Jin Wang Dotes on His Concubine

Chapter 109: (Catch a worm)

At this time, the famous baby Zhao Chen and the baby with the milk name Xiaobao were wandering around the tiger's pavilion.

The Ning Guogong was a military general. The most spacious area of ​​the Tiger Hall is not the row of houses in the main house, but the performance martial arts field located behind the main house.

In fact, the Ningguo Government House has a larger performance martial arts field, which is only for the private use of Ningguo government. The sandbags, plum blossoms and other equipment are all available inside, and there are eighteen weapons.

Ning Guogong's best weapon is the bow and the halberd. According to him, he can pull the hard bow of two stones and three buckets when he is the heyday. Even if it is now an old age, it can still pull long bows in the army and wear Yang in a hundred steps.

Even after doing exercises for Xiaobao, Xiaobao's eyes were straight.

When he first met Xiaobao, Ning Guogong said that Xiaobao was a good seed for martial arts. After seeing the milk baby close to himself, Ning Guogong was also delighted. He had only two sons in his life. The eldest son was good at root and early initiation, which was the basis of his hands. The young son was guarded by his wife and refused to teach, but Shen Erye was indeed born with poor roots and bones.

Now when I see a good seed, the Ning Guogong is truly a treasure. I wish Xiaobao could now grow to five years old and teach him himself.

In his last life, Xiaobao was good at guessing people's hearts and naturally knew what it was like to invest in it. He pretended that he was very interested in these knives and sticks, and Ning Guogong looked at him differently. But for a few days, Ning Guogong's enthusiasm over martial arts has deeply infected him. Holding the small wooden knife specially made for him by Ning Guogong's heart, Xiaobao suddenly felt that he could only practice writing because of his body. Since Heaven has given him another chance, this life is not as good as Xi Wu.

"Your grandpa and grandpa, the sword and gun sticks you played when you were young were made by their great-grandmothers. Minger, I will make a small bow for you. The great-grandparents’ bows and arrows are good. At that time, you Gao Zu said, that you want to learn the bow, you have to understand the bow's characteristics, from a piece of bouncing wood to the bow string, which affects the range of the bow. The greatest power is the horn bow, which is complicated to make ...

One is willing to speak, one is willing to listen, and the feelings of an old and a young one get better. In contrast, Shen Tai is like being in bottomless purgatory.

He was born in Beijing from an early age. Although he knew the glorious history and family heritage of the Shen family, he never realized it. He and Mrs. Shen were in the capital. Uncle Shen always wrote to urge him to practice martial arts, and even found a lot of martial arts masters for him. But first, Mrs. Shen distressed her son, and then there was Shen Tai who could not eat and suffer, and no one was watching. This so-called martial art is naturally a flower rack. The layman who is uninformed is OK, but how can he face the expert Obfuscated.

Earlier, after King Jin was ruled, the Shen family returned to Beijing. Ning Guogong and Shen Erye were too busy with the affairs outside the house. They couldn't care less about him, but also distressed him for losing their father. Emperor Hong Jing gave the world son to Shen Erye, and couldn't bear the strict discipline.

He is always used to eating, drinking, playing and wandering, and was suddenly trained by the Ning Guogong like this. He rises in the early morning every day when he doesn't light up. Although Mrs. Shen was hurting her son, she was afraid of her father-in-law and went to meditate for two games. She was reprimanded by Ning Guogong himself, and she never dared to take the lead.

Xiaobao strolled and came to Yanwu Stadium.

In the empty hall, the ground is covered with flat black bricks, and there are many weapon racks in the corners around it, with various weapons inserted on it.

Xiaobaoren was short and could only touch the base of the shelf, which made him feel bloody. He also followed Fu Cheng step by step, and there was another person in this performance martial arts, Shen Tai.

Shen Tai was being watched by several servants not far away.

Shen Tai's footsteps were swaying, cold sweats flowed, and all over her didn't hurt. There was a small object that was annoying not far away, and her heart was even more irritable.

In the past few days, Shen Tai has rarely seen Ning Guogong talking in a hug with Xiaobao. In his eyes, he has become his own grandson, so why has n’t he been a child of someone else ’s family? He even wondered if his father was the one born by the old man. Otherwise, why did his father die, but the second uncle was alive, apparently it should be his son, but he gave it to the second uncle.

When his mind was blank, he suddenly remembered what the man said that day.

Although Shen Tai doesn't know who that person is, he knows that he must be a great man. Otherwise, how could he promise to give him the position of Ning Guogong, but--

His footsteps were swaying, and he stooped backwards. Before he stood still, he was struck by a bamboo board from behind. Turning his head, an expressionless middle-aged servant, holding a slender bamboo piece two feet long, stared coldly at him.

"Master Sun, stand up straight. If you want to attack first, you must sharpen your weapon first. This is also the same for martial arts. If you want to have a good martial art, the first step is to work hard."

In the past few days, Shen Tai didn't know how many times he had suffered from this bamboo board. It was also the chicken thief. Even if he felt pain, he couldn't leave any traces.

Shen Tai was sore and sore that she felt her bones crack. He reached out and touched it subconsciously, but he was beaten again before his hand was extended. He made a terrible noise, the flesh on his hands and feet trembled, and just happened to see Xiaobao looking here, he cursed: "Look at your mother xx, a little hair cub, it's your joke to see your grandfather."

If he weren't young, Xiaobao really wanted to go up and wash his mouth.

