The Forbidden City in the night, like a dark abyss, has a large mouth full of crickets in an attempt to devour all light.

The rain was rare and rare in the afternoon. It didn't fade until it was dark, but it was leaping continuously.

But there is a moon in the sky, and I seem to want to witness everything ugly in the world.

In the dark palace road, it is not clear whether it is blood or rain. The slaughter has already begun. After trying each other, two seemingly desperate people seemed to have exhausted their patience, but never expected that they would be so coincident, they both chose to start on the same day.

Stop me to kill!

At this time, nothing but the enemy will wander outside, even if there is some accidental injury, but who cares.

The sound of shivering footsteps was running back and forth, and there were occasional killings and screams. Some eunuchs and housewives know that this is a big deal. Apart from moving furniture to hold the door, the rest can only be covered with a quilt. Hope that all of this will pass quickly. After dawn, everything is as good as ever They can no longer do anything else.

The lights in Qiangqin Palace are like those of an extraterrestrial world in this late night.

The bright yellow curtain drapes low, and a touch of ambergris fills the entire space, making it seem peaceful and peaceful. However, there is a dead individual on the ground. If there is someone else here, it will be recognized that this person is the King of Eternal.

King Yong opened his eyes, as if there were still many puzzled. He couldn't figure it out. Obviously he put the incense incense in the incense burner, but instead of fascinating the generation king, he went to Yan Luodian himself.

How did he know that when he just wanted to keep some people out of the way, some people had already killed him. There is no such thing as good luck, but nothing less than means.

So you can't blame others when you die.

Dai Wang took the parcel out of his sleeve and wiped the blood stains on his hands. He never pulled out the dagger on Yong's chest. Once pulled out, a lot of blood will flow out. He is not afraid of blood, but just feels it is inconvenient to clean up after waiting.

The hall was very quiet. It had always stood quietly in the corner, unlike the **** who seemed to be a living person. He had fallen to the ground and was unconscious.

It was so quiet that people were seeping everywhere, but there was a faint sound from a distance, but it was not obvious.

Someone walked in quickly, kneeling on one knee in front of the King: "His Royal Highness, all the people of the King have been laid down. Everywhere else has been ordered to be guarded, and no one is trying to resist for the time being."

The king nodded, and was about to say something. Suddenly, it was a series of rapid footsteps, but it was the emperor Wei later.

Empress Wei dressed up and saw that she hadn't rested, instead of just getting up.

In fact, how could Queen Wei fall asleep at this time. She waited quietly in Kunning Palace until she was reported by the people below, and she was completely relieved.

This night was undoubtedly difficult for Queen Wei.

When it was discovered that someone was messing in the palace at night, there were timid concubines or ordering people to come to Kunning Palace, or to come in person, to inquire and seek asylum. But without exception, they were blocked by the closed gates of Kunning Palace. During this period, many injustices were added, and who knows.

Queen Wei's face was a little white and panting, and she could see that everything outside was not without its influence.

The king of the king waved his hand, and the man in a bright armor retreated, leaving only two mothers and children in the temple.

It should be said that there are three people, and one is lying on the most luxurious dragon couch in the world.

Not dead!

In a folk saying, the tiger is not at home, and the monkey is king.

Facts have proved that folk sayings are not unreasonable. If Emperor Hong Jing is still good, everything tonight would not happen.

Queen Wei obviously had thousands of words, but in the face of this scene, facing some strange second son, but for a moment did not know what to say.

"Is the mother-in-law coming to see the last side of the father emperor?"

Queen Wei froze for a moment, turning to look at the man on Long's couch with some difficulty.

The harem of Qianqian Palace has always been a place where women in the harem could not easily get involved. Even Empress Wei, as the wife of Emperor Jingjing, only stayed for a short time and was not qualified to spend the night. There are so many concubines in the harem. If anyone has spent the night here, it should be the woman who has lost her jade.

After knowing this, Queen Wei decided to let Defei die.

For a time, Queen Wei's mind was chaotic, and she seemed to think a lot, but she didn't think about anything.

Apparently, the king had lost his patience and did not want to worry about the wife of the other woman at this time. He said the words of the talent again.

