Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 954 The real Tao fruit

Lu Qian looked back.

Around Blackpool Star, there are more than 100,000 stars in this star field.

The stars were filled with flames that shot up into the sky, like penicillium growing on huge rotten oranges. Every star was completely surrounded by hundreds of warships setting up a dragnet. Above each star, there are tens of millions of elite soldiers arrayed to kill any monks who rush out of the atmosphere and try to escape.

In the void, there are more casual cultivators gathered by Mr. Shaoyao and powerful soldiers trained by Mr. Yueji. They specifically hunted down those masters who were strong enough in cultivation and lucky enough. When they thought they had escaped, they chased them in the void and killed them on the spot.

One after another, the giant ships continuously sprayed out pillars of lightning and fire, hitting the stars one after another.

Mountains and forests collapsed.

Basin depression.

Plateau shattered.

The earth burns.

These giant ships were unhurried, bombarding the ground with a frequency of ten breaths and one blow. Attacks of this frequency, each hit has reached the peak destructive power of a heavenly general. When blasted from high altitude, each hit can easily destroy the ground thousands of miles below.

These stars range in size from large to small, and some of the particularly petite stars have been blasted beyond recognition. A thick layer has been removed from the entire star, and the creatures above have naturally been wiped out.

Some stars are extremely large, nearly millions of miles in diameter. The attacks from more than a hundred warships were only insignificant to them. The creatures on these giant stars have enough time to coordinate their forces, form various formations to defend themselves, or simply rush out of the atmosphere in groups to confront the hundreds of warships surrounding the stars.

Lu Qian saw that there were five-colored mist shining in the sky outside many huge stars. Some warships were bombed. There were a few figures running around hastily. However, they were quickly killed by Shaoyao Lord and Yueji Lord's subordinates who came from all directions. kill.

There was a loud noise, and dozens of the smallest stars exploded.

Thousands of warships immediately escaped. After pouring a final wave of firepower at the exploding stars, they quickly joined in the bombardment of other nearby stars. As a result, more and more stars exploded at an accelerated rate. This star field was filled with flashes of star explosions, and the surging Taoist rhyme caused by star explosions echoed in the void all the time.

"I am compassionate." Lu Qian just shook his head.

"Why should Monk Xuanzang be so pretentious?" Yue Jijun turned around and raised an eyebrow at Lu Ren: "The battle to seize the Dao is like this. If we don't completely kill the ants that have infested the Dao, let my father destroy the Dao." How can we condense the Great Emperor's Dao Fruit through refining to become truly immortal and indestructible?"

Lu Qian remained silent.

If he hadn't witnessed this brutal killing today, he would never have known that Emperor Cheng would act like this.

Time passed little by little, and hundreds of large stars nearby were destroyed. Thousands of warships bombarded the debris of the exploding stars, and then quickly followed Yue Jijun's order to gather here and join in. During the bombardment of the small square land.

What is surprising is that in the face of the surprise attack by the fleet commanded by Lord Shaoyao and Lord Yueji, a group of monks among the stars far and near actually escaped the bombardment of the fleet, escaped the encirclement and suppression of the military formation, and even broke through two The elite men under his command chased and intercepted him, and ran all the way to the void where Blackpool Star was.

In twos and threes, a sparse group of monks came flying over and launched a crazy attack without fear of death.

The methods they perform are all the same.

As soon as you take action, there will be various colors of light, illusory mist, with a trace of swamp water vapor. It contains all kinds of strange poisons, and there are even some small bugs such as mosquitoes mixed in, sucking people's blood and spreading diseases...

The killing power of these methods is not outstanding. At least in Lu Qian's view, these magical powers and secret techniques are very sparse and crude, far inferior to the great magical powers he learned from Landa Buddha.

However, these monks' fearless and crazy attacks also caused a lot of casualties to the subordinates of Lord Shaoyao and Lord Yueji. The tens of thousands of military formations disintegrated under the attack of poisonous gas. Each soldier was sucked dry of blood by the flying insects, or had insect eggs planted in his body, and countless insects hatched quickly.

