Jin Wang Dotes on His Concubine

The Favored Concubine in the Palace_The Feast of Masks【Complete】(268)

Now that the weather is cold, Yao Niang stews some soup every day to replenish the health of Emperor Jin'an and his two children. She also stewed it today. She was planning to use it for lunch, but Xiaobao and Erbao stayed in Qianqing Palace for lunch. meal.

This soup also pays attention to the heat. It is not good if it is simmered for a long time or not simmered for enough time. Yao Niang went forward to give it to Emperor Jin'an. She couldn't drink the rest, so she had some sent to Qianqing Palace. I also thought that the two children would like to drink, and by the way, I would fulfill my filial piety for Emperor Jin'an.

In fact, she has always wanted to fulfill her filial piety, but Yao Niang did not dare to do so before.

Seriously speaking, Yao Niang is mostly afraid of the Supreme Emperor.

She is a commoner with a flat head, while the Supreme Emperor is a nine-five-year-old. They are two people who will never be related to each other. However, because of the smoke rising from the Su family's ancestral grave, Yao Niang can be qualified because of her status as the concubine and wife of the King of Jin. Look at the Emperor from a distance.

When she heard various deeds of the Supreme Emperor from Xiaobao and Prince Jin, her fear gradually faded away. Later, the Emperor was seriously ill, and the King of Jin and Xiaobao attended the Emperor's illness. They went to the capital to rebel, and then the Emperor gave the throne to the King of Jin. Yaoniang's mentality changed again. At this time, the Supreme Emperor became a somewhat pitiful old man in her mind.

The father is not like the father and the son is not like the son. The wife still has ulterior motives and wants to poison him to death. Now she is seriously ill again.

Now that King Jin ascended the throne and became Emperor Jin'an, she also moved into the palace with her two children. There was no serious mother-in-law for her to fulfill her filial piety, so this father-in-law was the only one left. Yao Niang inevitably wanted to fulfill her filial piety for Emperor Jin'an. It's a pity that she had this idea but never knew what to do. Apart from letting the two children go to Qianqing Palace to avoid making the Supreme Emperor angry, she couldn't do anything else.

Now that I heard that the Supreme Emperor liked the soup she stewed, Yao Niang was really overjoyed. At the same time, I couldn't help but have other thoughts, which could be regarded as urgent medical treatment.

"Since the Supreme Emperor likes it, mother will go and stew some more and send it to Qianqing Palace for dinner."

Before Xiaobao could say anything to stop her, Yao Niang got off the kang and went out happily. He couldn't help but be a little surprised, what happened?

However, Xiaobao didn't show it. Later, he found out what happened by putting Hong Fei on his head.

Yao Niang came back from the kitchen soon, with a smile on her face and very happy.

"Mom stewed mutton soup. Lamb soup is the most nourishing thing in this weather. I made a big pot of it, which we can use for dinner, and we will send some to the Supreme Emperor. Your grandpa is not in good health, and there is no one around you. If you are accompanied by someone who knows how to deal with the cold and the cold, we will be more considerate. The longevity of the elderly is a blessing to the younger generation. "

Xiaobao looked at Silly Mother, how could she think that there were no people around Grandpa Huang who knew both coldness and warmth? Isn't Li Dequan a human being? There are so many palace ladies and eunuchs.

But then he patiently played with Erbao while Yao Niang was talking to the palace maids and looking at their smiling faces. Xiaobao suddenly had a feeling of enlightenment and suddenly understood what it means to know how cold it is and how hot it is. .

But that's not the case. Every time he went to Qianqing Palace, it was always deserted. It was probably because Erbao was there, so it would be more lively. Isn't it just for this reason that he took more of his second treasure with him.

Loneliness was deeply rooted in his bones in his previous life, and Xiaobao has been deliberately avoiding it since his rebirth. In fact, he is not alone. When he was a child, he had his mother and his daughter Qiu'er. When he was older, he had Erbao, a troublesome spirit, and Brother Yan, Brother Xuan, and the others. He had not known what it meant to be alone for a long time.

He suddenly understood why Grandpa Huang always urged them to leave in the past few days. He didn't think much about it, just thinking that the emperor's grandfather was out of energy, or that the second treasure was too noisy, but he understood it in an instant.

During dinner, Emperor Jin'an came back from outside.

Yao Niang served him, cleansed his face and hands, ordered people to prepare the meal, and told him that he had made soup today.

Xiaobao, who had been lying on the kang for half the afternoon, suddenly jumped down from the kang and said, "I'm going to deliver soup to Grandpa Huang."

"Just let the eunuchs deliver it."

"It's better for my son to go in person."

Emperor Jin'an asked curiously: "What kind of soup should I give?"

Yao Niang covered it up and said, "I made mutton soup today and accidentally made too much. Xiaobao said that his father liked it, so he wanted to send some to Qianqing Palace."

Emperor Jin'an didn't speak, but glanced at her. But Yao Niang had already turned around and asked Hong Silk to dress Xiaobao, and then told Xiaobao to go back quickly.

In fact, even when the food was served here, Xiaobao still didn't reply. Instead, he asked the eunuch to reply, saying that he was staying in Qianqing Palace to accompany the Supreme Emperor for dinner.

Qianqing Palace

"Why are you here now? Don't you always say that you want to go back and have dinner with your mother?"

