Princess Jin's turquoise shirt was indescribably elegant.

If it hadn't changed her appearance, at first glance nobody would have dared to associate her with Princess Jin. Princess Jin always gave the impression that she had a pale face and an exquisite and complicated blouse. At this time, she was far from the past.

After she came in, she bowed in earnest, and Madam Xu Guo next to her face was incredibly complicated. After Emperor Hong Jing shouted, Princess Jin stood up and looked at Mrs. Xu Guogong.

"Mother, you are really confused."

"Yaner ..."

Princess Jin did not look at her anymore, but said respectfully to Emperor Hong Jing and Empress Wei: "This matter is related to the daughter-in-law, and the daughter-in-law should be allowed to explain one or two."


"The past ca n’t be recalled, I ’m right and wrong, I ’ve already judged it. What ’s wrong is wrong. Daughter-in-law is already aware of it. In my spare time I ’m in love with the countryside. Sin of his own. From a daughter-in-law's point of view, such a day is more suitable for himself, but parenting is inevitably thoughtful. Daughter-in-law's mother has only a daughter-in-law, and I ca n’t wait to accept it. Judging from the daughter-in-law's mother-in-law, daughter-in-law is in prison and the return date is uncertain. Naturally, I don't know that daughter-in-law is willing to do this.

"The daughter-in-law said so much, in fact, I just want to say one thing, poor parents. The daughter-in-law's mother-in-law's confusion has made a big mistake, and everything is wrong because of the daughter-in-law. she was."

Mrs. Xu Guogong was totally stupid. She never expected that her daughter would say such things when she came.

She was originally a weak-hearted generation. She had been disfigured by Yao Niang before, and it was already the end of a crossbow. Even if Madam Xu Guogong was stupid, she knew that the situation was not good for herself. But when she opened her bow, she could only grit her teeth, but she never expected that it was her daughter who hit her.

"You're stunned, you're stunned! Did you tell your mother that someone was threatening you? Is it King Jin, or is he threatening to come out and say something wrong for the woman named Su?"

Princess Jin shook her head: "No one threatened her daughter, her daughter was very good, and she didn't have a capricorn."

"Why do you say such things without Capricorn? It was his two who persecuted you for personal affection, and your dignified princess was forced to take care of Zhuangzi. Now you are talking to them and you say that you are not Capricorn What is it? Or what are you afraid of, don't be afraid, your mother is fighting for this old life, and I will be fair for you today! "

Madam Xu Guoguo was like madness, Xu Xuyu said a lot, and reached out to pull the Princess Jin behind her to protect her.

Princess Jin's calm face suddenly felt sad, and the tears of tears rolled down.

"Mother, there is nothing fair and unfair. If it is fair, others should ask me for it. I forgot to tell you one thing. I don't like men. My Highness and I have always been nameless."

Mrs. Xu Guogong's suspense came to an abrupt halt, and the palace became extremely silent in a moment.

Everyone looked at Princess Jin with shock and lost her speech.

"Yan'er, what did you say?"

Princess Jin straightened her back and straightened her tears with calmness: "I said, I don't like men, and my Royal Highness has been married for many years. It was actually I who sought out and delivered it to Her Royal Highness. , The purpose is just to cover up this matter. So mother, you do n’t have to be a pity, worthless, or even resentment for your daughter. What you think is good is actually not good to me. "

Mrs. Xu Guogong seemed to be stunned, and the whole person couldn't return to God: "How could this be, how could this be? Then why did you want her child in the first place, and you made a big mistake. Yaner, you must be a liar Right, right? "

"Mother, I didn't lie to you. I'm Princess Jin. I need a child. I need a child to cover up this shy thing. My princess needs a child to last a long time, so I Doing something wrong for a moment. "

Princess Jin's attitude was too calm, and Mrs. Xu Guogong knew that her daughter had not lied to herself. She suddenly became excited and shook her head: "Your father didn't say that. As long as your father said that he can prove that the child is not King Jin, the woman with the name Su will be finished. Then you can come back from Zhuangzi. And still be your princess safely. Either one year or two years, you must have a sister-in-law, my daughter is better than me, and will not have a son ... "

Seeing Mrs. Xu Guo's appearance, Princess Jin was so distressed that she shed tears and murmured, "He lied to you, he lied to you ..."

"He lied to me? He lied to me? Did he lied to me for that woman again, he lied to me and lied to me ..." Seeing Madam Xu Guohui, it was obvious that she had been hit too hard, and she was a little bit frustrated.

But what she said didn't make people skip it. It turned out that Xu Guogong was the master of everything. But why did Xu Guogong do this? King Jin is his son-in-law.

But think about the Princess Jin who was sent to the hospital, and the silent Xu Fangfei, who showed that the two daughters of the Xu family were not favored in the King's Palace. It was Su Fangfei who stood out. Why did Xu Guogong do this? Not difficult to guess.

Maybe it's for personal gain, or maybe it's a change to others. Today, the younger son of Jin Wang's Palace is loved by Emperor Hong Jing. Not only was Xiaobao over, Jin was over.

Going back and forth, talking so much, talking so much, is still a matter of fighting for reserves.

Good deep thoughts, good means!

Emperor Hongjing sneered, his eyes hovering around the faces of several sons as if with awl.

"It's all good!"

"Sacred anger." Queen Wei knelt down.

Several concubines, including a number of princes and queens, knelt down. In addition to Mrs. Xu Guogong, who was freak out for a moment, she also helped her Princess Jin to stand still.