What's more, on some large stars close to the Blackpool Star, small fleets of different sizes clashed. They gathered together and launched a desperate attack on the fleets of Lord Shaoyao and Lord Yueji.

Three or five warships were bombed casually.

Thirty to fifty warships were easily defeated.

But there are thousands of stars near Kurosawa Star, dozens of floating lands, and several large empty cities, markets, etc. The number of warships that rose into the sky from these stars and land masses, and were lucky enough to break through the numerous tribulations and rush to the vicinity of Blackpool Star, gradually gathered together. Most of them were destroyed, and in the end, more than two thousand warships of different sizes gathered together.

The shortest of these warships is no more than a hundred feet long, and the longest is no more than ten miles. In terms of quality, it is far inferior to the private fleets brought by Shaoyaojun and Yuejijun. But the commanders of these warships are obviously quite shrewd. They do not directly attack the fleet here. Instead, they quickly move around, and every time the charge is completed, they lock on a warship and output all its power.

No matter how poor the quality of these two thousand or so warships are, they are still warships.

More than two thousand warships locked on a target and attacked frantically. One by one, hundreds of miles of warships were beaten and smoke erupted. Occasionally, there was a loud noise, and a weak point of a certain warship was blasted, directly detonating the furnace and furnace inside. Formation, the huge battleship exploded into a dazzling firework in the void.

It's very interesting that these private warships, which are hundreds of miles long, actually have a lot of 'weak spots' on their shells!

Considering the size and defense standards of these private warships, even if they are concentrated by these scattered warships, it is impossible for dozens of them to be blown up in succession in such a short period of time... When these warships were built, they seemed to have left It rained a lot, hidden danger!

And I’m afraid I have to ask Mr. Shaoyao about the deep-seated reason!

Tsk tsk!

Even so, after all, the fleet advantages brought by Lord Shaoyao and Lord Yueji are too great... More and more private warships have completed the battle objectives, exploded the stars, and then quickly gathered here.

Gradually, the number of private fleets besieging here has reached nearly 100,000, and the more than 2,000 scattered warships, under the command of Yue Jijun, were forced to fire once, and more than 2,000 warships were immediately destroyed. There were only two or three hundred lucky ones who spewed smoke and fire, and fled in all directions...

Before they could escape far, these battleships were directly destroyed by the pursuers.

One hundred thousand warships surrounded the circular landmass shrouded in five-colored glow, bombarded by artillery fire all over the sky, and hundreds of millions of elite soldiers and generals formed a military formation, frantically bombarding the circular landmass with cracks all over it.

Finally, the power of the attack was too powerful and exceeded the limit of this circular land mass defense formation.

Three hundred and sixty giant swords swirling in the sky were the first to be blasted into debris by thunder and fire. The formation formed by colorful smoke was broken open. Eighteen cities that were the core of defense were detonated one after another. Tens of millions of people in the city were destroyed. The creatures were directly reduced to nothing in the thunder and fire.

Lu Qian immediately saw that within the body of the rolling dragon, near the figure at the tail of the dragon, dozens of looming figures immediately collapsed... The figure sitting cross-legged on the head of the dragon laughed wildly, and his whole body was full of brilliance and colorful. Xia Guang rushed toward the dragon's tail, knocking the figure sitting at the tail away.

With a loud bang, the entire circular land mass was completely shattered.

The thunder and fire in the sky poured wildly towards the exploded debris of the continent. Wisps of colorful glow rushed out from the continent. Accompanied by a sharp whistle, a figure vomiting blood was wrapped in thick multi-colored haze, and the continent was destroyed. It rushed out of the big explosion and broke through the encirclement of the fleet in just a flash.

But in the void, Yue Jijun has already set up a large formation to encircle and intercept them.

