Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 161 The Tragic Leader (2)

The guard of honor of the brigade stopped and went.

Green pomelo, green lemon and green lemon are like three squirrels who are about to spend the winter, buying and hoarding desperately.

Or maybe it's just a woman's nature?

After suddenly getting a huge sum of money from Yinyuan, on the way from Jiuquyuan to Yushunfang, whenever they saw a shop, the three girls would stop their donkeys in excitement and rush in to make purchases.

Useful and unused things, cakes and fruits, fruit wine and rice wine, rouge and gouache, necklaces and bracelets...

Lu Qian patiently accompanied the three women as they wandered around. After seeing that three large carts were filled with the things they purchased, Lu Qian quietly asked someone to get a fourth cart.

At the end, each of the three women was holding a large bowl filled with fried stinky tofu. They ate the special spicy stinky tofu with big mouthfuls. Their little mouths were swollen and red, and they breathed out cold air. , came to the mansion that Yinyuan rewarded them with.

Yu Changle's palace guard's efficiency was as fast as ever.

Yinyuan's methods of doing things were as vulgar as ever.

The mansion given to the three girls, a large house with six entrances from the front and back, is actually next door to the Survey Department Office of Lu Qianyushunfang, and there is only a wall between the two courtyards.

Originally, a family named Wang lived in this house. At this moment, the gilt "Wang's House" plaque hanging in front of the door has been taken down and replaced by the gilt "Xianren Residence" that outsiders can't figure out. 'Big plaque!

Lu Qian looked at the three characters "Xianrenju" and felt a little itchy at the root of his teeth.

Is this a scam?

If the words 'Royal Enshrinement House' are displayed openly, everyone will know that the new owner of this house is not easy to mess with.

But the words ‘immortal residence’...

Thinking brightly, this is the residence of a famous person.

Thinking about the place in the middle, this might be the Tea House Book Club.

Thinking a little further downstream, this might be the Golden House of Cangjiao.

Unless you know the real methods of the three women, outsiders will never be able to figure out what the words "immortal residence" mean!

"Immortal House, we are all immortals." The girl who didn't know whether it was lime or green lemon smiled happily. She chewed the stinky tofu and muttered vaguely: "This house is really nice, much better than our old house. ”

Lu Qian smiled and said: "The houses in Yushunfang are all good. Well, next door, there are soldiers guarding the door. It is my current residence. The three of you can go there and rush through the door frequently on weekdays. Everyone is working for His Majesty. Yes!"

The door of the mansion was slowly pushed open by several servants. The servants and maids rewarded by Yinyuan knelt down and saluted, and then walked into the mansion surrounded by the three girls.

Lu Qian rode on the back of the Black Cloud Beast and looked back at the busy Bai family mansion.

That night, the back wall that Lu Qian had destroyed had been repaired, and the top of the wall was more than ten feet higher than before.

The small building on the top of the mountain that was once burned down has been rebuilt and turned into an exquisite ivory-shaped pavilion with a height of thirteen stories. When Lu Qian looked over, there were three or five beautiful girls on the roof, pointing in this direction.

Lu Qian looked at the girls and grinned: "The Bai family is about to become prosperous. They have changed their family...but..."

Lu Qianchao smiled at Ahu who was following him and said: "If you let people out, just say that the old man of the Bai family is a practitioner of ancient rites and a brilliant gentleman. What kind of status... How can he be knighted because of a woman's nepotism?"

Ahu looked at Lu Yi blankly: "Brother Yi, what do you mean by the last sentence?"

Lu Qian coughed and lowered his voice: "That is to say, how can Bai Changkong rely on his skills in bed with women to get a knighthood? To get a knighthood, you have to fight with real swords and guns. For example, Anping Prefecture now lacks people to pacify it!"

Ahu suddenly realized: "Rely on women and eat soft food... This is a very poisonous thing to say, but I like it, hehehehe!"

With a weird smile, Ahu strode around and walked away to go see the brothers from Baihu Hall for some fun. Based on the large network that Baihutang has spread across the streets and alleys of Haojing, Lu Qian said that Bai Changkong relied on female talents to change the evil spirit of the family, and it would take less than three days to spread throughout Haojing.

Lu Qian believed that as long as this news reached the ears of some caring people, they would naturally spread the news throughout Dayin!

With Bai Changkong's current reputation in culture and education, this evil wind will not harm him at all, but as long as it can ruin his future of becoming a knight, it is a good thing.

An ungrateful, treacherous, double-dealing, and scheming old guy. Lu Qian couldn't bear to see him rise to the top, get promoted and make a fortune.

In Bai Changkong's backyard, in the rebuilt pavilion on the rockery, a stunning girl twisted her waist and silently flew down the stairs.

Like a flower flying in the wind, she passed through the back garden lightly and skillfully, attracting the saliva of countless busy craftsmen.

She became more and more proud, twisting her waist and hips more, and with a "chichi" smile, she entered the red sandalwood cell where the leader of the Heavenly Palace of Paradise was imparting skills and teachings.

The long white air panted like a donkey's bray.

The girl stood in front of the large red sandalwood inlaid with glazed screen with swaying figures, and said with a crisp smile: "Master, Lu Qian is back. Hey, there is an immortal residence next door to him, and three very watery girls live in it. He seems to have a good relationship with those three girls."

The leader of Paradise Palace chuckled: "Can you get the true method?"

