Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 991 Falling out

Speed ​​is really an interesting concept.

The biggest use of speed, in the first impression of many people, is probably that it is used to travel, right?

Moreover, speed is used to travel, and in many cases, it is more efficient than 'space' magical power.

After all, there are some masters who have mastered 'space' magical powers, such as 'teleportation' or 'tearing apart dimensions'. Their cultivation levels are different, and it takes time to activate magical powers.

Some 'masters' who are lucky enough to get high-level inheritance, if their own cultivation is not very strong, they need to spend several breaths to activate a space Shen Tong, perhaps mobilize mana, and accumulate momentum... But with one activation, they Maybe it can only be moved a few hundred miles, or maybe a few thousand miles.

The only advantage of space magical powers is that there is no process in the process of 'moving'. They can move from this point to the target point in zero time. Therefore, space magical powers are extremely difficult to block, let alone tracked.

And speed...the higher your mastery of the avenue of speed, the faster you are, and the faster you can do anything.

Those 'powerful' or 'masters' who have mastered space-like magical powers are still working hard to accumulate momentum and prepare to break through the void and move away. You may have been able to use this time to kill the opponent a hundred times. A thousand times, ten thousand times... or even, it took a breath, half a breath... a ten thousandth of a breath to activate teleportation and escape. He spent such a long time and could only escape hundreds of times. Miles, thousands of miles, tens of thousands of miles... And in such a short period of time, you have traveled back and forth from the opponent's target point ten times, a thousand times... ten thousand times!

Once you have mastered the avenue of speed, many times, other people's "extremely short" time will become "extremely long years" to you...and other people's "extremely distant journey" will actually look like this to you. A short journey.

Fast and slow, far and near, space and time, all relative concepts will undergo strange changes as you master the avenue of speed.

Lu Qian is proficient in the magical power of space. With Buddhist magical powers such as his divine foot power, he can directly rush tens of millions of miles or billions of miles with one step... However, the avenue of space is so profound and far-reaching, and it is supreme to the Taichu Heaven. On the Space Avenue, those guys who have mastered enough 'shares' of the Space Avenue, and the auras exuding from their souls are all terrifying existences of the Great Emperor level!

A great emperor, no matter which avenue he embodies, the Imperial Seal, Dao Fruit, if he does not know a little bit of spatial magical power and does not occupy a little bit of 'authority' and 'share' on the spatial avenue, this emperor will undoubtedly be 'like' Huo' is the weakest type among all the great emperors.

Just like King Qiu Gui, he is definitely one of the weakest emperors.

Therefore, on the great road of space, the supreme Taichu Heaven surpasses Lu Qian’s power, and there are many more... Lu Qian has taken tens of millions of miles or billions of miles in one step, so those whose qualifications are countless years longer than him, those who Powerful beings whose cultivation levels are countless times higher than his, such as the Great Emperor Taichu, can span dozens or hundreds of star fields in one step!

But at this moment, the supreme speed of the Supreme Taichu Heaven was exclusively enjoyed by Lu Qian.

Lu Qian's feelings were extremely novel.

Around him, the concept of speed is undergoing strange distortions. In his sight, in the scanning of his soul, in his instinctive intuition, the concept of space is collapsing, and the concept of 'distance' seems to have no influence on his... The restriction on him, because of the existence of the Imperial Seal Dao Fruit condensed by the Speed ​​Avenue, was greatly, greatly destroyed.


Spatial distance?

As long as you have enough speed, these concepts are sometimes not very important.

The Buddha's light lingered, and Lu Qian led Lu Sanqi through the void quickly... He crossed the star fields and spanned the entire sky. He majestically crossed directly through the Stargate channel that Heaven spent a huge amount of money to set up and was open to all forces to travel together - without verifying his identity, and without being interrogated or exploited.

Those who belong to the Heavenly Court who guard the open star gates everywhere, from top to bottom, from the most powerful Heavenly Lord-level generals to the weakest Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Scholars below, none of them can notice that Lu Qian The presence.

The speed was so fast that Lu Qian flashed past their eyes, and the time it took was so short that these heavenly guards had no ability to detect anything that happened in such a short time unit.

However, if they carefully verify the energy consumption of these giant star gates on that day, they may be able to detect something amiss - the energy consumption of today's star gates may be higher than those registered today. The passing fleets, monks, and carriers The 'normal energy consumption' required for the goods to 'pass through' is so much extra!