This blood-vomiting figure had just rushed out less than 100,000 miles away, and hundreds of thousands of phalanxes in the void were already surrounding it from all sides.

The colorful rosy energy rolled and swept randomly, and a square formation of ten thousand people was swept away by the glow. Tens of thousands of soldiers were immediately poisoned and fell to the ground, bleeding from their seven orifices, and died suddenly on the spot. One blow shattered an army formation of ten thousand elite soldiers. It was so powerful to kill, and it was so powerful despite being seriously injured. It was terrifying.

But there are so many soldiers from all directions, hundreds of millions of elite soldiers will surround them from all directions, and a large group of casual cultivators gathered by Lord Shaoyao will rush in with great interest.

Mr. Shaoyao had already raised his hands, shouted loudly, and jumped happily: "Ten thousand stunning virgins...not to mention other benefits. Whoever kills this beast, ten thousand stunning virgins, will definitely not be discounted!" "

These masters of casual cultivating who were recruited by Mr. Shaoyao for their drunkenness, sex, and wealth, loved this one!

One can imagine what kind of national beauty a noble person of Mr. Shaoyao’s status can call ‘stunning beauty’… let alone ten thousand of them!

Amidst the screams, more than a dozen casual cultivators with the Great Heavenly Lord's cultivation surged out. Thunder and fire were unleashed, knives and swords fell. Various jade symbols and formation flags flew around, and various skeletons and flags and banners were swaying around. ...The figure in the colorful haze was seriously injured, and it seemed to be faintly restrained by the figure sitting cross-legged on the head of the avenue dragon. His body stiffened, and countless attacks fell on him.

"In this case, let's die together!" The figure in the colorful smoke screamed in mourning: "I have lived in seclusion all my life. I only grew up my family in this Blackpool Star and enjoyed my family life... How could I have known that disaster would come from the sky... You, you, You, you can raise such a large-scale private army, how extraordinary is your background? Why are you focusing on this mere trail that I have cultivated? "

The figure sitting cross-legged on the head of the Tiandao Dragon laughed softly, and his laughter was heard throughout the starry sky.

"Yes, there are countless avenues between heaven and earth."

"But who dares to infect those 'Glorious Avenues' that are favored by Heaven?"

“But who dares to touch those ‘high avenues of tyranny’ that are already occupied by giants from all sides?”

"This king is indeed of an extraordinary background, but the only way to save time and trouble, and to be able to make a move safely, is the trivial path that is not valued by others... You and I know very well that in today's world, the more trivial the path is, the more likely we are to be able to do it safely." Safety!"

"The path of swamp miasma is a trivial path, not worth mentioning, but it is also one of the great avenues of heaven and earth... As long as you succeed in seizing the path and condensing the fruit of the path, the avenue will still be immortal and the deity will not be destroyed."

"First get a result, and then slowly plan the real road of tyranny... You can't become a big fat man with one bite, I am not greedy! And, don't be in a hurry!"

From all directions, countless attacks hit the figure in the colorful smoke at the same time.

With a miserable howl, the figure faced hundreds of thousands of warships and hundreds of millions of elite soldiers and generals with a combined blow. Even the truly indestructible King Kong would be refined into golden water... and his body would immediately explode after being beaten!

But as the figure was annihilated, an extremely thick multicolored miasma suddenly surged out from the core of the explosion, soundlessly, and instantly covered the void with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles.

There were more than 80,000 battleships, and countless casual cultivators and soldiers were wrapped in the colorful miasma.

This was a fatal blow from a powerful master who was qualified to seize the Dao. More than 80,000 warships were immediately swallowed up by the poison, not even a trace of iron slag was left, and the casual cultivators and soldiers were even more dead. Be silent...

Lu Qian looked up and saw that the figure above the avenue dragon had slowly stood up. The five-color light radiating from his body had infected more than 90% of the avenue dragon, about 95%.

