Chapter 71 The truth is to ignore and choose death!!

The rivers and lakes are not far away from horses, and Tsing Yilou kills people but the sword falls.

If the old sword god had not been born, then the owner of the Tsing Yi Building would have been the owner of the Jianghu in Jianghu.

The killers in Tsing Yi Lou are all kendo masters, and decades ago, Tsing Yi Lou organizations were all over the world, all of which were terrifying.

But since the birth of the old sword god, after visiting the owner of the Tsing Yi Building three times, the Tsing Yi Building has gradually calmed down.

To this day, only the older generation in the rivers and lakes knows the heyday of Tsing Yi Lou.

And the sword of Tsing Yi Lou is a murderous sword.

Wei Yixiao’s brows furrowed, and there was silence in the Tianzi Pavilion.

Outside, the twenty-four Tsing Yilou Jin Ling killers drew their swords silently, ready to attack.

They don’t need to know the reason for the assassination, they just need to carry it out.

Although Daisy did not expect it, she also adjusted very quickly, and after glancing at Wei Yixiao, she shot at the same time in an instant!

Bang bang!

The pavilion of Tsing Yi Lou was shattered, and the flying wood chips vibrated in the air, causing visual interference that made the killers of Tsing Yi Lou dazed for a moment, and then at the same time drew the blade, the gas wave swept away the broken wood chips, and at the same time the sword blade cut out the blade and chopped it chaotically!

The figures of Daisy and Wei Yixiao were confused at this moment, and the blurred shadows were like phantoms in the water, a desperate killing between life and death!

“Eagle King, I admire your loyalty and courage, so today you can only die here.”

Xiang Wentian stood in the maple forest, and the followers of the Sun and Moon God Sect shuttled back and forth around him, which must have made things worse for the white-browed eagle king who was already bound in a trap.

Yin Tianzheng’s rigid heart could not tolerate any sand.

Xiang Wentian had some feelings of sympathy with him, but he knew that the more he did so, the more he would die.

The inevitable result of different positions naturally cannot be changed.

This is the quack, once shot, there is no turning back.

Yin Tian was struggling violently, but he didn’t say a word.

Although he was trapped, the movement on the side of Wudi City was too great for people to ignore.

Coupled with the fact that he didn’t know Wei Yixiao’s situation now, the worry in his heart was even worse, which also caused him to be unable to deal with Xiang Wentian in front of him wholeheartedly.

At this time, a white dove landed on Xiang Wentian’s shoulder from the sky, which made him slightly stunned, and then pulled out the letter from the white pigeon’s paw.

Open the somewhat yellowed piece of paper, on which is written in ink.

With a glance over, Xiang Qiantianfang breathed a sigh of relief.

Ren Yingying is fine, and now she has met Feng Qingyang and Xiaolongnu, and is currently heading towards Qingyi Building in Qingshuang City.

Knowing that Ren Yingying is okay is the best news he can get at the moment.

Coming back to his senses, he tore the letter to shreds: “Although I don’t know what you are going to do when you gather people, it is impossible for you to proceed smoothly.” ”

As an enemy, as long as the enemy is not doing well, it is happy enough.

Years is a heavy book, some people like to read it, but there are always people who will take out a pen and scribble on it, thinking that it will change the appearance of the book, but in fact it is just covering up the ears.

Su Ri didn’t know, he didn’t care so much about this, he cared more about what fruits to eat after the next meal than the life and death of the Outer Immortals.

Therefore, when the Outer Immortal broke the contract and came to the mortal world, although he was very upset, he did not really kill him.

Just like the saying, when the position is reversed, justice will show its fangs.

Booming one by one, the sword fingers fell, the sky turned upside down, and the clouds in the sky also dispersed.

Su Ri stood in the distance, quietly watching the struggle of the person in front of him.

Suddenly, a domineering wind pressure actually came from behind him!

“Give me!!! death”

The original large hammer that Bakugan had re-transformed burned violently, her anger had reached its peak, and the air around her was also burning, and the noise was their fear.

Su Ri was obviously alert, or he moved subconsciously, turning his hands and condensing his breath, showing his edge!


A fleeting killing intent penetrated her spirit,… The sledgehammer in his hand instantly disintegrated into ashes.

Too weak…

Not to mention the normal level of the Outer Heavenly Immortals, this strength is even worse than the average level of the mortal land immortals.

But for those outside the city, such a battle would cause great damage to themselves, even if they were affected by the slightest.


Seeing that Su Ri was about to make a move again, Luo Qiuyu, who had always been cautious, also chose to stand up and block the front with Piaopiao.

