Jin Wang Dotes on His Concubine

The King's Concubine_The Feast of Masks【Complete】(265)

"But mother said that you can only go when you grow up."

This is what Yao Niang said to Erbao. For a while, Erbao also wanted to go to school, but it was obvious that he was too young and didn't know anything. If he went to the palace, he would not only make trouble, but also delay Xiaobao to watch him. In addition, it was a turbulent time some time ago, so Yao Niang didn't dare to let Erbao enter the palace.

Seeing Erbao looking at her with eager eyes, Yao Niang was at a loss for a moment and couldn't help but go to see Xiaobao.

Xiaobao said: "Mom, don't worry, there is a son to watch. Besides, maybe we will all live in the palace in the future, and going to the study room is just a matter of lifting a foot."

Yao Niang's heart jumped, and she couldn't help staring at Xiaobao: "What do you know?"

But Xiaobao didn't answer her. He took advantage of Erbao pulling him to talk about which kitten was fatter, and bypassed this.

Qianqing Palace

As soon as the King of Jin walked in, he was hit by something, and he caught it quickly.

It was an imperial edict.

Before he could take a closer look, he heard Emperor Hongjing scolding him in a full-throated voice: "Don't pretend with me, kid. Take the imperial edict and get out of here. Get things done before the New Year. After the New Year, I will take Xiaobao to Xiao Penglai to recuperate. I have never seen such an unfilial person as you. You know your father is seriously ill, but you still make such a fuss."

Prince Jin was upset for a while, and his hand holding the imperial edict slowly tightened.

Li Dequan had already stepped forward to congratulate: "Congratulations, Your Highness, congratulations, Your Highness."

When the news from the palace came back, Yao Niang was playing with the milky white kitten on the kang with the two children.

Huahua was a protective person. The kittens never let anyone touch them. They would show their teeth to anyone who touched them, but Xiaobao was an exception. He went to hold the kitten, and it just looked at Xiaobao and crawled back.

The kitten, which was less than a month old, was like a little pink ball, soft on the body, and could already walk around, but not far.

The kittens born by Huahua this time are really strange. Huahua is a tabby cat, but none of the kittens born by her are tabby cats. There is one pure black, one milky white, and two calico cats, probably all of them look like their father.

Among them, this milky white kitten with some light yellow stripes is the fattest. It is also the most powerful among the kittens. Since it was born, it has been the most active. Other brothers and sisters are still ignorant, but it already knows how to grab milk.

Every time Yao Niang comes to see it, she can see it trekking through mountains and rivers, crossing mountains and ridges, and successfully eating milk after crossing "obstacles". When it is full and tired of eating, it will give milk to other kittens.

Xiaobao picked it out and planned to give it to Yueyue.

Erbao was still a little reluctant, he couldn't understand the feelings of being a brother.

"It's not like we don't have food to eat at home, why should we give Xiaobaibai to sister Yueyue." Xiaobaibai is the name Erbao gave to the kitten. The black one is called Xiaoheihei, and the other two three-flowered ones are called Dahua and Erhua.

"Stingy guy, sister Yueyue loves you in vain, but she can't even bear to part with a cat."

Yueyue is a sensible girl. Every time she comes to the Prince Jin's Mansion, she will bring cakes to Erbao, because Erbao likes cakes made by the chef of the Sun family in Jiangnan the most.

When he heard that it was related to his cakes, Erbao hesitated: "Forget it, just give it to sister Yueyue, anyway, she can see it when the time comes."

In fact, he was reluctant to part with the cakes, and Yao Niang and Xiaobao couldn't help laughing.

As they were laughing, a servant hurried in from outside the door. It was Xiao Shunzi, Li Dequan's apprentice. The servants who came with him were all smiling, as if there was something big going on.

"Congratulations, Madam. Congratulations, Madam. The emperor has issued an imperial decree to abdicate the throne to Your Highness. Your Highness will soon be the emperor."

This surprise was not unexpected, but she did not expect it to come so suddenly, so Yao Niang was stunned.

Chapter 202

"Madam, Madam!"

Yao Niang came back to her senses and found that it was Yu Chan who called her.

"Madam, you are so happy."

"Yes, yes, I am so happy." Yao Niang nodded repeatedly.

Everyone in the room was smiling, and the joy on their eyebrows was about to float out. Yao Niang subconsciously wanted to say reward, but after thinking about it, she changed her words: "This is a big happy event, and it should be rewarded, but now it is in the public eye, and it seems arrogant to be too high-profile. Let's reward after a few days."

Once Yao Niang reminded them, everyone reacted.

Yes, His Highness has not yet ascended the throne, and His Majesty is still here. If the palace is decorated with lights and drums and gongs at this critical moment, it will be looked down upon and may cause trouble.

Xiao Shunzi immediately said: "Your Highness is right. I will go down and beat them to alert the people below."

The servants dispersed, and Yao Niang turned her head to look at Xiao Bao. She wanted to say something but didn't know what to say. She felt strange.

