Since Sun Mou went to Tongzhou, he was busy.

There are more victims in Tongzhou than expected. Not only was the disaster near Jingshi, but also the nearby Shanxi and Hebei areas were hit by snow.

These two places are facing the heavy places of Jingshi, and it is estimated that ordinary people also know that there is a holy seat in Jingli. As long as they come here, they will not be short of food, so they will come whenever they have no choice.

It stands to reason that this Tongzhou has the name of Jingshi Granary, and where there is no food, there is no shortage of capital. With a little will, you can release food for disaster relief, but I don't know what Emperor Hong Jing thinks, but there has been no movement.

Local officials were afraid that there would be a large number of dead victims. They couldn't make up for it. But people have more food and less food, and inadequate warm clothing. Every day people come to Sun Rogue, and they want to ask the emperor over the capital what they think.

Sun Mou didn't know what the Holy Spirit thought, but he didn't forget his errand and couldn't let the victims flock to Beijing.

Fortunately, the will of disaster relief soon came down. People had food and clothing to protect themselves from the cold, and they no longer had to go to the capital. The relief work proceeded in an orderly manner, and Sun Mou could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

But the king of Jin came to him.

Sun Mani is not unaware of what happened recently in Beijing. Several princes secretly and eagerly scrambled for disaster relief. Otherwise, Beijing's will will not drag on for so many days. If the only one who hasn't moved is probably King Jin.

The Jin king was not as quiet as it seemed. It seemed that the man who had made great achievements in the borders and beat those who were timid in the old nest and did not dare to come out, lost his energy, and planned to stay in the Ministry Today, I took someone to demolish the house, Minger took someone to build a house.

King Jin actually walked to the ministry every day to watch, and as long as Sun Mou thought about the deeds of King Jin spreading outside, he had an urge to laugh.

But he couldn't laugh because he didn't think such a person should be like this.

But in the end what Sun Rogue can't say.

Later, in his spare time, he occasionally remembered, but he could also understand Jin Jin's approach. Those who lost their military power were like beasts without minions. His Majesty gave birth to his mind to suppress these sons, and the wise should be honest.

Everyone knows these truths, but how many can really be achieved?

Because you never know what others are thinking about, you can stay still, but you don't know if others will move, will others surpass you, will you lose the opportunity unconsciously? If one step is missing, it is likely to be a different distance.

So after the initial silence, everyone is moving, maybe King Jin is also moving, but he doesn't know.

Think of it this way, naturally, Sun Gang can't laugh.

But Jin Jin dare to send someone to come to him?

Do n’t you know that Tongzhou is now in full view? Is n’t it that the smarter ones should n’t come in contact with him to avoid suspicion?

Sun Mang was not planning to meet Jin King, but in the midst of it he really wanted to know what he was thinking and what he wanted to do.

He saw the people sent by King Jin and knew what was happening.

Sun Gang had no time to explain to his subordinates, so he flew away to Beijing with a single shot. It took almost half a day from Tongzhou to Beijing, and it took him an hour to get there.

He was stopped in front of the city gate, and he was still the King of Jin.

Sun Mou was very displeased with this behavior, even if the news was originally passed on to him by Jin Mingren, but after seeing Liu Liangyi, he suddenly lost his temper.

Seriously speaking, Dr. Liu Liang was regarded as the benefactor of the government of the town. In that year, the doctor of the town was once rescued.

Liu Liangyi conveyed the words of King Jin, saying that he would definitely use Liu Liangyi.

Thinking of the news from King Jin, Sun Yao was very upset in his heart, and naturally knew that if something really happened, Liu Liangyi's role.

Sun Gang did not listen to anyone blocking him at Lan Ruoguan. He heard what Qiao Xiuli and Qiao Shi said before he entered the door, and naturally he heard what Qiao Shi said.

He was stunned. Although Qiao's was weak, he was weak in the middle, but what made her so discouraged and lost her desire to survive.

How is she willing? Did she bear him!

Sun Man did not deny that he wanted to marry Qiao's at first. He was fascinated by women. From the moment he saw her, his heart told himself that she was the woman he wanted. So regardless of her identity as a merchant girl, he married her back.

