Qing Wang's face suddenly became very ugly, stood up, and went outside without saying a word.

Under such circumstances, Princess Qing naturally understood the meaning. Did it say that the golden seal was stolen by Han Fangfei?

For a time, her mood was very complicated, with sadness and joy.

The good news is that he didn't get the gold seal for Han Fangfei. Sadly, if he hadn't heard Xiao Wuyi's words today, he would come to him like this, and the two of them would definitely have a big fight. And Han Fangfei's move seemed reckless, but she actually justified the gap between her and Qing King, because when it comes to Han Fangfei's side, she never explained it redundantly, and the rumored person favored it. Head to tail only said to be bad for her.

Princess Qing was so innocent that she felt awake all at once, and at the same time she felt more chilling.

Because she didn't know how many trips the other party had made, and how many misunderstandings had occurred between her and Qing King. Also, this Qing King's past was perverted by her pretense, or at least played some role.

On the other side, Han Fang Fei received a report from the next man saying that King Qing was coming out of the main courtyard in anger and was heading for Xianyue Pavilion, so he went to the mirror and took a picture. Feeling satisfied, he just sat down on the chin next to the window.

On the cymbals was placed a rosewood corset with legs stretched out, and a needlework dustpan was placed on it. Han Fangfei carefully sewed a piece of clothes. This was a winter shirt for Qing Wang. The warm sun sprayed in through the window, giving her a layer of golden light, and her skin was crystal clear. Earlier Han Fangfei had always been very weak, and it was only after he gave birth to Sheng Geer that he became a little fatter and looked much better than before.

As soon as Qing Wang walked in, he saw such a picture.

When Han Fangfei met King Qing, she put down her needle and thread and greeted her with surprise.

"Cousin, why are you here? But after drinking, I asked the girl to bring you a bowl of sober tea."

Han Fangfei was about to go outside and tell the girl, but Qing Qing grabbed her arm.


"What about my golden seal?"

Han Fangfei's face was brushed white.

Her thin lips trembled as if she wanted to say something, but she didn't know how to say it.

"Why don't you talk, why did you steal the king's gold seal? Why did you take the king's gold seal for Cheng'er to use? What exactly do you want to do?"

Han Fangfei cried out, and the crystal clear tears fell down. She knelt down and shook her hand to take out the small seal from her arms. king.

"Cousin, don't blame me. I didn't take it on purpose. I just feel that Brother Sheng's status is not as noble as his grandfather, and he is not valued by others in the government. He wants to add some weight to him. You know Baby, he was sick on both ends for three days, grandma and girl ... "

"Don't mention the mother-in-law and the girl. Before you said that the mother-in-law and the girl were arranged by the princess. They were careless and the brother Sheng was always sick. People changed it for you and you chose it yourself." Qing Wang Interrupted. His face was full of sadness, and he never expected that Han Fangfei would be able to do such a thing. He was even more annoyed that his golden seal was gone, and he was completely ignorant.

"Cousin, I know what I'm explaining now, you won't listen, but I really have no bad intentions, and I don't want to fight for anything. I know you don't like Sheng brother, you even hug I do n’t want to hug him, because the princess does n’t like me, nor does she like Brother Sheng. But I ’m a mother, and I have to think for my child, so I was lost for a moment, and took your gold seal, just want Show your attention to Brother Sheng in front of outsiders. Our mother and son will have a better life in the future ... "

Han Fangfei explained while crying.

"... I'm not a big man. I know that people outside me look down on me and think I'm not worthy of being the concubine of the princely grandfather ... Because of my sake, even Brother Sheng has been looked down on ... I didn't want to deceive What do you mean, if you plan to wait for it, you will take the initiative to admit it. Now that you know it, it ’s okay, cousin, you can punish me, you can do whatever you want ... "

King Qing frowned at Han Chaifei, who was crying with pear flowers and rain, and it took a long time to pick up the Fang Xiaoyin, and he didn't look back.

Before stepping out, he commanded: "Han Fangfei was banned for one month to think of her own life."

After King Qing left, Han Fangfei stood up, plucked the needle and dustpan on the table and hit the ground.

"Go and check for me, who talked about this in front of the hall!"

Han Fangfei boasted of her own concealment, which Fang Yinqing rarely used at all, and she rested at Xianyue Pavilion the night before, and temporarily seized the gold seal. There are other seals in that lotus bag, one is missing, Qing King will not find it at half past one.

And after only a short day, as long as the people did not dare to talk, all the women present at the same day were in the house, and no one would hold such a thing as the king's face. Everyone only thinks that it is tacit consent of the prince, even the prince and the princess will think so. The prince jealous of the prince did not dare to talk loudly. When the prince was furious and went to the main hospital, it was impossible for the princess to explain more. Caused.

