Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 898 Primitive Wasteland (2)

The large formation set up by Lu Qian shook violently under the pressure released by the big man.

The base of the formation is floating and the five elements are in disorder.

Thirty-six white-bone gods and demons roared lowly. They were originally integrated with the formation, and they were shaken out of the formation. Thunder light surged around them, and they staggered back step by step.

The big man, who was almost slapping his hairy face on Yingque's face and spraying saliva wantonly, raised his head and glanced at the formation set up by Lu Qian in surprise. His pupils suddenly shrank, and his eyes swept across the five uncles squatting on Lu Qian and beside him.

"Innate sacred bloodline?" The big man muttered in a low voice: "The power of bloodline, the innate sacredness that transcends the constraints of heavenly rules... Such existences violate the heavenly rules."

"Monk Wu Na, you five beasts..."

The big parrot jumped its feet, spread its feathers, and was about to curse. Lu Qian stretched out his fingers and pinched his mouth, suppressing all his curses in his throat. Then I heard the big man say in a deep voice: "Present these five beasts obediently, and let me, the general, mark them with the Heavenly Rules and bring them under the control of the Heavenly Rules."

"Otherwise, I can only peel off the muscles and make a good pot of soup."

The eyes of over a hundred generals surged with light, and they all locked onto Lu Qian and the five uncles. There was not much covetousness in their eyes, but a hint of curiosity and a strong look of 'dissatisfaction'.

This feeling made Lu Qian feel that these generals were a group of people who had lived smoothly, peacefully and happily for countless years under extremely stable 'rules'. They had long been accustomed to the 'rules' and had long been integrated with the 'rules'. They are "system creatures" who instinctively hate anything that may affect the rules they are familiar with and accustomed to.

The five uncles possess the blood of the five innate holy spirits.

And the bloodline of the five innate Holy Spirits seems to have some kind of privilege in this side of the world, and can bypass the supreme authority that has imprisoned all the avenues in the world. Within their own scope of strength and within their own scope of influence, the five uncles can mobilize their own Tao Yun to form a small world of five elements.

They became ‘loopholes’.

They bypassed the 'rules'.

Therefore, these generals all felt instinctively uneasy, and even felt some kind of disgust. They didn't show too much 'malice', and they didn't say that they insisted on 'killing the five uncles quickly'. They just ordered Lu Qian to hand over the five uncles and let the leading general put some kind of mark on the five uncles.

You don't need to ask to know that after laying this mark, the five uncles will naturally become part of the supreme 'rules' of this world. From now on, they will not be able to circumvent the layers of authority between heaven and earth.

Many thoughts flashed through Lu Qian's mind instantly.

However, his mind is confused, and the light of his soul is weak and illusory. The speed of Lu Qian's brain now is far less than what it used to be when it was at its peak. Many of the ideas that pop up in his head may seem desirable at first glance, but if you carefully follow the various possibilities derived from this idea, you will eventually have various harms and consequences, big or small.

Lu Qian pursed his lips vigorously. Before Lu Qian could think of a solution, Yingque had already solved the problem for him.

A flash of lightning flashed on Yingque's chest. On her breastplate made of thunder paste, an iron-blooded jade talisman appeared. There were also dense cloud patterns. Among the cloud patterns in the sky, three red talismans covered most of her face. The sun emerges.

A faint trace of authority spread around, actually faintly suppressing the fluctuations of authority emanating from the terrifying generals in front of Yingque.

The firebird chuckled, smiling happily.

She actually stretched out her delicate white hands, and in an extremely provocative manner, in front of more than 100,000 elite soldiers, she gently patted the big, furry, bearded face of the big man in front of her: "Belonging to the Patrolling Forbidden God Guard. , both belong to the Supreme Heavenly Court, with the same official rank, but the official rank is half a rank higher."

"Yes, I am just a scumbag of the Black Division, a shady rat in the gutter, a ghost who specializes in secretly prying into people's privacy and doing all kinds of dirty deeds... I can't compare to you majestic and tyrannical Heavenly Courts everywhere. The main army of the Fifth Army Mansion."

