Town State Mansion, Lan Ruoguan.

With a continuous cough, Qiao's body collapsed onto the lead pillow behind him.

If the dream was busy holding a tea cup to feed her with water, Qiao also wanted to drink, her throat was really itchy. But the water had just been imported, and it was an unbearable itch. She couldn't help it, and the water sprayed out.

The girls were so busy that they wiped her mouth to clean up the mess on the quilt.

Rumeng gently patted her back and complained: "This medicine is not good if you take it. If you don't have a doctor to see it, the old lady is really right, but just go to the palace to call the doctor Why can't you do it, because I'm afraid people will think our family is crazy! "

"Snoring!" Qiao reprimanded and coughed twice before saying, "My old fault is not a day or two. The mother said it makes sense, so I went to the palace to ask a doctor for a few coughs. You think it's easy to ask a doctor to come back. Shizi is not in the house. The father-in-law and the elderly don't care about it.


"Well, like a dream, I'm fine, aren't you unaware that I'm sick? It doesn't matter, it's annoying coughing, taking medicine or looking at the doctor, it doesn't work, just a while. "

Qiao Shi said so, dream can only listen.

The girls brought hot water and parcels. Two big girls served Qiao's face and wiped their necks. Qiao lay back in the soft pillow. She was pale and slightly abnormally flushed, apparently because of a bad cough.

A girl came to report that the six girls were here. Qiao Xiuli was brought in by the girl shortly after, and walked forward with anxiety.

"Sister Yan, are you better?" No one noticed that she was subconsciously looking at a sachet hanging near the bed when she was near the bed.

"I don't know about this old problem, it's nothing, don't worry." Qiao drank his tea and leaned into the soft pillow with a smile.

"I also know that Sister Yan's problem is old. It will be okay after a while, but I will inevitably be worried. And Sister Yan seems to have been sick for a long time this time, but the doctor's medicine is useless, should you change the doctor? "

Qiao shook his hand indifferently. "No, this medicine has been taken, and the medicine is quite good ..."

As she was talking, she coughed again, and this cough just couldn't stop, no matter how she photographed her back. After coughing a few times, Qiao's breath was taken and he took the mask covering his mouth. Everyone didn't notice, but Qiao Xiuli saw a hint of red.

"There is blood!" She said in astonishment.

I heard that, like a dream, I took a piece of Qiao's hand, and the white jade was stained with blood. Scarlet and red, like the plum blossoms in the snow, did not make people feel beautiful, but inexplicably timid.

The reason for this is also allusion.

Qiao's used to have an old root cause of cough. Please ask a doctor for medicine. He has also taken a lot of medicine and has never seen a cure. Although Qiao's wife was born, Master Qiao is not without a wife. There is a sister-in-law and a daughter-in-law when there is a wife. These people are inevitable.

For a while, in the big house of Qiao's house, Qiao's always coughed, and he got rickets.

Because of this, Grandma Joe was angry, killed several people, and sold a group of people. Master Qiao was also very annoyed, and deliberately invited the most famous doctors in the Jiangnan area to consult Qiao's doctor.

In fact, Qiao's cough is an ordinary cough. This kind of cough cannot be explained for any reason, nor is it cold or irritated. When it gets cold, it will inevitably occur. Generally, it should be no more than one month. After the illness, Qiao's is no different from ordinary people.

In the end, this was blamed for one reason, that is, Grandma Qiao was born in the winter when Qiao was born. It may be that the child had a cold when it was born.

In the end it's not rickets.

Although this rickets is not as disgusting as smallpox and the like, it is also an easy disease, which is why the grandmother and grandpa are so cautious.

Qiao's not yet married. If he really bears the name of stigma, if he wants to marry in this life, Qiao's family will have no place for her.

It's not just Qiao's, everyone around her knows it, so seeing a few traces of blood would inevitably lead him to contact.

The air seemed to be stagnant, as the painting was about to cry, being pulled by Rumen from behind.

Qiao Shi said indifferently: "Look at you being so scared. I coughed my throat for a couple of days, and it was probably because my throat coughed up blood."

"Isn't that ridiculous? If you don't find a doctor to come and see it." Qiao Xiuli didn't know if it was a momentary blunder, or what, actually said such a taboo.

If you are dreaming, you do n’t want to listen, and busy: "What are you talking about, girl, what are you not sick of. The old sickness of the wife at that time in July, the grandfather of the world asked the doctor in the palace to see, How long has this been, if it is really rickets, the Taiji will not diagnose it? "

Qiao Xiuli was also aware of her folly, and explained with a blunt expression: "I also said something wrong for a while, and I was too worried about Sister Yan. Don't blame me, Sister Yan, I really don't shut the door."

She was sobbing, she was going to punch her mouth as she said.

Qiao's was busy letting people stop and staring like a dream, saying: "Don't think too much, I don't blame you, dream is also a momentary urgency. You are both for me, I know, don't cry."

"I'm really sorry for sister Sister, I can't speak." Qiao Xiuli wiped her tears with a parchment. After that, she accompanied Qiao Shi to speak for a while, and when she saw her burnout, she said goodbye.