But these giant star gates pass through millions of large and small fleets every day, the total cargo volume is trillions of tons, and more than 100 million large and small monks pass through?

Lu Qian and Lu Sanqi shuttled through, consuming very little energy. Which heavenly general sitting here would accurately compare the consumption of this star gate today. Is it just a little bit more than the normal consumption?

Not to mention, it is the most common thing for many ships to carry some prohibited goods!

Because the speed was too fast, Lu Qian at this moment was almost as if they did not exist to the heavenly guards of these giant star gates along the way, and he passed through them easily.

Lu Qian even realized that his speed, after he condensed the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit of Speed ​​Avenue, was so fast that he even felt a trace of fear.

Before condensing the Dao Fruit of the Emperor's Seal, Lu Qian's fastest magical powers were undoubtedly the space-based magical powers such as 'Divine Foot Power' and 'So Close to the End of the World'... But with his cultivation, he tried his best to break through the void and escape. , because of the solidity of the void in the supreme Taichu sky, Lu Qian is not able to break through the space easily with his thoughts like he was in the lower realm...

He can teleport millions of miles in one teleportation with all his strength.

This is the ultimate speed at which Lu Yi, or a Supreme Taichu Heavenly monk with the same level of cultivation as Lu Yi, can use space magical powers to rush... Moreover, a teleportation will burn all the mana in the body without spending enough time to recover. He didn't even have the strength to move again.

And now... millions of miles away?

Lu Qian just had a thought, and the long journey of hundreds of millions of miles and tens of billions of miles was forgotten... The time consumed was probably one ten thousandth... or even one trillionth of a finger. time?

The speed was so fast that Lu Qian himself could not accurately judge the time it took.

He shuttled forward rapidly. Because the speed was too fast, the space around him was distorted, and time stirred up terrible ripples... The time and space formed by it can be called a gaping time and space barrier for other practitioners. , was defeated by Lu Qian at an outrageous speed!

The timing is obviously incorrect.

As for mana consumption?

The Taoist charm of the Speed ​​Avenue lingers around Lu Qian. The Speed ​​Avenue is one of the supports of the avenue that makes up the entire world of Supreme Taichu Tian. It is one of the most basic, primitive and fundamental core avenues.

If a world lacks movement and loses the concept of 'speed', the world will naturally be 'dead'. A 'vibrant', 'living' world must 'move'...and 'movement' naturally produces speed.

Therefore, the Avenue of Speed, like the Avenue of Time and Space, is one of the most basic concepts that makes up a world.

Therefore, the authority of the Speed ​​Avenue in the Supreme Taichu Heaven is extremely high, so high that Lu Qian can ignore the rules and regulations jointly formulated by Heaven and other great emperors, directly extract a sufficient amount of heaven and earth wisdom from the vast universe, and replenish it for himself at all times.

No matter how much mana is consumed, endless inspiration from heaven and earth surges in, pouring into the body from the 480 million open acupoints, and transforms into Lu Qian's body at a high speed that is incomprehensible. The power of transcendence' then burned rapidly, driving Lu Qian to move forward at such a terrifying speed.

Speed, too fast.

It's almost here...even the laws of heaven and the law can't react!

Lu Qian even had a very absurd and funny delusion - that is, the cultivation rules and strict heavenly rules and regulations that Taichu Emperor and other great emperors jointly formulated to block and seal the entire Supreme Taichu Heaven have been noticed. The fact that he directly extracts the spirit of heaven and earth from the void to restore the mana consumption.

However, the corresponding 'punishment methods' corresponding to the rules and regulations of that day were unable to capture the high-speed movement of oneself, and were unable to lock on the traces of Qi machine's breath and existence.

Therefore, no matter how outrageous things he did, the set of rules and precepts in heaven that imprisoned all practitioners could not exert any restraining effect on him.

"I am a happy thief. As long as I can run faster than all the government servants and catchers, then there is nothing those government servants and catchers can do against me!" Lu Qian nodded seriously: "Wang Fa It's scary, the rules are scary... but as long as those 'enforcers' can't catch up with me, they can only watch helplessly!"

"They can't even see the traces of my existence."

"This is very reasonable!"

Lu Qian smiled brightly.

The next moment, his body suddenly retracted. In front of him, in a starry sky held up by countless stars, the Linghu family's lair, Linghu Yunlu, was clearly in sight!

