Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 948: Tail Docking (2)

Big Black Mountain.

The place where Lu Qian and others arrived was called Daheishan.

The huge fleet is hidden in a chaotic ocean of stardust. The chaotic dust rubs against each other, splashing out endless fire and terrifying magnetic fields. The magnetism, light, and space are all in chaos, as if there is a top-notch giant. Able to disrupt the secrets of heaven at all times, unless it is an emperor-level existence, no one can discover this amazing fleet in this chaotic stardust.

A precious mirror hangs high in the main cabin of the bridge, its light shining brightly, showing the real-time scene of the vast sky ahead.

It was an endless, chaotic void composed of countless large and small black gravels.

Small stones range from the size of a fist to the size of a human head, from the size of a carriage to the size of a mountain...and large stones, with diameters of hundreds, thousands, or even thousands or tens of thousands of miles, abound.

These rocks have reached a strange magnetic field balance in the void, like small stones embedded in amber, floating lightly, following some extremely complex trajectory, rotating and rotating fast or slowly, but without any movement. Any two rocks will hit each other.

Countless large and small warships like flying insects were flying back and forth among these stones, as busy as hard-working bees.

Those warships were crude, only a few feet long, and were covered in patches. Occasionally, they would emit black smoke and large clouds of sparks, looking like they might disintegrate at any time. The luxurious one is hundreds of miles long, with its whole body shining brightly, and its hull as smooth as glazed tiles, without any wear and tear.

On those huge black rocks, in some places, simple cottages were built, where hundreds and thousands of people gathered, pulling a few or dozens of broken sampans, and dared to walk back and forth among the rocks, robbing for a living. .

In some places, large-scale cities were built, serious armies were formed, and hundreds or thousands of large-scale warships were built. They were divided into kings and lived seriously.

There are also some extraordinarily large black stones, covered with a thick atmosphere. Certain areas on the surface of the stones are piled with thick soil. There are even more powerful forces that arrange formations at the core of the black stones, igniting the earth's fire and turning them into life. The vigorous veins gave birth to the entire black stone.

As a result, these black stones, which were originally lifeless, became quite beautiful. Farms and fields were opened on them, villages, towns and cities were built on them. They were unified and managed by a big force, making them look like a paradise dynasty.

Of course, there is no such thing as a paradise. The Daheishan area is lawless, the weak eat the strong, and follow the most primitive jungle laws. Therefore, large and small forces attack and kill each other, just like a group of bloodthirsty beasts of different races imprisoned together. Everyone is thinking about how to tear a piece of flesh and blood from their neighbors, no matter what method is used.

Under such circumstances, even bandits with only three or five small sampans would dare to attack the big forces with tens of thousands of warships... What they are doing is crazy and lawless to the extreme.

This is Daheishan.

According to legend, this boundless black stone sky was originally a huge black mountain. Once upon a time, there was an extremely powerful dojo of the Taikoo Sect on this great black mountain. Later, during the period when Landa Ancient Temple was destroyed, when several great emperors rose up, Dahei Mountain also suffered a devastating attack. The great sect was destroyed, the monastery was destroyed, and the entire Dahei Mountain was shattered by great power. It has become the vast and chaotic black stone ocean it is today.

"The place is too big, too chaotic, and there is absolutely no king's law." Linghu Tian looked at the messy black rocks in the mirror light and couldn't help but shake his head: "Although I know a few locations, but..."

Linghu Tian and others, as well as Tianshu Laojun, looked at Lu Qian at the same time.

"Xiao Monk?" Lu Qian's eyes widened: "With such a small body like Xiao Monk..."

Linghu Tian coughed lightly: "It can only be because the Laofahai clan is old. After all, none of us look like people who hang out in this Daheishan. Once we show up, I'm afraid we will It shocked those people. But the Fahai clan elder, Buddhist cultivator, Buddhist cultivator... is the most suitable for an environment like Daheishan."

Lu Qian looked at Linghutian curiously: "What do you mean by this?"

The Master of Heavenly Books smiled and said: "That's true. Since the destruction of the ancient Landa Temple, the holy land of Buddhism, the Buddhist practice in the Supreme Taichu Heaven has lost its foundation and lost its inheritance. Therefore, there are not many monks who can practice the Eight Sutras. There are sanctimonious fake monks all over the place, showing off and cheating... Ahem, no matter where you go, Buddhist practitioners always look like they are majestic and precious."

Lu Qian looked at Laojun Tianshu: "My Buddha is compassionate, Laojun, this young monk is a disciple of Buddhism who has the inheritance and the Eight Sutras!"