After waiting for someone to leave, he whispered like a dream: "It's such a big person, can't the mouth keep the door open! These six girls are really, will they speak?"

"Okay, okay, don't get mad, just one sentence."

"But some things can be said, some things can't be said, don't these six girls know?"

In advance of this, Qiao Shi could not help frowning, but in order not to worry a few girls, she still raised her spirits and said, "You didn't say it before. You asked a doctor to see it in July Don't think too much. "

On the other side, Qiao Xiuli stepped out of the gate of Lan Ruoguan. She was very silent along the way, and occasionally held a parchment and wiped the corners of her eyes, which seemed to be sad.

I met a woman on the road, and asked her curiously, "What's wrong with the sixth girl of Qiao's family?" Qiao Xiuli came to Lan Ruo Guan frequently, so many girls in the backyard knew her.

Qiao Xiuli glanced at her and shook his head: "Nothing." But it was still difficult to hide the meaning of depression.

"Who shouldn't you be bullied by your girl? Although you are not a serious man in our house, you are a relative of your wife. If there is an unpleasant girl-in-law who bullies you, don't hide it, our town. Gong can not tolerate such an underdog. "

"It wasn't intentional like a dream ..."

Hearing the words, the wife immediately came to the spirit: "You mean that your wife's dreams have bullied you? She is the wife's dowry girl, but don't say, that girl is really bullying by the situation, usually whimpering, afraid I wonder if she has a face. "

After hearing such misunderstandings from the mother-in-law, Qiao Xiuli seemed to panic and burst into tears: "If dreams didn't bully me, she would also make a fuss, and she would scold me if I said something I shouldn't. I'm not good, oh, how can I say that, Sister Yan ... "

"What did you say?"

"Sister Yan had coughed up blood. I said she would be ill, let her change the doctor ..." Halfway through it, Qiao Xiuli seemed to realize that she had said something wrong, and stopped quickly. He also explained: "Only in July did a Physician come to see Sister Yan. If it was a disease, it should have been diagnosed long ago, so say my mouth ..."

She only annoyed herself, but she didn't notice the flash of light in the eyes of the woman next to her, and she was horrified.

When Qiao Xiuli went away, the woman went to the main house.

In the main room, Mrs. Guo Guozhen was leaning on the aunt and let the girl beat her calf with a beauty mallet.

A 50-year-old, square-faced woman hurriedly came in, and said something in the ears of the lady in the town.

The lady in town Guo Guo was shocked and sat up straight from her uncle. She almost didn't fall, but the wife caught her.

"Old lady, don't worry. It's just that someone is coming down. There isn't any evidence yet. It's not real."

When Mrs. Zhen Guozhen sat firmly, she waved her away: "What other dialectic is used? I said earlier that Qiao's face of premature death didn't have to drag my gangsters. Chengri, cough, and change seasons Hey, it ’s cold, it ’s coughing. Is n’t the body of a sick Yangzi weaker than my older man? ”

She showed dislike, and she was very dignified: "This matter can't be ignored. Although I don't hurt her, she is the son of my grandson's family. This disease is extraordinary, others do n’t know, do n’t you know This year my uncle was so gone. Just the masters and sons, do n’t have to get close, how many people in his yard live after the uncle ’s death? ”

When it comes to mentioning this, Mama Bai shuddered. She was the accompaniment of the lady in the town. Of course, she knew this incident had happened in Houfu, Nanning.

Afraid of being accused of, so the grandfather did not move out, but just sealed the yard, even if everyone is avoiding it, people usually do not hit the front of the yard. The little girl in the yard, one died every three, was not sick, but was waiting for such a sick sick ghost, and may have contracted it sometime, and the next day will be immersed in this panic, some of them Can't stand jumping the well, some people are stupid.

In those few years, the place was the ghost of Nanning Houfu House. When the old man was gone, everyone was relieved. Later, everything in the yard was burned, and the yard pushed directly for reconstruction.

"So what can we do about this?" For a moment, Mom Bai had no regulations.

If the subordinate is okay, and it is a big deal to still go out, but it is Madam Shizi.

"You have to invite Doctor Huang and wait for a visit to Lan Ruoguan." After thinking about it, Mrs. Zhen Guozhen changed her mind: "I'm still with you, but now in her eyes, I'm a wicked person, Since it is a wicked person, I will do it to the end. "

Qiao Shi slept for a while, and just woke up and asked the girls to serve and drink medicine.

She covered her nose with a papa, and stood a long way away, saying, "You have been sick for some days. Let me take care of you before the gangsters leave. It's not always the case. I found one here today. Doctor is here to show you. "

Qiao Shi wanted to stay and salute, but was pulled. The mother-in-law said that she took the doctor to show her, and she was still very happy, because the lady in the town had never given her a good look.

Sincerely, she always felt that she was lying on the couch, her mother-in-law was too rude to stand, and she wanted the girl to move the chair, but the appearance of Mrs. Guo Guozhen made her stunned, and somehow she remembered Qiao Xiuli That said.

