After sending away the niece, Yao Niang thought for a long time, and still kept her eyebrows.

She is not afraid of causing any trouble to her, anyway, her reputation outside the palace is not so good now. Emperor Jin'an has never set up a harem. Although there is no mention of the reason, someone has blamed her on the root cause. The name ‘after jealousy’ has been circulating for a long time, and there is nothing more.

She was thinking about what to do with Li.

There is no doubt that Li's trouble is the root cause. She can smooth this out, but what should I do next time? Hit the mouse and hurt the jade bottle. She can ignore the Li family, and her brother-in-law can ignore it, but her sister-in-law has to consider it.

Before the elder sister talked to her, Yaoniang could obviously feel that there was a suspicion between her elder brother-in-law, and there must have been an argument before entering the palace.

After all, Li's elder sister's mother-in-law can't handle it.

Seeing the queen's maiden sitting alone and meditating, the red silk and the others did not dare to bother, and it wasn't until the four treasures were looking for the queen that the palace people brought them over.

"what happened again?"

Sibao also couldn't speak, just dragging Yao Niang's placket and not losing it. Nowadays, it is almost impossible for Yao Niang to wear flat clothes, unless one is far away from the three treasures and four treasures, otherwise one will be scourged by two naughty eggs.

There was a rumbling sound outside, it was Emperor Jin'an.

He was dressed in a uniform, a purple robe with a dragon bottom, and a black crown with black heads. Now Jin Andi ’s majesty is getting stronger and stronger. In his earlier years, his temperament was clear and cold, but now he is a little more stable and majestic.

Sibao saw Jin Andi's eyes light up at the first sight, struggling to land. Yao Niang put her down, and she stumbled and walked to Jin Andi, while she was calling her father, her voice was particularly loud. Of course, it is not as loud as the two treasures and three treasures, but it is extremely rare for the four treasures that have always been quiet.

Yao Niang was a little jealous and watched her daughter flutter in front of him sourly, hugging his dragon leg.

Rarely did Jin Andi hold his daughter, but instead bent down halfway and took Sibao's small hand and walked this way. Yao Niang blinked in confusion, knowing that the father and daughter are usually the most affectionate.

Before arriving, Sibao looked up to see Emperor Jin An, and seemed to be curious how his father didn't hold himself. At this moment, Fu Cheng came up with a smile and picked her up on the cymbal, while Emperor Jin'an sat down opposite Yao Niang.

Emperor Jin An raised his hand slightly on the table, and Yao Niang was wondering what he wanted to do, and saw that his sleeve was moved, and it seemed that something had crawled out of his sleeve.

But Yao Niang couldn't wait to see it, and saw Emperor Jin An flipped it in his palm and put it in his palm. Then spread out, the mother and daughter talents clearly see what it is.

It's a puppy, all white, with dark and moist eyes and nose, very cute. It seemed a little uncomfortable lying in the palm of Jin Andi's palm, and his small body struggled with twists and turns, and it was so difficult to get up.


Sibao's eyes were wide, his mouth was closed, and he pointed his finger at the puppy, seemingly asking Jin Andi what it was.

Emperor Jin'an's eyes softened and he said, "For Changle."

Although he loved his daughter, he was a man, but he couldn't do anything to rejoice, so he hugged his daughter to kiss his face.

"This is a pup, do you like it, Xiaosier?" Asked the peerless mother.

"Four or four ..."

Sibao wanted to touch but did not dare to touch it, and kept looking at his mother.

"Little Four can touch it."

Yao Niang slowly approached with her little hand, during which Sibao wanted to retract her hand, Yao Niang did not stop, but when she wanted to touch again, she protected her little hand and touched the puppy with her own hand. Body.

The puppy had a short fluff and was soft to the touch.

When Sibao was clamoring to play with the big flowers, Yao Niang taught her that she could only touch it, so she just carefully touched her fingers. During the period, Yao Niang withdrew her hand and was found by the sensitive Sibao. She immediately withdrew her hand.

In the end, the curiosity of this year-old milk doll is relatively heavy. Sibao touched it again by herself. She stroked it and touched it again and again, and gave out a giggling laughter, seemingly glad that she was not afraid.

Sibao's attention was successfully attracted by the puppy, and she was so happy that Yao Niang informed Jin Andi of the incident of her uncle's entering the palace.

"What are you going to do?" Jin Andi asked.