He only used a few words to go from that remote and uninhabited star field, through the star gates arranged by the one hundred and seventy-two heavens, and across an countless long journey. He found that no one was stopping him and he returned to Linghu Yunlu easily.

That star field was definitely further away from Linghu Yunlu than the Yuncha Ridge that Lu Qian had visited with King Chunlan before.

It also took several months for Lu Qian and King Chunlan to board the 'privately customized' Emperor Taiyi-level flying boat used for traveling... Of course, there were the Heavenly Court Army fighting and killing the Yunchaling Army, and the delay It took a lot of time, but it took Lu Qian and King Chunlan several months to get from Linghu Yunlu to Yuncha Ridge, which is enough to prove how long and far the distance between the two is.

That remote star field is further away from Linghu Yunlu than Yuncha Ridge.

It only took Lu Qian a few short words, just a few words that he muttered to himself, to rush back from that star field with a 'burden' like Lu Sanqi. Linghu Yunlu.

Moreover, the wind is light and the clouds are calm, effortless... The mana in the body is full, the physical strength is full, and all the consumption is replenished on the road, as if there is no consumption.

Lu Sanqi stared at Lu Qian with his eyes widened and round, shining with a strange luster.

Of course she recognized Linghu Yunlu.

The small organization she and Qingsha formed now still has many peripheral members living in Linghu Yunlu.

She had even been here in person, giving rewards to peripheral members who had made meritorious services, and harshly punishing some peripheral members who had made mistakes and betrayed the organization... She had even visited Linghu Yunlu and lived there for several decades.

How could she not recognize this place?

The more this happened, the more frightened Lu Sanqi felt!

With her cultivation level, if she did not use the magical power of space to teleport through the air, but relied solely on two legs and used the escape method to travel hard, even if she had to rush through the public star gate arranged by the 172nd Heavenly Court, she secretly She calculated that she would spend at least a year and a half on the journey.

A year and a half!

As for Lu Qian, it only took a few breaths.

Lu Sanqi is a little dizzy...

Back then, the Three Light Buddha in the Landa Holy Land shocked the Supreme Taichu Heaven with his speed. Was he so fast? Lu Sanqi's head was empty and foggy, a little panicked and a little lost.

She and Qing Sha had a premonition that if Lu Qian could condense the Speed ​​Path Fruit, he would be very 'remarkable'.

But she never expected that Lu Qian could be so 'amazing'.

If Lu Qian had spent two or three days completing the journey that took her a year and a half... then Lu Sanqi would feel better. The emperor who has condensed the Speed ​​Fruit can go a little faster, about a hundred times faster than himself. What's wrong? Isn't it a very serious thing?

However, it only took a few sentences to complete the journey that would normally take him a year and a half to complete.

This is a bit outrageous.

This is off the mark.

Before Lu Sanqi could say anything, Lu Qian had already shed a touch of Buddha's light and led her straight into Linghu Cloud City.

Along the way, in the sky above Linghu Yunlu, there were layers of defensive formations arranged by the Linghu clan, layers of early warning restrictions arranged by the Linghu clan, and the Linghu clan members stationed at key locations in the starry sky were all just a blur in front of their eyes. ’, completely unaware of Lu Qian’s passing.

Even those early warning restrictions that were activated all year round failed to notice Lu Qian passing by.

When the speed reaches a certain extreme, any early warning and prohibition are like a joke - unless the Linghu family uses an airtight iron box to wrap up the entire family ancestral land, otherwise... under the control of the Speed ​​Avenue In front of the observer, these formations and restrictions are truly "in vain".

It's like the naked eyes of ordinary mortals cannot see the high-speed vibration of dragonfly wings.

When the speed reaches the extreme, the various magical powers are truly beyond imagination.

Lu Qian set out, and in the next moment, he appeared directly in the sky above the small courtyard where Qingyou and the three girls lived, from the starry sky billions of miles away from the ground.

In the slanting thorn, a wisp of fragrant wind came.

Emperor Tai Zhen, with more than a hundred close guards, rushed over in a furious and furious manner.

His handsome face was twisted and he shouted sternly: "Qu Wu Pun, you are dead today... Let Tai Qu come and reason with me... You daring junior is already dead!"

Emperor Taiyi was furious.

In any case, no matter how much reason and sophistry there are between Qu Wuxu and Emperor Taihu behind him, in short, the Linghu clan is his lackey and lackey... Qu Wuxu led people and sneaked into the Linghu clan's territory, I want to kidnap Linghu’s distinguished guest!