She had small eyes, he let her, she was so coquettish, he used to her. Let habituation become a habit. He thinks that this is good. He is not a heavy person. She is her one.

What exactly love is, Sun Man doesn't really understand, but he knows that he likes Qiao's.

Even if she does get the disease, the people who have the disease are not absent, and Rong Yang can live a few more years. Not to mention whether it is still unknown.

On the couch, Qiao's tears cried and he couldn't change the tone: "I'm not good, you go out quickly, I can't give it to you."

Sun Gang stepped forward a few steps, and Qiao Xiuli was still standing in front of the bed, but was almost unmoved by his rush. As soon as Qiao Xiuli stood firm, she saw Sun Moo walk to the bed, grabbed Qiao, and kissed two casually.

"If it could be dyed to me, it would be dyed now."

Sun Mou stood straight and stopped looking at Qiao's, "Mr. Liu, please."

Liu Liangyi did not expect that playing a small child was a sulking granddaughter's grandson. Somehow I thought of the master in the house. I thought that the King of Jin was not just for the love of his children. He was very poisonous and died on the evening.

All idiots!

Liu Liangyi sighed in his heart and came to the bed. Zhang Dunzi was moved here, and he sat down to give Qiao's pulse.

The room fell into silence, and everyone's hearts couldn't help but raise it in their throats.

Aside from Qiao Xiuli, the corners of her eyes twitched nervously, and she felt clearly that even if the best psychiatrist in the world came, Qiao's eyes were lacking. But it was inexplicable fear, and she always felt that the development of this matter surprised her unexpectedly.

She didn't want to let Qiao's death so early, but Sun Mou's sudden departure from Beijing showed her the opportunity. She was still thinking about how she could avoid her son, but now she has no such worry.

It really happened as she wanted. The response of the old lady and the response of the other people in the house were all her expectations. She only needed to add straw little by little, and did not need to be ordered by the king. Qiao himself No more.

I never expected that Shizi would return at this time, even if it was one day later, but this was the time.

Who has broken her?

It is impossible for the old lady to send a letter to Shizi, and no one else in the house dares. There have been no outsiders in the house recently, except for the side of the concubine Su Jin of the King's Palace. But as far as she knows, Su Fangfei has never seen Qiao's.

Doctor Liu Liang lowered his hand and looked a little dignified.

He glanced back at Sun Mou. Sun Mou's heart could not help sinking, and the hands behind him waved, irrelevant people went down.

Including Joe Beauty.

She didn't want to leave, but unfortunately Sun Sun ordered it, and naturally someone invited her out.

In addition to Sun Mou, Liu Liangyi and Qiao Shi, there were only two girls in the room. The reason why the two girls were not allowed to go out, because they were not only Qiao's confidant, but also the only person who was with Qiao's side these days.

As long as Sun Mou thought of Qiao's illness, all the people in this yard had run away, there was a kind of anger. But now is not the time to deal with this matter, after waiting for it, he settles the accounts one by one.

Also, Qiao Xiuli accompanied the actions of Qiao's side, and some of them surprised Sun Jiao, but as soon as she thought of what she said to Qiao, he felt resentment in his heart and subconsciously excluded her from trusted people. outer.

"Liu Taiyi, although you have something to say, please don't cover it up, this is not the time to cover it up." Sun Man smiled bitterly.

Dr. Liu Liangyin groaned and stroked his beard: "If the old man is not wrong, the lady does suffer from dysentery. Watching his pulse, it will be a short time."

There was a noise from the bed, but Qiao's not hitting the bed pillar for a while.

Sun Mou showed his sadness, and first took Qiao's seat, then took a deep breath, and said, "Is there a doctor for this disease?"

In fact, asking these words is equivalent to asking them freely. Rickets is a terminal illness. Once you suffer from it, you can only drag on the day, you can drag it day by day. The family is rich and well-bred, and can live longer. Those from poor families have to wait for death.


The two girls wept so loudly that they sat down on the ground like a dream and murmured: "How could it be rickets? My wife was so good that she just coughed up and did n’t have many days. In July, the grandfather invited a doctor I've seen it, it's all right, nothing happened, how could it be rickets? "

After hearing this, Dr. Liu Liang's eyes flickered and he asked, "Did you say that a doctor came to see in July?"