Now when encountering such a thing that Yao Niang can solve by herself, Emperor Jin An changed her attitude of overwhelming, but asked her first.

Yao Niang was also used to it, and said, "I wonder if I can scare her by using Suncheon Mansion and give her a lesson so that she won't dare commit crimes after having a long memory."

Then, she looked at Emperor Jin An and seemed to be asking him if this method was feasible.

"Now that you think you can do it."

Does that mean it works?

Yao Niang called Red Silk and ordered her to go down and do it.

"Su Huiniang, you filial piety, you must let Chenger take a break ..."

Li was finally tired of scolding and sat down in a chair panting.

It has been a long time since she professed to be an aging mother. Don't look at Li Shipo, she is also very face-to-face. Usually walking outside, always deliberately or unintentionally learning the practices of those officials, although Dong Shixiao has caused a lot of jokes, in the end is not as crude as before.

This time Li's will be so excited, and also enraged by the concubine.

The little lady skin urged her son to lock her up.

Li didn't think there was anything about putting money on the stamp. What happened to the people in Shuntianfu? If she wanted to arrest her, she would have to come to the door to ask about it. As long as that Su Yaoniang is still the queen, those officials would not dare to touch her. Her son is the queen's brother-in-law. Their Yao family is now the relative of the emperor.

I have to say that Su Yaoniang is really blessed!

Every time Li's sent out such a sigh, while sighing, she couldn't help but think of her daughter Yan sister.

Although Li didn't know what happened to Sister Yan, now in her heart, she has regarded Sister Yan as dead. Lamenting that Su Yaoniang was lucky, she naturally scolded her. If it wasn't for her obstruction, it would be her sitting at the position of the emperor's mother-in-law today.

Both Su family and Su Yaoniang took away the blessings of her and her daughter!

Li wants to grit her teeth, but fortunately she is alone in this room, otherwise I don't know what it would be like to scare the girls.

Li was thinking wildly, and the sound of unlocking suddenly sounded outside the door. She immediately stood up and made a gesture of akimbo, and intended to scold her with Su Yanniang coming in.

It's a pity that it wasn't Su Yanniang who came in, but some girls.

"Old lady, master invites you to come."

"Isn't Su Su Niang planning to apologize to her old lady and admit it was wrong?" Li has begun imagining in her mind, how to teach Su Su Niang a little while later, she must ask her to be lower and lower herself, and to please everyone in order to forgive she was. Don't look at the screaming and swearing of Li, it's just a matter of talking, and she knows in her heart who can see such wealth in the family now.

Including Yao Niang, a person whom Li's has never disdained, she can also be small and small in the face of all kinds of lows. Before entering the palace as the New Year's Festival, Li Shi almost saw no flowers on her face when she saw Yao Niang, so it was the case of people who were bullying and hard-hearted.

After seeing all kinds of capitals in the capital, Li was no longer the Li who had no other face in front of Jin Wang.

Li specifically asked Joe to let the girl serve her to change her clothes, and re-dressed and walked out of the door. At this point, she still had what she looked like when she was in Jinzhou, just like the old ladies of wealthy people in Beijing. She had a stubborn expression on her face, and her eyes were above the top, but she didn't realize that the girls had taken her to the front yard.

Yao Cheng had an intolerable expression on his face. He didn't go to see Li, but said to an adult in front of him: "This is the mother. I also hope that the adult can show mercy. The human world is not very understanding. This matter is also blinded by others, so that makes such a big mistake. "

"It's good to say that we are also ordered to do things. If the old lady in your government really doesn't know the truth, but just bewildered, we will handle it fairly."

The two murmured a few words, and the adult ordered his men to take down Li's.

These fierce gangsters rushed up, even though Li was not locked, it was enough to make her startled and frightened. It wasn't until she was pushed out of the door that she reacted, screaming sternly: "What are you doing, what ... Chenger, what do they want to do ... Chenger, you filial piety ..."

Yao Chengyao worshipped here and said, "Mother, it's not that the child is not filial, but the mother made a big mistake, and the child is really helpless ..."

At this point, Mrs. Lee looked like a lady, her hair was scattered, the gold ornaments on her head fell to the ground, and her face was full of tears and tears:

"Find Su Yaoniang, find Su Yaoniang, hurry ..."

"Wow! Can you call the queen's name?"

Seeing that gangster's eyes widened, Li's frightened immediately.

However, her hard days are still behind. After being taken away, she was detained in Suncheon Mansion.

