Jin Wang Dotes on His Concubine

Chapter 227: Zhao Chen vs Sun Yueer

Emperor Jin'an is the honor of the Ninth Five-Year Plan and has a broad and natural knowledge.

It can be seen that this scabbard is a good thing, and the scabbard is naturally also a scabbard. However, in his eyes, he didn't think there was anything. Changle was his only princess. There was nothing in this world that she could not stand.

Changle saw that his father and the king of Yunnan had talked again and didn't leave much. He left with a knife.

Seeing the eyes of several brothers on the knife in her hand, she ran over and said, "Does it look good, I also look good."

Zhao Yan had taken the knife over, and he looked at it. He heard his sister say that it looked good. A violent thing rolled in his throat and swallowed.

He played small martial arts, and always loved dancing swords and guns. Naturally, he could see that this knife was a very good knife. He inserted the knife back into the scabbard and handed it to his sister, but halfway was taken by his elder brother. Zhao Ye was a little surprised to know that his elder brother never valued such things.

Zhao Chen held it in his hand, looked at it, and then returned it to Changle without saying anything. After all, his eyes moved around the father and son of Yunnan.

After the feast, Emperor Jin'an was a little bit frightened, and then he sat down with Long Yao and Yao Niang and returned to Kuning Palace with Changle. The three brothers Zhao Chen returned to the West Five Station.

On the other side, the more I walked with Jingqing to Jingshengzhai.

Yueqing hesitated to look at his father who was walking in front of him, still couldn't help asking: "Father, why did you give that knife to that little girl, didn't you never leave that knife?"

Yue Yue stopped and looked back at him.

The ten-year-old Yueqing was born with a strong head and a strong head, and he can see that he has not drawn a long strip and is not tall.

"She is not a little girl. She is a princess who is a big lady. Her Majesty's only palm jewel. And the rules of the Han people are that the first time an elder meets a junior, it is a gift for the first time. Xiu, who neglected the incident when his father came, happened to have only such a knife on hand, so he gave it away easily. "

Yueyu spoke very carefully, and Yueqing was his successor in the future. Naturally, he had to understand in all aspects, just because he wanted to bring him to the world, this trip to Beijing would bring him with him.

Yueqing also understood what his father meant, and he couldn't help but feel relieved, thinking that he was thinking too much.

"My son understands. Thanks for teaching."

The father and son did not speak official language, but the local Yi language in Yunnan, so the eunuchs who followed him only knew that the father and son of Yunnan suddenly stopped talking and did not know what to say.

It wasn't until the king of Yunnan went forward again that they started to keep up.

In a blink of an eye, it was the day of the Prince's wedding.

The wedding of the prince is a matter of national interest. As early as the day before, the capital was everywhere, especially the inner city.

On that day, first obey the Prince ’s wedding regulations and performed the obituary ceremony in Fengtian Temple. Later, Zhao Chen returned to the East Palace and changed into a suit that served as a wedding gown. It was not until the ceremony officer arrived in good luck that he took the Prince's car out of the palace door.

At the gate of the palace, I changed the color car, followed by the prince's ceremonial book, and went all the way to the town government.

At this time, the government of the town government was already in red, and the guests were overjoyed.

In the backyard, Sun Yueer was dressed in a crown prince suit, noble and dignified, bright and beautiful. Qiao Shi held her hand and urged earnestly that the mother could not finish her heart. She nodded while listening. Speaking of the sentimental place, both mother and daughter were in tears.

A girl hurried in and reported: "His Royal Highness's welcome party has arrived."

Sun Yueer stood up subconsciously.

The relatives and daughters next to me gathered around, some went to persuade Qiao's, while others said some happy words beside them, while others called her to redress the mother and daughter.

After a while, the sound of firecrackers has reached this yard.

Everyone retreated, the noisy supporters outside, and Sun Yueer sat uneasily, his head groaning. Suddenly, the door suddenly opened, and he saw him striding towards himself.


After waiting for Feng Jia to salute the empress, he was welcomed into the wedding room, and Sun Yueer was almost exhausted.

This is not the end. Before the marriage ceremony was performed according to the system, the princess had to salute the prince to show her husband as his wife. Sun Yue'er was reminded by the female emcee officer, and then she remembered the incident. She got up and prepared to worship, but was pulled by Zhao Chen.

"No need to worship."

The emcee officer next to her looked distressed: "His Royal Highness, this doesn't make sense."