Mr. Tianshu smiled so hard that his eyes narrowed: "Yes, yes, he is a serious monk who eats meat and drinks wine, and also wants to have a lot of babies... That's all, your Buddhist teachings obtained from the lower world Liangyitian Inheritance... Tsk, it’s nothing in the Supreme Taichu Heaven... When this matter is completed, I will go to the secret vault of Heaven to find you some truly powerful Buddhist traditions!"

Then, a small boat, no more than thirty feet long, with an ordinary appearance and shaped like a awning boat, flew out of the flagship.

Lu Qian took Ahu and a few others, and there were a few Yakshas and Rakshasas hidden in the cabin. Tens of thousands of little people were piled up in the shadows. They slowly left the fleet and headed straight to the boundless front. away from the black stone.

Although it sounds unpleasant, I have to admit that in Daheishan, the temperaments of Linghu Tian, ​​Tianshu Laojun and others are incompatible with the indigenous people here, and their flaws will be seen at a glance.

As for Lu Qian, as a Buddhist cultivator, as long as he maintains his solemn and sanctimonious appearance, nothing will go wrong - isn't it true that Buddhist cultivators always look like this wherever they go?

A monk's robe, a fur cassock, chanting Buddha's name, and saying "compassion" and "conditional dharma" all the time. It doesn't matter whether you have a belly full of scriptures or a belly of "essence", unless you break your head and dig it out. You have to make a clear distinction with your soul, otherwise who knows whether you are a truly virtuous monk or a fake monk who is deceiving you?

Lu Qian stood on the bow of the boat, clasping his hands together, with thirty-six bone relics hanging on his palms, his eyes rolling around, looking at the scenery along the way.

Several shabby boats slid past not far away, and a few stupid green men waved their knives in this direction, as if they wanted to rush up and rob them.

However, experienced people immediately stopped these foolish young men.

Lu Qian faintly heard words such as 'poor monk', 'no money', 'the most grudge-minded', 'endless troubles'...


Lu Qian lowered his head and looked at the green cloth monk's robe on his body, smiled and shook his shoulders. Come on, Linghu Tian and Tianshu Laojun are right. This Black Mountain is suitable for monks to walk.

Thinking about the confessions of the Linghu clan members in his mind, Lu Qian steered the boat and slowly and carefully moved along several public waterways in the Daheishan Mountains. These public waterways are relatively peaceful, with a large flow of passengers. There are forces, large and small, who spontaneously maintain order on these waterways along the way.

Unless you are extremely unlucky and encounter some crazy murderer, or a new gangster who is crazy about poverty, the probability of encountering trouble on these public waterways is not high.

After traveling like this for most of a day, they entered tens of thousands of miles on the edge of the Daheishan Mountains. After bypassing a huge rock full of holes, a round black stone shaped like a dish suddenly appeared in front of them. On the circular black stone less than a hundred miles in diameter, there is a thin layer of soil piled up, with all the woods and yellow grassland, and some scattered small bungalows built in the middle. There are seven or eight streets scattered horizontally.

On the edge of the black stone, a Jingguan with a height of more than ten feet was piled with human skulls.

A white bone flag was stuck on the top of the Jingguan. A white flag made of human skin moved automatically in the wind. A bloody skull rolled and howled inside the flag. Green phosphorus fire was continuously sprayed out from the seven orifices, and the sky was filled with gloomy and evil energy. Overflowing, the end is extremely scary.

‘Skeleton Market’ is the name of the small market ahead.

On the outskirts of Daheishan, there is a very famous black market. Sell ​​stolen goods, eat, drink, whore and gamble, even hire killers, sell intelligence... you can find all legal and illegal businesses you can think of in the world here.

Some people say that in Skull Collection, as long as you have enough financial resources and enough force to protect this financial resources, then you are the "master", and you can enjoy all the top-notch enjoyments like a real emperor.

Of course, as long as you have enough financial resources, you can also buy all the treasures you can imagine, all the beauties you can imagine, and all the objects that you know exist in the world at Skull Collection!

All in all, although the Skeleton Collection does not have a large territory, it has an extremely famous reputation.

"All the top enjoyment? All the treasures? All the beauties? All the objects?" Lu Qian curled his lips: "I want the Eight Scenery Baohua Lantern, can you get it? I want the concubine of Emperor Taichu, you dare to get it too Come to sell? I want the Buddha collection from Landa Ancient Temple, can you get it too?"

Shaking his head, Lu Qian muttered in a low voice: "False advertising, a scam!"

However, according to the confessions of those members of the Linghu clan who were imprisoned in the secret prison, the contact point of the person related to them was at the Skeleton Center. There is no fixed time or fixed place for the transaction between Linghu and the other party. They all come to the Skull Collection to contact the other party, and randomly arrange the meeting place according to the amount and type of goods traded.

