Jin Wang Dotes on His Concubine

The King's Concubine_The Feast of Masks【Complete】(235)

Especially when she entered the palace, it was indeed through the hands of Princess Jin. This alone was enough for people to take advantage of her.

Sure enough, as Yao Niang expected, Mrs. Xu Guogong brought up the fact that Yao Niang was pregnant and had a baby before she entered the palace. Including how she entered the palace, how she followed Prince Jin, her son Xiaobao was also taken into Prince Jin's palace at that time, how Prince Jin arranged it, and Prince Jin suddenly recognized Xiaobao as his own son, and the whole family was silenced. Everything was told.

Although the words did not say that Xiaobao was not the biological son of King Jin, and that King Jin was just willing to raise a son for free for a woman, and also tried to confuse the royal bloodline, the meaning was all that.

An attempt to confuse the royal lineage? Even if King Jin is a prince, this is a serious crime.

"Mrs. Xu, you are sure that what you said is true. You must know that this kind of thing is not just a joke." Empress Wei said sternly with a solemn expression.

Mrs. Xu Guogong knelt down again: "I pledge my own life as a guarantee. Please also ask the Queen to be clear. It is because my son Yanru knew the details of this matter that His Highness King Jin sent him to Zhuangzi to recuperate."

Queen Wei nodded and faced Yao Niang: "Concubine Su, I wonder what your explanation is?"

Chapter 179

With these words, everyone's eyes were focused on Yaoniang.

She clenched the hands under her sleeves, took a deep breath and said: "What Mrs. Xu Guogong said is true, but there are also hearsays in it. I did not enter the palace until after I gave birth to my son, and it was only after I entered the palace that I met His Highness again. . In fact, I had an affair with His Highness back then. His Highness received news of the emergency at the border and forgot to arrange for me. After His Highness left, I found out that I was pregnant. . Later, because of the difficulty of raising children, I went to work in the palace, so I met His Highness again. I hope the Queen can learn from it. "

"I have heard your Majesty say something about this. Concubine Su also suffered a lot." Empress Wei nodded, with a hint of sadness in her voice.

Yao Niang held the handkerchief and cried face to face: "Thank you, Niang Niang, for your sympathy. I was young and ignorant at the time and did something wrong. I was punished at the beginning..."

Her words were suddenly interrupted by Mrs. Xu Guogong.

"You said you used to be private when you were private? This is just your words and explanations to trick His Highness the Prince of Jin. You said that His Highness the Prince of Jin turned around and looked for you again, but he couldn't, so that the two of them missed each other because of the coincidence. , until we meet again at the palace. The old woman wants to ask, how can a woman who never leaves the house have an affair with His Highness Prince Jin and still be pregnant with a child? He gave birth to a child out of wedlock and seduced His Highness the King of Jin into taking that bastard as his own name."

Then, without giving Yao Niang a chance to plead her case, she said to the Queen: "Your Majesty, this old woman has a witness. Please allow me to summon her."

People were soon called. Not only was Mother Liu who brought Yao Niang into the house, but there was also Aunt Wang who delivered Yao Niang's baby, as well as several very familiar faces. Yao Niang carefully identified them and realized that these people were neighbors of the Yao family and the Su family in Linyun County.

These ordinary women seemed to see so many noble people for the first time. They were so frightened that they didn't even dare to raise their heads. As soon as they came in, they knelt there with weak legs.

Hong Rang, the chief eunuch of Kunning Palace, asked Queen Wei on his behalf. He first asked Mother Liu, who told her in detail how she brought Yao Niang into the palace.

Next it was Aunt Wang's turn, and Aunt Wang also spoke in great detail.

"Then Yao Niang of the Su family has a hard life. From what my son said, she seems to have been defiled by some evil person. The little woman will learn the art of midwifery. My son, Daniel, is the subordinate of Captain Yao. I begged him right in front of my house... At that time, he told me not to tell anyone in front of others that his sister-in-law wanted to get married in the future. He would only marry her off after the child was born...

Hong Rang asked several other people——

"I haven't heard that Mrs. Su Yaoyao gave birth to a child. I only know that she is married and the man is a salesman."

"That's right, because the Su family didn't hold a wedding reception, I asked out of curiosity, and their family said it was held at my sister and brother-in-law's house."

"The Yao family didn't hold a wedding banquet. They said it was held at the Su family... I just met her man once. He was a dark-skinned man with big white teeth when he smiled."

Hong Rang nodded and said, "Then if you look up at this person, can you recognize her?"

Several women followed Hong Rang's gesture and carefully raised their heads to look. When their eyes touched Yao Niang's face, they made various sounds of surprise.

"Isn't this the Su Yao Niang?"

"She's the aunt of Team Leader Yao, but she doesn't dare to recognize her anymore."

Hong Rang looked at Queen Wei, who nodded, and he asked people to take these women down.

Almost all kinds of eyes were directed at Yao Niang, some were contemptuous, some were looking at her as a joke, some were full of malice, and so on. This kind of gaze is like a real weight pressing towards Yao Niang, as heavy as a thousand stones.

