Jin Wang Dotes on His Concubine

The Favored Concubine in the Palace_The Feast of Masks【Complete】(256)

"Old man, you are so ignorant."

Dai Wang had a ferocious look on his face, but he didn't intend to cover it up.


King Dai ignored Empress Wei's scolding and continued: "If you are wise, you can honestly take out the edict. If you are not wise, I will kill you today."

As these words came out, there were faint cries in the palace. Huo Ming and others all looked frightened and pointed at the king, but their words were incoherent.

Mr. Chen Ge was still calm and laughed loudly: "I'm so arrogant, I'm not afraid to let you know that this edict is not just one in my hand, but three. You set a trap with ulterior motives and deceived us into the palace. Trying to create an established fact is a waste of time. What you want to cover up cannot be covered up."

The King of Dai laughed loudly: "I have no intention of hiding it. I will not kill you now. I will let you watch how I ascend to the position of the Nine-Five Great Lord."

"If you brave the great dissatisfaction of the world, you will eventually become unstable. This is recorded in the history books and will be infamy for thousands of years."

"Winning king or losing bandit, history is always written by the victor. As long as I can sit in this position, I don't have to worry about being infamy for thousands of years!?"

Mr. Chen Ge looked grim, and King Dai did not say anything more to him. He only told Mr. Chen Ge to think about it as soon as possible and had them escorted away. Only Meng Ge Lao and Qu Zhi were left.

"I hope you two will help me with this important matter."

Mengge Lao and Qu Zhi looked at each other with a strong bitter taste in their mouths. But they also knew that from the moment they set foot on the pirate ship of King Dai, they were destined to succeed but not fail.

"I will definitely go through fire and water without hesitation."

The death knell in the palace never sounded, and all the people who knew that the Holy Emperor had passed away stayed quietly in their homes, feeling uneasy in their hearts.

An edict was issued in the palace, calling King An, King Jin, King Lu, and King Wu into the palace, but none of the kings responded to the edict.

Called again, still no response.

Even the gates of several palaces were tightly closed, like a deserted land.

The edict was later sent to the ministers' mansions, and some were summoned to the palace, but nothing happened. Some pretend to be ill, evade, and resort to all means to protect themselves. By this time, many people had realized that something was wrong.

But then, without giving them a chance to react, people wearing all kinds of armor poured onto the street. Among them were people from the Imperial Guard, people from the patrol camp, and even people from the Beijing Guard and the Five Cities Military and Horse Division. They rushed to each house like hungry wolves attacking sheep.

For a time, the inner city was in turmoil, and ordinary people were so frightened that they dared not leave their homes. I saw groups of soldiers wearing bright armor running back and forth on the streets everywhere, and screams and screams came from time to time, as if they were trapped in an endless stream.

What the King Dai said to Mr. Chen Ge was not without purpose. The Duke of Wei held part of the military power of the Third Battalion of Beijing, and the Imperial Guards were bribed by him. These troops alone are enough to do many things on behalf of the king and his family.

Of course, this means that the king's men must be quick and must not delay. If it is delayed for a long time and people from all walks of life gather in one place, it will be a waste of money.

So at first they chose to use deception, intending to hijack hundreds of officials to support the king and enthrone him as emperor.

At first, these people tricked them into opening the doors of several houses, and then when they came to other places, no one was willing to open the door no matter what they said.

Because the news about Dai Wang's regicide and usurpation of the throne has been secretly spread throughout the capital.

King Dai was furious and ordered Chen Gelao to be tortured in an attempt to find out the location of the other two imperial edicts. He also forced Xue Hedu, the Minister of War, in an attempt to obtain the transfer orders for other troops of the Beijing Guard. To the outside world, he ordered his subordinates to attack with force, break into the house and take people into the palace.

Among them, several princes' palaces were attacked the most violently. It was obvious that King Dai was planning to break the rules and not even lose his reputation.

The inner city was in chaos, and the severe situation even infected the outer city, which also began to become chaotic. Everyone knew that something happened in the palace, but the people had no way of knowing exactly what happened.

Of course, there was no resistance. Every household was guarded by guards. Therefore, the progress of King Dai's people was very slow. At the same time, other small forces began to appear in various parts of the capital to confront King Dai's troops.

These are all the people summoned by Ningguo Gongfu. Like the people on behalf of the king, these people come from mixed sources and come from all over the country. As the news of the rebellion against the king spread, more and more people took the initiative to join in the extermination of the rebels.

The soldiers of Daqian are loyal to Daqian, and anyone who attempts to usurp the throne will be punished by everyone. This is why Mr. Chen Ge would say that King Dai risked the disapproval of the world and stood on the opposite side of righteousness, and was destined to be in trouble.

The war situation is getting bigger and bigger, and with the joining of Sun Meng, the commander of Jingwei, victory seems to be in sight for the righteous side. But at the same time, the guards from the Third Battalion of Beijing also entered the capital. These talents were the source of confidence for the King of Dai and the Duke of Wei.