At that time, she just had to put the gold seal back quietly. Even if later known by King Qing, she can be said to have artificial rumors trying to frame her. The gold seal used to catch the week was clearly made by someone to make Sheng Brother feel happy. . She even ordered someone to make a gold seal in advance.

As for the person who made the rumors and framed him, he must have thought of the princess.

She planned everything well, except that she wasn't expected to say anything in front of King Qing. Han Fangfei was very angry and could not wait to strip the person who had done her bad work.

But soon, the person ordered by her to return came to report, saying that no one had done this before Qing King. His Highness returned from the front and went directly to the main courtyard.

Could it be that the princess changed her nature to sue her Highness, so this matter was exposed?

It can only be such an explanation!

"Well, Xiao Jirou!" Han Fangfei scolded fiercely.

But this time she was doomed, she could only lurk honestly, but she still had a brother Sheng, and His Highness would always forgive her.

After thinking about the key points, Han Fangfei gradually returned to peace.

Wang Defang returned to the royal family and went to the main courtyard.

In the main courtyard lived Mrs. Wang.

By the time Wang Defang arrived, Mrs. Wang was resting, and she grew up to get into the habit of sleeping in the afternoon. She didn't sleep for a while every day, and she felt very tired all day. And every time Mrs. Wang took a nap, she had to sleep for at least one hour.

Obviously Wang Defang came by accident, and she did not go back, but went to the small Buddhist temple in the back to help the old lady to copy the Buddhist scriptures.

There is a sandalwood scent in the little Buddha hall all year round. If you smell it once or twice, you won't feel anything. But if you smell it every day, every month you hear it, it will be more than ten years old. I am afraid that everyone has a feeling of nausea.

Wang Defang is suppressing this disgusting feeling, kneeling in front of the Buddha case, copying the Buddhist scriptures one by one. By the time Mrs Wang awoke, Wang Defang had copied more than twenty copies.

The story of the Seven Girls was reported to Mrs. Wang by the girl.

"You girl, too, are devout."

Mrs. Wang sat on the cymbal, and Wang Defang sat across from her, letting the girl lift her legs and rub her knees. Her skin was tender and tender, and on her knees she turned blue on her legs. It is probably used to it. When the girl pushed her, she didn't say a pain. Instead, she smiled and said to Mrs. Wang: "The granddaughter prays for her grandmother and grandfather.

Mrs. Wang narrowed her eyes with a smile and was obviously very satisfied with Wang Defang's attitude.

She believes in Buddhism all year round, but her husband and second son do not believe in this. They often say that the son does not speak strangely, and that the gentleman is right. The Wang family is a heir to the poems and books, and his family are all scholars. They believe in God and worship the Buddha.

However, Mrs. Wang's wife was stubborn, and she always loved his wife.

Among the juniors, the sons and grandchildren need not mention, and few of the granddaughters can suffer from this kind of suffering. Only the seventh girl Wang Defang appeared to be Buddha-like when she was a child. When she worshipped herself, she could also follow the same school. At first, Mrs. Wang was only curious to learn when she was a child. Until the six-year-old Wang Defang was able to write a complete Buddhist scripture and show it to her.

Since then, Mrs. Wang has treated Wang Defang unusually. She has repeatedly said that the child has his own character, looks like himself, and has temper with her.

Wang Defang was born out, and since then she has far surpassed other people. Her grandchildren are also her best. Several males are not as good as her old wife.

They all stand out in front of Mrs. Wang, and naturally they stand out in front of Mr. Wang Ge. Mr. Wang Ge is always busy with the affairs of the court, and occasionally he will mention a few words about Wang Defang. This was not treated by Wang Defang's brothers and cousins.

"Well, it's become a big girl. Later, when Fang's got married, her grandmother would be lonely." Looking at the granddaughter like a jade child, Madam Wang sighed a little.

Wang Defang didn't want to let down his trouser legs, so he came to Mrs. Wang and held her arm. The coquettish state of her little daughter's house said: "Fanger will not marry, and he will stay with his grandmother in the future."

"Stupid girl, how could a big girl not marry. If it wasn't for the time, now Fanger would have become a child's mother." Madam Wang sighed a little.

Hearing that, Wang Defang couldn't help but darken his head, and didn't talk.

Wang Defang is seventeen this year. It is not that seventeen of your noble daughters have not yet married, but there are very few seventeen who have not yet married. Especially when there was such a thing before, the Wang family retired the marriage of the former grandson Xianhui Wang Shizi, not that most people really dare not come to propose marriage.