There are many contact places and contact methods that have been tortured from the people of the Linghu clan, but the only known, standing, fixed contact point is the Skull Collection.

In addition, the imprisoned Linghu clan members revealed that the other standing communication channels with the other party were, as far as they knew, only Linghu Ku was in control of the other standing communication channels.

But Linghu Ku was already in mourning, so the only contact point where Lu Qian and others could attack was the collection of skeletons.

Daheishan is in chaos, and various forces are complicated. Even the Linghu family has some shady business here, and has raised some dead soldiers and thugs to hang out here.

Although the fleet brought by Linghu Tian and others is huge, and their own cultivation is extremely high, but in a place like Daheishan, if one is not careful, the other party may get wind of it, run away, and be completely disconnected... And this, No matter it is the Linghu clan, the Tianshu Laojun, or even the Taizu Emperor behind the Linghu clan, or the Taichu Emperor behind the Tianshu Laojun, they are absolutely not allowed to appear.

The boat drifted slowly towards the skeleton collection.

On the edge of the black stone, at the top of the Jingguan, the hideous skull-and-human-skin flag swayed slightly, and a wisp of sinister light shone towards Lu Qian. Lu Qian snorted coldly, a Vajra Zen light lit up on his body, and he sang a melodious Sanskrit chant. He raised his right hand and struck the evil light with a palm.

There was a loud "bang", like a huge bell breaking, and the evil light was shattered by Lu Qian's palm.

Behind Jingguan, two monks who were skinny and skinny, with only a breath of vitality left, rose into the sky on the wind and phosphorus fire, holding two white bone swords shrouded in the wind, looking towards Lu Qian.

"Jie Jie, you are so bald!" A monk laughed strangely: "You have very sharp eyes, you..."

Lu Qian waved his sleeves, and there was a "bang bang bang" sound. A large batch was refined to 90% purity. It was three feet long, half a foot wide, and three inches thick. There were still some bumps on the surface. It was obvious that the refining and casting techniques were ordinary. The thundering copper ingots flew out of his sleeves and formed a small pile on the bow of the ship.

Thunderous copper, thundery spiritual gold, natural high-grade treasure materials with dual attributes of 'thunder and gold', are important materials for forging heavenly general level, and even star king level 'thunder attribute' offensive weapons. Because of its powerful killing effect, especially its restraint effect on certain specific skills and physiques, most of the known Thunder Copper veins are in the hands of the Heavenly Court officials, while a few veins are controlled by the Heavenly clan giants from various places. The clan controls it, but occasionally a little bit of it will end up on the black market.

The thunderous copper thrown out by Lu Qian was enough to forge more than a dozen medium-sized weapons, and it was indeed worth a lot of money.

Especially the craftsmanship of these copper ingots was obviously done in small workshops. There are still traces of blood stains on it, and there is even a faint smell of blood that lingers.

The two monks raised their brows and laughed: "It turns out that we are distinguished guests. Very good, very good! Please come in, please come in... I'm scared. The master just overreacted. We have this skeleton." Qi, I just want to see if there are any taboo objects on the master, it will not hurt the master at all!"

Lu Qian said calmly: "There is no coexistence between good and evil. Even a young monk cannot see such an evil thing. How can we allow it to get close to us?"

The two monks were stunned, winked at each other, and laughed.

Such a serious and sanctimonious appearance, coupled with these thundering coppers that were clearly obtained by robbing houses... Look at the tall and muscular man standing behind Lu Qian. Although he has a bald head and is dressed as a monk, his whole body is filled with evil spirits. , a few Ahus who are full of market aura and have made it clear that they are not good people...

Come on, this is indeed a serious monk.

The two monks did not argue with Lu Qian, and pointed directly towards the row of wooden trestles extending into the void at the edge of the skeleton collection: "Come on, if your old boat has magical storage, then take it with you. If you, master, have lost your inheritance and do not have the magical power to condense the Buddha's Kingdom in your palms... there is a parking space over there, with thirty Emperor's Coins an hour, you can park as long as you like."

"However, if you fail to pay the parking fee before leaving, the ship will belong to our Skeleton Collection... I'll say the ugly things first, and everything will be done according to the rules!"

Lu Qian agreed and steered the boat forward slowly.

When he reached the edge of the black stone, Lu Qian waved his palm, and the boat and the thundering copper on the bow disappeared at the same time, and were absorbed into the five elements small space in his body. With a few muffled sounds of "dong dong", several Yakshas and Rakshasas brought by Lu Qian came out of the cabin shaking their heads and stretched their bodies vigorously. Several Yakshas even fluttered their fleshy wings and flew into the sky. It flapped its wings and floated above Lu Qian's head.

