King Jin did get angry all day.

This kind of anger is not only because of Yao Niang, but also because of Fucheng's lack of knowledge and contempt.

His dignified prince, actually, required his subordinates to stun the woman to his own room. It's just another firewood added to the fire that was previously lit by Yao Niang!

He could not bully the little mother-in-law, lest she would be wise and savage, not only shrewd, but not swallowed by mountains and rivers, naturally she would choose to bully her unwise bliss.

Seeing Fu Cheng's abuse, King Jin felt a touch of delight.

But he still didn't feel good, because he always flashed the pale and beautiful face of the little grandma. Before and after she went out, the movement outside was naturally included in Jin's ears, and an inexplicable feeling of anxiety sprang up.

She is so timid that she must be frightened. In fact, he didn't want to do anything, just wanted to see ...

After thinking and thinking, the next morning, King Jin instructed people to go to the small cross yard.

Compared to the King of Jin, Yao Niang was also absent-minded for a whole day.

It was a feeling that I could n’t say. I was afraid that someone would order her to pack and leave after a while. She was afraid that when Jin Wang went back, she would get angry and punish herself. There were other things that she did n’t understand.

Without sleeping overnight, Yao Niang woke up the next day to see herself in the mirror, her eyes faintly blue.

It's a pity that she never used rouge gouache, nor did she prepare such a thing. She couldn't do anything to hide it, so she just hung up the eye circles to get value.

Yao Niang was born white, which made her eyes more obvious. Seeing her, Yuyan was a bit surprised. She learned that she didn't sleep well at night. She couldn't help sighing and saying that she hadn't seen it like that before. Why isn't it too late at night?

Yao Niang was embarrassed and could not answer. Fortunately, Yuyan didn't say anything else, just let Lu'e go to the kitchen to get a freshly boiled egg and give Yao Niang to Wuqing.

When the people from Chaohuitang came, Yaoniang was half-upright, holding her eggs and rolling under her eyes. I heard that it was Zhaohuitang who came, and she was holding her back. When she reacted, she was hot and painful, and now she was red.

The egg rolled to the ground, and she panicked and almost didn't smash the mirror on the stage.

As soon as she stood up, Lu'e came in cheerfully: "Ma'am Su, your Highness is rewarding you."


Yao Niang stunned.

"Not ready to thank you yet, Your Highness said that you are good at serving the Xiaojun Lord ..." Lu'e said as she pulled Yaoniang out. Yuyan Yucui looked at her with a smile.

In the yard, a young **** wearing a crew neck shirt stood there, and there were a few eunuchs holding trays around him.

The entire Jinwang mansion, and the eunuchs around him, were brought out of the palace that year.

Yaoniang also knew that it was Fucheng's son, Xiaoshunzi, who was also a top-notch celebrity in the King's Mansion.

Yao Niang knelt down and thanked him, and Xiaoshun left without leaving.

After leaving, the people in the small cross yard gathered around to congratulate Yao Niang, not wanting to be obedient to money, and rushed out sentence by sentence.

If the whole Jinwang mansion has the most generous shot, it is undoubtedly the Jinwang. No one who can win the Jin Wang reward will not be dazzled. In particular, this is the first time that King Jin has rewarded people, and it has made people jealous. Even the people in Liuchun Museum have heard the movement coming.

The tray was covered with a red cloth, and someone wanted to look up, but was driven away by the hot green waist. Others rely on being familiar with Yao Niang, squinting to discuss drinking and eating, and there is noisy in the courtyard.

Seeing this happening, Yu Rong said, "Okay, it's all gone, let Su Niang invite everyone to eat fruit and wine."

Yao Niang did not enter the palace on the first day. Naturally, she knew the rules in this palace. Generally, if the subordinates got the reward from the top, they would have to share some food to buy and share with everyone. Naturally, she nodded and echoed Yurong's words, saying that they would invite everyone to eat fruit and wine on a different day.

Cuizhu was standing in the crowd all the time, her cheeks were thin and her face was haggard, looking at the Yao Niang surrounded by others, she hated and was jealous. She squeezed her bruised hand and gritted her teeth and left.

Helping Yaoniang bring things back to the house, Lu'e and others left, leaving only Yaoniang alone.

She stood at the table and hesitated before lifting the red silk on the tray.

The King of Kings rewarding was indeed a bold and magnificent one, a red gold tangled bracelet, a pair of red gold pendant earrings, and a red gold mule.

Ming is dangling and shining, and he is very heavy in his hands.

King Jin's generosity is indeed different than that of the gilt tassel and jade bracelet that were awarded to Yao Niang by Hu Fangfei.

This kind of reward, seriously speaking, Yao Niang has received many times, she is already familiar with it, but this time only made her heart feel astonished.

She made no mistakes.

King Jin is indeed a gentleman.

So after she said that, he couldn't do anything difficult for a strong man, not even angry, because Ding was Ding Yun and He was not a mess. It was because she understood Jin Jin's temperament that Yao Niang courageously said those words yesterday.

But it is also understand this, Yao Niang's heart is even more sour.

In addition to these pieces of jewelry, clothes are placed in the other two trays, but Yao Niang did not take a closer look and pressed them to the bottom of the box. She did not have the opportunity to wear these.

In Zhaohui Hall, in the inner study, Jin Wang Duan sat after the book case, and there were several people on the chairs on the left and right sides.

This inner study room is for Jin Wang's private affairs that are not easy to be placed on the table. Being able to enter here is enough to prove that these people are all Jin Wang's confidants.