But soon she was attracted by Er Bao. Er Bao, the little bad guy, actually picked up Xiao Bai Bai's tail and picked up the little kitten. His chubby face was smiling, and he used his little finger to tease Xiao Bai Bai's belly.

Yao Niang hurriedly stretched out her hand to block it, and Xiao Bai Bai showed his claws. It's just that it's too small and the claws are too soft. It feels prickly when it pricks an adult's hand, but if it grabs a child like Er Bao, it will be enough for him to throw the cat away in pain.

Xiaobao was also startled, and then the mother and the older brother began to teach the youngest one a lesson.

After explaining the reasons one by one, Xiaobao learned that cats should not be lifted by their tails. Cats have claws and will scratch people, and being scratched will hurt.

After this event, the two of them lost their feelings of surprise and joy.

In the following days, the King of Jin was busy. After the imperial edict was issued, it had to be distributed to various places and announced to the world.

This was not the end. The Imperial Astronomical Observatory had to calculate the auspicious date and set the date for the coronation ceremony, and then the Ministry of Rites would prepare for the ceremony.

This matter was handed over to the lower level, but the details needed to be discussed with the King of Jin. There were also matters such as offering sacrifices to the heaven and ancestral temples, the relocation of the emperor and the concubines, and even small matters such as how to make the dragon robe had to be known by the King of Jin, so the King of Jin was busy all the time and lived in the palace without returning.

At the King of Jin's mansion, Yao Niang was also very busy. Every day, someone came to congratulate them. Most of them wanted to come to the door to get close to her before their status changed.

As the Princess of Jin, Yao Niang couldn't turn everyone away, but she was really tired of dealing with it, and the New Year was approaching and she was busy with the New Year. Considering that he was afraid of being talked about by outsiders, he could only stay at home and pretend to be sick, so he could temporarily avoid it.

In this way, it was not until the twelfth lunar month that the Prince of Jin finally ascended the throne.

The new reign title was changed the following year, so this year was still the Hongjing year.

As for the relocation of the emperor and the concubines, since it was said that it was not suitable to start construction or move in the twelfth lunar month, they had not moved yet. The Prince of Jin could only find an empty palace to live in temporarily, and everything would be decided after the New Year, which was only a few days away.

On the New Year's Day, the new emperor changed the reign title at the grand court meeting, changing Hongjing to Jin'an.

Since then, the Prince of Jin was no longer the Prince of Jin, but the Emperor of Jin'an.

Since the emperor had not moved to the palace yet, and the family of the new emperor had not moved into the palace, the women's court congratulations this year were saved.

In previous years, Yao Niang was busy with the Prince of Jin, but this year she was free. The Emperor of Jin'an held banquets in the palace, while she spent her days leisurely in the mansion with her two children.

On the sixth day of the first lunar month, just as it was getting dark, someone from the palace came to take Yao Niang into the palace.

Yao Niang entered the palace in a carriage, and after many turns, she arrived in front of a palace. The eunuch who came to greet her smiled very flatteringly and led her in respectfully.

Because she had not officially moved to the palace, Yao Niang was not yet a proper master in the palace. But now everyone in the palace knew that she would be the master in the future. There was only one favored empress in the new emperor's residence, and she had been favored by the emperor for many years.

"Empress, please sit for a while. His Majesty is still busy in front."

Yao Niang nodded and looked around.

This palace was decorated very luxuriously, but it revealed a cold atmosphere, as if no one lived there usually. Everywhere was well-behaved, without any personal color.

After sitting for a while, several palace maids came in from outside and respectfully invited Yao Niang to the back hall to help her change clothes and bathe.

Yao Niang was confused. She didn't know anyone in the palace since she entered it. If Yuchan hadn't been with her all the time, she wouldn't know how to panic.

The maids served Yao Niang very carefully, helping her clean inside and out. Yao Niang was particularly uncomfortable, but these maids were probably used to serving people. Before Yao Niang could make some moves to refuse, they were very gently blocked.

But they didn't make people feel that they were rude, but let them serve her involuntarily.

After bathing and drying her body, these maids let Yao Niang lie on a soft couch and helped her apply a layer of oily flower oil from head to toe. This flower oil smelled very good when applied on the body, a very pleasant fragrance, and finally helped her put on a set of clothes.

A set of clothes that Yao Niang felt quite uncomfortable with.

To put it bluntly, the whole dress is just a layer of gauze, and there is no difference between wearing it and not wearing it.

Before Yao Niang could react, she was surrounded and led out to a huge couch. The maids left her inside and let down the curtains from the outside.

At this point, Yao Niang didn't know what was going to happen next.

She secretly spit a few times in her heart that Emperor Jin An was really a man of many tricks. She blushed and looked at her clothes, then she got on the couch and got into the quilt.

The hall was heated by the floor heating, and it was warm and quiet everywhere. Yao Niang fell asleep while lying down.

I don't know how long I slept, but suddenly I felt a sinking beside me and someone got in.

The other person was cool and had a faint smell of alcohol. Yao Niang couldn't help but snored in her sleep. Thinking about it again, I am not in the Prince of Jin's Mansion now, so I sat up with a start.

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