Liu Liangyi looks different. If he dreams of a turnaround, he nods again and again: "Although my wife has the root cause of this cough, it is not a serious illness. I have seen it by countless doctors, and all said that as long as you pay attention to seasonal changes It ’s enough to keep warm when it ’s cold, how could this rickets get on my wife for no reason? "

Sun Mou also nodded: "Because of the ill-conceived root cause, she coughed for two days once when the weather was still warm. I simply asked Tai Yi Hu in the palace to see it. One was to take care of her. Secondly, I want to see if I can take root. "

Liu Liangyi nodded: "I don't know if the case is still there, can it be used for the husband to observe one or two?"

The doctors at the Taiji Hospital are unusual doctors. The doctors see the doctor and have seen it. However, Taitai Hospital is not a general department, and it is also afraid of seeing the nobles in the palace, and it will be contaminated with private affairs. Therefore, it is extremely strict to find routines.

It ’s like talking to the emperor, the rules are very complicated. The other masters and nobles in the palace are also extraordinary. The doctors at this hospital are not only used by the people in the palace, but also by some honorable ministers and their relatives, but they must be very decent to make them touching.

Cha Cha Sun Rogue is one of these faces.

There is a special place for Taiyi to see people, that is, the pulse prescriptions need to be stored for each diagnosis, for future verification.

Liu Liangyi wanted to see this case, because when he was leaving the house, King Jin deliberately explained that Qiao's illness might have clues. Changing to a general doctor, even if it is a doctor, they can not contaminate such things. They only see a doctor, regardless of life, but who told Jin Wang, and Liu Liangyi has such a relationship with the Sun family.

Of course, Sun Mou understands what the case is. "There should be Taiji Hospital. I ordered someone to go to Taitai Hu for a doctor."

Qiao's case was quickly retrieved. During this period, the wife of the town ’s father-in-law received news of her son's return, and knew that Sun Mou came directly to Lan Ruoguan, and did not even go to the main court.

She was so angry, but also guilty that she ordered someone to call Sun Sun, who ignored him and never came again.

After reading the pulse case, Liu Liang doctor diagnosed the pulse for Qiao's, and also asked some questions, such as when some symptoms were discovered.

Not only Qiao Shi, but also Ru Meng and Picturesque.

After listening to it, Liu Liangyi read it, and there was no doubt about it in his heart. He really answered the king's words, and there were snakes and rats that hurt people.

He glanced at Sun Mou with a complex look. "Son son, is there an old man who shouldn't speak properly?"

"Liu Taiyi just talk."

"My lady is a little strange."

As soon as this word came out, several people in the room looked at him.

"Why is that?"

"My husband has seen Tai's case, and at that time the wife did not have any symptoms as the girl said. You need to know that if you are sick, there are signs, but there is no sign of such a precious lady. Her cough in the season Is unlikely to turn into rickets. "

"What does Taiyi Liu mean?"

"Isn't Seiko supposed to get this rickets casually? Madame Noble is infected."

Sun Gang is not an ordinary person, naturally understands another meaning of Liu Liangyi's words.

"You mean someone hurts someone?" His pupils narrowed to the size of a needle tip, and the fists under his sleeve were clenched.

Liu Liangyi smiled slightly: "If it is someone else, the old man naturally infers it. But Shizi is not someone else. Let the old man see that it is true."

There is also a reason why Liu Liangyi said this. Qiao's door is not in the second door, but he is not in the palace, or where he goes. People who come and go are Jingui people. Which Jingui person has this kind of pickling disease, naturally, it is impossible to be infected with people's ordinary communication. Besides, although this rickets is dangerous and easy to get rid of, but it can't be infected once or twice, it requires long-term contact.

Afraid that Liu Liang and others did not understand, Liu Liangyi elaborated on this again. Sun Yao's face was immediately gloomy, and there was a storm in his body. It is estimated that he would know who harmed him. other side.

He looked at the two men in a dreamlike way, Shen said, "As for you, who is in contact with your wife for a long time?"

"It could also be a thing." Liu Liangyi interjected.

Picturesquely, there were several names mentioned in the trenches. These girls, like them, were married by Qiao from Jiangnan. They usually served beside Qiao, but if they have been in contact for the longest time, they are two people.