A low voice sounded: "It is indeed a small path with insufficient foundation. If you want to condense the Dao Fruit, you have to infect more than 99%... This star field and the descendants of the bloodline of the ancestor of Kurosawa will kill them all." Kill them all, leaving no one alive..."

In all directions, large swaths of stars were shattered and shattered.

As countless creatures disappeared into ashes, I saw that the colorful aura surrounding the figure above the avenue dragon was getting thicker and stronger, and the infection of the avenue dragon was gradually increasing... ninety-five percent... ninety-six percent... ninety-seven percent...

I don’t know how much time has passed.

Finally, the aura around this figure enveloped more than 99% of the Dao Jiaolong. The entire avenue of dragons suddenly became full of vitality and materialized in the void out of thin air. Everyone could clearly see the true form of the avenue of dragons without any need for clairvoyance.

The multicolored dragon was a million miles long, circling in the void, looking up to the sky with a long roar, and its body collapsed rapidly, collapsing and merging towards the figure sitting cross-legged above its head.

Time seems to have passed for a long time, and it seems that only one breath has passed.

The avenue dragon submerged into the void again and disappeared, while the figure had turned from virtual to real, turning into a middle-aged man nearly ten feet tall and quite handsome and elegant.

Between the man's brows, a piece of colorful cloud the size of a thumb appeared, flashing from time to time, revealing a suffocating and terrifying pressure.

"It has been planned for many years, and it is finally done." The man looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, wantonly, arrogant, and arrogant... He laughed for a full quarter of an hour, until tears spurted out of his eyes.

He held his head high, his chest raised, his hands behind his back, and as he looked, the majesty of the emperor came to his face. The man glanced at the battleship where Lu Yi was and snorted coldly. Then, Mr. Shaoyao, Mr. Yueji, and many generals and soldiers rose up in the air, and according to their status and closeness, they bowed to the man with fear, respect, and at the same time extremely fanatical, and each one shouted at the top of his voice. He used all his strength to worship the man.

Among the countless people, Lu Qian stood upright on the bow of the boat, looking up at the man.

Because Lu Qian did not bow, Ahu and the others did not kneel down and bow. They all opened their eyes wide, staring directly at the man who was surrounded by hundreds of millions of people and exuded immeasurable majesty.

The man's eyes naturally turned over.


Lord Shaoyao said hurriedly: "Father, this is Master Xuanzang, a good monk."

Lord Yueji shouted sternly: "Father, this monk's origin is unknown and he is a thief monk!"

The two brothers were stunned and glanced at each other at the same time. Their eyes were like knives, and they condensed into real eyes. They really collided in the void, creating a dazzling fire!

In the past, their father was just an ordinary son of Emperor Taiyi. I don't know where he got the opportunity. His father colluded with some "like-minded" big shots and had profound backgrounds, and began to secretly plan for the grand cause of "promoting to the Great Emperor".

After so many years of hard work, he finally condensed the great path he chose many years ago into the Great Emperor Dao Fruit... or in other words, it condensed into the 'Emperor Seal Dao Seal'. From then on, if the Dao is not destroyed, then the deity will not be destroyed. fall from the sky.

When their father was just an ordinary son of Emperor Taiyi, Mr. Shaoyao and Mr. Yueji could only be two ordinary little transparent people. In Taiyi, they could not make any waves at all. If they want to build an army privately, they have to act like thieves and collude with giant clans like the Linghu clan to 'steal' resources from the fingers of Emperor Taiyi.

But now that their father is done, the situation is different.

It is conceivable that in the future, the resources, power, and all aspects of tangible and intangible things that their father will be able to control will be at least a hundred times, a thousand times, or ten thousand times what they are now... Shaoyao Lord and Yueji Lord are bound to welcome, More fierce and naked competition!

To put it more simply, in the past, their father was just an ordinary 'prince'. The prince's son, even if you win all the battles with your brothers, the territory you can own is only this big.

