After sending away Qiao, Yao Niang fell into silence.

Yu Chan came up and changed her a tea: "Mother, don't think about it, your Majesty must have regulations."

Yao Niang raised her tea cup, took a sip, and looked out the window.

The ground was burning with earth dragons, but she was a little suffocated, so she opened the window so that she could see the red plum in the courtyard outside the window.

It was the first month, but the weather was still a bit cold, especially in Beijing, where continuous rain and snow continued to flow, and fine snow fell again. There was a hint of coolness coming in from the window. Instead of feeling cold, Yao Niang felt refreshed and clear-headed.

The Yangxin Hall is divided into the front hall and the rear hall. At this moment, Emperor Jin An is processing the government affairs in front.

After moving into this palace, Yao Niang only knew what he was busy with. He started in the morning and went up in the morning. The early dynasty ended early and late, and he was often too busy to have lunch. Sometimes there are two dynasties a day, and sometimes three dynasties. Except for the early dynasty, if there is a small dynasty meeting, it is performed in the front hall of the Yangxin Hall. In the past, when the emperor was in power, he was in the Qing Palace.

This is the New Year's Day, and I don't know what to do in peacetime.

Therefore, although Yao Niang moved into the palace, Jin An Emperor was rarely seen during the day, and he would return when he was having dinner. After dinner, I did n’t sit and talk, or read a book or something like I used to. I often went to see the souvenirs. Yao Niang could n’t bear to bother, so I went to rest until I was sleepy. I feel a person lying down beside me.

Therefore, Yao Niang knew that Yu Chan was right, but she was still worried, because Qiao was right, she couldn't point him at everything.

It can be said that, after thinking about Yaoniang for a long time, there is no way. This matter is obviously beyond the scope that she can solve. If her mother's family is prominent, she can use some means. There is not even a Jiupin Sesame Officer in the Cha Cha Su family.

What should she do?

Thinking about this, I suddenly heard the voice of a child in the courtyard.

It was Xiaobao and Erbao who returned from Qianqing Palace.

Since the family moved into the palace, the two young children would go to the emperor to greet each other. Generally, Xiaobao took Erbao. Today, the two young children went again, but the emperor was left in Qianqing Palace for lunch.

Xiaobao and Erbao were surrounded by a group of palace eunuchs and walked in. Erbao couldn't even take off his hat and cloak, and smashed into Yao Niang like a small cannonball.

Yu Chan intercepted him from halfway, and said, "The second prince fell carefully." He called the palace maid to take off his warm hat, cloak, and boots, and Erbao climbed up to the trance.

"Did you be naughty during lunch and make Grandpa Grandma angry?"

Compared with sensible Xiaobao, Erbao is a mixed-world little devil. The first time I went to the Qianqing Palace, I scattered all over the place, and I also brushed on the emperor's favorite brush, and made the emperor's pride and stare, but let him go the next day.

In the words of the Emperor, the child was spirited, lively, and energetic. Xiaobao recounted this to Yao Niang. Although Yao Niang knew that the Emperor was not really angry, she would inevitably ask again and again. Unfortunately, Erbao never listened, and did nothing in Qianqing Palace.

"I'm not in trouble. Grandpa Huang didn't stare today." Erbao said.

Xiaobao also added to his brother: "Erbo is obedient today, and he has also won praise from Grandpa Grandpa."

"Really?" Yao Niang didn't believe it.

Seeing her mother not convinced, Erbao was anxious. She said quickly, "Mother, Grandpa really praises Erbao today. Erbao has three bowls of rice during lunch. Grandpa praises that I can eat.

Upon hearing this, even Yaoniang couldn't help covering her mouth with a smile.

This is really boastful.

Erbao has been a small rice bucket since he was a child. If Erbao is better than Xiaobao, it is better than Xiaobao. Xiaobao also likes to eat, but he eats well and talks foolishly. But Erbao was not a vegetarian, so what to eat, or when the little baby was just adding rice.

In folk terms, this child is good at feeding.

Xiaobao also smiled: "Grandpa said that the soup the mother gave her was delicious. Grandpa drank two bowls, her son drank one bowl, and the rest was for Erbao."

Erbao nodded again and again: "The soup is delicious, and my mother will make it."


This sentence really has a very different meaning from the genius, with a little surprise and flattery.

In fact, this soup is purely accidental.

Now that the weather is cold, Yao Niang will simmer some soup for Jin Andi and two children every day to make up for herself. It is also stewed today, and is planning to use lunch. However, Xiaozhi and Erbao are staying in Qianqing Palace for lunch meal.

This soup also pays attention to the heat. If it is stewed for a long time or not enough, it is not good. Yao Niang gave it to Emperor Jin An in the front, and the rest she couldn't drink alone, so she sent some to Qianqing Palace. I also think that the two children like to drink, and by the way, I will do my best for the emperor Jin An.

In fact, this kind of filial piety has always been there, but Yao Niang did not dare.

Seriously speaking, Yao Niang is more afraid of the emperor.