"Oh, what a fierce protector!" The two monks couldn't help but exclaimed: "Great monk, where did you get such a strange species? If you are interested in selling it, remember to go to the Skeleton Pavilion, I will definitely give you a good price!"

Lu Qian waved his hand and walked straight to the skeleton collection.

With a 'oooo' sound, the rabbit also jumped out of the cabin with its tail raised, its body shrunk to two feet in length, and it walked in front of Lu Qian with its head held high.

The big parrot naturally lay on Lu Qian's head.

The snapping turtle squatted on Lu Qian's shoulder, and the green snake cleverly hid in Lu Qian's sleeve.

Dahuang swung his tail, gathered up the dragon-like horns, scales, whiskers, claws and other features on his body, and turned into the most standard big yellow dog. He grinned slightly and followed Lu in a hurry. Behind him.

The two monks laughed again.

This monk looks like he lives at home... Look, look, he has a complete set of cats and dogs, he looks like a blessed person.

There are no walls in the Skull Collection, just seven or eight horizontal and vertical streets, with a large number of bungalows of different materials and sizes built on both sides. Standing at the entrance of a street, Lu Qian smelled the aroma of wine and meat, heard the crowing of cocks and the barking of dogs, and the sounds of silk, bamboo and pipa instruments.

‘Dang Dang Dang’, right next to Lu Qian, is a butcher shop that occupies a large area.

Several men who were over ten feet tall and as big as a bull were holding kitchen knives and chopping huge animal bones behind the desk. Pieces of bright red meat were hung on iron hooks. Next to the table was a large stove with a huge iron pot three feet in diameter. The white soup was boiling. I don't know what kind of exotic spices were used. The pot was full of boiling water. The meat exuded an extremely rich aroma, which made Lu Qiandu salivate, and the rabbit even screamed.

"Monk, would you like a piece? A new good product arrived yesterday." A big man chopped the golden machete in his hand on the chopping board, wiped his hands on his apron, and boasted triumphantly: "Have you ever heard of the Dugu family? ? There are many wealthy families under the command of Emperor Tai Zhen. This is the favorite pet beast mount 'Baixia Jiao' of an eldest lady in their family... Hehe, a good man attacked the eldest lady, and now he is waiting in the 'Pinxiang Pavilion' The clothes are combed together, the meat of the Baixia Jiao is in this pot!"

"The heterogeneous dragon is really rare, especially since its owner has a noble status!"

"First, the great monk will bring you some pieces of dragon meat. After you have eaten and drank enough, if you have enough money, why not go to the Pinxiang Pavilion to bid for one or two, and maybe you can eat the first soup of the eldest daughter of the Dugu family? Hehe, happy. !”

The big man laughed so much that he burped.

Lu Qian remained silent, took out a handful of emperor's money, threw it to the big man, and exchanged it for a pot of Baixia Jiao meat, which he distributed among the rabbit, snapping turtle, green snake and rhubarb.

Rhubarb and rabbit are just greedy, and eating this meat is just to satisfy the craving.

But what about the green snake and the snapping turtle? They ate the meat of the white cloud dragon, and their bodies glowed faintly. They obviously got some benefits from the dragon meat.

The few big men standing behind the bill fell silent.

They stared closely at the rhubarb, rabbit cat, snapping turtle, green snake and large parrot, with saliva coming out of the corners of their mouths.

The big parrot raised its wings and scolded a few salivating big men in a strange voice: "What's wrong with me? Is it because your biological father is missing and you want to hug me on my lap and have fun with me as your father?"

At these words... several big men raised their brows and picked up their machetes and were about to attack.

A low roar sounded, and the scales on the bodies of the Rakshasa following Lu Qian stood up. Their eyes were filled with blood, and they bared their teeth at the big men, with large amounts of saliva dripping from the corners of their mouths.

Several big men trembled at the same time and took two steps back. The leader of the big men shouted sternly: "Monk, take care of your birds. At the Skull Collection..."

Lu Qian didn't wait for the big man to finish his words, and said coldly: "The Skull Collection, I heard, is a place with rules. I only heard that you are not allowed to use weapons without permission, but I didn't hear that you are not allowed to curse... Or, if you are not convinced, you can also Open your mouth and scold me... If you can win, that's your skill."

"If you can't or don't want to, just shut up!" With a wave of his sleeves, an evil wind rose from the ground, picking up a large amount of sand and rushing toward the cauldron. Lu Qian watched with amusement as several big men hurriedly stood in front of the big pot, fearing that the mud would get into the pot and spoil their good pot of meat.