After the divorce, coupled with some rumors outside, Wang Defang has fallen into a very embarrassing situation. No one dared to come to propose a marriage, but Mrs. Wang was anxious. Recently, she has been walking around in various provinces. A lot.

The old lady supported her hair, and said with some pity: "It was my family who delayed me. You can rest assured that I have already said this to your grandfather. Your grandfather has a disciple, and his son is also an outstanding "Shenglang, your grandfather fancy him, and intends to tell you that he will not delay you."

Upon hearing this, Wang Defang was anxious.

But she was anxious but did not dare to show it in front of the old lady. She could only pretend to be shy and curious and asked, "Grandma, what kind of person is that? If I were really married, would it cause trouble to our family?" Said At this point, Wang Defang's expression was very solemn: "If it would bring trouble to the family, Fanger would rather not marry!"

Speaking of this matter, the old lady couldn't help looking up. She frowned slightly, as if she had no desire or disgust in her heart.

In view of the popularity of the royal family in the court and the status of the old man in the royal court, there is really no need to make a marriage with the royal family. But when Emperor Hong Jing put down his body and asked the emperor grandson to marry, the Wang family naturally refused. I thought that the emperor's grandson was precious, and if there was no accident, he would have to be a big treasure. Wang Defang would be the queen in the future, and he would not do more to stop him.

But who ever thought that something had happened in the middle, and when he saw that the prince was abolished, the status of the prince was not preserved, and the kings were stranded in Beijing, it was obviously a **** storm. The people of the Wang family can no longer sit still, and then they will do things like “granddaughter is tender, his wife protects the calves, and Wang Ge cries for resignation”.

Even if Wang Defang's reputation was undermined, it would be best to get rid of family affairs, and prevent the Wang family from being forced into a mess. Who would have thought that those princes had not given up, although nothing had been done, but the rumors were already circulating, no doubt the Wang family put Wang Defang on the fire and grilled it.

A woman who dare the kings to fight for it, Wang Wang and a few other students who originally wanted Wang Defang and wanted to hire them to be his wife's wife room, but no one dare to respond. The Wang family was forced to helplessly, so they hurriedly found a family for Wang Defang, and wanted to marry her, so as to break the minds of those dragons.

But it was a short time, and many thoughts flashed in Mrs. Wang's heart. She patted Wang Defang's hand, soothing: "It is good for you to have this filial piety, but my royal family is not vegetarian. Those princes will use you as a fight to **** teasing stuff, and ask your grandmother and you Grandfather did not agree. Don't worry, your grandfather has already said this, and he will certainly have an argument and won't let you succumb. "


"Although the family is a little poorer, it is also a member of the Qingliu. The young man has a good name, and although he is only a small talent now, the title of the gold list will not be difficult in the future. I will just wait for a good student Do n’t go around with your mother recently. Your mother is not a grandmother, she does n’t want to see her, and she ’s also ignorant. She knows that the recent storms outside the city have taken you around to attract attention ... ”

Since Mrs. Wang said so, it must be that the matter has been stabilized before telling Wang Defang that she probably wanted to prepare her heart. As for what the old lady said later, Wang Defang didn't hear a word. Her mouth was bitter and her tongue was bitter.

She wasn't sure of her situation. She was thinking of becoming a concubine, and she might be a concubine or a queen. Suddenly the prince was abolished, and the prince became the king of Hui Wang.

King Hui, that's because of being abandoned by Rugao. No matter how much the Holy King loves King Hui, and the kings return to Beijing, it is clear that the future is uncertain. After all, the grandchildren are separated by one layer.

The family said they wanted to retire, and they retired. Now the family says she wants to marry a young talent.

Her grandmother coaxed her into a good marriage, but one of her grand daughter-in-law of the royal family fell to marry a small talent. What clear stream, in plain words, is sour to one poor and two. And this person is definitely not a good target. Few people in Beijing now dare to marry her and dare to face up to the challenge. What kind of character is high-quality, I am afraid that they are also inflamed.

Wang Defang was so angry that he didn't dare to reveal every word. He could only smile with a strong smile and let his grandfather and grandmother decide. Afterwards, she accompanied the old lady for a while, and then retreated with the excuse.

After she left, Mrs. Wang sighed heavily. An old mother who was standing next to each other stepped forward to change the tea for Mrs. Wang and whispered, "Old lady, I think the Seven Girls are afraid to be unwilling."

Mrs. Wang certainly saw it, and Fang'er's reluctance was too obvious.

She sighed again before she said, "Now it's not that she can't be reluctant to say that she can't be reluctant anyway. She can't involve our family anyway. No, this girl has filial piety to me for many years and added her dowry list A piece of silver was taken from my private house. The Pei family was poor and had some silver in their hands, so they could be better in the future. "


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