They are all aides or guests of the Jinwang Mansion, with different names, but without exception, they are all under Jinwang's door.

Yes, it's not Jin Wang's Mansion, it's Jin King.

Although the Jinwang Mansion is the mansion of the Jin King, in the end the dragon and snake are not a piece of iron barrel. There is also a long history division in the palace. This long history division was set up by the court, which is a means for the court to monitor the local kings. In particular, Jinzhou is different from other places here. It is close to the sideline fortress. King Jin holds hundreds of thousands of military forces in his hand. Without careful inspection, you can know that the nails of the court and everywhere are not here.

Because Jin treats other princes in the same way, this division is very clear.

The first person on the left sat a person wearing a robe and holding a fan. He is unknown, looks like a crane, but looks very young, and he doesn't have a beard. This person's surname is Liu, and he is known as Mr. Liu. He knows very little about his origins, but he is very appreciated by the King of Jin.

He sat next to a black-faced big man. If he knew this person well, he would be the commander of the royal palace guard Qiu Zhan, holding the Jin King's pro-thousand soldiers, and he was a general under King Jin's hands, which won his trust.

Another person wears a monk robe, one wears a Confucian shirt, and the person wearing a Confederate shirt looks fierce, a fierce figure who dares to provoke me to kill your whole family, but wearing a monk robe is full of brains and not shaved, it does not look like a look Monk. All in all, of the four present, only Qiu Zhan seems normal.

King Jin is discussing with them.

Mr. Liu Da fanned the feather fan in his hand and said, "In that way, did King Yong take off the suspicion?"

Dressing up Sven, but with a fierce look, he was called Mr. Hei, and before Mr. Liu finished speaking, he interjected: "Even if he isn't, he can't get away with him."

Mr. He spoke in Shu dialect and came to the King's Mansion for many years.

Because of his accent, when he first came to Jin Wangfu, he didn't get a lot of jokes. But it was only in the rest of the month that no one dared to laugh at him, but instead rushed to avoid him when he saw him. Because this Mr. Black, as his name is, is used to making black hands, and he never blinks when he hurts people.

If Mr. Liu Da is doing the right way, he is accustomed to using conspiracy. Then Mr. Hei is doing evil tricks and sneaking tricks.

As for Li Maotian in a monk robe, he can be regarded as neutralizing the character of Mr. Liu Da and Mr. Hei, and he is moderate, and there are few amazing things, but there is no detail or omission.

He sat on a ring chair that felt like he was about to be crushed, rubbed his garlic nose, and said, "It's the prince who is most suspicious, but ..."

The incident happened nearly a year ago, and the people under Jin Jin secretly spread a lot secretly, hardly turned Yongzhou to the ground, waves of nails were sent to the palace of Yongwang, but the news received showed that one. The matter was not done by King Yong, but the prince who was last in Beijing was most suspect.


He was still the prince for more than forty years, and was overwhelmed by Emperor Hongjing, named Chu Jun, but in fact there is no such thing as Emperor Sun's favor?

It is unbelievable, but the news shows that it is indeed a prince, and it should be said that it is a department of the East Palace. In fact, the greater possibility is that the emperor grandson who snatched all the crown princes from him.

But why did he do this? Want to provoke Yong King and Jin King to fight? It ’s a big deal and a big deal. For a man, it really tramples on dignity, but it ’s not really worth fighting with the other person. I always feel that the East Palace is a lot of work, but it ’s just that. A trivial matter, something unreasonable.

Li Maotian expressed doubts.

After the book case, King Jin looked so cold as to see no emotion. Just the left hand touched the thumb on the thumb of the right hand inadvertently, and occasionally turned it.

Mr. Hei smiled, but his eyes were moving. He reached out and patted Li Maotian's plump spine, and said with a loud voice, "A little child, what do you care about?" The brain is so good, there must be someone else mean ... "

Li Maotian couldn't think of it anymore. In his ears, there were a whole series of Shu dialects in his ears.

"Everything has its meaning, and the other party really doesn't need to spend so much time ..."

"Look at your scrabbling, it's a mistake, it's a real baby."

Even if Li Maotian was stupid, he realized that Mr. Hei was different. This black egg is not so unusual, unless ...

He hesitated in his heart, and finally realized that there was something unusual in it.

From the beginning to the end, the King of Jin did not object to the Donggong department. Why did it cost Zhou Zhang to do such an absurd trivial matter? Since there is no objection from King Jin, this shows that Donggung must have a reason to do so, but what is the reason?

Could it be that--

Li Maotian didn't think about it any more. He hadn't had a lot of time to follow Jin King, and he knew that the master's mind and strategy were extraordinary. These so-called staff members are not so much about making suggestions as they are about making up for mistakes. After all, no one is perfect, and there are always unexpected places. As for the general direction, Jin Wang has never made a mistake.

Now that he knew he couldn't go on, Li Maotian immediately scolded him for saying "God Wrong" and "Gua Wazi" and swearing at each other, and he was quite indomitable.

These two living treasures are born with a vision. Once they are not serious, they are very funny.

Anyway, Mr. Liu shook his head and laughed. He shook the feather fan in his hand and said, "Okay, if you two are going to make trouble or go out to make trouble, don't obstruct His Royal Highness here."

The two were also unambiguous. After paying tribute to King Jin Bijing, you pulled my placket, and I pulled your sleeves to tear each other out. Until they went outside, they could still hear the quarrel between the two.

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