She is a flat-headed commoner, but the emperor is the honorary of the Ninth Five-Year Plan, and two people who will never touch him. However, because of the smoke on the tomb of Su Jiazu, the Yao Niang will be able to qualify because of Jin Wang's identity and wife Seeing the emperor from a distance.

As soon as she heard all kinds of deeds from Xiaobao and Jinwang, her fear gradually faded. Later, the Emperor was seriously ill, and King Jin and Xiaobao served the Emperor. They rebelled in Central Beijing, and then went to the Emperor's Zen to give Jin the King. Yao Niang's mentality changed again. At this time, the Supreme Emperor became a somewhat poor old man in her mind.

The father is not the father and the son is not the son, the wife still has no ambition, can't wait to poison him, and now he is seriously ill.

Now that King Jin ascended the throne and became Emperor Jin'an, she also moved into the palace with her two children. Without a serious mother-in-law to let her filial piety, only her father-in-law was left. It's a pity that I have such an idea, but I still don't know what to do. Except for the two children to go to the Qing Palace, don't make the emperor angry, and she won't do anything else.

Now I heard that the Emperor Taiyang likes the soup he stewed himself, Yao Niang is really overjoyed. At the same time, some other thoughts could not help but be regarded as an emergency.

"Since the emperor likes it too much, my mother will cook some more and send it to the Qing Palace for dinner."

Before Xiaobao had time to say what to stop, Yao Niang went out happily. He couldn't help wondering, what happened?

However, Xiaobao didn't show it. Later, he knew what was happening by covering the red Fei with a hood.

Yao Niang soon returned from the kitchen, she smiled and was very happy.

"Mother stewed the mutton soup. It ’s the most beneficial to drink mutton soup in this weather. Stewed a large pot, just for us to use at dinner, and then send it to the emperor. Your grandpa is not well, and you have no idea The hot and cold people are with us, and we will be more interested. The elderly parents ’longevity is the blessing of the younger generation."

Xiaobao looked at the stupid lady, how could she think that there was no one who knew cold and hot around Grandpa Huang, wasn't Li Dequan human? There are so many eunuchs.

But then he patiently accompanied Erbao to play. Yaoniang talked to the court ladies while watching them with a smile, so that Xiaobao suddenly felt a sense of indifference and suddenly understood what it means to be cold and hot.

Not so. Every time he goes to the Qing Palace, he always goes cold. Most probably, the second treasure is gone, and there will be more lively. It is not for this reason that he will bring more treasures.

Lonely, she went deep into the bone marrow in the last life, and Xiaobao has been deliberately avoiding it since she was born again. In fact, he was not alone. When he was young, there were mothers and sons, Chuner Qiuer, and older people, Erbo, and their brothers, and brothers and sisters. They haven't known what loneliness is for a long time.

He suddenly understood something why in recent days, Grandpa Huang always urged them to leave. He didn't think much about it, only when Grandpa Huang was out of energy, or Erbao was too noisy, but now he understood.

During dinner, Emperor Jin An returned from the outside.

Yao Niang served him with clean face and clean hands, while telling people to set meals, and told him to boil soup today.

Xiao Bao, who had been lying on the lotus for half an afternoon, suddenly jumped down from the lotus and said, "I'll go and deliver soup to Grandpa."

"Let the eunuchs send them off."

"Still go in person."

Jin Andi asked curiously, "What soup to send?"

Yao Niang concealed: "I just boiled mutton soup today, and accidentally boiled it too much. Xiaobao said that the father emperor liked it, so he wanted to send some to the Qianqing Palace.

Jin Andi did not speak, but glanced at her. Yao Niang has turned around and asked Red Silk to dress Xiaobao, and ordered Xiaobao to let him go back quickly.

As a matter of fact, Xiao Bao did not return until this time, but he sent the **** back and forth, saying that he would stay in the Qing Palace to accompany the emperor for dinner.

Qianqing palace

"How come at this time? Didn't you always say that you want to go back and eat with your mother?"

In fact, not every time, just once, and then let the emperor remember.

"My mother boiled the soup and asked me to send some to Grandpa Huang." Xiaobao said, and the **** next to him handed the food box in hand to Li Dequan.

The emperor gave the food box a glance: "It has been delivered today, how can it be delivered again."

"My mother said that it was cold in winter, and the mutton soup was the most nourishing, so I would supplement my grandfather."

"Lamb soup? The smell is too heavy."

"My mother doesn't have a terrible smell, would Grandpa Huang taste it?"

Xiaobao asked Li Dequan to help open the food container. Inside it was a large soup bowl with a lid. Yao Niang is too sincere. The soup in the palace is filled with soup cups, so she would go straight to the soup bowl.

In fact, Yao Niang used soup bowls to serve them, but I do n’t know what happened today.

Xiaobao seemed to see Li Dequan's surprise with the emperor, and he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. He explained: "To drink mutton soup, you need to use a large bowl, and the small bowl is not beautiful." In order to emphasize, he added another sentence: It was my dad. "

These words made the two doubt, Jin Andi would say such words? At the same time, it also aroused the interest of the Emperor, and he glanced at the soup bowl: "Then try it."