Moreover, the Holy Spirit clan was actually still at the top of the Linghu clan, buying off traitors and setting up hidden plots. It was these traitors and hidden plots that opened the Linghu clan's defense restrictions and led these outsiders straight into their core hinterland... He even set up a formation and activated the Void Movement Formation...

This is a slap in the face.

This is provocation.

Especially, the people they were dealing with were the three Qingyou girls.

Emperor Taiyi himself had no idea about the third lady Qingyou... but the third lady Qingyou was Lu Qian's. And Lu Qian was Yinyuan's sworn brother, and a close friend of life and death. But this Yinyuan is White Snake’s man!

The White Snake, the White Snake who has kept herself clean and innocent all her life... She is really the old house on fire. The fire is so fierce that even Emperor Tai Zhen is a little frightened. The White Snake is the real Emperor Tai Zhen. He is just the White Snake. A wisp of essence and blood, a 'freak-like clone' cultivated by the Qing Emperor's secret method.

Such intricate involvement... No matter whether Emperor Taigu knew about Qu Wuxu's behavior or not, in short, Qu Wuxu must die!

Of course, Emperor Taiyi's reaction was a little slow.

He was furious, screaming and roaring at the top of his lungs. On the way with a group of guards, Emperor Taiqu had already taken action, and so had the White Snake.

White Snake intercepted Emperor Taiyu's palm, but Quwu Punishment had been completely wiped out by the stimulating sword light of the three Qingyou girls.

In the void, a blazing, white-gold flame burst out suddenly... Qu Wu was completely annihilated, and the surging Holy Spirit power in his body soared into the sky, turning into an incomparably clear beacon, hanging high. Over the courtyard.

A suffocating, high-temperature, blazing, bright figure that could not be looked directly at, full of majesty, solemnity, majestic, and upright figure strode out of the gap in the flames.

Emperor Taihu himself, blatantly relied on the beacon in Quwuxun's body and used his great supernatural power to move here from his home base.

Where the Linghu clan's lair is, in the void in all directions, countless formations and restrictions have been deployed to prevent those with great supernatural powers from breaking through the air and teleporting... Sensing the huge movement caused by Emperor Taihu, these formations and restrictions were activated in unison. , a series of magnificent Dao patterns and array patterns continued to light up in the void, sealing the void, trying to intercept Emperor Taihu.

The next moment, when Emperor Taihu's figure walked out of the flame gap, the formations and restrictions set up by the Linghu clan were all shattered by a terrifying counterattack force that could not be resisted.

Above Linghu Yunlu, countless formation bases and formation piles exploded in key places. Many Linghu masters who were responsible for guarding key points at the center of the formation were blown to pieces. They roared and screamed from where they were sitting in embarrassment. Escape.

Looking down from a high altitude, hundreds of thousands of large and small pillars of fire and smoke rose in all directions in the huge Linghu Yunlu. Many beautiful manors and palaces were blown to pieces, or simply turned into a smooth Big hole.

Linghu Yunlu suffered a heavy blow and has been hiding in Qingsang Cave. Many elders of the Linghu clan who dare not get involved in this matter, as well as those predecessors who have abdicated and are practicing in seclusion in Qingsang Cave, The predecessors and elders of the ancestors all showed up one by one, suppressing the anger in their hearts, and looked grovelingly at the Taiyu Emperor who was looking forward to showing his power in the void, and the Taiyi Emperor who was looking slightly embarrassed and hurried over.

The White Snake, on the other hand, had already taken Yinyuan's hand and chopped it in front of the courtyard door. She raised her head and looked at Emperor Taiyu with a cold look on her face, and scolded him coldly: "Emperor Taiyi, you have to make the decision for this little girl... ...Our brother is not at home, and someone bullies the door and wants to rob our brother's female family members. If you don't make the decision... Haha!"

Emperor Taihu frowned.

He was a little uneasy and looked up at the sky - what appeared here was not his true self, but just a clone. And based on the close connection between the original deity and the clone, Emperor Taihu clearly knew that his deity, not too old or too young, had just vomited a mouthful of blood.

There is a big problem with Supreme Taichutian's speed road.

Emperor Taihu controls light and heat, and the avenue of 'light' is naturally inseparable from 'speed'... Therefore, among the many powerful monks in the Supreme Taichu Heaven, Emperor Taihu can be said to be the master of the avenue of speed. 'The one who has the deepest research and the most powerful control.