But when his father suddenly changed and became ‘Father’…

In the past, Mr. Shaoyao and Mr. Yueji only had a quarrel of words. Occasionally, the two brothers would fight and get bruised and bruised, and the matter would be over... But in the future, their competition will inevitably be bloody and bloody, and they may fall. , and the people around them will fall like rain, but they are all happy!

Therefore, now they are very conscious and start to fight, start to grab, and start to suppress each other... From all aspects, they try their best to suppress each other!

"There has been a change in the Linghu clan. Master Xuanzang came to warn the child on the order of Linghu Zhutao." Mr. Shaoyao stood up and said sternly: "But Yueji relied on him to help you, 'Father' He used his 'influence' in his private army to forcibly detain Master Xuanzang... Wouldn't this kind of behavior make the Linghu family feel chilled?"

Yue Jijun sneered, showing no signs of weakness, and reprimanded sternly: "It's simply ridiculous. Since he knew that there was an internal change in the Linghu clan, he didn't do any screening, so he allowed this monk to go straight in and witness his father's many arrangements in Daheishan... so frivolous and careless. …How can I be worthy of such a big responsibility?”

Lu Qian smiled and looked at the man: "May I ask the king's name? Young monk Fahai, congratulations to the king, congratulations to the king, this...has become the 'great emperor'? Well, it's a pity, it's a pity, the brothers are fighting against each other right in front of us. , what’s more, what a tragedy, what a pain!”

As soon as the word 'Fahai' came out, Mr. Shaoyao's expression suddenly changed. He took two steps back suddenly, with the expression of someone who was in pain like a 'lovestruck daughter' when she encountered a 'super scumbag', and pointed at Lu Qian with his trembling right hand: "Master Xuanzang, you, you, you, you lied to me? You lied to me? How, how... monk, how did you..."

Yue Jijun trembled all over, showing the extremely hearty and joyful expression of an old gangster who had just been released from prison. After distributing as much as he wanted in a small red light restaurant on the street: "Father, this is also the case." He knows the current affairs and knows that my father has made great progress and possesses incredible magical powers. His lies can definitely not be hidden from you, father... Ha, there is indeed something wrong with him!"

Mr. Shaoyao's face was red, and he stared at Mr. Yueji with malicious eyes.

Yue Jijun looked refreshed and smiling, admiring his brother's angry look.

The father of the two brothers admired his son's changing expressions with great interest, and laughed: "I, 'Qiu Gui'... ha, actually this name is not very pleasant. But, that's all. …”

Shaking his head, King Qiu Gui sighed as he couldn't bear to look back on the past.

Slowly descending, King Qiu Gui landed directly in front of Lu Yi and looked at Lu Yi carefully. From all directions, countless soldiers stood up and formed a military formation, surrounding the battleship in the center.

Including Mr. Shaoyao, countless people stared at Lu Qian with twinkling eyes.

At this moment, as long as King Qiu Gui gives the order, countless people will rush forward, chop Lu Qian, A Hu, and the five uncles into dog meat sauce, and then feed them to the dogs.

"You are not from the Linghu clan, are you?" King Qiu Gui looked at Lu Yi for a while, then smiled and shook his head: "Well, you don't have the feminine, feminine aura that the Linghu clan has... Very interesting As for the Linghu family, it’s just that the people in the Linghu family are enchanting. Their family’s ministers, guests, and even the cats and dogs they raise are all monstrous..."

"You don't have this arrogance. It shows that you are not from the Linghu clan."

Lu Qian looked at King Qiu Gui with a smile: "Your Majesty's eyes are like a torch, and I am impressed by this young monk. However, it seems that you, Your Majesty, know this young monk's name?"

King Qiu Gui was trying to make something mysterious about the "arrogance" of the Linghu clan members.

Maybe there is such a mysterious and mysterious statement, right?

But Lu Qian noticed that the dim light flickered deep in King Qiu Gui's pupils. This guy knew him... But Lu Qian could guarantee that he and King Qiu Gui had never been in contact, so...