Zhao Chen disagreed, saying: "If you do n’t use it alone, don't use it." @Infinite Haowen, all in Jinjiang Literature City

The female officer also planned to say something of persuasion. At this time, the maid came with a tray painted with gold and red paint, and there were two calendula linked by red threads.

Seeing this, the female emcee can only start singing in accordance with the rules.

The two held each one and drank one.

When Sun Yueer raised his head, his face was already flushed, and I didn't know he was ashamed, or he was illuminated by the room. The female officer took the wine bottle and cast it on the ground.

"Are you hungry? Come and eat something."

Zhao Chen led Yueer to the table, which was full of food.

Whatever he clips her, she eats, and when she eats the half-life dumplings, she speaks as usual. As soon as she was born, Zhao Chen laughed.

To imply to have children.

After dinner, the two went to bath each other. Zhao Chen had wanted to be with her, but after thinking about it, he could bear it.

It was Zhao Chen who came out first, and when Sun Yueer came out of the bath, he was already sitting by the bed waiting for her.

Zhao Chen raised his hand, and the court ladies and eunuchs retreated. Obviously, the spacious palace room seems crowded at this moment. Her heart pounded, for fear he would hear.

After learning from the teachings, Sun Yueer knew what would happen next. But only knowing it, no matter how much it is not clear, especially now that she is in the mind.

Zhao Chen stretched her hands.

Yue Er was extremely nervous, and her sweat in her palm shook her throat, "Let's talk."

"What do you want to say?"

She had nothing to say: "When did you get up today? I got up at Yinshi and I've been busy all day. I'm really tired. If not, let's just rest?"

"Okay." Zhao Chen nodded.

A joy in Yueer's heart, she quickly faded the soft-soled silk shoes to the couch. Then she didn't wait for Zhao Chen, she went inside and turned her back to the outside, pretending she looked tired and sleepy.

If she can avoid this, she also underestimated Zhao Chen.

After thinking about things for many days, I finally reached the bottom of my mouth, and whoever let go is a fool.

He stepped forward and whispered in her ear: "Asleep?"

She does not return.

He said to himself: "It looks like I'm really asleep. In this way, it is also convenient for loneliness." @Finity 好 文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Yue'er was thinking about convenience, he had penetrated into the bed, his hands and feet were particularly dishonest. She couldn't help but turned and tried to push but didn't dare to push. She could only look at him poorly: "Brother Xiaobao, I'm really tired. If you don't know, you look good?"

Her eyes were soaked, she looked like she was going to cry or not, and her small red mouth trembled.

"Tomorrow I will go to see my father and mother early in the morning, shall we rest earlier? Ah?"

This word was swallowed by him.

The dragon and phoenix flower candle has been burned out, and the hall is quiet.

There was a faint morning light coming in from the window, and the room was peaceful.

Over the bed, I had a tight neck, and I was sleeping sweetly. Outside the gate, Xiao Anzi was already guarding, but there was no movement inside.

"Brother Ang, look at this ..." A little **** next to him looked anxiously, "If it's delayed any longer, I'm afraid it will be too late to go to Her Majesty and my mother."

Xiao Anzi was also anxious in his heart. He bit his teeth, gathered up in front of the door, and whispered: "It is time to rise, Your Highness."

No one answered.

"His Royal Highness ..."

Yueer heard the voice, and staggered to push the people around her.

"It seems like someone is calling you." Then she realized where she was and what she had experienced. She sat up all of a sudden, but there was a pain in her waist.

"Is it okay?" Zhao Chen gave her a hand with a clear hand, trying to take her in his arms, but was pushed away.

"You stay away from me!"

She was holding the quilt with red cheeks, afraid to look at him, her voice was soft and soft, and she was hoarse at first waking, not convincing at all. Zhao Chen knew why she was doing this. The cat who ate the fish was somewhat guilty. Thinking of his excessiveness last night, he coughed softly and said, "It's Xiaoanzi, I'm up first, you take your time Not in a hurry."

With that said, he put on his clothes and settled on the bed. Yueer, who was not comfortable all over, saw him like this, and was even more annoyed in his heart. But this annoyance is dominated by blame. @Finity 好 文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

It was too late to clean up and the two didn't have breakfast, so they went to Kuning Palace.

At Kuning Palace, several children came because of Yao Niang's explanation yesterday. Including Emperor Jin An, there is a day of intentional rest today, and the whole family is waiting here. Even breakfast is useless.

