Jin Wang Dotes on His Concubine

Chapter 103: (Catch a worm)

This trip to Ningguo Mansion, in addition to Yao Niang and Xiao Bao, as well as Jin Jin, Xu Fangfei and Liu Fangfei will not go.

Princess Jin is the true wife of Jin Wang. Jin Wang's family returned to Beijing, and of course they had to visit their grandparents. If the King of Jin does not go, it is naturally necessary for the Princess of Jin to go. And Yao Niang went, because she was Xiao Bao's mother-in-law, and after the King of Jin had the right, he should take his great-grandson to visit his great-grandfather.

The Ningguo Mansion is located in the Iron Lion Alley, in the northeast corner of the inner city, not far from the King's Mansion. After a quarter of an hour by car, I went to the place.

The gate of the Ningguo government house has the style of the state government house, but it is somewhat cold. When Yao Niang and others arrived, the gate was still tightly closed, and the door of Dongjiao opened from the inside until someone knocked on the door.

Some people greeted from it, led by a housekeeper-like person.

But the housekeeper was a little weird. Not only did he have scars of three inches on his face, he also limped while walking.

"The grandfather and his wife are waiting inside, the second grandfather and the second wife and the old lady are there."

Princess Jin had a reserved smile on her face, nodded, and led people inside.

Along the way, I felt that the house was deserted, and I didn't see a few people on the road. Although Yao Niang was a small family, she also knew that this situation was rare for a state government.

Thinking of Jin Wang's weird tone yesterday, she thought that there might be something in it.

At the main courtyard 'Jingxinju', the courtyard is very spacious, and there are five rows of upper rooms on the front. Under the corridor stood four girls wearing green armors, all holding their heads down and holding their hands. When the crowd approached, one person went in to report, and the other three first bent their knees to salute, and then embraced them, saying that the grandfather and his wife had been waiting for a long time, and led the crowd in.

There were several people sitting in the hall.

It was Ning Guogong and Mrs. Ning Guogong who sat first.

Ning Guogong's hair was white, but his fortitude was so strong that he could be seen as a young man in his youth. Even now, when people are old, their flesh is a little slack, but their eyes are still bright and full of energy.

And Mrs. Ning Guo, who is not too old, is full of silver silk, wearing a emerald emerald wiper, and wearing emerald earrings on her ears. In a cyan blue character, the heads of flowers are constantly clustered, and the snow-colored horse-faced skirt. The round face is detailed, although it is full of wrinkles, but the skin on the face is fair and delicate, and it can be seen that it is a kind old man.

Sitting under his left hand is a middle-aged couple. The man looks like a man in his thirties. He wears a gray straight hair, thick eyebrows, a wide-nose lion, and a narrow eyes. Look at the appearance and Ning Guogong like Qicheng, more like Ning Guogong when he was young.

The woman sitting next to him was obviously his wife, who was full of muscles like snow, showing eyebrows, and wearing a ginger-colored make-up gardenia, decent but pure.

It was a round, fat woman in her forties who sat opposite them, and was very dazzling. Dressed in gold makeup and flower gardenia, indigo horse-face skirts, with a full set of red gold inlaid ruby ​​head and face on his head, a wealth of richness rushed forward.

In fact, the woman's dress was not obtrusive, just in line with the identity of the country's government, but she was dressed up in a room, so people saw her at a glance.

Yao Niang thought to herself that this was probably Jin's grandfather, grandmother, second wife, second wife, and widowed grandmother.

When she got up early today, King Jin told her about the general situation of the Ningguo government, but only a few words, without elaborating.

Sure enough, when Princess Jin led her in front of her salute, she was so called.

"Hurry up, don't worship, such a big month, don't succumb to the child in the belly." When it was the turn of Yao Niang to salute, Madam Ning Guo reached out to help her.

There was an embarrassment on Mrs. Shen's face, and she hurried forward: "When you worship, you worship the father and mother. As long as I and your second wife are saved, it is as if we are distressed for the mother."