Qiao's face was pale: "Mother, daughter-in-law's disease is not a big deal. In July, Shi Zifang invited a Taiyi doctor, consulted her daughter-in-law, changed the prescription, and was eating well. Daughter-in-law, it was cold when I was young It ’s okay for two days, I really do n’t need you ... ”

Mrs. Zhen Guo interrupted her: "Whether it is good or not, it is always good for the doctor to make a diagnosis."

That's it, Qiao can only let it go.

The maidservants put down their tents and put a piece of parchment on Qiao's exposed wrist before someone brought in a doctor in his fifties with a thin face from the outside.

This person's surname is Huang, who is a doctor who asks the town ’s wife for peace all year round, and medicine is also well-known in Beijing. Naturally, such a person cannot only provide for one family, so the town government government will give him a large sum of money each year, and several of the masters in the town government government are seriously ill and minor.

Doctor Huang stepped forward, sat down on a cotton pier near the couch, and Fang raised his hand over Qiao's wrist.

He had been undergoing a pulse diagnosis for a long time. Did he change his gestures and let go of his hand halfway, and let the girls pull the curtains again, and looked at Qiao's face and tongue. I also asked whether my hands, feet, and heart were hot, my mouth was dry, my throat was not easy to sleep, and there were many night sweats.

There is a difference between men and women, and it's extremely shocking to be able to behave like this. Doctor Huang asked this question again, and Qiao's one by one.

After Dr. Huang said nothing, he went outside.

Mrs. Zhen Guo followed.

Seeing this, let alone Qiao's, even a few girls like Rumeng can't help trembling.

"Old lady, seeing the symptoms of Mrs. Shizi, there is a suspected deficiency of lung yin and yin deficiency and fire ..."

Mrs. Zhen Guo ’s wife is a woman ’s family. Where can I understand these words about the illness? “Then you just say she ’s not?”

Doctor Huang sighed: "The sickness is that Fang started to be difficult to diagnose, and it was too late after the diagnosis. At this time, you asked the husband to say one or two, and the husband could not say anything. You can only observe carefully Madam still has symptoms of blood cough, and it is not too late to make a decision. "

"That may or may not be?"

Doctor Huang nodded.

Zhen Guo's wife couldn't help but clenched her hands, her face was somber and contemplative, apparently something was struggling. Seeing this, Mom Bai asked the girl to lead Doctor Huang down.

After a short while, when the lady of the town Guogong exhaled heavily, Baima Fang asked, "Old lady ..."

"Go and take Yueyue away, Lan Ruoguan is temporarily closed, and no one is allowed to come in and out at will."

Mother Bai was shocked at first, and later she could understand the behavior of Mrs. Zhen Guozhen.

At this moment, it seems that this is a sure move, so as not to misinform others, and affect the whole government.

When Yueyue was taken away, she cried terribly. Although she was still young, she also felt that something bad had happened.

But in the end, she was still young, and she said she went to play with her brother, which stopped her from crying. But after everyone left, Lan Ruoguan was in a barren state.

Qiao's forbearance and calmness, but still full of heart.

Several girls were also panicked. In the end, it was the love that had accompanied them for many years. They comforted Qiao and asked her not to think about it. She could not have suffered such a disease. She was diagnosed by a doctor in July. Called out. Someone must have said something in the old lady's ear, and the old lady took the opportunity to find his wife's trouble. When Shizi returns, nothing will happen.

Qiao Shi also asked himself to think so, but still couldn't hold back his heart.

Now Lan Ruo Guan is looking forward to the children and grandchildren of the world to come back quickly, but the grandchildren will be able to return in a short while. He was ordered to be stationed in Tongzhou, Daxing, Wanping equally to prevent the disaster victims from disturbing the capital. The victims did not retreat, and the relief was not implemented. He could not return for the time being.

At the same time, there were rumors in the house saying that it was Madam Shiko who had suffered from ridiculous criticism, and the old lady had sealed Lan Ruoguan.

There is no doubt that some people use the rumors to pass on the rumors, and others secretly make troubles. The several detached houses that were dismissed by Sun Mou at that time were all descendants of the government. This big mansion has the most people, and it is inextricably intertwined. I hope that at this moment, while the Sun family is unlucky, or dead or out of favor, the deported person can come back again.

It was spreading for a while. It was horrible as much as it could be. Even Yueyue, who lived in the orthodox courtyard, heard something in her ear.

She didn't understand what the corpse was, and she didn't understand what the sick ghost was. She only knew that the mother was very sick. She wanted to go back to Lan Ruo Guan to see her mother, but the girl-in-law didn't let her go, no matter how noisy she cried, even her brother asked for it, and her grandmother didn't let her go.

At this moment, the prince came to visit the Prince of Jin Dynasty.

Yueyue immediately remembered what Xiaobao had said to her--

"You see, I am the grandson, my father is the grandfather, my grandfather is the emperor, and I will be the grandfather in the future. With my protection, no one dares to bully you ..."

Yueyue knows that the emperor and the grandfather are very big people, and she is also called brother Chen. Brother Chen will surely protect her?

definitely is.

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