The real Han Yaner was dead, and his mother died in that coup.

And now Han Yaner is just a nail inserted by Korea's current king Wang Dagan.

Going to Korea from the time of Taizu, he conquered the wall grass, and Korea bowed his head to Dagan, used Dagan's year number, accepted Dagan's canon, and existed as a subsidiary of Dagan.

But the situation in the projectile land is also very complicated. Coups often occur, and because of its borders with many countries, these power grabbers are inextricably linked. But as for this kind of internal affairs, the cadres generally don't care, as long as your little country minister submits to me.

The King of Korea didn't want to touch Han Yu's mother and daughter. He never expected to be the mother's widower and the daughter to live alone, and then Lan Zhu appeared. So it was logical to arrange for Lan Zhu to come to search for relatives and gain a foothold beside Qing King by his old feelings.

Koreans have always used this method many times, including tribute to a group of women every few years. Anyone who can stand beside a high-weight person will benefit a lot for Korea. Although King Qing is only a little prince now, who knows what will happen in the future?

Lan Zhu impostor came to Dagan and came to King Qing.

King Qing was born tall and handsome, holding power in his hands, and fragrant and precious to Lan Zhu, Lan Zhu could not help but be moved. In addition, although she is a nail, but a nail similar to her was nothing but a trick. She gradually forgot her identity, just indulging in the battle with the Qing Princess.

Lan Zhu was concubined and gave birth to Sheng Brother. She felt that as long as Qing King and Princess Qing were separated, Germany would be the world in the future, which not only allowed her to use infinitely, but also completed the master's 'steady footing'. Yan, but just then someone suddenly sent a letter to her.

The secret word in this letter was only she understood, and her master told someone about her identity.

"I didn't plan to join hands with the other party at first. The letter only said that I would assist me, but he didn't let me be assigned to him, but he actually tried to hit me with my identity.

"You can tell this to Lao Qi." I don't know what kind of mentality, Jin Jin actually said such a sentence.

Hearing this, Lan Zhu froze, and then smiled, "Did you think I didn't think about it? But I made a name ... you don't think he really has anything to me, right? Actually I sometimes Pity him. When I was with him, he often listened to me and told my mother to tell me something about his mother ... He didn't know that these things were actually made up by me ... "

Lan Zhu's smile was strange, and King Jin couldn't help looking at him more.

"... If you let him know that I lied to him, I guess the first person who killed me is him ... Sometimes the mind of a man is really weird ... Actually, it ’s not just the man, sometimes the woman ... "Lan Zhu's expression fluttered, seemingly caught in memories. The expression is very complicated, mixed with nostalgia, anger, desolation, and even memory, resentment and so on.

"You haven't told Ben, who is the one who contacted you."

Lan Zhu returned to God and glanced at King Jin: "I don't know."

After a pause, she said, "I really don't know, but I know he is not easy, because Fuxi is his person. He contacted me through Fuxi."

Fuxi has been with King Qing since he was a child, and has waited for the old man for more than 20 years.

King Jin was in deep thought, apparently thinking about who was behind Lan Zhu.

On the ground, Lan Zhu, more and more blood was coming out of his mouth, and his breathing was getting faster and faster: "I've finished talking, you should not forget what you promised me."

"I hope you can tell this to others again."

After saying this, King Jin made a look at the guard next to him, and turned to his horse. The man immediately took a pill out of his arms, squeezed the wax pill, and stuffed it into Lan Zhu's mouth, saying, "It's cheap, this medicine is hard to find, even a mortal person can make her more. Live for half an hour. "

In the Qing Palace, Emperor Hong Jing sat gloomily on the throne.

Standing below them were several princes headed by King Hui. Only King Jin and King Qing were absent, while King An was pale and knelt on the ground.

"I also hope that my father's Emperor Mingjian, someone deliberately planted stolen son-in-law, and the son-in-law did order someone to send a note to Xiao Yan, but it was never bold enough to order people to sell test questions everywhere."

Emperor Hongjing said nothing.

With a pair of murky eyes, Hui Wang laughed and said, "Boss, it's not like my brother said you, even if you have a tight hand, it's not impossible to find us brothers to borrow one or two. Why is it so ugly to eat? Cats and dogs all receive silver. Not my brother said you, you are too cautious. "

In the past, this kind of king An An will not fight. But now it's different. Fraud in the court is a big thing. An accidental result is that he is banned from the game. King An looked at King Hui with a venomous look: "Big brother, don't talk about your brother, you haven't done this kind of thing a lot, do you need to mention how many people came out of your Crown Prince's door that year? That's all salt transfer Division ... "

Hui Wang suddenly changed color, and his lips turned back: "You think everyone else is dirty, so you are clean, then ..."

Emperor Hongjing was so angry that he scolded: "Shut up for me, you **** things! He is a man, he is a son ..."

Emperor Hongjing's chest was undulating, and Li De was busy getting together to give him gas, and he brought hot tea to drink with him.

There was a thump of kneeling below, all asking Emperor Hongjing to be angry.

But the problem is that Emperor Hongjing can only become angry. He looks at the sons below. I don't know how many of these individuals have moved in it. Planted, framed, slandered, slandered ...

Emperor Hongjing now can finally understand why the father emperor looked at the brothers with that look.

It was because of this situation that Emperor Hongjing knew that King Hui had made so many mistakes, how many had done it stupidly, and how much had been dirty. With regard to King An today, and King Qing, how many people have moved in it.

Heaven has no father and son! There is no brother in heaven!

For some reason, Emperor Hong Jing flashed such a sentence in his head, his face suddenly became old for decades.