"You bald Buddhist thieves have such sharp eyes." King Qiu Gui smiled: "Fahai, I have heard of your name. Well, it's not just about the ancient city of Loulan...it's about the Iron Gate Pass. , you also had a hand in it... If the news I got is correct, you should have taken refuge in the Lord of the Book of Heaven?"

Lu Qian looked at King Qiu Gui thoughtfully.

very good.

The forces behind this guy are indeed powerful and terrifying. Not many people know the name of the Dharma "Fahai". There are even fewer people who know that 'Fahai' has defected to the Lord of Heavenly Books. As for connecting 'Fahai' and Tiemenguan with all the previous events... Tsk, think about it, who of the people who witnessed Tiemenguan at that time might be King Qiu Gui's 'accomplices' ?

The newly appointed Great Heavenly Lord Yaoxin?

Perhaps, he is not qualified enough.

The son of the Great Heavenly Lord, his father, the Great Heavenly Lord, was only one of the five Heavenly Lords of the Five Military Mansion in the past... The five powerful Heavenly Lords of the Five Military Mansion sounded like they were famous. It's very loud, but in fact, even in Heaven, the five Heavenly Lords of the Five Military Mansion are not the real core ministers!

The master of the Supervisory Heaven Palace, Mr. Dafang, the head of the Secretariat Pavilion, Mr. Tianshu, and the unknown chief minister of Taishu Yuanting...these people are the real important ministers of the heaven. The Fifth Army Mansion puts it more harshly, but it is just the regular force of Heaven... because it is routine, it is not too important.

Lord Yaoxin is not qualified to have friendship with an emperor like King Qiu Gui.

So, who could it be?

"I, am I being targeted?" King Qiu Gui smiled brightly: "If it were before today, I would be so worried that I would even be unable to sleep at night... After all, an emperor's son, especially an emperor who is not favored, If the son wants to seize the way, the emperor will look on coldly and be happy to see his success... But the other brothers, even the sons of other emperors, and even the emperor's enemies in the dark corners, they will madly add insult to injury and attack in groups... "

"Supreme Taichu Heaven, how many incomparable talents have been set up on the road to seize the Dao, and fell halfway?"

"So, before today, if my true identity was known to outsiders, there would be a 99% chance that I would die, right?"

"But after today... it doesn't matter." King Qiu Gui looked at Lu Qian with a smile: "This king, Qiu Gui, is the son of Emperor Tai Zhen. This king, Qiu Gui, has a strong background and deep connections. Now he has begun to condense the imperial seal. As a result, you will achieve immortality and immortality."

"My king, there are no taboos in the world. What are you afraid of, my king?"

Shaking his head, Qiu Gui's imperial concubine Lu Yi raised a finger: "Little monk, even though Old Master Tianshu is standing behind you, you are also acting under orders, sneaking into Daheishan to find out about the whereabouts of Linghu's large amount of resources, right?"

"I will personally go to see the emperor and explain this matter to him."

"This matter has nothing to do with you... You are so bold and dare to touch... touch..." King Qiu Gui's face twitched, and an extremely strange brilliance oozed from every pore. He took a deep breath, He murmured: "You dare to touch the 'Imperial Power'...I will sentence you, sentence you..."

King Qiu Gui's body was trembling slightly, and his whole body fell into a strange high emotion.

He stared at Lu Qian, his face flushed, his pupils dilated, and he said softly: "You are the first person I killed after attaining the position of emperor... It is such an honor to give you some preferential treatment. How do you want to die? I will ensure that you die comfortably according to what you want!"

Lu Qian blinked desperately.

King Qiu Gui's breath was so suppressed that he couldn't breathe.

At this moment, the level of cultivation revealed by King Qiu Gui was not high, even only at the level of a heavenly general. But the essence of the aura on his body was too high, so high that it made people despair.

The origin of the great road is the foundation of heaven and earth.