But the young couple hasn't arrived yet. The tea at hand of Yao Niang and Emperor Jin An has been changed twice.

"Mother, I'm hungry." Changle said.

"Wait a second, your elder brother, they should be here soon." Yao Niang appeased.

As I was talking about it, someone came to report to Prince and Princess.

Busy people greeted the young couple in, first respected the tea according to the rules, Yao Niang gave a ceremony, and Sun Yueer stood up with the help of Zhao Chen.

Yao Niang looked at her daughter-in-law without falling on her eyes. Although she had known for a long time that she was her own daughter-in-law, she really became a daughter-in-law, only to find that her mood was exceptionally different, joyous and astringent.

When Emperor Jin'an saw Yao Niang's uncle there, she couldn't help pulling her by the cover of her sleeve, and said, "Little Sier is hungry. Let's have a meal."

Yao Niang then reacted and was busy spreading meals.

For breakfast, Yao Niang didn't leave a couple of young couples, let them go back to rest.

This was an unintentional word, she just thought that they had been busy all day for the big wedding yesterday, and she must be too tired. Na Zhiyue lowered her face blushingly, and Emperor Jin An glanced at her before Yaoniang understood it.

Immediately embarrassed, his face turned red, and he waved his hands and let the children go down.

When the children were gone, the temple was suddenly empty. Yao Niang was stunned for a while and couldn't help but said, "I can finally understand the feeling of being a mother-in-law when my mother said it."

"What mood?"

Both happy and sad, pleased that the son has finally grown up, and the sentimental is also that the son has finally grown up. He will accompany him next, and the person closest to him will be his wife.

However, Yao Niang didn't say this, but just sighed: "Unconsciously, we are all so old, we are both father-in-law, and maybe we can hug our grandson soon."

"I didn't think I was old or you were old."


"of course it's true."

The prince has been married, and the princes and envoys of the Panchao who left for Beijing to congratulate Beijing have left the city one after another, including the father and son of Yunnan.

Before leaving, Emperor Jin'an hosted a banquet, just like the situation when the Yunnan king first entered Beijing.

At the banquet, Changle stopped the father and son of Yunnan who were about to leave outside the Taiji Hall.

"Vietnamese, are you really leaving?"

Nodded more clearly. After being ordered by the King of Yunnan on that day, he took the initiative to apologize to Changle for running away that day when he hit her.

Changle was not a stingy temperament. In addition, Yueyi gave her a sword, and it was not easy for her to hold on to others, even if it passed.

Later, Yueqing always came to her to play.

The two are similar in age, and no one usually plays with Changle, and now there is an additional playmate willing to play with her, naturally happy.

Although Yao Niang felt a bit inappropriate, after all, men and women were different at the age of seven, but Changle and her brothers got used to it, and the whole family was holding her, and the two were just about half the age. Say they understand nothing, don't understand anything, say they don't understand, and fear they understand. The **** palace girls stared at them for a few days, and when they saw that they were indeed two youngsters, they let them intersect, and they became a younger brother in Changle.

So after a while, the two have a very good relationship.

"When I go back, I will pack all the baubles promised to you and send them to you." Yueqing said.

Seriously speaking, Yueqing is a very serious child. It looks superficial on the surface, but it is not big enough to hide childishness. He thought Changle came to him to remind him to promise to send his stuff.

Seeing his solemn look short of half of his head, Changle couldn't help but cover his mouth and smiled, "Okay, I believe you, then you can remember."

"I will never forget it."

Changle looked away from Yue Yue next to her. She hesitantly looked at each other and made a blessing: "Uncle Yue, Changle wishes you and Yueqing all the best, and cloth sails are good."

Yue Yue bowed his head slightly: "My king thanked the princess here."

Changle nodded and left.

When she returned to Jing Tianzhai, she waved everyone around and took out the knife, sometimes stroking, and sometimes hesitating. The warm setting sun sprayed in through the window and hit a light and shadow on her face. The girl who was happy and worry-free seemed to grow up all at once.


Until Chen and his son left Beijing, Zhao Chen was relieved.

Due to the busy affairs after his wedding, he did not pay much attention to his sister. However, Yao Niang felt that her daughter has been much quieter recently, and she seems to have changed her personality. She used to be bouncing. Now she still loves to laugh, but suddenly she has become a big girl.