It is urging and reminding.

"Can you ..."

"No! Mother!" Said the Emperor Wang very sternly, and dispelled the usual camouflage before he finally revealed the imposing manner in his bones. "Do n’t forget, you do n’t have to turn your back on the bow. Now that you ’ve done it, you ca n’t repent. The great-grandfather, the grandmother, and the grandmothers are all desperate. For your mother.

"Do n’t forget, the father and the emperor did not want to pass on to his son. His heir is King Jin. If King Jin was appointed to the throne, how would he treat his mother? Treat the Wei family? Did he treat the German There is really no doubt about Fei's death? Even if there is no doubt about this, he should have suspected everything he had done to him since he was a mother. Zhao Yan's kid took that thing to stab you, but he must know what King Jin said. The antidote for the poison was obtained from him, and it should be the Wei family correctly. King Jin had already learned the conspiracy behind him. His forbearance was only for a hit. After the mother, you do n’t want to be a lady! "

Yeah, she shouldn't be a woman, and she should discuss it tomorrow morning.

In order to deceive the world, they did not directly deal with their subordinates, but instead detoured. According to the plan, they will exercise their great plans after His Majesty is unconscious, and by His Majesty's sudden death, his widow will be passed on to the Acting King before the Daxing.

What was unexpected was that one after another was a stumbling block, and Jin Wang actually brought out his eldest son who was only three years old, which delayed them a lot of time.

They tried to find some loopholes in it, all of them were unsuccessful. They simply acted without stopping, and acted directly. The only thing that took much effort was the King Yong who had died at this time.

Now that they are done, by the dawn of tomorrow, the news of His Majesty will be revealed, and then everything will be in accordance with the original plan.

There is no turning arrow to open the bow, so Your Majesty must die.

There is no widow until death.

Only then will the generation king ascend to the throne, and only then will she be crowned queen queen, and there will be the generations of the Wei family.

With chaotic thoughts, Queen Wei stepped towards Longta step by step.

The emperor on the dragon couch was already an old man, with wrinkles on his face, his hair and beards were already gray, and his once strong and powerful palms had hazel markings.

Queen Wei tearful-eyed mother-in-law, still vaguely remembers when he married Emperor Hong Jing. He was handsome and mighty, she was so shy and pretty, and beautiful like a dream.


Unfortunately, they are not ordinary couples after all. He is destined to have a lot of women, and she is destined to just watch. She had thought that he would come back to him one day, after all, she was his queen.

But this firm conviction faded away with time.

He is Emperor, and after she is, they are no longer husband and wife.


Queen Wei turned suddenly and walked away without looking back.

She is dressed up today. On the big red gold embroidered phoenix robe, the embroidered golden phoenix spreads her wings to life. The long skirt is dragged to the ground and soon disappears at the end of sight.

The king looked back at the dragon couch, raised his hand and waved, and a ghostly man came to the dragon couch.

The man picked up a soft pillow from the dragon couch, and covered it to the lying person. The man lying on the dragon couch had no sound, but suddenly had some struggle, but was very weak, and soon no sound was heard.

The man covered it for a while, then let go of his hand, which turned out to be sweaty. But he didn't care to wipe it, reached out and pierced the other person's nose before coming to the side of the king.

"His Royal Highness is out of breath."

The lord nodded and didn't leave much, just left a sentence to arrange everything and hurried away.

When Yao Niang touched nobody around her, her heart tightened subconsciously.

But faintly seeing that there was a faint light outside the curtain, she took the clothes on the bedside and put it on her body, and then she settled on the couch and looked up.

The light shines in from the outside of the screen. The light is yellow. There is a thin figure on the screen. The long hair spreads behind, and looks like a bamboo, sitting.

There was a man standing in front of him, and the two were talking, because the voice was so low that Yao Niang couldn't hear inside. But as soon as she saw the figure on the screen, she felt relieved.

Before she went out, she leaned out on the balcony pillars of Babu and looked out.

It's like watching a shadow play. Unfortunately, except for the occasional swaying of the candlelight, the two figures will shake, but most of the time they are not moving, it seems not tired.