Lu Qian clapped his hands and laughed, with a hint of madness, and waddled into the skeleton collection with a slight jump in his small steps.

Several big men were furious and yelled curses behind them.

The big parrot's face turned red with excitement, and he shouted and fought with several big men in the air. Those men were vulgar and illiterate. How could they be scolded as much as the big parrot who had been around Lu Qian for a long time and experienced many wars?

In just a dozen sentences, several big men were so angry that the Three Corpse Gods jumped and almost wanted to draw their swords and kill people!

Not long after, various people in the Skeleton Collection learned from their own channels that an uneasy foreign monk had come in... Especially, many people knew that this foreign monk seemed to be extremely rich!

Soon, there were a few more unabashed eyes and ears around Lu Qian.

They followed Lu Yi step by step, winking and smiling at Lu Yi. Their looks were clearly telling Lu Yi - 'We have taken a liking to you, a big fat sheep, so don't even think about running away'!

This is provocation, unabashed provocation.

In particular, these eyes and ears are also fighting openly and secretly among themselves. Or you nudge me with your elbow, or I step on your toes hard, or when I pass by you, I put my shoulder heavily on your chest!

For a while, there was quite a bit of chaos around Lu Qian.

Looking at these eyes and ears, Lu Qian just grinned and pointed at them unabashedly: "Okay, okay, okay, the monk is waiting for you here, let's see how you die one by one! Wait! The monk has finished the things at hand, let’s go out to the skeleton gathering, and each of us will share life and death according to our own methods!”

From the surrounding shops and the flow of people on the street, strange laughter could be heard.

Someone in the distance whistled weirdly: "This is a fierce dragon crossing the river. You guys who lick the blood from the knife edge, be careful not to lick the knife edge!"

Lu Qian ignored these guys.

I have confidence in my heart, that's it. Not to mention that as soon as he sent out a signal, hundreds of millions of troops would surge forward, enough to sweep across the Black Mountains. Let’s just talk about the Yakshas, ​​Rakshasas, and those little Joho people he brought... these are all hidden in his shadow. There are countless thousands of Joho people hidden in his small shadow. They It’s enough to bloodbath the skeleton collection!

These guys who shout happily are nothing more than chickens and dogs, and they can be wiped out with a single slap.

Thirty-six white bone relics jingled at the fingertips, exuding a faint warmth. Lu Qian also smiled. He would not forget these old friends... Yu Dianhu and the others had recovered their physical bodies. With the blessing of the thirty-six orbs of Emperor Taichu, their cultivation was much stronger than Lu Qian's. , the physical body is even more powerful.

And the five uncles around me!

Well, Lu Qian drew some blood from Yu Diaihu and the others and fed it to the five uncles.

Yu Diaihu and the others only integrated an insignificant amount of the power of the thirty-six orbs given by Emperor Taichu. Most of the power is still sealed in their bodies, waiting for them to gradually adapt and gradually absorb and fuse.

Therefore, a little blood in their bodies caused the cultivation of the five uncles to soar.

Because of their innate bloodline of the Five Elements and Five Directions Holy Beasts, their speed of improvement is extremely astonishing. The five uncles who seem harmless to humans and animals, but one of them has a bit of a mean mouth, if they have an attack and reveal their true identities... As far as I can see, these are the most powerful people who can't reach the Heavenly School Realm. The five uncles will spray His tone also swept them away.

Swinging his sleeves, he chanted the Buddha's name.

Lu Qian walked into a shop that specialized in collecting and selling stolen goods in a serious manner, and sold all his 6,852 cubic meters of thundering copper and 62 cubic meters of electric silver to the shop owner.

The number of Thunder Coppers is scattered, which increasingly indicates that they are stolen goods.

Electro-optical silver is a rarer mineral than thundering copper. It is usually found in very small amounts in super-large thundering copper veins. Mining is difficult, and extraction is even more difficult. The strongest Thunder Copper can only forge Star Lord level weapons, while the Lightning Silver can forge Heavenly Lord and even half-step Mahatma Lord level treasures.

Therefore, thundering copper is not easy to obtain, but electric silver is even rarer, so it can naturally be sold at a good price.

Six thousand eight hundred and fifty-two square meters of thundering copper.

Sixty-two square meters of electric silver.

Six thousand eight hundred and fifty-two, sixty-two...there are some parts and some parts.

The shop owner who collected the stolen goods took a deep look at Lu Qian and said quietly: "Monk, I think you are not a stickler for rules. Do you eat meat? Do you drink alcohol? Do you play tricks on the little lady?"