This battle lasted for a whole day and night, and all the residents and furniture affected by the war stayed up all night, terrified. No one knows how many people died during this period. Finally, as another force entered the capital, the righteous army led by the Jin Palace finally showed an overwhelming victory. The rebels were demoralized and were forced into the Forbidden City.

But it was King Qing who brought the ten mausoleum guards of Emperor Qian's Mausoleum in Yanshan, Changping, to King Qin in Beijing.

This Yanshan Imperial Mausoleum is where several generations of emperors of the Daqian Dynasty are buried. In order to protect the imperial mausoleum from being maliciously destroyed, several guards are stationed there, also known as mausoleum guards. These mausoleum guards are neither registered with the Ministry of War nor with the Beijing Guards, but they are the largest force next to the capital.

It's just that the mausoleum guards never show their faces in public, so they are ignored by many people.

Prince Qing was dressed in armor and his face was covered with sand. There was blood on his armor and weapons, which showed that he had been fighting for a long time. He drove his horse to Prince Jin and bowed, saying, "Fifth brother, I'm lucky to be alive."

Prince Jin was dressed in black armor, which made his face look even paler, but he was very cold and hard, like an iceberg that had not melted for thousands of years. He stared at the palace gate not far away with a dark look, his face was covered with frost, and he nodded slightly: "Thank you for your hard work."

Prince Qing was speechless, but it was obvious that now was not the time, so he could only swallow thousands of words into his throat.

"Don't be tired, brother."


There was a man sitting on the dragon throne in the main hall of the Qianqing Palace.

This man was wearing a bright yellow dragon robe, but his face was full of decadence.

It was the King of Dai.

Before, he was still cautious, maybe because the outside was getting bigger and bigger, he began to break the jar. He had been coveting the throne for a long time, and now he finally got the chance, so he naturally put on the yellow robe and had a taste of it first.

From afar, there seemed to be a shout like a tidal wave: "Give up resistance, forgive the past, try to resist stubbornly, and behead without mercy!"

This is the slogan that the Jin Wang's troops must shout whenever they encounter rebels. Because of such rumors, the Dai Wang's troops suffered a lot. Until now, the Dai Wang couldn't figure out why he was going to lose.

Obviously he had the upper hand, and obviously he had more troops than the Jin Wang, so why did he lose?

But time didn't give him a chance to think further. A general in a bad state stumbled in and shouted at the top of his lungs: "Your Highness, they're coming in, they're coming in..."

The palace door was wide open, and a lot of sunlight was scattered in from outside. The King of Dai sat facing him, and was a little blinded by the sunlight. Many people rushed in, and the leader was tall and calm, with an upright posture, like a god descending from heaven.

"Third brother, how are you?"

Chapter 196

The funeral bell in the palace has not been rung, and the dozens of important officials who entered the palace have not left the palace. Many people have an ominous premonition in their hearts.

At this moment, the tightly closed palace door finally opened, and after a group of people rushed out, it was tightly closed again.

After leaving Donghua Gate, this group of people was divided into dozens of teams, and they rushed to the various palaces.

"There is an imperial edict in the palace, summoning Prince An to enter the palace."

"There is an imperial edict in the palace, summoning Prince Jin to enter the palace."

"There is an imperial edict in the palace, summoning Prince Lu to enter the palace."


These people all galloped their horses, galloping all the way, and at the same time holding up the bright yellow imperial edict in their hands, they actually took out the posture of wartime victory. It can be seen that they are very anxious, and there is an important matter in the palace. At the same time, these people are dressed in plain clothes, which obviously means that someone in the palace has died, and it is a very important person.

Unfortunately, these people's posture is quite good, but what they are greeted by is that the doors of several royal palaces are closed. Even if the visitor knocks on the door heavily, no one responds, as if there is no one in the palace.

Helplessly, these people can only return in defeat.

Not long after, they reappeared, but they went directly to the residences of the court officials.

Some court officials were summoned to the palace, but there was no follow-up. Some pretended to be sick and evaded, using all kinds of means to protect themselves. Things have come to this point, and many people have realized that something is wrong.

But then, before they had a chance to react, people wearing all kinds of armor rushed onto the street. Among them were the Imperial Guards, the Patrol Battalion, and even the Beijing Guards and the Five Cities Military Department. They rushed to each house like a hungry wolf pouncing on a sheep, knocking on the door to treat them politely and persuading them kindly. If the other party had any intention of shirking, they would forcefully invade the house and use force to force the person they wanted to take out.

It was also because the King of Dai was desperate. Although the Duke of Wei held part of the military power of the three camps in Beijing, and the Imperial Guards had been bought by the Central Palace, this did not mean that they were sure to win.

In order to save time, manpower and material resources, they chose to cheat at the beginning, intending to hold the officials hostage to support the King of Dai to ascend the throne.

But just as they were moving, someone below was also moving. The news that the King of Dai had killed the king and usurped the throne had been secretly spread throughout the capital, and no one was willing to open the door to the rebels.

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