Jin Wang Dotes on His Concubine

The Favored Concubine in the Palace_The Feast of Masks【Complete】(273)

"Yes, little aunt." Several children said in unison.

Xiaobao and Erbao walked in. Yao Niang waved her hand when she saw them: "Come and meet your grandmother, aunt and uncle."

Wu and Hui Niang were fine, with smiles on their faces, but Lan Cao stood up subconsciously and said repeatedly: "It's unworthy, how can we let the two princes pay respects to a common woman."

Lan Cao's loss of composure made everyone look at her sideways. Yao Niang sighed in her heart, but didn't say anything. She glanced at Hongchou.

Hongchou hurriedly pulled her to sit down, smiled and said, "Madam, please sit down quickly." This courtesy should be accepted. It didn't make people feel abrupt, nor was it too cramped.

After a round of greetings, Yao Niang asked Hongchou and the others to take the children away. Lan Cao followed and said that he would take care of the children. Everyone could understand her thoughts, and Yao Niang didn't say anything.

After everyone went down, Yao Niang asked: "How is she at home? Is she like this too?"

She was naturally referring to Lan Cao.

Wu sighed immediately, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Hui Niang said: "Since her father was conferred a title by His Majesty, she has become more cautious. She is fine at home, but it may be because she is a little embarrassed when she first enters the palace."

Hui Niang and Yao Niang, the two sisters, are both gentle and can't say anything unpleasant. In fact, Hui Niang didn't point out one thing. The reason why Lan Cao was so embarrassed in front of Yao Niang was not only because Yao Niang was the queen, but also because she was originally a servant in the palace, but finally became the sister-in-law of the princess.

However, Yao Niang knew more than Hui Niang. Lan Cao's appearance beside her eldest brother was not simple. Maybe the Su and Yao families didn't know it, but His Majesty knew that she knew it, and Lan Cao also knew it, so the other party was embarrassed.

She also knew that Lan Cao was a good girl with a kind nature, filial to her parents, and treated Ming brothers like her own children. But people's fate is not certain, so this knot can only be untied by Lan Cao herself.

"She is a good person. Last time I found her secretly buying contraceptive medicine from the pharmacy." Hui Niang said.

Yao Niang was shocked by this, and after Hui Niang's narration, she knew the whole story.

Although Wu liked Lan Cao very much when she was a maid, she couldn't help but think more about her now that she became a daughter-in-law. Zhu didn't care about Ming Ge'er and his family at the beginning. Yao Niang left home, and Wu raised the children by herself, so Wu had a deep feeling for Ming Ge'er and his family.

Now that the son has married a wife and the grandson has a stepmother, the identity of a stepmother is the kind of person that makes people poke their backs in the folk. As long as a stepmother is not good in people's mouths, Wu is naturally afraid that Lan Cao's status will change, and she will not treat Ming Ge'er and his family as well as before.

However, Wu is a kind person, and she can't be the kind of mother-in-law who criticizes her daughter-in-law. She didn't say anything else, but she couldn't help but pay attention to Lan Cao's every move, fearing that she would blame the three children behind her back.

Based on all this, as a mother-in-law, she couldn't say anything to urge Lan Cao to add more incense to the Su family.

And Lan Cao didn't know whether she found Wu's abnormality or she was just like that. On the surface, she looked very close to Su Yucheng, but secretly bought contraceptives to take.

Hui Niang was an open-minded person, but she couldn't do anything against her conscience, so she told Su Yucheng about it. Su Yucheng got angry, and since then Lan Cao never took the kind of medicine that hurt her body again. But even so, Lan Cao never got pregnant.

"It's also because mother showed it too obviously. For this matter, my brother didn't say anything on the surface, but he must have some thoughts in his heart. Mother, I'm not saying anything to you, you have to know what's important and what's not." Hui Niang said.

Wu felt a little aggrieved, but there was nothing to hide in front of her two daughters, so she said, "I am on guard against her. You are all still young and have not seen much of the world. This woman becomes a stepmother. Once she has her own child, she will definitely be alienated from her biological child. I am afraid that Ming Ge'er and his family will be wronged."

Hearing this, Hui Niang looked at Yao Niang helplessly. It was obvious that this was not the first time that Wu had said this.

"Then why don't you think about it, my eldest brother and her are in love now, and you are standing in the middle. It's okay once or twice, but if it happens more times, aren't you afraid of alienating your eldest brother?" Yao Niang said bluntly.

Wu was speechless.

Hui Niang had said this to her, but she didn't listen. Now her youngest daughter said it too, which made her feel a little helpless.

"Yucheng is my son, so is he still alienated from his biological mother?"

Seeing Wu like this, it was obvious that she had run into a dead end. Yao Niang and Hui Niang looked at each other and then said, "Mother, since you have made yourself so tired, why did you agree to let my brother marry her? Why not just not marry her? If you really don't like her, I will report to His Majesty and ask him to find another marriage for my brother."