"It's just that you are just generals of the day. I also wear the seal of three days. Both are the seal of the remaining day... You are the ninth day, and I am only the third day. But who should I be with you? Who do you listen to?"

One hundred thousand soldiers, more than a hundred generals, and big men with big axes, so many people were silent.

The corners of their eyes twitched, looking at the jade talisman radiating lightning on Yingque's chest with ugly expressions.

Both belong to the Supreme Heavenly Court, and according to the heavenly rules drawn up by Emperor Taichu, those belonging to the Sky Patrolling Forbidden God Guard do have the privilege of being 'within the same rank' and 'seeing officials of more than half the rank'. Yingque wears the same 'sun badge' as they do, and they all wear the "Remnant Sun Seal" with cloud patterns covering half of the sun, so they are all heavenly officials of the same rank.

Since they are heavenly officials of the same rank, although the big man holding a big ax has a nine-day seal, Yingque only has three days... According to the rules of the supreme heaven, Yingque does have the right to mobilize and order them!

"Also, I have written down everything you just said." Yingque smiled brightly: "The Black-clothed Division's bastard! What does the word Stupid mean? I will let our Black-clothed Division's Sir, the five great heavenly kings from your Fifth Military Mansion are here to sit down and talk!"

The firebird smiled brightly and happily, and even whistled with interest.

I don’t know if her character is natural or distorted, but in short it is extremely bad... It can be seen that these originally arrogant generals of the heavenly army seem to have been forced to eat three kilograms of cow dung, with distorted faces and ugly expressions. She felt inexplicably happy!

The big man in front of her took a few steps back. He gritted his teeth and hissed: "Asshole... you are actually the black-clothed little superintendent wearing the three-day badge... In that case, why don't you wear formal official uniform?" Robes and armor?”

All the generals exhaled heavily and stared at Yingque angrily.

That's right, what Yingque was wearing just now was just a set of armor that she condensed with lightning. The style was extremely ordinary and there were no accessories to identify her. This was obviously a deliberate trap to trick them.

The aura of the Firebird is not strong.

At least compared to them, the regular generals of the Five Military Palaces, Yingque's cultivation level was even considered extremely weak.

Who would have thought that such a 'weak' little girl, whose waist is not as thick as their arms, is actually a senior general in black wearing the Three Days Badge? Who would have thought?

The Bai Lai general standing behind looked at his leader with a faint look.

The man holding a big ax is a bit embarrassed.

Yingque was indeed ready to reveal his identity before, but he was too impatient. He judged based on experience that Yingque's official position would not be too high, and he could pinch it at will, so he jumped out happily. Show off your power.


Lu Qian took several steps back, almost reaching the Hongqiao where the divine seed grew.

The large group of people of the pioneering group had already gone further along with the long bridge that continued to extend forward. At this moment, the shadow of the large group of the pioneering group could no longer be seen with the naked eye. Long Bridge is still some distance from the pristine wilderness of our goal, but it's almost there... almost there.

Lu Qian looked at these heavenly soldiers and generals with twinkling eyes.

These guys, just like their appearance, are a group of rough and reckless men... At least, Lu Qian thought that if he were this general holding a big axe, at least he would not smash his face into the screen immediately. On the bird's face, words like "slander" and "provocation" were shouted out.

At least, under the premise that Yingque has already said the words "Xiangtian Forbidden", and you know that the Xuntian Forbidden Divine Guard has the privilege of meeting an official for more than half a level, but you don't know Yingque's exact official position, what is your attitude? Can you be gentler?

However, this is fine.

very good.

Lu Qian smiled and continued to retreat. He had already led the five uncles back to the long bridge that was still growing rapidly.

The firefinch is not a good bird either.

Dao Qiqiqi is not even a good person.

Are they getting together... Lu Qian's eyes flickered, and the seal on his hand changed. The two huge crystal balls that suppressed and sealed Dao Qiqiqi and a dozen of his companions made a subtle cracking sound at the same time.