"No, no, no, no." Lu Qian shook his head hurriedly: "In this world, what fun would there be without the little lady who eats meat and drinks wine? Don't talk about the little lady, hey, get some vixens here, little monk It’s also bearable!”

The shop owner's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said with a smile: "Vixens are such rare things. I've only heard of them. Where have I seen them? Hey, hey, there were legends before. But since the establishment of Heaven, the rules of this world do not allow it. Creatures become spirits the day after tomorrow...If you want to see the vixen again, tsk tsk!"

"It's difficult, it's difficult, it's difficult." With a sigh, the shop owner pointed towards the large flat house opposite the door of his shop, with red lanterns hanging in front and back: "Since monks eat meat and drink wine, I also want to play tricks on little ladies, so let me introduce you to a good place. Look, Nuanyu Tower over there is as famous as Skeleton Collection and Pinxiang Pavilion. The girls there are not as good as vixens, but they are almost the same... If the monk is interested, go Sit down?"

Lu Qian looked at the shop owner suspiciously: "So attentive? Do you have a relationship with the owner of Nuanyulou? Are you soliciting customers for him?"

Before the shop owner could answer, Lu Qian had already smiled and patted his waist: "Well, the monk has an indestructible body. Hehe, it's just the right time to try these annoying little goblins... Oops, that's it. Let’s see if their Six Desires in the world of mortals can destroy the little monk’s magical body that can subdue demons.”

"Hey, I want to see how long the monk can last? Three days? Five days?"

Shaking his head, Lu Qian said calmly: "Drinking and sex can hurt people. In three days at most, you will have to go to my Buddha to recite sutras and repent!"

Lu Yan walked out of the shop where stolen goods were collected and sold without looking back, and strode towards Nuanyu Tower.

Through the specific value of the goods, Lu Qian had already told the shop owner who collected and sold stolen goods that he was specifically looking for them... and he only had three days left. In three days, he will leave the Skeleton Collection.

Moreover, Lu Qian specifically mentioned the three words "vixen". If the shop owner was not stupid, he would naturally know that he was from the Linghu clan.

This set of joint procedures, tsk tsk... Lu Qian couldn't help but grin, it seemed a bit decent?

But what's the use?

The Linghu family members could not withstand the torture and all confessed.

Entering the Nuanyu Tower, it was indeed broad daylight, with bright lights and feasting, a smoky atmosphere, and the presence of warblers, swallows, and demons dancing wildly. Lu Qian was not polite, and directly called the madam over, booked a small courtyard for the jingshe, and called dozens of pretty young ladies to come.

Lu Qian does not discriminate against these young ladies, but he does not have any interest in the activities of this brothel.

As for Ah Hu, it's different.

Heroes of the market who were born and raised on the streets of Haojing City, they are not the 'young ladies' who keep their integrity like a jade!

For a moment, in the courtyard under Lu Qian's house, delicate cries and screams could be heard one after another, as if three or five silk and bamboo bands were playing. Around the courtyard, more and more eyes and ears were hearing this, and they were all upset. They wanted to break into the courtyard, hack Lu Qian and his party to death, and directly rob Lu Qian of the huge pile of imperial money that he had gained from selling the stolen goods.

After more than a day of messing around like this, on this day, several pretty little maids brought all kinds of wine and delicacies to Lu Qian's small courtyard.

A figure flashed past, and a little girl who looked to be no more than 28 years old quietly entered the room where Lu Qian was sitting cross-legged and chanting sutras.

"Monk, you are so calm. When I come to Nuanyulou, you are the first one to be happy without looking for a girl." She is pink and fair, looks harmless to humans and animals, just like the girl next door who has just grown up, with a friendly smile. He walked directly in front of Lu Qian and breathed a gentle warm breath of fragrance onto his face.


Lu Qian slapped away the fragrance breathed out by the girl, and the big slap landed on her face.

The girl was caught off guard, and was spun 3,600 degrees on the spot, before falling headfirst to the ground.

This slap was quite heavy. The girl shook her head. After a long while, she raised her head while covering her swollen face, and stared at Lu Qian with great annoyance: "Monk Thief, you..."

Taking a deep breath, the girl's eyes twitched violently, and she said in a cold voice: "Who asked you to come?"

Lu Qian looked at the girl coldly: "It wasn't you before!"

The girl sneered: "The problem is, it wasn't you before... What happened to Qingsang Yunlu? Linghuyun City is closed inside and outside, what happened?"

Lu Qian coughed slightly: "Well, it seems that we found the wrong person. Well, our transactions will be stopped from now on."