The person who finally stood back, the sitting person suddenly moved, and the figure on the screen flashed away, but came in across the screen.

As soon as Jin Wang entered, she saw her standing there, her smooth hair covered behind her head, and she was only wearing a pale green pajamas. Tender, small, like a jade rabbit who has lost his way.

"Why don't you sleep?"

She seemed to be a little embarrassed and peeped. She rubbed her eyes and said, "Wake up, see you are not here. Is something wrong?"

"It's nothing."

"Don't hide me, it must be something happened."

King Jin came over, took her waist and walked to the bed, "Nothing, just that something may have happened in the palace."

"what's up?"

"My King doesn't know what happened, it should be known after dawn."

It did not give Jin Wang the opportunity to wait until dawn, and within a short time, news came again.

It turns out that the Wumen Gate was opened in Yinshi according to the system. The civil and military officials of the upper dynasty entered from the Wumen Gate, crossed the Jinshui Bridge, and reached the Taihe Gate. But today is better. When the time comes, no bells will ring, and the palace gates will not open. Officials who came to the dynasty were blocked.

Just as everyone was talking about it, the palace door opened, and a few embargoed guards came out from it, with a sad face, to invite a number of senior officials headed by Chen Ge Lao to enter the palace.

Because the situation is really weird, Chen Gelao and others did not want to enter the palace without knowing what happened. These talents had no choice but to speak frankly, it turned out that Emperor Hongjing collapsed in the Palace of Heavenly Purity last night.

Suddenly, everyone was unprepared for the incident, and the queen was extremely sad and passed out. There is a chaos in the palace, and the time to open the palace door is missed.

These people were rhetoric, and this kind of thing can't be laughed at casually. Several senior officials fainted on the spot because they couldn't stand the stimulus, and there was a cry in the field.

After crying, the question should still be asked, and several ministers headed by Chen Ge Lao spoke to ask His Majesty that there may be a widow. What is the situation in the palace today.

But where can some of the embargoed guards answer this matter? After some discussion, dozens of important ministers of a party decided to go to the palace in person, and the others returned to the provinces to wait for the funeral. The news naturally came out .

Yao Niang didn't sleep well all night, so she sat up with the king of Jin together.

Hearing that Fucheng came to report that Emperor Hongjing had died, Yao Niang was so surprised that she could not shut up for a long time. She subconsciously said that she had hidden Xiaobao in advance and could not tell him.

The two hurriedly got up, and the people sent by King Jin to the palace had already returned.

The news returned was that after Chen Ge Lao entered the palace, the gate of the palace was closed again and guarded tightly.

"This is how to do?"

"Don't panic, stay in the house, and the king will go and see for himself."

It wasn't just Jin King who received the news. An Wang's Mansion and Lu King's Mansion also received the news, so when Jin King arrived at the Wumen, King An and Lu came.

The only thing is that the King and the King are missing, but yesterday was exactly the time for the two to work in shifts, and it should be in the palace at this time. King Hui did not come, but for some reason, King Lu was an irritable temperament. He stood at the gate of the palace and drank it. The guards opened the gate and there was no answer.

It wasn't long before a few guard-like generals appeared on the gate of the palace gate, heading one to the following humane: "This is an extraordinary period when the queen and mother-in-law issued a decree and ordered the kings to return to the palace and wait for the palace. A decree can only go out of the house, and the offender is based on conspiracy. "

"Conspiracy, Lao Tzu seeks your mother Xipi, open the palace door, or wait for the king to go in, you must screw your head down and sit on a stool!" Wang Lu cursed.

"I also hope that His Royal Highness King Lu will not be able to slap his tongue, and the end will be obedient. His Majesty has left his widow before his death, and now several senior ministers are discussing with his mother-in-law on the throne of the Emperor. Hurry back to your house and you must never do anything irreversible. "

"The widow? Didn't you make a fool of you! I haven't heard of my son being so old, my father and his son ca n’t run away. You have to open the palace door to the king, otherwise the king can just Treat you like a rebel. "

"His Royal Highness, the evil comes out of the mouth. The authenticity of the widow will be recognized by the old ministers."

"Where is King Yong?" An Wang Leng Buding said.