The big man holding a heavy ax suddenly frowned. He seemed to have heard something, and his brows jumped for a while, as if he was listening. He was originally a little uncomfortable with Yingque who took out his jade talisman, but gradually, the trace of discomfort on his face disappeared.

"Ahem!" The big man with the ax wiped his face vigorously. He looked up and down at Yingying and said dryly: "You said you are a member of the Sky Patrol Forbidden God Guard, are you? If we don't believe it, how can you prove it? Are you the Heaven Patrolling Forbidden God Guard?"

Yingque's face changed slightly, she pointed to the jade talisman on her breastplate that was emitting a faint red light, and said coldly: "Can this thing be faked?"

The big man with the ax coughed heavily: "It's not that there is no precedent for forgery... Hey, right? There are countless evil demons in this world, and they can't be killed, and they can't be killed... Girl, you just surrender and cooperate with the investigation. Wait for us I have verified your identity. If you are really a member of the Sky Patrol Forbidden God Guard, I can tell you anything."

Grinning, the big man with the ax said coldly: "What if it's not? Then, ha, ha!"

More than a hundred generals laughed one after another, and the trace of discomfort on their faces disappeared. The auras on their bodies once again became like bloodthirsty beasts, and thick malice began to flow out from every pore in their bodies.

The firebird tilted her head and grinned.

She said quietly: "Logically, at this time, I should take out my official seal to prove my identity... I can even contact my superiors and ask them to negotiate with your general."

The big man with the ax coughed heavily again: "Stop struggling, little girl. Hey, hey, there are evil heretics who massacred Tiemenguan. Our Lord has ordered to seal off the star field around Tiemenguan. No news can be spread. If you go out, no news will come in... You can't let your superiors negotiate with us adults."

"As for your official seal!"

"Forging the official seal and official talisman of the Supreme Heavenly Court... This kind of thing has happened many times before. It is really impossible to prove your identity!"

"So, be a good boy and let him go."

The big man holding the ax chuckled and said: "Otherwise, we brothers are all a bunch of rough guys. If you hurt your arms or legs or something, it's okay... if you break something that shouldn't be broken. , that, that, that...that’s not easy to explain hey!”

Lu Qian smiled and stepped back a long distance.

Okay, rough guy in the army, hey!

After saying this, he went straight to Xiasan Road.

Lu Qian almost wanted to raise his hands to applaud Yingque - people have said this, how can you bear it?

The surrounding star field has been sealed off, all information transmission is strictly prohibited, and they want to capture you directly... Girl, you have to think clearly, this team of troops might be coming for you!

I have talked so much nonsense before...

A lot of thoughts came to Lu Qian's mind again - well, probably the person behind this big axe-wielding man didn't want to get things done right away, but was just following the process step by step, right?

If Yingque was captured without any help... Lu Qian had at least ten ways to make her disappear from the world.

If Yingque is unwilling to surrender - hehe, even if what happened here is leaked later, even if the Black Clothes Division and even the senior officials of the Sky Patrol Forbidden God Guard investigate, the people behind the axe-wielding man will be justified.

In particular, Yingque's own identity, according to Lu Qian's judgment, was problematic.


The big man holding the ax raised the Xuanhua ax that was three feet long in his hand. The ax wheel, which was larger than an ordinary door, was gently placed on Yingque's neck. The big man holding an ax said in a deep voice: "I, the Supreme Heavenly Court Patrolling the Heavens and Dangmo Demon's Fifth Military Mansion, the former Military Mansion is directly under the Great Heavenly Lord Yaoguang, under the command of the Mangxing Star Lord, the left army guard leader and deputy seal forward general,' Embroidery Ax'Luo Xiong, I am your uncle!"

"Little girl, now we suspect that the massacre at Tiemenguan is closely related to you!"

"So, now follow the gentlemen obediently. Considering your fresh and tender appearance, we will not give you the pain of eating flesh and blood... If you dare to make the slightest move, hey!"

"I'm nicknamed the 'Embroidery Axe' because with an ax as big as my own, I can carve flowers on a grain of rice!"

"Believe it or not, I can use this ax to carve ten thousand characters on your little girl's face, which is so thin and tender?"