She and Jin Andi talked about it, and Jin Andi laughed at her: "Is it better for my daughter to be a little girl in her life, she always has to grow up."

She thought about it and thought that if her daughter had always been a child, she would have to worry.

Therefore, children are all debts, so they have to worry about everything, and a little bit wrong always arouses the solemnity of their parents. But it is also a sweet trouble, which is not changed at all.

She leaned on Jin Andi's lap and grabbed his palm to play: "I can hardly imagine the scene of Changle marrying. You said that when our daughter is older, what kind of horse should I choose? He is still very mighty. Will he bully our daughters and let Changle know the world? What if there is a bad mother-in-law? "

When Dad listened, he frowned: "No matter what it is, no one can bully our daughter."

Yaoniang sat up, worried: "You are a man, you do n’t understand, and between husband and wife and husband and wife, there are many things you ca n’t say. No, I ca n’t get used to Changle in the future. It's time to teach her something ... "

The more she thought about it, the more chaotic she couldn't help but said, "I blame her too. I always think she's still young. Who knows that she's twelve in a blink, and I don't know if teaching is too late at this time?"

"How could it be too late."

"My daughter's family is about to marry at the age of fifteen or six. It's only three years, and there is no time."

"Who said that Changle will marry at the age of fifteen or six, it's too early to let her come to see. Marriage is the best. Eighteen is a little too early. Keep her till twenty and choose a horse."

"Isn't she going to be an old girl at twenty?"

"There will be old girls in the emperor's house?"

"Then what kind of horse should you choose for her at that time?


The queen as a parent on this side tirelessly repeated the same tangled problems. On the other side, in the Penglai Palace, in the Penglai Palace, the emperor was sitting in a chair to bask in the sun.

Xiyuan has beautiful scenery, big and bright, and every year the emperor comes to live here for some days. It's just that the Emperor is very old. For people who are almost eighty years old, there are several people in the world who can live to eighty.

Chang Lev rested on the emperor's lap and asked, "Grandpa, what is your relationship?"

The Emperor Tai reached out and patted her little head: "What? Who do we like, Changle?"

"No, Changle is just curious."

The Emperor Tai looked up at the sky. Although the sun was not strong at the moment, it looked a little dazzling. He squinted and couldn't help narrowing his eyes.

"Love, that is, you will remember a person for a long time, you can always remember it."

"Oh, Changle knows."

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The author has something to say: something happened yesterday, and I only read the comments when I came back at night, to see that everyone's brain was so good that they all caught Changle as their stepmother. She is only twelve this year. It is when the girl loves her first time. It seems that when she understands it, especially Wang Yanzheng of Yunnan, she has some inexplicable thoughts that are normal.

As some little fairies said, it is difficult for Changle to have something with the King of Yunnan. An overbearing father and three brothers are not vegetarian. So Changle is an open ending.

The emperor said, "Love, that is, you will remember someone for a long time, and you can always remember it." Changle said that she knew it, which means that she already has an idea in her heart, maybe she will always remember Maybe I forget it after a while, but who knows? After all, she is still young.


Off topic: I originally planned to drive a small treasure car, but I could n’t get started all night. (Mom wrote her son to drive a motorcycle, think about the area of ​​psychological shadow.) So I ca n’t describe Liu for the time being. Yaoyao, I wrote these two days, and then I will show the way here or in the new text.

This book is finally over. Thank you for your continued support. Even many little fairies are chasing from beginning to end. I am very touched. I don't say arrogant words, I can only say that I will try to write more and better-looking articles to reward everyone. (*  ̄3) (ε ̄ *)


"Family Supporter" was also launched, with different themes and styles, different ways of darling, and dual development.

Each of the first three chapters gives 100 red envelopes. I hope everyone will support and encourage them.


Zhao Er was a child raiser of the Xue family. She knew that she would marry and round the room when the little man was fifteen years old, but the little man had always disliked her, hated her, and hated her.

Overnight, the little man suddenly changed a lot, not only was good to her, but also always carrying her back and pouting her mouth, this, this ...


When a generation of traitor Xue Tingyu returned to his youth, the Xue family was still a poor apprentice, and the family was smashing blood for a reading place. She was still her own child. He decided to change his life in this life.

The first task is to treat her well, treat her well, treat her well, and have a few more cubs.

# 奸臣 首 助 的 养养 之 路 # ←. ← Who raises who? Big face!

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