In fact, not every time, just once, and then let the Supreme Emperor remember it.

"My mother made soup and asked me to deliver some to Grandpa Huang." Xiaobao said, and the little eunuch beside him respectfully handed the food box in his hand to Li Dequan.

The Supreme Emperor glanced at the food box: "I've already given it away once today, why do I give it away again?"

"My mother said that when the weather is cold in winter, mutton soup is the most replenishing. Give it to Grandpa Huang to replenish your health."

"Sheep soup? The smell is too strong."

"My mother has cooked it without the smell of mutton. Grandpa Huang, do you want to try it?"

Xiaobao asked Li Dequan to help open the food box, and a large soup bowl with a lid was placed inside. It was also because Yao Niang was so honest that the soup in the palace was always served in soup cups, but she poured it directly into the soup bowl.

In fact, in the past, Yao Niang did not use soup bowls, but used soup cups to serve them. I don’t know why she is so generous now.

Xiaobao seemed to see the surprise of Li Dequan and the emperor, and he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. He explained: "You have to use a big bowl to drink mutton soup. It's not good to drink it with a small bowl." To emphasize, he deliberately added: "My father said so."

This made the two suspicious. Would Emperor Jin'an say such a thing? At the same time, it also aroused the interest of the emperor. He glanced at the soup bowl and said: "Then I will try it."

As soon as the voice fell, Li Dequan said beside him: "The emperor should have dinner."

"Then set it up, you stay and have it too." The latter sentence was said to Xiaobao.

Xiaobao could only tell the eunuch beside him to go back to the Yangxin Palace to pass on the message.

The imperial meal was soon served.

The emperor suffered a stroke and half of his body could not move. After acupuncture by Liu Liangyi, he still had difficulty moving, but he was not as stiff as before, and he could sit up with the help of external force.

There was a big soft pillow behind him, and the kang table in front of him had been cleaned up. Two young eunuchs lowered their heads to set the food on it. There were not many dishes, most of which were light, less fried, and more steamed.

Liu Liangyi said that the emperor must eat light food now, and it is best to eat mainly vegetarian food. The emperor prefers meat to vegetables and has a strong taste. For this reason, the emperor has always had a poor appetite and can't eat much every time he eats.

Xiaobao sat down opposite the emperor, and Li Dequan personally served the soup and placed a bowl in front of each of them.

The milky white soup exuded a strong fragrance, but it didn't have a strong smell, but it was somewhat tempting. In fact, this kind of mutton soup is a very common folk stew. After eating too much of the finely crafted things, Yao Niang would occasionally cook in person and make some folk food, which could also be welcomed by one or two children.

The emperor has lived for so many years and has eaten all kinds of delicacies, but this is really the first time he has drunk mutton soup. He never liked the smell of mutton, let alone such a simple mutton soup, which had neither ginseng nor other precious medicinal materials. Except for a few chopped green onions, there were pieces of stewed translucent water radish.

But it looked really tempting. The emperor couldn't help but drool because he had to take medicine every day during this period.

"Grandpa, drink it quickly. This soup should be drunk while it's hot." Xiaobao picked up the bowl and took a big sip.

The emperor couldn't help but pick up the bowl. When the porcelain bowl got close, there was a pungent and spicy smell. It was because there was some pepper in it.

But after drinking it, he tasted it carefully, but he didn't feel spicy, but very delicious.

"My mother's soup is different from others. This mutton soup is put with fish. The two are very delicious when stewed together."

As he spoke, the emperor had already drunk the whole bowl of soup, and there were only a few pieces of water radish left at the bottom of the bowl. He couldn't use one hand flexibly, so he put the small porcelain bowl on the kang table, and then picked up the silver chopsticks to pick up the radish in the bowl to eat.

The radish was also delicious, melting in the mouth, very delicious.

"Is it delicious, Grandpa Emperor?" Because he drank the soup, his whole body was warm, and there was a ground dragon burning in the palace, Xiaobao's fair little face was rosy, and his eyes were particularly bright.

"Not bad." The emperor was very reserved, but he signaled Li Dequan to serve him another bowl.

After the meal, not only did Xiaobao eat a full belly, but the emperor also felt comfortable all over. Li Dequan smiled and said repeatedly that the emperor had a good appetite today.

Xiaobao talked with the emperor for a while until he looked sleepy, and then he returned to the Yangxin Palace.

Knowing that the emperor liked the soup she stewed, Yao Niang sent him a variety of stews for many days.

Fearing that it would conflict with the emperor's medicine, she also specially consulted Liu Liangyi. Because Xiaobao was not at home sometimes, and she couldn't always send the child to the Qianqing Palace for three meals a day, she didn't shy away from it. She stewed the soup and asked Yuchan to send it to the Qianqing Palace. Anyway, the Yangxin Palace was not far from the Qianqing Palace, so it was just right to send it there.

There was a commotion outside, but Yao Niang still sent soup every day.

One day, when Li Dequan heard that the Yangxin Palace had sent soup again, the emperor said, "What a fool, she only knows how to send soup, why can't she change it up?"

Li Dequan knew what the emperor was talking about, and smiled and said, "This lady came from the common people. Judging from what the little prince said, she is an honest person. She probably has no one to turn to for help, and she is willing to help the emperor, so she is trying her best to come here."

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