She said on the one hand that she glanced at Mrs. Ning Guo, and then Mrs. Ning Guo responded. The princess Jin had worshiped before, and now a little waiter refused to worship, not to show that she was treated differently.

It was also because Mrs. Ning Guo had been at the border in her early years. She didn't pay much attention to the rules and regulations. She just thought that Yao Niang was not too young, and she would blurt out.

While talking, Yao Niang has worshiped. Not only did they worship Ning Guogong and Mrs. Ning Guogong, they also paid homage to Shen Erye and Mrs. Shen Eryang. Because Mrs. Shen was sitting on the side all the time, and Mrs. Shen stood up, so she finally visited Mrs. Shen.

Mrs. Shen received the gift calmly, and when Yao Niang straightened up, she raised her eyebrows and said, "That's right. I can't say that the elders won't let you salute, and just take it seriously."

After speaking, she smiled and said to Madam Ning Guo: "Mother, you too, Yan Ru has worshiped, you will not let her worship. You ca n’t treat one differently. "

It was a little embarrassing to say this, and I don't know what Mrs. Shen thought about it.

Madam Ning Guo was blushed with old blushing, and wanted to stop talking.

Mrs. Shen was busy playing in the field next to her: "Dasao, my mother is just seeing Yaoniang getting older, and I'm afraid she's moving her breath." She explained to Princess Jin: "Yanru, don't misunderstand."

But this situation is embarrassing, and it can't be alleviated by a sentence.

Yao Niang is also very embarrassed and has a delusional illusion.

Fortunately, Mrs. Shen did not speak amazingly again, and Mrs. Shen did a round game from it, and Princess Jin did not show any kind of mind, this stubble was overdone.

Mrs. Shen picked up Xiaobao and brought it to Mrs. Ning Guo's side to show her: "Mother, do you look more like Your Highness?"

Mrs. Ning Guo was getting old, her body was healthy, but her eyes were a little bit bad. She looked for a while before she could see clearly, her eyes suddenly turned red, and her mouth murmured, "Like, really like!"

Xiaobao is not so much like King Jin, but more like De Fei, like Shen Ning, the only palm pearl of Lady Ning Guo.

Mrs. Ning Guo gave birth to only two sons and one daughter in her life. The boss died in battle. Shen Ye was even more frustrated. He died at a young age. Now there is only the youngest Shen Erye.

Thinking of the past, Madam Ning Guo cried. And Ning Guogong, who has not spoken, frowned at her, and said thickly, "What are you crying for!"

Finally, I added the sentence, "Eyes are gone, I'm still crying!"

Mrs. Ning Guo's eyes are sobbing rather than old eyes.

"Mother, don't scare the child." Mrs. Shen also advised.

Mrs. Ning Guo was busy wiping her tears with a parchment, and said, "Don't cry, don't cry, don't scare my little treasure." Seeing Xiaobao reached out her little hand to touch her face, her face was sullen, and she smiled Go and coax him: "Xiao Bao also knows that he has distressed his great-grandmother, and knows to wipe his tears."

Mrs. Shen snorted, stood up, and left without anyone talking.

The scene was suddenly embarrassing again, and Mrs. Ning Guo was embarrassed first, then sighed weakly.

Mrs. Shen said, "Mother, you should take the medicine. Daughter-in-law will help you to take the medicine."

Mrs. Ning Guo waved her hand: "It's just a medicine and I need you to stay with me. You stay to speak with Yan Ru, let Yao Niang go with me, and bring Xiaobao, so as not to disturb you."

Mrs. Shen knew that this was what Mrs. Ning Guo had said to Yao Niang, but didn't say much, but turned around and pulled Princess Jin to let her speak in her yard.

Princess Jin left with Mrs. Shen, and Yao Niang moved Mrs. Ning Guo to the inner room. As for Ning Guogong and Shen Erye, their men have their own places.