Silently, the crystal ball used by Lu Qian to suppress Dao Qiqiqi and others shattered and dissipated. Dao Qiqiqi and others fell heavily to the ground, lying on the ground and breathing heavily. Some people breathed so fast that their breath caught in their lungs, causing them to cough violently and even cough up blood.

Luo Xiong's eyes turned and he pointed towards Dao Qiqiqi and others: "These people, at first glance, look suspicious, they are not good things. Take them all and take them back..."

Looking at Yingque's picturesque face, and then looking at the pale, skinny, dead-like cheeks of Dao Qiqiqi and others, Luo Xiong's eyes flashed fiercely: "Take them back and torture them, and make them urinate a lot when they were young." The matter of the second bed was also tortured by me."

Yingque's face stiffened slightly.

Dao Qiqiqi had straightened up. He let go of Lu Qian, tilted his head, and chuckled at Luo Xiong who was standing in mid-air: "Severe torture...torture? Are you the only ones, bastards? "

A dozen Zuojunwei generals who had already galloped forward for several miles on the clouds all stopped. One general muttered in a low voice: "Hey... the name of our Fifth Army Mansion is indeed... How about patrolling the Forbidden God Guards, how dare you show off any rubbish to our brothers?"

"Boss, how do you say this?" The generals turned back and looked at Luo Xiong.

Luo Xiong looked at Yingque and said in a deep voice, "Are they from your patrolling Forbidden God Guards?"

Lu Qian smiled.

This question is... so interesting, such a 'paradox'!

Luo Xiong was still saying before that he suspected that Yingque's identity was forged, and he did not recognize the three-day seal that Yingque showed... Now, Luo Xiong is asking Yingque again, asking Dao Qiqiqi and others Is he a member of the Sky Patrol Forbidden God Guard?

What a confusing account!

Therefore, Lu Qian cooperated and stepped back a long distance.

Fortunately, Lu Qian's cultivation level was too low, and there was no way to attract the attention of these five army officers... Therefore, facing Lu Qian and the five uncles retreating step by step, no one, including Luo Xiong, was too much. Glancing at him.

Yingque's eyebrows opened up, and wisps of electric light surged. She answered the question with a smile, "Only they know who they are? I'm just a little girl whose identity is questionable. Who knows?"

Luo Xiong roared, and more than a dozen Zuo Junwei generals looked at each other. The cloud light flickered under their feet, and they continued to rush towards Dao Qiqiqi and others - even if Dao Qiqiqi and the others belonged to the Sky Patrol Forbidden God Guard, now They have the final say in this place!

The air was full of iron-blooded evil energy, and the air of killing was surging. More than a dozen generals of the Zuojun Guards flew down. The dark red evil energy and murderous energy behind them condensed into flags that were a hundred feet high, rippling in the wind, in the void. The inspiration from heaven and earth surged, forming a formation of spears with flashing cold light, locking around Dao Qiqiqi and the others with a piercing scream.

These Zuojunwei generals all have the power of "one man forming an formation" and "one man forming an army".

Lu Qian saw some of the methods of these Zuojunwei generals... If their magical powers were combined with those elite soldiers at the rear to lay out a majestic military formation, they would probably be one or two levels higher than them in cultivation. All great powers will be disgraced by their siege, and may even perish.

Lu Qian and Dao Qiqiqi had faced each other head-on before, and Dao Qiqiqi's cultivation was obviously not as good as those of the generals of the Zuojunwei. Except for an immortal body of unknown origin, how could Dao Qiqiqi... be the opponent of these heavenly army generals with terrifying auras?

When Lu Qian was thinking about how Yingque would be affected and what the consequences would be if Dao Qiqi was captured alive, Dao Qiqi actually laughed wildly and jumped into the air, opening his arms towards the dozen or so heavenly troops. The general took the initiative to greet him.

"Wait, do you really take yourself seriously?"

"The Fifth Military Mansion of the Supreme Heavenly Court?"


Dao Qiqiqi rushed in front of the generals. In the next moment, a black-red blood glowed on Dao Qiqiqi's chest, and he exploded.

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