He stood there, as if facing a boundless swamp, in which there was endless poisonous mist brewing and rising, wisps of strands, dense and dense, boundless, surging and rising... The terrible toxicity was layered layer by layer. All kinds of negative effects come one after another... Infinite improvement, infinite possibilities!

Unless he has reached the same 'level' as him, no matter how powerful the Buddhist golden body is, which is said to be 'immortal', or no matter how vast the Buddhist magic power is, it is said to be 'infinite'. Strength is corroded little by little, exhausted little by little...

Lu Qian looked at King Qiu Gui and said calmly: "You have no joke!"

King Qiu Gui's eyes widened. Lu Qian's four simple words suddenly touched the most itchy place in his heart!

You have no joke!

Now he can finally use these words, and he can use them openly!

It's like a prince ascending to the throne and carefully issuing his first imperial edict; it's like a strong young boy entering a brothel for the first time and tremblingly wanting to pamper the first woman in his life; It's like a rookie recruit who has just picked up a weapon, waving the long knife cautiously and preparing to kill the first undead in his life...

The first time is always special, sacred, and full of symbolic meaning.

Therefore, King Qiu Gui looked at Lu Yi very seriously, and kept taking deep breaths as if having a convulsion: "I agree, my king. You tell me a way to die, and I, my king, will definitely let you die according to that way!"

Lu Qian looked at King Qiu Gui seriously: "Jun Wu is joking, in front of so many subordinates and ministers... if the little monk wants it, he will naturally die of old age!"

King Qiu Gui's smile stiffened.

Shaoyaojun and Yuejijun's dough suddenly froze.

There were hundreds of millions of soldiers and countless masters present. Their bodies were stiff and they were stuck in mid-air, speechless.

Lu Chen clasped his hands together and sighed quietly: "Death of old age, what a sad way to die... For a long time, a pitiful bald monk wandered around, drifting like fallen leaves, quietly savoring the merciless passing of the years around him. Then, quietly watch the time pass by..."

Lu Qian also wanted to lengthen this nonsense to 30,000 to 50,000 words in a very literary style.

He firmly believed that with his literary skills, he could expand these words to three to five million words... which would delay it for at least ten days and a half...

King Qiu Gui was already furious and roared: "Die of old age naturally? Are you teasing me?"

A loud roar shook Lu Qian's internal organs to pieces on the spot. He, as well as the five uncles around him, A Hu and others, were simultaneously rushed backwards by the terrifying air waves and flew along the smooth and smooth flagship deck. , with a 'chiliu' sound, it slid backwards for hundreds of miles, leaving large traces of dripping blood along the way.

"You want to die of old age naturally? That's unreasonable!" King Qiu Gui roared fiercely and pointed his finger at Lu Qian: "Execution in Lingchi!"

The emperor's first imperial edict was used as a piece of paper to wipe his ass.

The boy went to a brothel for the first time, and something suddenly happened to him when he was about to leave.

The rookie recruit raised his long knife and accidentally fell.

No one knew King Qiu Gui's mood at this moment, but Mr. Shaoyao and Mr. Yueji had already taken the lead and charged towards Lu Qian with rage.

No matter how good Mr. Shaoyao had been with Lu Qian before.

No matter how much Yue Jijun had disliked Lu Qian before.

In short, the two brothers want to kill Lu Qian now... kill him, win the favor of King Qiu Gui, win the favor of King Qiu Gui, and gain more privileges and greater benefits in the future!

Yue Jijun rushed the fastest. He let out a long roar, and a pink-white sword light with a faint fragrance of rose appeared silently in front of Lu Yi. The sword light danced in the wind a few times in an extremely fancy way, and suddenly outlined the light pattern of roses all over the sky, as if the flowers in the garden suddenly bloomed, burying Lu Qian inside.

This is the peak level sword of Mahatma.

The sword light was so gloomy and cold that it had invaded Lu Qian's body along his pores, blocking all the flow of his essence and blood, all movement of mana, and all movements of his limbs and bones...

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