It's just that for some reasons, Emperor Taihu, like other great powers, was unable to condense the 'Speed ​​Path Fruit'.

Therefore, when the Speed ​​Avenue changed just now, the power of the soul that Emperor Taihu placed on the Speed ​​Avenue was also violently knocked away and blasted away... Taihu Emperor's true form was hit by the avenue's backlash, and he couldn't help but vomit a mouthful of blood. .

This injury came out of nowhere, and the changes in Speed ​​Avenue are even more worrying.

Therefore, Emperor Taihu who appeared here was even more irritable - this kind of irritability is far more unsettling than the death of a Luwu punishment... In fact, if a Luwu punishment dies, it will just die. It really doesn't matter. ……but!

He exhaled heavily and looked at the people of the Linghu clan below who were in a 'standby' posture, as well as White Snake, Emperor Taiyi and others, and Emperor Taiqu became more and more irritable.

If Emperor Taiyi was present, everything would be easy to discuss.

Because of his strange and mysterious origins, the Emperor Taiyi, who was familiar to countless people in the Supreme Taichu Heaven, was actually quite easy to deal with. There is an extremely obscure "inferiority" hidden in his bones and nature.

As for the White Snake... She used a ray of her own essence and blood to transform into an emperor and sit in Taiyitian. She disappeared leisurely and disappeared, and she didn't know what women she was tossing for countless years... To be honest, Emperor Taigu , very afraid!

Emperor Taichu, it doesn't matter.

Everyone is an old friend and knows everything about it. Emperor Taiqu knows what Emperor Taichu is busy with in Heaven all day long. He even knows that Emperor Taichu has a little secret in Tianzhou!

See, because he knew enough, Emperor Taihu had no such fear of Emperor Taichu!

But for the White Snake?

To be honest, because I have no idea what White Snake has been doing and what she is busy with these years, even Emperor Taiqu couldn't believe it - this crazy woman, actually a lot of years old, found a tender and green woman. , and dragging a young man with a family to live!

It's just... crazy!

Because of the madness, so be afraid!

Emperor Taiyi rushed to the scene with a gloomy face. He looked at Emperor Taiyu who was standing in the sky with bared teeth, and took a deep breath: "What? Is this, an old friend is going to fall out?"

Emperor Taigu looked at Emperor Taiyi, then at Lady White Snake with a cold face, pondered for a moment, and said slowly: "My son is dead, why are you so angry?"

Emperor Tai Zhen wanted to say something, but Emperor Tai Zhen interrupted him very forcefully: "Tai Zhen, please restore me according to your heart. Is our status as the emperor's son infinitely better than these ordinary women?" Billion times?"

"Because of three ordinary mortal women who had just ascended from the lower world, I lost a precious son... Even if he made a mistake first, regardless of the fact that he made a mistake, in terms of status, one of our emperor's sons , isn’t it much more noble and important than these three women?”

"Qu Wuxun used some small tricks to sneak into the Linghu clan, hoping to take away these three women silently... This is actually an attitude. He respects the Linghu clan, and he did not come directly to the door. , this is how much respect I have for the Linghu clan, especially for the master behind the Linghu clan, and for you!"

"Even if there are some small misunderstandings, some small conflicts, some small casualties, and some small property losses during this process...how about a hundred times compensation? Or even ten thousand times compensation?"

Emperor Taihu said with "heartbroken": "Putting aside these trivial matters, let's go straight to the core issue - these three women are safe, but my son has died... My most beloved One of the emperor's sons, Lu Wu Pun, whom I value very much, cultivated vigorously, cultivated with heart, and worked hard to polish and reuse, Lu Wu Pun is dead!"

Emperor Taiyi remained silent.

'Leave aside the fact that Qu Wu broke into the ancestral land of the Linghu clan and wanted to kidnap the three Qingyou girls'... Ahem, weigh the status gap between the three Qingyou girls and Taihu Emperor's son... Based on this calculation, it seems that Emperor Taiqu is right!

The white lady's face became more and more gloomy.

She chuckled: "So, are we at fault?"

With the colorful fragrance lingering under her feet, the White Snake stood in front of Emperor Taihu with her hands on her hips and her head held high. She glanced sideways at Emperor Taiyi, pondered for a moment, and wanted to say something, but after thinking about it seriously, she said nothing.