Li Dequan was still running along to Hong Jingdi's chest. He felt a pain in his head and it made him sick. He took a few deep breaths before suppressing this disgusting feeling, and was about to say something, and suddenly a little **** came in to report that King Jin was here.

"Let him in." Emperor Hongjing said, waving Li Dequan's hand, and took the tea next to him to drink. After a while, he was able to return to peace.

He sat on the throne, high above him, and the faces of the sons below seemed to be in front of him, and they seemed far away.

He saw the anxiety of King An, the anxiety of King Hui, and the silence of the King. The king was waiting for the opportunity. King Lu's gloat ...

With a sense of supremacy and overwhelming sentient beings, he seemed to return to the cold and ruthless emperor again, rather than to the anxious father in the future.

King Jin came in and his clothes were neat and neat. His pace was steady, not ill, but only the bottom of his boots was stained with gray.

"Where did you go? Howling you into the palace, your brothers are here, but you are the slowest."

"Children are in trouble." While speaking, Jin Wang saluted, and then he stood still, as if he did not want to explain that he would be late.

Emperor Hong Jing was so angry with him that the old man never cared about what he thought and whether he would offend him. He clenched his lips and was about to say something, and King Jin said again, "Children have something to say."

"What is it?" Emperor Hong Jing asked subconsciously.

King Jin did not speak again, apparently because he suspected that there were too many people nearby, and he didn't want to say anything.

Emperor Hong Jing stood up awkwardly, he shook slightly, but grabbed Li Dequan's elbow the next moment.

"Follow me."

At Xi'an Pavilion, Emperor Hongjing sat down on the bright yellow cushion under the south window and put one hand on the welcome hand: "Say anything."

King Jin did not answer the question rightly, "I don't know how the father intends to dispose of the second brother, and how does he intend to dispose of the seventh brother?"

This remark made Emperor Hong Jing be surprised, "How does He deal with them and need to say hello to you?"

"The son-in-law got one person, this one is ..."

King Jin said something about Han Fangfei.

After listening to Emperor Hong Jing, instead of being angry, he laughed at him: "A woman can make him mess around, he is really a good son."

This tone does not seem to be talking about his son, but rather an outsider. Emperor Hong Jing has always had a slight dislike for Qing King. Many people don't understand why, only King Jin knows a little reason.

Jin Wang was not frightened, and his eyebrows did not raise his eyebrows: "The son-in-law hopes that the emperor will show mercy to his seven brothers and give him a chance to reflect on his past."

"If you intercede for him, you look like an executioner. Isn't he an uncle?"

King Jin looked up at him. Although he didn't say anything, his clear eyes were full of insights.

Yes, everyone knows that King Qing was stolen.

This happened two days before, but Emperor Hongjing kept pressing, until today he ordered people to take the King of Qing. It is self-evident.

Emperor Hongjing was a father, but he was also an emperor.

What is the emperor most afraid of? Except for death, it probably means losing the throne.

The father is weak and the son strong, especially so many sons are ambitious, I am afraid that any emperor will be afraid. Emperor Hong Jing lured it with bait, designed a few sons to accept the clan, left the kings in Beijing, and granted official positions. It seems that he wants to examine which son is more like a prince, but it is not a mental reaction.

King Jin knew too much about this kind of person's mentality, so he was sure that Emperor Hongjing had a second hand.

And this second hand is equivalent to killing chickens and tamarins, in order to warn the kings not to move, and declare their supreme majesty.

With Jin Jin's character, even if he understood all this, he would not do anything to say anything. But this time it was King Qing who was involved. Although he was confused and incompetent, it was his brother who had been protecting him for many years.

King Jin's clear but bottomless eyes reminded Emperor Hongjing of a person.

Someone who made him dream about at midnight, from time to time.

"... Shen Yun, don't forget what she used to conceive Long Yan. You thought she was weak, but ..."

She said nothing, only looked at him with this look.

In this look, he had a sense of self-confidence, and a kind of insight-she knew everything.

She knows her mind, she knows why she uses it, she even knows the inferiority of the man in his bones, she knows everything, she doesn't care, she doesn't care about anything, not even death. If you care about it, only the Shen family can let her care, and he ...

The two eyes were closed, and Hong Jingdi's eyes shivered.

"He won't be like him." At first the voice was still the same, and then he became a little weak. "But it's just to keep an imperial tomb."

King Jin nodded and said, "If the old seven divorced his wife, he would also like to stop the emperor."

"Wife divorce, what wife?" Emperor Hong Jing understood it immediately, and the words he said were somewhat unpleasant: "You like to be nosy."

"Women at home are choking."

Emperor Hong Jing was angry again, "You are really prosperous! It is not concealed at all, a prince is grand, let a woman hold her head."

King Jin ignored him, but said, "If nothing happens, the sons and daughters will retreat."

"Get off, get off!"

So King Jin rolled away.

However, King Jin did not leave the palace directly, but went to the place where Qing King was detained.

When the king of Jin arrived, there was no voice in the palace room. Qing Wang curled up in the corner of the room, and the big man held his knees and buried his head like a child.

"Have you met her?"

"Five brother, sorry ..."

"I'm sorry, I disappointed you." Qing Qing held his head and wept bitterly, "I'm a bastard, I'm a foolish worm, I'm a white-eyed wolf ... I feel that all the people in the world owe me, and everyone is right to me ... I hate this kind of cowardice and weakness, always thinking that one day when I am strong, I can put aside all of this. In fact No, not at all. I'm strong in appearance, but in fact, I was still the one who would cover my head and cry in the corner ... "

In the fifth place in Ganxi that year, King Jin met King Qing again. King Qing was hiding in the corner and crying, covering his head, as he said.

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