The girl's eyes widened, and she hurriedly stood up, ignoring the heavy slap from the angry Lu Qian just now, and hissed: "Stop? Haha, stop just when you say stop? It's just inexplicable, you Linghu clan... it's just... Scared, it doesn’t matter what you say, let the person who can make the decision come!”

Lu Qian spread his hands: "This is what I want to say to you. You little girl, your words don't count. Let the person who can make the decision come to you!"

The girl closed her mouth and looked Lu Qian up and down.

Lu Chen stood up slowly. His height of 1.6 feet stood in front of a girl who was no more than five feet tall. As Lu Chen straightened up slowly, she could only raise her head and look up with great difficulty, and she could barely see Lu Chen. His chin.

The girl became more and more angry, and she hissed: "Monk, tell me your origin first."

The white bone relic beads in Lu Qian's hand made a tinkling sound, flowing between his fingers like running water. He said coldly: "The young monk Tang Sanzang, also known as the monk Xuanzang, Linghu Ku is my benefactor. This time he After the fall of Tiemenguan, the Linghu clan fought for power within the clan and became a mess. The clan elders were old and dim and unable to suppress the situation..."

Spreading his hands, Lu Qian said in a deep voice: "Some of our past transactions, some of which were spent, were discovered by other Linghu clan members... Many of our clan members have been thrown into secret prisons. The prison... The young monk was ordered to contact you, just to make a summary and see what countermeasures can be taken."

"The Linghu clan is in chaos?"

The girl's sleeves were blown by the breeze, and the sleeves rolled up on their own, revealing a large gold bracelet inlaid with several colored gemstones. In the center, a blood-colored gem the size of a dove egg flickered with dim light, and a hoarse, weak voice that gave the impression of someone who smoked and drank excessively came from the flickering gem: "What on earth is going on? Monk Xuanzang, right?" You follow the little delphinium here, hurry up!"

"Well, you don't need to take your people with you. Let them live happily in Nuanyu Tower. The blame will be on me!"

Lu Qian nodded slowly.

The little girl who had been slapped covered her face, glanced at Lu Qian sideways, turned and walked to a corner of the room, and tapped the wall lightly or heavily one hundred and eight times in a row. Each time it was struck, a ray of changing mana was injected into the wall. After one hundred and eight times, a dim light suddenly flashed on the ground in the corner of the room, and a small moving array with a diameter of about ten feet appeared directly from the ground.

"Come here, monk!" The little girl snorted coldly at Lu Qian: "I remember that slap you just gave me!"

Lu Qian walked to the moving formation and stood still in two steps. He said coldly: "It's useless to be anxious. I'm here to do serious business. What you did just now is, to put it mildly, frivolous... That's right. You're welcome, you just don't know the priorities, you are simply arrogant, and you are really just making nonsense!"

"If the young monk hadn't always carried the compassionate heart taught by the Buddha, it would be a matter of course for you to breathe on the young monk's face and kill you with one palm!"

"You!" The little girl was so angry that she almost jumped up.

"What's wrong with me? What the young monk said is true...Who knows if there are any evil spells, witchcraft, poisons, or evil methods in your breath?" Lu Qian reprimanded the little girl confidently: "Don't do this next time. That's it... It's just this time that I had no choice but to let an inconspicuous person like Xiaoseng come to join you... If it had been someone else, you might have been covered in blood five steps ago."

The little girl received a slap in the face, but she was also reprimanded by Lu Qian.

She was so angry that she rolled her eyes, but there was nothing she could do to Lu Qian. She could only stamp her feet angrily, a small moving formation flashed, and the surroundings suddenly started to spin.

Lu Qian's cultivation is improving day by day, and his mastery of the avenues of space is also constantly improving.

In the past, he had ridden in various moving formations. He only felt his body light up and the world around him was spinning, and he had already reached his destination.

But now in this small moving formation, he clearly felt the fluctuations of the Daoyun of the space, and felt how the wisps of space inspiration came together to form a wonderful avenue restriction, turning it into a small space 'tip bag' Wrapped the two people, then broke through the void, and moved directly to the other end of the moving formation.

During this process, Lu Qian could clearly feel the space-time image of the outside world as the space moved.

Even the power of the moving array, the direction of the transmission, how far it was transmitted, and how much time it took are all clear... This small moving array has taken Lu Qian out of the Skeleton Collection and deep into the Daheishan Mountains. , sent twelve million miles away!

It was very cold all around.

This is a giant black stone that has been artificially modified.