Without telling a word, Sun Mou ordered people to take people, and when they were brought, Liu Liang was first treated.

After Liu Liang's medical examination, the panicked girls were taken away and locked up.

It was also picturesque, and none of these girls had the disease.

In fact, as long as it is determined that it is not a person, many questions can be ruled out. No one will carry a harmful thing with him unless he is his own life.

Then only the latter statement should be taken, something.

Looking like a dream, looking around the box, Liu Liangyi still joked and chatted with Sun Rogue: "I'm afraid I don't know. The most sinister thing in the world is the human heart. Some people have broken their hearts and looked for something. When the smallpox used it, it was placed next to the child, and the child somehow dyed the smallpox. Until the child died, the family was only unlucky as their own ... Some of these things can be detected, others Can't find out. So if one of the three hundred and thirty rows in the world is the one who knows the most sinister, the most prestigious person is one of us who prescribes a disease. "

How could Sun Mou chat with him at this moment, but he didn't talk calmly.

"This bedroom is where my lady has been for years and years. If the husband is not wrong, the thing is in this house. Just look for the objects that you often come in contact with. If you ca n’t find it, leave this room. It will be. "

How could it not be found. Sun Mou dug three feet now to find the thing, find out who is behind him, and then shatter the other person.

"By the way, there is a time limit for this lesion. It can't be old, and it needs to be replaced every 30 minutes. The other lady's illness is a matter of recent months. Things should be sent in from this time."

What Liu Liangyi should have said can be regarded as all-knowing, this search range naturally reduced to a very small range. In fact, if you want to check something, it is not difficult for Qiao to be close to ordinary people. It is impossible for Qiao to receive things sent by ordinary people. Even if they do, they may not be used.

And some of her intimate clothes and quilts are specially cleaned and put away, especially the intimate clothes. I washed a few items today, and then I have to take back some of them. After all, a woman's goodwill is so big that if she loses her underwear, what's wrong with it will make her laugh.

"If you can't find it yet, Sun Xiaozi, you should be replaced."

Dr. Liu Liangyi did not know where the chicken blood was from today. He repeatedly inserted a knife into the heart of Sun Rong. Sun Rong's face was now dark. If it wasn't for this man who saved his father that year, and he was still pointing at Qiao's illness, Sun Mou would simply throw him out.

He didn't know that Liu Liangyi was not like this before, and he was also a serious old man. But since he and Fucheng have been together for a long time, they have become much poorer.

But the problem is that the words are like this, dreamlike, still no suspicious thing found. Just when Sun Mou planned to ask them to look again, dreamy eyes fell on a sachet hanging on the bedside, and hesitantly pointed out: "Will it be it?"

All eyes looked.

"This is the six girl's gift to his wife. The wife used to love this mint. She usually left it in her arms when she was okay. She put it on the tip of her nose and sniffed. The six girl gave it to her. The wife was still there. When she was in the Boudoir, the six girls liked to send it. This time she came to Beijing and said she had dried some mint grass and made a sachet for the wife. It may be changed once every five or six days, because the mint flavor will fade after a long time. .If there is really a pickle in this room, slaves most doubt it is this thing. "

The sachet was taken off and wrapped in a piece of parcel.

Liu Liangyi took a piece of parchment and tied it to his nose. He took out a special pair of gloves, put it on his hand, and opened the sachet.

As the dream recounted: "This thing is sent again and again, and we will check it again and again, and there is nothing but mint grass in it."

And Liu Liangyi's inspection also confirmed this, that is, a bag of ordinary mint.

Is that right?

After all, the lesion could not be seen or touched, and no one dared to determine, but at least there was a direction.

Regarding Qiao's disease, it is not incurable. If it is late, I am afraid that Liu Liangyi cannot help it, but if it is just infected, he has 70% to 80% certainty that he can cure Qiao's disease.

It is needless to say that Sun Mang and Qiao's gratitude is self-explanatory, especially when Qiao knew that she could not die, she couldn't describe her excitement.

It wasn't too early at this time, and Liu Liangyi said goodbye.

Sun Mou sent him out personally, saying something inexplicable: "Thank me for helping me. I remember him."