Emperor Taiyi sighed and bowed to White Snake and Emperor Taihu.

He whispered to himself in a low voice, and his voice was extremely soft. Emperor Tailu, Bai Niangzi, and Lu Qian and Lu Sanqi who had already arrived heard his muttering: "I am just a person who can do anything at any time." The 'auxiliary body' that may be replaced, the 'original body' is here, let's talk about it!"

Lu Qian and Lu Sanqi appeared just above the small courtyard.

Qingyou and the three girls raised their heads at the same time, their gazes locked onto Lu Sanqi's figure like swords.

Emperor Taiyu, Emperor Taiyi, White Snake, and Emperor Qing who came from afar slowly and leisurely with a wisp of green poisonous wind, all looked at Lu Qian and Lu Sanqi in shock at the same time.

In their magical induction, it was like a sudden flash of light in front of their eyes. Lu Qian took Lu Sanqi and broke into their 'perception range' and the 'control field' formed by their Tao Yun... This It was like a mortal stretched out and yawned in his bedroom, and then his eyes blurred, and a person suddenly appeared!


Extremely horrified.

The white-gold flames on Emperor Taihu's body suddenly rose. Behind him, countless white-gold wings spread out like huge cattail fans. At a glance, the number of overlapping flame wings was at least hundreds of millions. Ten thousand plans directly covered the entire void.

The white lady was surrounded by colorful stars, and the fragrant aroma mixed with the strange smell of blood instantly turned into a majestic city, wrapping her in the middle. In the city, female soldiers wearing colorful starlight armor and fragrant bodies were patrolling back and forth holding various weapons.

Although the small city is only a few feet in diameter, there is a universe within it. At first glance, it covers hundreds of millions of miles, and there are trillions of soldiers coming and going!

What is even more shocking is that the aura of each of these armored warriors is comparable to that of the Supreme Heavenly King and the Great Heavenly Lord, that is, the most tyrannical monks under the great emperors who have all 480 million acupoints opened.

The strange signs around Emperor Taiyi are the same as those of White Snake.

However, the strange thing around him is a huge flowerbed, with endless flowers, countless exotic flowers, and flowers of various colors floating on the waves. In the stamens of each flower, there is a person wearing a light gauze with a graceful figure. The beautiful woman with strange fragrance lingering all over her body danced slowly, creating countless blurred phantoms.

Qing Emperor?

The moment Lu Qian appeared, Qingdi's body suddenly stiffened, and a strange roar sounded within his body. Then, countless towering trees flickered behind him. On the trunks and branches of each big tree, there were huge blue-green tree tumors flickering, and there were strange figures curled up inside, which might appear at any time. Spew out.

"Lu Qian?" White Snake and Emperor Taiyi both looked at Lu Qian and exclaimed: "How did you come so fast?"

Emperor Taihu spurted out divine flames from his eyes and looked at Lu Qian very quickly.

In Lu Qian, he felt uneasy and threatened.

"The Avenue of Speed?" Emperor Taiyu squinted his eyes and shouted coldly: "How is it possible?"

But in an instant, Emperor Taihu stopped paying attention to Lu Qian. His eyes were firmly fixed on Lu Sanqi, who was standing beside him with a smile on his face.

"Haha, haha, you, you, you are... what is your name?" Emperor Taihu's eyes flickered. It was very difficult to find anything related to Lu Sanqi from the corners of his memory. information.

Finally, Emperor Taihu suddenly understood and nodded: "Oh, it's you, a self-destructive and despicable little bitch... I thought you had died outside like a wild dog... What? Now, you dare to appear in front of me, do you think that your wings have hardened and you can show me your claws?"

Lu Sanqi's body trembled slightly and she clenched her fists tightly.

Facing Emperor Taihu.

Even if the Emperor Taihu in front of her is not 'the deity has come in person', even if Lu Sanqi has done countless mental constructions in the past countless years...even if she herself is already an extremely powerful emperor-level existence...when she When she really saw Emperor Taihu, she was still a little confused and confused.

She breathed deeply and was speechless.

Emperor Taigu glanced at her indifferently and smiled: "Very good, it's an unexpected surprise. I just damaged Quwu Punishment, and you actually ran back by yourself... How about you take his place? In Taigu Qu Tian, ​​who holds the position of Judiciary God, holds the power of punishment for the Holy Spirit Clan, it can be said that he has been reused!"