In fact, this is obviously embarrassing. It was deliberately embarrassing from the beginning. It seemed that it was just to prove that what they said was true, so these people were so detailed in their statements. While these details won people's trust, they also added some rumors heard on the road, which seemed to crucify Yao Niang on the pillar of shame for charming her master and using dirty methods to keep her favor.

In this matter, the other party kept trying to molest Yao Niang, but downplayed King Jin. This was the cleverness of the other party. It is related to the prince, and if you are not careful, you will be suspected of deliberately framing him. But Yao Niang is different. What kind of knowledge can a housewife have? If she is embarrassed and annoyed, she can say anything out of her mouth at the moment, which can be used as a basis for attack.

Among them, Princess Qing was probably the only one who looked at Yao Niang with worry. She wanted to stand up and speak to Yao Niang several times, but Yao Niang stopped her.

Yao Niang stood up, her chin slightly tucked in, her eyes half lowered, but her posture was upright, neither humble nor overbearing.

"Mrs. Xu came to the palace today to cry and beg for justice. She didn't come early or late, but she chose this time to come. Everyone who is decent in Beijing knows what day it is, and what will happen in Kunning Palace. When Mrs. Xu arrived, she first praised the princess's generosity and tolerance, then cried and reflected on her mistakes, and then came straight to the concubine. I know what Chunqiu's writing style means. It's a pity that Mrs. Xu devoted herself to a woman."

Although there is no slander in these words, it is obviously an accusation that Mrs. Xu did everything today deliberately.

This was not done deliberately. After finding so many witnesses, the journey from Jinzhou to the capital had to be delayed for a month or two, which showed that Mrs. Xu had already started preparations.

As long as the strategy is deliberate, it will fall down, because deliberateness must have a target, and it is not uncommon for people to slander, frame and frame people's interests. Mrs. Xu obviously wanted to make this matter bigger, so she deliberately chose this moment. Therefore, there are always traces in everything she does, and this cannot be erased no matter what.

Mrs. Xu's pale face suddenly turned red, as if she was angry.

But Yao Niang didn't like her at all, because this whole thing seemed ordinary, but in fact it had sinister intentions. It seemed that the accusation against her was for selfish reasons, but in fact it was against Xiaobao and Prince Jin.

This is why Yao Niang said that Mrs. Xu Guogong used Chunqiu brushwork, seemingly without any words to accuse the King of Jin, or even to excuse it. But the whole words are full of meaning, saying that the King of Jin is fatuous and incompetent, and is fascinated by women.

A stupid and incompetent prince who confuses the royal bloodline for the sake of women will probably end up where he is now.

If Yao Niang hadn't known about that, she might have panicked, but she did, so she could remain calm despite being embarrassed.

"Mrs. Xu is so well-prepared, but I have to respond in a hurry. These individuals swear so much, but who knows how many of them have been bribed by Mrs. Xu? Therefore, I can't accept Mrs. Xu's accusations. I just want to say In a word, His Royal Highness Prince Jin is not an incompetent person, and I, Su Yaoniang, am not a shameless person and cannot do anything like that to confuse the royal bloodline.

"And Mrs. Xu doesn't have to fight for the princess in order to exonerate her. Although Yao Niang is a concubine, she has always been respectful and respectful to the princess. For personal gain, your mother and daughter murdered people and placed them in my belly. The child's life was ignored. Didn't you know that although Yao Niang was of low status, the child in her belly was of royal blood. The princess conspired to murder the emperor's heir and was sent to Zhuangzi to recuperate. His Highness was given a lenient sentence out of consideration for the couple's relationship. You confuse right and wrong and deliberately frame up for personal gain. I am very ashamed of you. "

Yao Niang's words were loud and clear, but Mrs. Xu Guogong did not expect that the other party did not panic, but instead tried to confuse the audience. She was clearly talking about the other party confusing the royal bloodline, but she was caught by the other party and deliberately tried to frame her in order to clear herself of the crime of murdering the emperor's heir.

But this is a fact. In order to show her justice and injustice, she deliberately exposed her own shortcomings. Now she can't blame others if she is caught in her shortcomings and attacked.

"What a eloquent person!" Mrs. Xu Guogong sneered frequently and said: "The old woman has expected this day, so there is still one person who can testify, and I also ask the Queen for permission to summon her."


The witness soon came up, a plump woman.

"This person is Concubine Su's sister-in-law, Mrs. Zhu. She knew best when Su Yaoniang gave birth to a child out of wedlock."

"The one in her belly is a bastard. I don't know which man she was with. Back then..." Mrs. Zhu recounted the events of that year, and naturally added a lot of jealousy. For example, she said that Yao Niang had been a foxy girl since she was a child. Hooking up with people, being inappropriate, etc.

Queen Wei looked at Yao Niang: "Concubine Su..."

Yao Niang was still unmoved: "Mr. Zhu was abandoned by her eldest brother a few days ago. She committed three of the seven crimes: disobedience to her parents, jealousy, and talkativeness. When I was still in the boudoir, My eldest sister couldn't stand her constant nudity with me, so she took me into her home temporarily. It was at this time that I met His Royal Highness, so she didn't know if she had any questions. I went to ask the neighbors of the Yao and Su families. As for what the previous ones said, I would like to ask the empress to understand how hard it is for parents and elders to cover up their incompetent daughter."

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