As soon as the words fell, Li Dequan said, "It's time for the emperor to have dinner."

"Then let it go, you can stay and use it." The following sentence was addressed to Xiaobao.

Xiaobao can only tell the eunuchs around him to let him return to the heart temple to spread the word.

The royal meal was quickly set up.

The Emperor Tai had suffered a stroke and was unable to move half of her body. After acupuncture by Liu Liangyi, she still has difficulty moving, but she is not as stiff as in the past, and she can sit up by external force.

He had a large soft pillow behind him, and the table in front of him had been cleaned up, and the two eunuchs bowed their heads and set meals. There are not many dishes, most of them are light, frying less and cooking more.

Liu Liangyi said that nowadays, the emperor must eat lighter food, and it is best to focus on vegetarian food. The emperor was too magpie and he did not like vegetarian food, and the taste was also heavy. For this reason, Tai Shanghuang has always had a bad appetite and can't eat much every meal.

Xiao Bao sat opposite the emperor, and Li Dequan took out the soup and set a bowl in front of the two.

The milk-white soup exudes a strong fragrance, but it does not have a stinky smell, but it is somewhat tempting. In fact, this kind of mutton soup is a very common folk stew method. It has eaten too much carefully-crafted things. Occasionally, Yao Niang also cooks in person and makes some folk food. It can also welcome big and small.

The Emperor Tai lived so many years old. He Zhenzheng has not eaten it, but this mutton soup is really the first drink. He has always disliked the stinky smell of lamb, not to mention such a simple lamb soup, which contained neither ginseng nor other precious herbs, except for a few onions, which were translucent stewed pieces. Water radish.

But it seemed really tempting. The Emperor Tai had to take medicine every day during this time, but she seemed to have some saliva in her dull mouth.

"Grandpa Huang, let's drink it. It's better to drink the soup while it's hot." Then, Xiaobao took the bowl and took a big sip.

The emperor too could not help holding up the bowl. As soon as the porcelain bowl got closer, there was a pungent spicy smell. There is a little pepper in it.

Can be fine after drinking, but it does not feel spicy, but very delicious.

"My mother's stew is not the same as others. The fish in this mutton soup is very delicious."

Before speaking, the emperor had drank up a bowl of soup and left a few pieces of radish at the bottom of the bowl. He couldn't use it with one hand, so he put the small porcelain bowl on the table, and then picked up the silver pan and picked the radish in the bowl to eat.

The radish is also delicious, it melts at the mouth and is delicious.

"It's delicious, Grandpa?" Because I drank the soup, my body became warm, and with the ground dragon burning in the temple, Xiaobao's white face was flushed and her eyes were particularly bright.

"Yes." The Emperor Tai was very reserved, but signaled Li Dequan to give himself another bowl.

For a meal, not only Xiaobao eats a round belly, but the emperor is also comfortable. Li Dequan stood beside him with a smile and squinted, and even said today that the child was too appetite and the appetite was wide open.

Xiaobao accompanied the emperor to speak for a while, and then he returned to the Hall of Yangxin until he showed drowsiness.

Knowing that the emperor likes the soup he stewed himself, he sends it with the stew that has been turned into flowers for many days.

Afraid to conflict with the medicine power of the emperor, she deliberately consulted Liu Liangyi. Because Xiaobao was sometimes absent, she couldn't always make the child run to Qianqing Palace three times a day. She didn't avoid it either. After stewing the soup, she let Yu Chan go to Qianqing Palace. Anyway, Yang Xin Dian is not far from the Palace of Heavenly Purity, and is sent over to drink.

There was a lot of excitement outside, and Yao Niang still sent soup every day.

On this day, I heard Li Dequan said that the Yangxin Temple has sent soup again, which is too royal: "It's a stupid thing. I know that when I send soup, I won't change anything else?"

Of course, Li Dequan knew what the emperor was talking about, and smiled next to him: "This maiden is from the folk and sees her highness speak on a weekday. He is an honest person. Mostly there is no way to ask for help. When he sees the emperor's willingness to appreciate his face, he rushes to this side. Try hard. "

The emperor meant he hummed unclearly: "Now that he has abdicated, naturally he ignores the politics of the state, and it is useless to push harder here."

Li Dequan did not dare to speak.

In the past, the emperor's temper was known as Yinqingqing. After this serious illness, he went through several incidents, and his temper became even more strange. In the end, what a strange way, Li Dequan can't say, he always feels that his temper is more and more like a child.

Lao Lao Lao Xiao, maybe that's the saying.

"How did the fifth child marry such a stupid daughter-in-law? It is still my Zhao family's bloodline. Fortunately, neither of Xiaobao Erbao's children followed her. It's a stupid person, and it won't please people. Just like her, she can only find a corner to stay in, and she can never stand up. "

Li Dequan was too humming to let Li Dequan lie down, and soon there was no movement on Dasao.

Li Dequan sighed in disapproval, called a little **** to guard him, and went out of the Qing Palace and went to the study.

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