by the government, so naturally you have to hide in the mountain and live better."

Huang Haitang asked: "Aren't the Yellow Turban thieves peasants? They should do things for

the peasants and fight the government, why do they want to beat the peasants themselves?" "Those are all shouting slogans to deceive people, what peasant uprisings and what the sky is dead, they are all a few bad guys who deceive the people under the banner of high-sounding, I was almost deceived at the beginning!"

Huang Haitang looked back at me for a while on his horse, and said with a smile: "Why do you look at you and think that you should be deceived!"

I said indignantly: "Those bad leaders are developing other bad leaders everywhere, and they say that the court is incompetent and mediocre, so they want to overthrow and establish a new regime -- but the peasant army in many places has not yet established power, and the local people have become Yellow Turban thieves! When they really establish a dynasty, I am afraid that it will not be worse than the current dynasty!" Huang

Haitang was surprised: "These words are not like what you can say."

I said proudly: "These are all taught to me by Lu Bu, last year I followed him in Pingding and the state of the Yellow Turban thieves and rogues, he said that most of the people who gather to make trouble are people who join in the fun and idleness, and are not heinous bad people in nature, so except for the leader, we basically went back to our original places to farm."

Huang Haitang pursed his lips and said: "It sounds like a very kind move, but in practice it is extremely naïve."

I listened very harshly and retorted to her: "Why are you naïve? You go to many places, you go to all the states of the country to see, where is not a river of blood, the people are chased and killed by those officials who compete for military merits, you go to inquire about how many young generals have been promoted to the position this year, and which one of them is not full of bloody heads and bones!"

Huang Haitang said disdainfully: "In troubled times, you should use heavy canons! You have never been out of the state, so your vision is limited to the idealism of Lu Bu! You also go out to see, go out to inquire, all the states in the country are also the resurgence of the yellow turban thieves and rogues in your state, one here today and one there tomorrow, and it is impossible to get rid of it, what is the reason? It is because you dare not kill, you cannot be deterred, you cannot be intimidated, so those who have already tasted the sweetness of gathering crowds to make trouble and reaping the sweetness of not working hard will never go back to honestly practice farming according to your ideas, and they must be desperately inquiring about where there is an uprising and where there is a leader, and they rush over like wild dogs smelling rotting corpses -- they really can't find anyone to run to, and even some of those with better minds will set themselves up as kings! You also saw it when you saved me, isn't it this group of people who attacked the grain carts of the officers and soldiers?"

I seemed to be thundering to the top, although Huang Haitang's words were not listened to, but they hit my vital point everywhere. Why didn't I think of this kind of thing before? We have been for a year, it seems that the world is peaceful and there is no human life, for this Ding Yuan also complained about Lu Bu, we all thought that we had done the world's best good deeds, but we didn't expect that people's hearts were like this, can it be said that what we did before was wrong?

I thought of Lu Bu again, who had been holding the scroll all day long, and he seemed to be omniscient and omnipotent, couldn't he see through what Huang Haitang said? Before I left this year, he was still busy making arrangements for the counterinsurgency in the whole state, and Huang Haitang understood such a simple truth, so how could Lu Bu not know it? Zhang Liao even broke into Xihe County alone, even if Lu Bu was pedantic and didn't understand, how could Zhang Liao's fiery temper not be able to see through it? Then why did he still firmly believe in Lu Bu's ideas and work hard to achieve it?

Thinking about this, I was in a mess, and I couldn't calm it down for a long time.

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