"Also, as a woman, you always have to marry. Moreover, you have an emperor-level cultivation, which is very good, very good... I intend to marry the Lord of Guixu and let you marry his third wife. Son, let’s just settle this matter!”

Emperor Taihu said to himself, arranging Lu Sanqi's future life and future destiny properly.

Lu Sanqi finally said: "Huh, what do you think?"

Emperor Taihu glanced at her lightly and said calmly: "Yes, I think you must follow the arrangements I just made, otherwise... Haha! If you obey me, you don't need to worry about fine clothes, food, glory and wealth... If you don’t obey me, I’ll break your wings…and break your legs!”

In the void, a very thin line of white light came through the sky and pierced the body of Emperor Taihu from the Tianling Gai.

Emperor Taihu, who didn't know where he was, threw more power into his clone.

Obviously, Emperor Taihu himself also noticed what was going on here and began to monitor all the movements here in real time... Not only the three Qingyou girls, but more importantly, Qingdi, Lu Qian, and Lu Sanqi also appeared here here.

All kinds of things were mixed together, and it was impossible for Emperor Taiyu to care about him.

Lu Sanqi clenched his fists and said nothing.

She stared directly at Emperor Taihu. She wanted to try whether she could kill a clone of Emperor Taihu before she had the confidence to face him in person.

In the diagonal stab, Qingdi had already slowly rushed over.

"Wait a minute, do it. Hey, isn't this guy the same guy who took away Yuan Xuan in Yuncha Ridge?" Qingdi flew towards Lu Qian and grabbed Lu Qian's neck: "Your name is Lu Qian. ? Tell me, where is Yuan Fu? Who are the people who rescued him? Where are they? What are they doing? What are they planning!"

Qingdi asked in a sharp voice.

Emperor Taiyu, Emperor Taiyi, and Lady White Lady all suddenly woke up - yes, according to the news from Yunchaling, Lu Qian was 'rescued' along with Yuan Fu, or was 'rescued' Robbed'.

Lu Qian suddenly appeared here, and seemed to have received a terrifying improvement.

There are so many things hidden here that people have to think about and pay attention to.

Emperor Taihu stared directly at Lu Qian.

Emperor Taiyi stared directly at Lu Qian.

Even the white lady looked at Lu Qian with twinkling eyes for several times, but in the end, her eyes turned and fell on Yinyuan, and then her eyes became extremely gentle, like silky honey. It's as sticky as sugar.


Lu Qian's figure flickered, and his figure turned into a blur. Qingdi's palm passed through his neck again and again, but did not really grab his body.

In this small space, Lu Qian was moving at a terrifying high speed.

No matter how hard Qing Di tried his best, his palms 'passed by' Lu Qian's neck again and again, unable to touch any of his flesh at all.

"Damned lowly species...give it to me, stop!"

The Qing Emperor roared angrily. Countless streaks of highly poisonous cyan lightning surged out around him. The entire sky above Linghu Yunlu turned into a sea of ​​cyan thunder with a terrifying poisonous rhyme, completely wrapping Lu Qian in it. .

In nature, the speed of thunder is so fast...

Well, as Lu Qian thought, the speed of the thunderbolts released by Qingdi suddenly became as fast as a snail. Even the servants and maids with the lowest cultivation level in Linghuyun City could clearly see the blue lightnings passing by. The air is like an old lady taking a walk after a meal, slowly moving through the air.

Lu Qian easily shuttled through the sea of ​​thunder in the sky.

Not a ray of lightning could touch his body, not a ray of lightning could hurt him at all.

The next moment, Lu Qian swung Emperor Taiyu's axe.

In front of Emperor Taihu, Lu Qian wielded the Taihu Emperor's ax, which was the protective treasure before Taihu the Great attained enlightenment - there was no so-called "reunion with the old master, bowing to the old master" drama, Taihu Emperor's ax As if he didn't see that Emperor Taiyu was on the side, he was very obedient. He stirred in Lu Qian's hand, emitting a divine light and a cold light, and struck the Qing Emperor with a "choking" sound.

Fast, extremely fast.

Emperor Taihu's ax itself is a magical weapon that Emperor Taihu has polished for countless years. It is extremely sharp.

Coupled with Lu Qian's extremely fast speed...

What Qingdi appears here is just a temporary clone created by using secret techniques. Although he has the realm of the Great Emperor, his physical strength and other attributes are far inferior to his own.