Mrs. Ning Guogong asked the girl to sit on the bed of rosewood lotus carved in a rosewood openwork lotus pond, pointed to the opposite side, and let Yaoniang sit down.

A girl brought a tea and fruit tray. A girl in a blue shirt carried the legs of Madam Ning Guo and put it on her feet to make her more comfortable. As for Xiaobao, she was still sitting in the arms of Madam Ning Guo, holding a piece of cake in her hand and biting her mouth.

"This child is so strong that you have brought him up well. I have also heard that Tanger's child has treated you badly and left you mother and son for a long time."

Yao Niang was a little embarrassed and lowered her head and whispered: "It is not a treat, Your Highness is not intentional."

"You don't have to blame him, Tanger's child is not easy." Madam Ning Guo sighed and said a few words that De Fei died early, while the Shen family had been at the border and could not take care of him. Things that people grew up in the palace.

"That place was a cannibalism place. I ate my uncle. But at first the Shen family was at the border, and they were foreign ministers.

Yao Niang just listened in silence, she didn't know that Jin's experience was so complicated. In her mind, the princes are all high beings, they are all omnipotent, and never imagined that there would be such a past.

"Your auntie, don't blame her. She has resentment in her heart. This resentment has always been in her heart, so her mind is not easy to understand. In fact, she used to be a good character, and she did not like this at all.

Yao Niang nodded again and again. She was never a disposition to care about others. Besides, Mrs. Shen was also an elder, and she couldn't care less about her. This Ningguo government is not coming every day, so she didn't take it seriously.

Although Mrs. Ning Guo ’s eyes are dim, she can see that Yao Niang is a demure person, and she patted her hand: “You do n’t blame her. She is not aimed at Tanger, but…”

The rest of the words, Mrs. Ning Guo did not say, Yao Niang curious, but did not dare to ask more.

In fact, Xiaobao understands what is going on, but this matter goes a little farther.

Ning Guogong is a veteran of the two dynasties. He has fought in the battlefield for many years, and has fought in the north and south. He has made numerous contributions to the court.

The Shen family was loyal all the time, stationed at the border all year round to resist the puppet clan from the north.

Gonggao covers the master. This is something that will be indispensable in all dynasties. In order to reduce the fear of today's fear, the only jewel in the palm of the Shen family was sent to the palace, and the Shen family was even more cautious, fearing that it would attract suspicion.

But suspicion still exists, if not afraid of the Shen family's rebound, fear of turmoil around the border, lead the wolf into the room, Emperor Hongjing would have cleared the Shen family.

This situation continued until King Jin grew up, and since King Jin began to show his outstanding military talents, Emperor Hongjing had an idea. This idea was carried out step by step in the deliberate completion of the Shen family and the deliberate intention of Emperor Hong Jing.

The emperor's fiefdom was deliberately located in Jinzhou, and the moment when the emperor was subordinated to the feudal state, it was when the Shen family returned to the field.

But at that time the people of the Shen family were almost dead. The Shen family had few males. Ning Guogong's brother and two sons died in battle. Ning Guogong's brother and only son died in battle. The eldest son of Ning Guogong, the son of the world, Shen Shen, died in battle.

Only Shen Erye was left, or because he beat the wife of Xiaoning Guogong, he was not allowed to practice martial arts.

The Shen family exchanged a blood for the hereditary hat of Ning Guogong, and the old ministry that Shen family had been operating in the border for many years was all handed to King Jin.

This is also the main reason why the Kings of Jin Dynasty are the most powerful. This is one of the reasons why Madam Shen is full of resentment and always wants to find fault.

In her eyes, the surname Zhao was a group of scumbags. The old pit killed her husband, and the young took her husband's things.

The reason why Xiaobao knows this is because in the last life, he often saw Madam Shen running rampant in the palace, and she wanted to put her nephew daughter to his father and queen as queen.

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