This Suncheon Mansion is not a normal place. As a heavy prison in Gyeonggi, all those who can be detained in it are the gangsters of Jiangyang and the perpetrators of the murders. There is no light here all the year round, and the cell is very narrow. Even if Li has chosen the best room for her, it still makes her miserable.

That ’s it. The most frightening thing about Li ’s always sounds strange, sometimes iron chains hit the door, sometimes he laughs, sometimes he is sobbing in grief, often scaring Li ’s. You can't sleep all night.

The food was also poor. Each meal consisted of gruel and bread that was hard enough to choke people's noodles. It is said that this was already good. Other prisoners ate chopped meals. There was only one meal a day. Already.

Li was tormented and tortured. When he saw the jailer or begged or threatened to say something, these jailers were like stone men and never ignored her. She finally realized why she heard those strange things. Voice, but these people are tortured crazy.

At the same time, Shuntianfu did not forget to send someone to judge her. Where did Li dare to conceal it? He said it in 1510 and wished to pour out his own children.

She not only worked with the wife of the Bofu family to release Yinzi money, but also cooperated with the other two wives. However, as the third wife of the Bo's family said, Li's was irrelevant, and he might not even know the specifics at all. I only know that it is a partnership to do business, and she does not need to pay for it, just sit and wait for the bonus.

These people deliberately gave Li a set, and Li didn't know it. She only needed to know two things. She could get silver. These people would give her silver if they wanted it. As for what the consequences will be, it is not within the consideration of Li's. In her thinking, the sky will not fall.

These so-called confessions were made in two copies, one to the palace and one to the Yao family.

After reading these mother-in-laws, Yao Cheng fell into silence.

Bian Niang changed her earlier attitude, didn't say anything, and even avoided going out, leaving him a space to think alone. As in the past, Yao Cheng did not disappoint her. After Li was sent back, she began to send her back to her hometown in the countryside of Jinzhou.

Li was naturally reluctant, and the only thing that helped her out of the prison was that she would be fine as long as she survived this. Unfortunately, no matter how she begged, cried, or scolded this time, she couldn't stop Yao Cheng's decision to send her back to the countryside.

After finally sending away the Li family, Yao Chengcai exhaled a long breath and said to his grandmother, "You're right, keeping her in Beijing will kill our family."

The concubine comforted him: "Don't say that, but it's helpless. If we are not in Beijing, she won't be able to do anything in that small place. But this is Beijing, at the foot of the emperor, always It ’s a disaster. I ’ve thought about returning home with you, waiting for my mother to be old, but once my sister and brother are here, I ’m reluctant; second, my brother is in Beijing, and my future is sure It ’s better than in Jinzhou, especially the three children are at a critical juncture, and I am with the children. "

"You're right."

While the Li family was away from the Yao family, Emperor Jin An went to the Qing Palace.

No one knew what he said to the Emperor, but the next day the Emperor called Zhao Yan into the palace.

Zhao Ye hasn't seen the Emperor for a long time. Since the last time or the New Year, no matter how he seeks to see him, the Emperor has always used excuses such as discomfort and cultivation of the dragon to keep him out of the hall.

In fact, Zhao Ye knew that the Emperor had no discomfort from the dragon body, but he did not want to see him. The children's laughter, noise, and three-stringed drums in the hall could be heard faintly outside the hall, saying that he is no longer the most beloved grandson of the Emperor.

It depends how long you can be petted! Many times, Zhao Yan thought so unwillingly and jealously.

Today, the Emperor Tai Su suddenly called him into the palace, Zhao Kun was surprised, he could not help but think of something. Instantly, he felt that it was impossible to do that, and the secrets he did would not be discovered.

All kinds of feelings turned into a full-faced admiration when they saw the Emperor sitting on the pan. Too royal is very good, even better than before he was not seriously ill. Eyebrows are relaxed, and her complexion is rosy. At first glance, it is the result of physical and mental relaxation.

"The emperor's grandfather ..." The voice contained sorrow, grievances, even puzzling, grieving, and so on.

The emperor was sighing when he heard this voice, which was probably one of the most meaningful voices he had heard at such an age. And these people are no good things without exception. Of course, this ‘not a good thing’ is relative to the emperor.

"Get up. Li Dequan, thank you."

I don't know when the relationship between the ancestors and grandsons will change. In the past, Zhao Yong came to Qianqing Palace and never regarded himself as an outsider, but now he is polite and restrained.