What Fucheng was about to say was a thunderous sound: "You are a little jerk, you have a lot of dirty words, you don't use it yourself, and you're angry with a child ... It's your father who didn't teach you well. Your father now No longer, I will teach him! "

But Ning Guogong,

He had to stare at Shen Tai angrily, seemingly trying to eat people, but his eyes were full of hate iron and steel and a kind of sadness.

"An hour is added every day, and you are not allowed to return until you finish your training!" Ning Guogong yelled.


Unfortunately, Ningguo's axiom ignored him and came over to pick up Xiaobao and left.

Ning Guogong took Xiaobao back to the main room and sat down on the window-fronted urn.

He looked pale and tired with his old face.

Xiaobao sat beside him, trying to come up with something, but unfortunately he couldn't say, and didn't know what to say.

After a while, the Ning Guogong returned to God, looked at Xiaobao, and sighed and smiled: "Xiaobao is worried about the great-grandfather? Your great-grandfather is fine, but your uncle Shen Tai is not bad in nature, just spoiled . "

He sighed long and said to Xiaobao as if he were talking to an adult: "He has an uneasy heart, and his great-grandmother knows it. But Thunder and Rain are all gentlemen, and those of us who are courtiers have to suffer and suffer. … A good means of sacredness, a broken position of my son would centrifug my grandson and grandson of the Shen family. If my uncle and nephew are in conflict, there are only two people left. They are like enemies ... "

Talking, he laughed, but Xiaobao could see it, and it was more like crying.

Xiaobao reached out and patted the back of Ning Guogong's hand. Seeing his serious appearance, Ning Guogong laughed at him and reached out and rubbed his little head. "Zeng grandpa said you are smart, you are really a little clever ghost . "

Xiaobao rubbed his nose and face with his chubby hands a little embarrassed, and even made Ning Guogong laugh and laugh, and no worries and worries were gone.

"Let's go, the great-grandmother took you to see my book of soldiers!"

The next day, Shen Tai came to see Ning Guogong.

When he entered the room, he plopped on his knees in front of Ning Guogong, crying so loudly that Ning Guo was wrong.

Ning Guogong's complex face, it took a long time to say: "Just stop, you know that you're wrong, and your grandfather can't be forgiven. But you need to know that as my Shen Jiaerlang, you are destined to bear more than others. You are my Shen parents Sun, there are a few younger brothers below, so be a good example of your elder brother and make them proud of you. "

Shen Tai lay on the ground, crying, "Grandfather, grandson knows that he is wrong. Grandson will not dare to commit crimes in the future, so he will practice martial arts so that his grandfather is not disappointed."

"Get up."

Shen Tai didn't dare to rise. An old servant next to Ning Guogong signaled him and helped him up.

Afterwards, Ning Guogong told him about the truth of dealing with others before letting Shen Tai leave. After he left, he was instructed to shorten his daily martial arts time.

In fact, Ning Guogong really did not expect what Shen Tai could do. He is now too late in martial arts, but martial arts can sharpen his temperament. He hopes that his grandson's temperament will be more stable.

After all, it is the grandson.

After this ancestor and grandson's love, Shen Tai really seems to have changed.

In the past, people had to scream in the back every day, and there were many complaints in their mouths. The complaints disappeared in the past two days, and people were diligent. Obviously half-tired every day, the servant had to be carried back, but he never saw his face filled with disgust and hatred. He is also close to Ning Guogong a lot, and he will come every day to ask Ning Guogong to give pointers on the issues of martial arts and the puzzles of military art.

There are more and more smiles on Ning Guogong's face, and Xiaobao can't help wondering. Did the death of the great-grandmother in the last life have nothing to do with Shen Tai, but he wanted to break it?

On this day, Shen Tai consulted with Ning Guogong as before, and the ancestors and grandchildren were in the study room and had a happy conversation.

Although Shen Tai has some rotten wood that cannot be carved, Ning Guogong still teaches happily. It is two different things to learn well or not.

Xiaobao was also there. He was sitting on the Lohan bed under the window, and a tabby cat was lying on the side window. This tabby cat is the favorite pet of Mrs. Ning Guo. The whole state government's Sahuanzi ran around, and from time to time came to Husongtang, Xiaobao always saw it.

Shen Tai glanced at the baby and the cat bathed in the sun, and couldn't help being fair to Ning Guo: "Grandfather, Xiaobao didn't understand these, would he be so suffocated, if he wasn't allowed to hug him out? "

Ning Guogong glanced at Xiaobao, "A baby boy can also distract you? Xiaobao is very good, and not noisy, you come to tell your grandfather what this paragraph means ..."

Shen Tai seemed to be aware of his thoughts, embarrassed to scratch his head, went down to read the book in the book case, stumbled and explained the meaning of the phrase Ning Guogong pointed out.

After speaking, he looked at Ning Guogong with a sullen expression.

Ning Guogong looked at Sun's face and sighed in his heart. "It's a lot longer than before. You watch first, grandfather went to Gongfang." He patted Shen Tai's shoulder, and got up and went out.

The study was quiet, there were only two people and a cat.

One of them was a baby, and the cat was uninformed.

Shen Tai, who had been reading a book, suddenly moved a little, and Yu Guang looked at the corner of Xiaobao's eyes, and saw that he took out a package from his arms.

The tabby cat also came over and meowed.

This cat barked and shocked Shen Tai. He shuffled the contents of the paper bag into the tea cup next to him, while glaring at Xiaobao and Tanuki, lowered his voice and said, "Look at what, look at it again. Cut out your eyes! "

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