"The Holy Father is angry!"

King Lu knelt on the back, and looked at Emperor Hongjing with a narrowed neck: "Father, don't worry, my son will go to the Xu Guogong Mansion and ask who is behind the surname Xu. It's too ridiculous. To your daughter-in-law. "

With that said, he stood up to go outside the hall, but was stopped by Emperor Hongjing.

"I still suspect that there are not enough things, lest the world be chaotic!"

King Lu was very grieved: "Isn't the son hurting any other thing? According to the practice of the people behind him, every family must be vigilant. I don't know when the son will not be his own, and a big green hat on his head."

As he said, King Lu sneered, his eyes froze on the faces of Dai Wang and Yong Wang: "Did you say, Brother Three, Brother Four, Old Eight?"

King Wu was a little annoyed: "Sixth Brother, speak as you speak, why are you still holding a gun and a stick?"

King Lu squinted: "I've got a gun and a stick? Have you heard the wrong thing, old man, or have you seated yourself? You don't feel guilty.

The two of you quarreled with each other, until Emperor Hong Jing hit the handrail in anger, and they shrank their necks and stopped talking.

"Your father emperor is not old, and he is not dead yet. In the presence of his grandfather, a drama of his brother's grandfather wall is staged!" Emperor Hong Jing looked a little distressed, and the people below naturally kneeled down again.

"Father Emperor is angry!"

Emperor Hong Jing stood up, said nothing, and left.

It didn't end there, and the people of Jin Yiwei came to Xu Guo's Mansion that night.

Jinyiwei is one of the twelve guards of Hongjing Emperor's army. It has always rarely appeared in front of people. Only when the courtier Xungui made a big mistake, will he come to this door.

The entire government of Xu Guo was surrounded by groups, and the people in the house were driven out of their houses and gathered in a hall. Then this group of people was like hungry wolves descending the mountain, and scattered into the huge Xu Guo government.

Xu Guogong's eyes were split and he was angry, but he couldn't stop anything. He could only watch these people searching around, seemingly trying to find something.

In fact, Xu Guogong knew what had happened in the palace before, and there was a feeling of calamity.

But things didn't come before, and no one knew how Emperor Hong Jing would think, but he didn't expect to come so soon. Thinking of those letters burned by himself in the afternoon, Xu Guogong was dry.

The incident has already been revealed. He can only bite him to death, but he wants to export his daughter's anger. Others must not say more. Maybe there is still a chance. If the grandfather takes office in the future, how can he fall asleep? From the dragon. But if you do n’t know how to climb and bite in order to escape crime, it is the end of a chicken flying.

Xu Guogong has been courting the court for many years, and these plain truths are still clear.

Aunt Magnolia was so frightened that she let the two girls help her, and she looked uneasy and lost her calmness.

"Grandfather ..." She tried to come over for a bit of asylum, but was pushed away by Xu Guogong.

"What time is it, solemn!"

Aunt Magnolia fell to the ground and sighed in pain.

Xu Guogong used to eat this set, but now something happened in the house, so he changed his face. Where did Aunt Magnolia know that Xu Guogong was also angry at her? If it wasn't for the uncle Yu Zhe's eldest son, Xu Zhe, who was related to the grandfather, how could Xu Guogong not climb Jin and climb up to the master.

People like Xu Guogong will not review their own mistakes, but are accustomed to putting everything on the heads of others. In fact, if it wasn't for his own greed, he felt that the grandfather was more likely to rise to the throne than the king of Jin, and he was talked about.

A team of Jin Yiwei quickly stepped out of the study, and the head held a box in his hand.

"Commander, found it."

The commander nodded and took the box as if in his arms. At this time, Xu Guogong focused all his attention on that box. If he remembered correctly, there was no such box in his study.

But where did they find this brocade box? Xu Guogong had a bad feeling in his heart.

He smiled loudly, stepped forward, and asked, "I don't know what is in the box, what are you searching for? If the old man remembers it correctly, there is no such box in the old man's study."

This command made him quite indifferent: "The grandfather couldn't remember it. This command made him see more people like the grandfather, which is not good for himself, either he can't remember, or he doesn't know. But this thing is We found it out, but it ’s true. As for what ’s here, I ’m not telling the grandfather. I ’ll tell you from time to time, and you ’ll know it. Someone is still in the business, so do n’t spend too much time. The grandfather is staying in this house, and he is not allowed to go anywhere. "

After that, the man left with his hands arched, and Xu Guogong was still surrounded by impervious air, and even a fly could not fly in.

This night was destined to be a night of chaos. Emperor Hongjing was angry at Qianqing Palace, and he was ordered to bring the fourth prince Yong Wang into the palace overnight.

In the Palace of Heavenly Purity, Emperor Hongjing looked with all his eyes and threw the things in his hands in front of Yong King who was kneeling on the ground.

"Take a good look at yourself, you are so brave!"

When King Yong was brought into the palace, he had a bad hunch in his heart. Seeing this situation, he had already had a split heart. With shaking hands, he picked up several letters on the ground and opened them one by one. These letters were actually secret letters between him and Xu Guogong.

Several of them were just gossip. Although there was no seal on them, the person who wrote the letter claimed to have used his words. Another was a secret letter between the two to discuss how to proceed. It seemed to win the trust of the other party, and also for the other party to use it for himself, with his golden seal on it.

The thing that surprised him most was the handwriting on these letters.

King Yong's head exploded with a bang, "Father, this is not done by the son-in-law, this is someone who framed the son-in-law!"

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