The people on the gate staggered for a moment, and answered, "Where is His Royal Highness King Yong? It is not the last gatekeeper to know."

King An's face suddenly became ugly, without saying a word, he turned around and left.

This act surprised King Lu, and when he saw that King Jin also turned around, he quickly managed to follow him.

"Second brother, fifth brother, why did you leave?"

Speaking out, at the same time he also reacted to it. Now the situation in the palace is obviously that the emperor Wei has stepped in, and in this case, naturally, there can be nothing about Yong Wang. Not to mention that Emperor Hongjing has not established a widow, even if there is a widow, I am afraid it will be replaced.

"They are so brave!"

Isn't it brave? !!

It ’s just that what's the use of saying these things now, you should never let the other party take the lead, but who would have expected that the Emperor Hongjing would suddenly crash and be caught off guard.

An Wang Jin Wang apparently understood the truth and planned to return to his house to arrange the next charter. Thinking of this, King Lu didn't dare to delay, and was busy taking people to King Lu's palace.

In the Qing Palace, many people gathered at this time.

Dozens of ministers who have just entered the palace, including the acting king, queen Wei, and several concubines, are crying beside them, which is annoying.

The queen was also mournful, but forbearing sadness, she stated to several ministers the situation before the death of Emperor Hong Jing last night, and her final words.

Originally speaking, the emperor established a widow. When several henchmen were present, it was a pity that Emperor Hong Jing went too fast, only hurriedly wrote a widow and covered the seal of the seal, and then hurriedly gave up.

"Gonggong Li was also there. Gonggong Li, you brought your widow's widow to the old ministers."

Li De's face was full of grief, and he came up with a scarlet tray in his hand, and it was the widow.

Seeing Hong Jingdi's legacy first, and then seeing Li Dequan, now there are widows, and the doubts in everyone's mind have been halved. After Chen Ge Lao, Meng Ge Lao and others examined the widow one by one, it was confirmed that the handwriting above was written by Emperor Hong Jing and there was no problem with the seal of Xi. Several people looked at each other and returned the widow to Li Dequan.

"Your Majesty's legacy must have been known to His Majesty's Cabinet. His Majesty meant to be passed on to the third son of the Emperor. The Acting King is a personal gift from his palace and His Majesty, and is worth seeing. help."

Everyone put their eyes on the king, and his eyes were flushed, his eyes were filled with tears, and he was obviously saddened to the extreme. Otherwise, why would a man cry like this without tears.

Now that the widow is there, it doesn't look like it is fake, and it can only be the default.

Tian Ge Lao, Meng Ge Lao, and others all bowed down and bowed down. "The ministers must live up to the Dahang emperor's entrustment and the mother's and mother's entrustment. They are all for the Jiangshan Society, and bowed to death, and they died."

According to the system, after the death of the emperor Dahang, according to his widow, the Ministry of Ritual will discuss with the Cabinet Cabinet veteran or Hanlin official to enter the emperor's funeral ceremonial note to the emperor. .

This so-called ceremony is complicated and complicated, but it can't escape the funeral, the grandmother, the small grandmother and the hundred officials, the relatives, the nobles, and the internal and external life-wife crying, honor, and so on. In other words, even the queen is not qualified to point at the funeral of Emperor Daxing, only the next emperor.

However, the Emperor has not yet held the ceremony, but already has the emperor status and qualifications.

As for this qualification and status, you can't just say yes, it must be recognized by Baiguan. This is why the generation king and queen Wei are so troublesome.

Now that Tian Ge and Meng Ge have inspected their widows and confirmed that they are correct, there are naturally no problems for other people. The thought of his own dwelling camp would eventually reach the throne of the emperor, and a flash of excitement flashed on the king's face.

"and many more!"

At the moment when Tian Ge Lao and Meng Ge Lao Yi were both dedicated to the king, it was Chen Ge Lao who suddenly made a noise.

"Old Chen Ge, you are--"

Chen Ge took care of his plaques and bowed to the sky. "My official had doubts about this widow. His Majesty felt the discomfort of the dragon before the end of the month. A widow. The descendant in this widow is not His Royal Highness, but someone else. "

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