It has a strange shape like a mountain, with a sharp downward wind and a sharp upward direction. It is three thousand miles high and has a base radius of twenty thousand miles. Below the mountainside, there is nothing but black rocks and not a single blade of grass. On the mountainside, some 'terraces' were opened in certain places, some soil was stored, and some vegetation was planted. In some places protected by formations, large areas of farmland were opened, and some exotic flowers and plants were planted, as well as common cereals and grains.

On the top of the mountain, a fortress with a radius of dozens of miles was arranged.

High walls, trenches, doujiao archery towers, and all kinds of formations and restrictions were surrounding them. There were large and small black warships in the void far and near, like a swarm of hunting sharks, cruising silently.

Lu Qian and the little girl emerged directly from a school ground inside the fortress.

Surrounded by a large group of elite soldiers wearing heavy armor, the average cultivation level is above the Heavenly School level. When placed in the Heavenly Court's Five Military Mansion, these are absolutely elite levels. However, their Qi is extremely impetuous, like a volcano that may erupt at any time, and wisps of essence, blood, and dry Qi are constantly leaking out of their pores.

Lu Qian suddenly realized that the cultivation of these people was not all forcibly improved by external forces?

Empty cultivation, but no matching state of mind and understanding...

However, in this large group of soldiers, the leading generals have deep and profound Qi, and all their auras are restrained, without any leakage. Covered in thick armor, Lu Qian couldn't see through their cultivation even if he didn't use his magical powers.

These guys are a bit interesting.

Lu Qian glanced at them. The gazes of these generals were sharp, like cold blades, staring directly at Lu Qian. They looked like they would kill someone if something went wrong, which was quite terrifying.

"Monk, come with me!" When the little girl Delphinium arrived here, her jumping energy in Nuanyulou also subconsciously restrained a lot, and she became very cautious and cautious. She called softly and left the school with Lu Qian.

This fortress has one sentry every three steps and one post every five steps. In addition to the fixed sentries, in the passages, large groups of strong men wearing heavy armor patrol back and forth. At every intersection of the passages, there are pearls hanging high, with precious mirrors inlaid on them. The pearly light and mirror light shine in all directions. Together with various warning formations, the place is kept airtight. It is truly impossible for a fly to escape. Anyone who flies in carefully will be immediately cut into hundreds of thousands of pieces, and each piece will be carefully analyzed.

After walking along the winding corridor for a long time, the front suddenly opened up. Amidst the rising light smoke, we saw a beautiful place, which had the charm of the "Jiangnan Water Town" in Lu Qian's memory. It was hundreds of acres in size. The garden is in sight.

In the garden, there were no burly men wearing heavy armor, and everywhere there were slim and beautiful girls wearing hundred-flower war robes and thin green-gold dragon scale armor. They may be on duty at various key points, or they may be patrolling in the gardens in small groups...

Lu Qian glanced at these armored and fully armed girls and felt his teeth sore.

At first glance, the armor and battle robes worn by these girls appear to be quite similar. The aura exuding from those shirts and armors was quite sophisticated, at least they were heavenly general-level sophisticated weapons.

However, these armors and shirts only barely protected a few vital points of the upper body. The two long white legs, the two tender white arms, and the large white belly and fragrant back were all openly exposed. outer.

The defensive power of this armor... is really frightening!

Lu Qian murmured: "The resources of the Linghu clan have turned into these... sophisticated ordnance?"

The little girl Delphinium coughed dryly and said softly: "They are the young master's personal guards... Ahem, the armors and battle robes they are wearing are just...casual clothes...the armors that can really fight the enemy, uh..."

Lu Qian looked at Delphinium and said softly: "Continue editing, I'm listening."

Delphinium rolled her eyes and remained silent.

After walking along the path between the rockery and the stream for a long time, bypassing the beautiful mountains and rivers like green peaks, a field of flowers measuring several acres suddenly came into view in front of me.

On the green grass with flowers in full bloom, two military formations of pretty girls were wearing armor and battle robes that exposed most of their flesh. They were holding small wooden sticks as thick as a thumb, which were painted with metallic paint and made up to look like spears and halberds. With the high-pitched and passionate sound of the pipa, they transformed into military formations on the grass, going back and forth to 'attack and kill'!

I don’t know which genius set up those deadly restrictions around here...

The military formation of these girls changes. During the attacks, if the wooden stick in their hands touches the opponent's body, the shoulder armor will fall off; the breastplate will fall off; the war skirt will fall off... …

The two groups of delicate girls fought back and forth for a short while, one by one taking off their armor, and Lu Qian didn't even know where to land.

The sound just heard from the blood-colored gemstone on the Delphinium bracelet came directly from a pavilion on the edge of the grass.

"Monk Xuanzang, right? Look, are my guards trained properly?"

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