Emperor Taishang recalled that it seemed that when the prince was abolished, whether he changed or the other party changed, no one knew.

"What books have you read recently? Wu's got good news? Your marriage to Wu's days is not short anymore, and everything is important to you."

Zhao Yi answered one by one: "My grandson has nothing to do with lately. He was reading Annotations on the Analects of Confucius. I opened the book and remembered it. When Grandson read four books, his grandfather gave it to his grandson. There are also many notes written by the emperor's grandfather on it, which made grandchildren so treasured that they read them with great emotion.

"As for Wu-"

He paused, a flash of disgust flashed in his eyes, but still respected: "Grandson hopes that Wu can give birth to Liner at an early date, but there is no good news so far." At the end, the tone faded.

The Emperor Tai didn't speak, Zhao Yan could not help but look up at the other side, his pupils tightened.

The emperor was not listening to him. Instead, he took a jade rod and teased the fish in the porcelain basin on the table. He could see that the emperor was very focused and did not look at him.

There was a sense of flattery in Zhao Yan's eyes for the blind man, but he didn't dare to say anything, but could only lower his head in forbearance.

After a moment or two, Tai Shanghuang put down the jade rod in his hand and said slowly: "You can read a book quietly, it is good to have nothing to think about, and learn more about your uncles."

Then he yawned, beckoned, and pointed at Zhao Yan, and someone led Zhao Yan down.

Until he left the palace door, Zhao Yan hadn't understood the meaning of the Emperor.

He had a sense of shame, feeling that the Emperor was playing with himself and summoned him into the palace, but said nothing. He was thinking, and suddenly came from a group of people who were not far away, led by two little babies who were not stable.

The pair of little babies are a man and a woman. They don't look like each other, but they are carved in pink, so cute. Their pace is a bit quick, they always make them afraid that they will fall, but they do not let the eunuchs next to them hug them, even support them, and push them away with their small hands.

This group of people soon came to Zhao Yan and crossed him and entered the gate. Zhao Yan's eyes were full of people, and his ears were full of human voices. These voices were not loud, but they were annoyingly buzzing like a fly.

"Little princess, you can be slower, and you have been dropped ..."

"Three princes, go slowly ..."

Until these people entered the gate of the palace, the voice faded away, but soon Zhao Zhao heard a bit of sharp joy that was unique to the little baby, which was also mixed with the old man's thick laughter.

This laughter is too great. The grandfather of the emperor never smiled at himself this way, even when he was young.

Zhao Ye was a little embarrassed, but full of humiliation and shame. Compared to his previous treatment, all this was like a slap in the face.

He was unhappy, but how could it be? He couldn't do anything at all now.

He heard the words before the Emperor--

"... learn more about your uncles ..."

Learn what they do? People who used to disdain and even sacrifice their enemies are now bowing to him, even becoming irritable?

Maybe he should work hard to have a son when he goes back, preferably with a dragon and phoenix. Doesn't the grandfather like children?


After sending away two people who were arguing about going to the Qing Palace, Yao Niang talked to Emperor Jin An: "It ’s good to tell the father the emperor, lest you be caught in the middle and not good enough to be a person. Maybe there will be complaints. "

The so-called incident naturally means that someone had done something in the past. After all, Emperor Jin'an did not rest assured that Yao Niang was going to do such a thing, so when he agreed with her, he also let the secret shot.

Who would have thought secretly would find something unexpected.

The people who are responsible for collecting debts are not the first to do such things. They have never killed anyone, who would have thought that this time they had missed an omission. They also felt very wronged and miserable, not knowing that the person was not killed by them, but someone secretly moved their hands and feet.

The current power of the Wangfu Mansion can only do such stealthy things in the back, but it was never expected to be discovered.

However, Emperor Jin An did not take any action to deal with Zhao Yan, instead he threw the matter to the Emperor, and Yao Niang's words happened to be here.

"You don't have to worry too much about this, it can't set off any storms, but you are wronged."

"What's wronged, the flies don't bite the eggs, why didn't you see him go and bite my elder brother? But it's good to be able to send Li's back, too, so that my sister won't always be angry with her."

Emperor Jin An bowed her head slightly, her gaze turned around on her smooth face, and suddenly her mood became very good.

"Well, don't say that, let's say something else."

"Say what?"

When her eyes hit his eyes, her face flushed.

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