Bai Changkong gasped intermittently, like a dying tuberculosis patient: "Disciple...disciple...got...the true method...uh...ah..."

There was a sound of clothes being rubbed.

After a while, Bai Changkong, who had sunken eye sockets, bulging cheekbones, a little loose skin on his chin, and two obvious extra layers of skin folds, staggered out with an expression of inexplicable surprise and fear.

His originally black and white eyes had an inexplicable layer of pink moisture.

His eyes turned toward the girl who reported the news. The girl's body suddenly stiffened, her face turned red, and a strong charm appeared in her eyes, and then a thick watery feeling appeared in her eyes.

Then, the girl's beautiful face quickly became haggard.

Wisps of invisible essence flew out of the girl's seven orifices quickly, and Bai Changkong swallowed them in one gulp. His sunken eye sockets and shriveled cheeks quickly recovered, returning to their original fair and moist appearance.

"It's wonderful." Bai Changkong smiled and whispered.

"With your identity, it is not difficult to find a large number of top-quality furnaces." The leader of Paradise Palace was full of joy again, and slowly walked out from behind the big screen: "This sect's technique is wonderful. As long as there are enough furnaces, the progress will be very fast. , other sects are absolutely incomparable.”

"The spiritual power of heaven and earth is being restored. This leader has completed the most important task. Hey, in this world of great contention, I am also interested in competing to see who will be the supreme new leader of this world after the restoration of heaven and earth. dominate."

Bai Changkong looked at her in awe, bowed his head deeply and said, "This disciple will definitely help the leader achieve great achievements... but that little thief Lu Qian..."

The leader of Paradise Palace smiled and stretched out his finger to gently tap Bai Changkong's eyebrows: "You are a heartless person. Why is my grandfather also your great benefactor... Now, you are treating people as enemies... What a heartless person. of!"

Smiling slightly, the leader of the Paradise Palace smiled and said: "However, I just like you sanctimonious and heartless scholars...hehe, if you squeeze it, my leader's conscience will not hurt!"

Bai Changkong's smile faltered.

This witch, listen to what kind of harsh words she is saying?


Based on what Bai Changkong has witnessed these days and what she has done, can she have a conscience?

Haha, the hundreds of strong men that Bai Changkong secretly captured for her these days are all buried in mass graves... Is her conscience as big as a mosquito?

In Xianrenjuli, Lu Qian was sitting in the reception hall, holding a tea cup and listening to the busy activities of the three women coming in and out.

They were busy choosing a courtyard to live in, choosing maids, assigning servants and maids to clean and guard, and at the same time sending the odds and ends they purchased to their respective courtyards.

When they newly moved into the house, there were a lot of things to be busy with, especially when the three girls were all girlish in nature, and Qing Ning and Qing Meng were even more innocent. Lu Qian listened to them busy for a long time, and all the affairs were still complicated. I can figure out a plan.

After this busy period, half of the afternoon had passed, and the sky outside had also darkened.

The three girls, who were so disgraced, finally thought of Lu Qian. They returned to the hall, panted heavily, and sat down feebly.

"Mom, this house is at least a hundred times bigger than the ancestral house where our ancestors lived." Qingyou frowned and covered her forehead: "It takes a long time to recognize such a big house."

Green Lemon Green Lemon is smiling happily. You pinch me, and I pinch you again: "Bigger is better, bigger is better. There are so many rooms, all filled with candied fruits and all kinds of interesting gadgets, hee!"

Qingyou acted like a sister and stared at the two sisters fiercely: "We came out to travel around the world, to increase our knowledge, and to conquer demons. You two, don't think about it all day long. If you want to eat, drink and be merry, if you imitate those worldly dandies, I won’t do it!”

Lu Qian laughed at the side and said: "What Miss Qingyou said is not right. I see the two girls Qing Ning and Qing Meng are innocent and flawless. There is no way they would..."

Lu Qian's words stopped abruptly.

A faint red light shone into the hall from outside, and accompanied by the sound of the wind, several red lanterns swayed in.

The wind got stronger and stronger, making all the furnishings in the hall rattle.

With a bang, in the corner of the hall, a huge long-necked white porcelain vase as tall as a person was blown over, smashed to the ground and shattered. Several apricot blossom branches inserted in the porcelain vase fell out, and large apricot blossoms fell. It was smashed to pieces and was blown around the hall by the wind.

Qing Ning and Qing Meng’s eyes were wrong.

They looked at the big porcelain vase, and then at the apricot petals flying all over the hall, and shouted in unison: "How dare you, evildoer, to cause trouble... This is our vase!"

Lu Qian raised his eyebrows, okay, these are still two little misers!

'Chichi', the woman's laughter came from outside the hall: "Every injustice has its owner, every debt has its owner, this religion... Bah, girl, I'm here to avenge Lu Qian."

"Lu Qian, you have made me miserable!"

Following the weird laughter, the leader of the Paradise Palace, wearing a long blood-colored dress, twisting his waist, walked in step by step with a dozen stunning girls in the same bright red dress.

Lu Qian looked at the leader of Paradise Palace with a strange look on his face.

Are these people imitating Bai Lu?

Are you imitating it?

Lu Qian didn't feel any of the sneaky and evil aura of Bai Lu and his gang from them.

Instead, there was a surge of anger that made Lu Qian almost faint!

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