This blow fell, and Qingdi was split into two pieces from the middle of his body easily.

Then the ax flashed sharply.

Lu Qian swung hundreds of thousands or millions of axes with a snap of his fingers...

Speed, speed, speed!

A terrifying and desperate speed!

The Qing Emperor lit up a blazing fire, and his entire body was burned into a wisp of green smoke in just one ten thousandth of the time of the snap of a finger by the crazy slashes of the Taihu Emperor's ax. It was blown directly by the wind. Disappeared completely.



Many elders of the Linghu clan silently made gestures to tell their clansmen to stay away from Linghu Yunlu.

What Qing Emperor came here was just a clone.

But no matter what, it is also the clone of the Great Emperor, and it has mastered a trace of the Great Emperor's power...

Lu Qian was able to kill a clone of the Great Emperor with one blow... Things were getting a bit big.

Linghu Yunlu, maybe he will be in mourning today.

If the members of the Linghu clan don't leave, will they really be bloodbathed by the nine clans?

Lu Qian weighed Emperor Taihu's ax.

Emperor Taihu's eyes flashed, his face twisted, and he looked at Emperor Taihu's ax with an extremely complicated expression.

This is simply 10,000 times more complicated than when an old husband who has been married for 800 years watches his old ladies throw themselves into his arms over a piece of fresh meat!

This is his imperial weapon of enlightenment!

Taihu Emperor's Axe, the imperial weapon named after 'Taihu', is the only one in the entire Supreme Taichu Heaven!

This imperial weapon has accompanied Emperor Taihu through countless years of ups and downs and hardships. It can even be said that it has witnessed the youthful years of Emperor Taihu and his raging journey of struggle.

It wasn't until Emperor Taihu ascended to a high position and achieved supreme status that he rewarded this imperial weapon to his truly beloved son.

That incompetent guy was involved in a case in the ancient city of Loulan. He died mysteriously, and the Taihu Emperor's ax also disappeared without a trace. Later, that guy's body was brought back to Supreme Taichu Heaven by Heavenly Master Tianshu. But Emperor Taihu's ax has always been very powerful.

Unexpectedly, today, in this situation, Emperor Taihu saw Emperor Taihu's ax again.

"You chose him?" Emperor Taiyu whispered to himself: "Why?"

Burning blue veins bulged out on Emperor Taigu's forehead. He roared like an honest man who broke into his bedroom and saw his wife lingering on the bed with seven or eight sturdy men. shouted: "Don't forget, I am your master..."

Emperor Taihu's ax swayed, shimmering, and silently, it drilled into Lu Qian's palm.

Emperor Taihu chuckled.

He smiled extremely brightly.

Then, he turned into a small piece of white-gold wings.

From the flame gap where he just appeared, immeasurable divine flames surged out, and the terrifying aura made countless stars sway in the surrounding void. The heaven and earth are burning, and the immeasurable light and heat are invading the heaven and earth arrogantly and rudely, infecting space and time, driving away all other avenues and laws in all directions that are opposed to light and heat, rebellious, opposite, and mutually incompatible.

Countless chants of praise sounded from the void.

The gorgeous feathers condensed by countless flames slowly fell like a heavy snowfall from the sky.

The expressions of Emperor Taiyi and Lady White changed suddenly.

Emperor Taihu didn't know what kind of stimulation he received, but he actually used his real "self" and was on his way here!

Countless years, countless years.

On the bright side, the three Supreme Beings of the Supreme Taichu Heaven, Taichu, Taihu, and Taiyi, no matter where they are, at what time, under what circumstances, or for whatever reason, they will never use their deities to meet each other!

I will never see my true self.

At this moment, the real deities of White Snake and Emperor Taiyi were present, and Emperor Taiqu was actually prepared to violate this unspoken rule and come here in person.

The white-gold feathers all over the sky fell down and landed on the Linghu Cloud Continent. Wherever the feathers landed, the peaks, hills, rivers, rivers, flowers, grass, and trees were all transformed into flames, all transformed into 'Taihu'!

The earth turned white gold, and the mountains, rivers and hills all spewed out white light and heat. The flowers and plants all emit white-gold divine flames that cannot be seen directly with the naked eye. Even the birds and beasts spurted white-gold flames from their entire bodies, as if they were possessed by a demon, and began to spit out various words of praise for Emperor Taihu.

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