This Jin king he naturally refers to, and Liu Liangyi was able to spend so much effort today. It doesn't matter if it's useful or not, let's talk about it.

Qiao Xiuli was in her heart for a whole day, then went to Lan Ruoguan the next day.

It seems that the return of Shizi has given Lan Ruoguan a sense of vitality. The mother-in-law seems to have returned, and never sees the same lifelessness as before.

People were informed that being led in, Qiao Xiuli was uneasy. Before, she had to be notified to enter. Later, Qiao's fell ill and everyone ran away. Naturally, she didn't need to report any more. Before returning today, she became an outsider again.

Qiao Xiuli sneered, wishing he could see Qiao's heart as if he had died, but when he went in, Qiao had a smile on his face.

Suddenly, she asked subconsciously, "Sister Yan, what's so happy about this?"

"Sister Li, you're here. Do you know that the doctor your brother-in-law invited yesterday was a miraculous doctor, and he helped me diagnose it, I didn't actually get sick, but my liver was too hot and cold. You said this Is it worth being happy? You do n’t know, I do n’t know how to get here these days, I feel like I have one day less, and suddenly I know that I ’m not sick. It ’s a doctor ’s misdiagnosis.

Qiao said, looking at Qiao Xiuli's expression.

Qiao Xiuli did hold back, but immediately reacted, but smiled a little reluctantly: "That's really congratulations to Sister Yan, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief."

"Think of yesterday, and look at today, it really feels like a dream. By the way, do you remember what I said yesterday?"

Qiao Xiuli asked subconsciously: "What's that?"

Qiao Shi smiled and said, "If you don't remember, then forget about it, it's my captivity, and I've got that kind of thought. You don't know your brother-in-law scolded me severely yesterday, saying what I thought of him, he said I'll be the only one in my life, and I will never look for anyone else. Even those shameless women are useless to think of him, he won't see them. "

Looking at the smile on Qiao's face, Qiao Xiuli vomited a pool of blood in her heart.

I think Qiao's display is naked. What she hates most is Qiao's. She never shows her happiness, as if how unfortunate it is for others.

Why can a good thing in this world allow one to occupy it?

Beautiful appearance, good family background, grew up from a small Jiao pet, grow up, there is a man with a distinguished and handsome appearance waiting. After marrying, the children are complete and the husband and wife are harmonious.

Qiao Xiuli felt that her heart was bitten deeply by jealousy, making her miserable. But in addition to a faint light in her eyes, she was laughing with her face, and she could even say something nice to Qiao's.

This resentment she has done for more than ten years, has never been anything to her. Qiao Xiuli believes that one day she will be able to **** everything from Qiao's.

"Bye sister, I made another sachet. The old sachet should have lost its flavor, right?" Qiao Xiuli took out a pouch from her arms. Needless to say, there was naturally a sachet she used to make.

"I'm trying to tell you this. Sister Li, I'm bothering you again." Qiao gestured to pick it up, but it wasn't like before, either hung up immediately or held it in his arms. , But as if forgotten, just resting on a few.

Qiao Xiuli took a glance at the sachet and said goodbye. She didn't want to stay here for a moment, and she was afraid she would show up.

After Qiao Xiuli left, Qiao's eyes showed a cold color.

This sachet is more useless, so if you send one, Qiao Xiuli must get another one.

Her heart was full of annoyances for Qiao's now, and she wished she could die now. This matter was naturally pinned on the sachet, so when she went back, she called her hair.

She handed the sachet she had made to Fa Tzu and explained, "Let the person close it for a few days, don't get dirty, and bring it back to me at that time."

The hairdresser had become accustomed to this kind of thing. He took things, and took a piece of silver from Qiao Xiuli, and then left in a hurry.

Up to now, in fact, Fazi knows that her own girl is doing harmful things. Whoever is free will find the sick person, put things in the other's body, and paste the other's silver. But Fafa didn't care. It was the girl who saved him as a beggar. His life was hers.

Fazi went lightly to the outer city and went all the way to the corner.

Even in Beijing, there are slums. He walked around in the alley and finally came to the door of a broken house.

Before entering the door, I heard bursts of heartbreaking coughs inside.