The breath emanating from their bodies is also a land immortal!

Such a young land immortal is like a dream!

The land immortal is not so easy to see, you must know that even above Wudang Mountain before, the land immortal was just Su Ri and Zhang Sanfeng.

Now four of them have directly emerged from Wudi City, which is simply outrageous!

Su Ri stopped, put his hand back behind him, and the whole world suddenly stopped, as if a fresh breeze passed, and everything returned to calm.

He looked up at the golden list in the sky, and the name had already begun to be inscribed on it, but the speed was not very fast.

“I’ll give you a chance to explain, you have a minute.”

He said.

“Thank you.”

Luo Qiuyu responded gratefully.

It can be seen that even if she does not look at this mortal world very much, her own quality is very high, and in order to complete this task, she also specializes in learning human etiquette.

Bakugao was covered in chestnuts, and for a moment he was no longer angry because of Su Day’s words.

The fear of just now and the fate that she was about to forget were still in her mind.

Many times this is the case, the bear child who is not afraid of the sky and the earth is only missing a severe beating, and the pain of the wound will make them remember for a long time.

“We come from the Outer Immortal Realm,”

Embracing the explosive treasure, Luo Qiuyu began to explain that she had to explain that there was no other way to face such a situation, and their own strength was also suppressed very much.

No one is not afraid of death, but everyone’s understanding and level of cognition of death are different.

“I know that, to the point, you don’t have enough time.”

Su Ri is still domineering.

“We are abandoned immortals, and under the cracks, we have no possibility of going back, even if we complete our mission.”

“That’s not what I want to hear, forget it, I’ll ask you to answer.”

Su Ri directly interrupted the other party’s story, as if he was complaining.

“Please say.”

“You broke the contract?”

Luo Qiuyu’s pupils shrank slightly, and his guess was almost the same.

“Yes, but the contract remains.”

She replied.

There is no more unnecessary nonsense, the other party obviously does not like to talk too much, and a concise response may be able to get the other party’s favor.

“That doesn’t make sense, because you’ve chosen to ignore it.”

“It’s not! We never took the initiative to break the contract for other reasons. ”

Luo Qiuyu was a little flustered, because when Su Ri began to ask her about the contract, she had already roughly guessed the identity of the other party.

It must be related to that being!

She must stabilize the other party, not only for herself, but also for the Outer Immortal Realm, and in fact, as she said, the contract still exists, and they have never taken the initiative to break it, but the contract is damaged for other reasons.

But these are!

“I’m not interested, I just know the fact that you ignored the contract.”

Su Ri needs to care so much, he is not a salvation hero, and he has to deal with everything.

At this point, it is already a little unspeakable, embarrassing.

Wu Mo and Huang Rong slipped away early, and they didn’t even have the mind to eavesdrop.

Because she knows that there are many secrets in her master, and it is not a good thing for outsiders to know too many of these secrets.

And for the quacks outside the city, it is already a completely messy state.

They couldn’t understand and didn’t know what was going on.

It is clear that the confrontation that was not ending just now, but now it has begun to heal?

Among them, there is a hidden Heaven and Human Realm but they are ready to attack, they must save the Outer Immortal at the most critical moment, although their memories are few, but there is a hint that the Outer Heaven Immortal is right.

“You’re right, no matter what the reason, we’re always wrong.”

When beaten, we must stand up right, and we must be sincere in admitting mistakes.

This is not deliberately bowing down, but looking at this problem from the perspective of the world, and it is indeed them who are wrong.

And the world does not need to know what kind of predicament they have.

“I don’t like to beat around the bush,”

“Yes, your words will always be so concise and to the point.”

Luo Qiuyu lowered his head, knowing that the next answer was the answer that would determine their life and death.

Of course, they can’t just get caught with their hands.

“Die here, or leave this world.”

This is the greatest favor that Su Ri can give.


Luo Qiuyu stared at Su Ri for a full three seconds, and seeing that he didn’t have any movement to change his mind at all, he finally sighed.

“You left us with no choice.”

They can’t go back.

The abandoned immortals are just white rats who have come to the mortal world.

At this moment, even if it was fluttering, his body was tensed, and his bare feet finally stepped on the city wall.

“So can we ask one last question?”

Su Ri will not be shaken by their beauty, let alone forgive because of a little reverence.


Since you choose to resist, be prepared to die.

In this world, who he wanted to kill, and it was only in vain to resist.

“Can you let us see Chi once?”

According to the records, they only knew of the existence of the person from the records, but they never saw it with their own eyes.

Even if you know that you will die if you do so, you would rather do so.

Su Day: “Huh? ”


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