The hairman pushed the door and walked in. In such a place, no one would dare to enter the door if he locked or locked the door.

Entering the room, a thin man crouched on the bed, his face was black and yellow, his eyes were sunken, and only a bone was left. If there is a doctor who knows pharmacology, then he knows that this person is already ill and is weak.

At the sight of the hair, a gleam of green light bloomed in his eyes, as if the wolf saw food.

"My dear, are you here? Do you want a little help? Give me things, and silver and cough, I want silver, I want silver to buy some supplements, and I want to eat ..."

The hair covered his nose with a papa, took out the sachet and silver from his arms, and threw it.

"Old rules, don't mess things up, I'll come to you in two days."

The person held something, nodded excitedly, didn't even look, and put the sachet in his arms. He held the silver in his hand and wanted to crawl and sit up, but fell back several times because of his weakness. On the couch.

The hairpin didn't look anymore, turned around, and just opened the door, but there was a man he unexpectedly appeared outside.

Qiao Xiuli asked the girl to make a cup of tea, took the book, and came to the palate under the window.

The habit of drinking tea and reading books was learned by her and Qiao.

With the book in his hand, he couldn't see it, and didn't know what he was thinking. Suddenly there was a pain in my head, and then there was darkness.

When I woke up, I was in a dark room.

Everywhere was dim, the window was covered with cloth, and only the corner of the cloth was pulled down, exposing a faint white light, which allowed people to see the surrounding situation in a vague manner.

Very quiet.

Because it seemed quieter and smarter, Qiao Xiuli heard a snoring sound, and she looked subconsciously. There is a bed near the corner. There are piles of bedding on the bed that are so dirty that they can't see the original color. Something is wriggling inside.

Such scenes and pictures make people creep up subconsciously.

Qiao Xiuli forgot his words and could only see the pile of bedding slowly creeping until she sat up alone.

What kind of person is that?

Qiao Xiuli could hardly describe in words, but subconsciously thought of the sick son of the family in the same alley.

The family was very close to Qiao's, coughing in the ears day and night. No one came to his house, and even in the end, the people in the same alley joined together and took the family away.

It is said that rickets are contagious, and this family wants to kill people.

Where did the last family go? Qiao Xiuli didn't know, but this kind of person was the dirtiest and scariest person in her mind. She glanced at the man once, scared to have nightmares for a few nights after returning.

The skinny man showed a twisted arc that could not be called a smile. "Daughter, help me up."

Qiao Xiuli was shocked, "I'm not your daughter-in-law, who are you?"

"You are my daughter-in-law. The grandfather Guan said, saying that your girl had broken her heart and murdered her mother, and gave you to be my wife. Not only that, the grandfather Guan also said that he would spend money to help me please The doctor sees a doctor and sends money to me every month. You are not afraid of rotten heart, my heart is almost rotten and clean, I want you to give me a son now ... "

"Since I got this disease, no one dares to beat me. I'm not afraid of your joke. I don't want to think of you as a joke. You don't have to think about marrying a concubine. I don't have to think about marrying a wife. Afraid to break the incense, go to **** and faceless ancestors ... This grandfather is really kind-hearted and compassionate, and gave me such a beautiful daughter-in-law. I don't want to die now, I just want a son ... ... "

During the talk, the man actually propped himself down from the couch and walked towards Qiao Xiuli.

Qiao Xiuli was so scared that he couldn't move. He could only raise his eyes and saw that the man approached him and rushed to himself.

She wanted to scream, but her voice was caught in her throat.

The man's hands were like dry wood sticks, black and dry, lined with her snow-white skin, as if the dirtiest dirt had stained the pure white snow.

She was trembling with fright, and was desperately pushing away the man, but her mouth was suddenly stuffed.

"By the way, the grandfather said that your girl is higher in heart than sky. Unfortunately, her life is thinner than paper. It is not easy for you to be my wife-in-law, so he gave me something good. Eat it, eat it You will be willing to ... "

The man's hoarse voice was like the evil spirit from hell.

The object was melted in the mouth, and Qiao Xiuli tried to choke hardly without choking, and she seemed to go crazy and beat the sick goblin, but she could not wave him at all, and a strange reaction happened in her body .

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