"Can it be like this?" Wu Shi obviously couldn't understand the feeling of changing someone's wife with just one sentence. But she was not a mean person, and she would not do anything to hurt others. She hurriedly said, "It's okay for you to say this, but don't hurt others."

Yao Niang said helplessly, "Look at you, it's not right to change, and it's not right not to change. Mother, you really don't have to worry that she will treat Ming Ge'er and others badly. At worst, my sister and I are watching. If she really treats Ming Ge'er and others badly, she won't pass our test."

"Then I don't have to keep an eye on her?"

Yao Niang nodded: "If she really treats Ming Ge'er and the others badly, I will report to His Majesty and replace her." In fact, Yao Niang can do this herself, but it is obvious that her majesty is not as majestic as "Your Majesty", so she sacrificed Emperor Jin'an.

"Then I will no longer be wary of her, and you don't have to talk about whether to replace her or not. She is an innocent girl. She follows your brother at a young age and is filial to me and your father. Compared with Zhu, I don't know how much better she is. Don't do this to hurt people."

Anyway, Wu has her own reasons for saying anything. Yao Niang and Hui Niang can only listen. Fortunately, she seems to have really thought it through. It seems that the words "report to His Majesty" gave her unlimited confidence. It was also because Zhu's shadow on Wu was too heavy. When Wu faced her "daughter-in-law", she always couldn't help but think too much.

The three mothers and daughters sat together and talked for a long time, mostly talking about family affairs and trivial matters. Time passed quickly. Xiao Shunzi came over to pass on the message that His Majesty had someone set up a banquet to entertain the Yao and Su families.

The banquet was held in the side hall of Yangxin Palace. Yao Niang and Emperor Jin'an attended together. Since they were all relatives, they did not avoid any gender distinction.

During the banquet, although Emperor Jin'an did not say much, it can be seen from his words and deeds that he attached great importance to the Su and Yao families.

After the banquet, the Yao and Su families were led out of the palace. Emperor Jin'an took Yao Niang to the Imperial Garden for a walk to digest the food.

It was the spring of March, when the grass was long and the warblers were flying, and all things were revived. The scenery in the Imperial Garden was very beautiful.

The two walked side by side, and countless palace maids and eunuchs followed not far behind them.

"Why are you so happy?"

Yao Niang glanced at him and said, "Isn't it good to be happy?"

Emperor Jin'an glanced at her and said nothing.

Yao Niang didn't want to tell him that she was actually happy that he valued his family. He valued his family, which meant he valued her. Although Yao Niang had long known that Emperor Jin'an valued her, otherwise he would not be so good to her, when he did something to value her, she couldn't help but be happy.

She is so useless, thin-skinned and shallow-eyed.

The Emperor of Jin'an only turned his head to find that his person was gone. When he turned his head, he saw her standing under a weeping crabapple tree and smiling foolishly.

He put his hands behind his back and walked over without saying a word.

Yao Niang only felt a movement on her head, and when she touched it again, she found that there was a crabapple flower on her bun.

And the Emperor of Jin'an walked away with his hands behind his back.

Although the second branch of the Xu family had no one in the court, there was one in the mansion of the Earl of Loyalty and Bravery.

No one expected that the matter would eventually develop to that point. They just wanted to use people's words to exert some pressure so that Su Yao Niang could not interfere and let His Majesty take Concubine Xu into the palace, but they never expected that it would become so big in the end.

At first, the Earl of Loyalty and Bravery did not know about this matter. It was the wife of the Earl of Loyalty and Bravery who was persuaded by her daughter and privately ordered several daughters-in-law to do it. It was not until the outside world made a big fuss that the Earl of Loyalty and Bravery knew about it, and he was furious.

"Ignorance! Presumptuous! What can I say to you? Why do you think this matter has spread so widely? It's because some people have been eyeing the fat piece of meat of the queen's position. At this time, people are eager not to get involved in the muddy water, but you are so good that you actually offer yourself to be a raft!"


"This matter has become so chaotic. Although the emperor doesn't say anything, he will definitely be angry in his heart. And the target of his anger will not be the second branch of the Xu family, but us! You, a foolish woman, have been fooled by the second branch of the Xu family without knowing it. You are really stupid!"

The Earl of Zhongyong left with a wave of his sleeves, turned around and took the power of the wife of the Earl of Zhongyi to manage the household affairs, and let his younger brother and sister-in-law take charge of it temporarily.

The wife of the Earl of Zhongyong was scolded, and Xu Zhe's wife was naturally not spared. The Earl of Zhongyong even thought of letting his daughter and Xu Zhe divorce. Anyway, the girls in the Earl's Mansion will never have trouble getting married, so there is no reason to put it on such a family. He was short-sighted at the time, thinking that Xu Zhe would take over the position of Duke Xu sooner or later, but he didn't expect that it would be in vain and he would end up in disgrace.

Let's not talk about what happened outside. When the news reached Concubine Xu, she was terrified and gnashed her teeth.

She hated her family for being useless and was afraid that she would be thrown into the Qiandi and live a life of widowhood. Just like this, Su Yaoniang was crowned as the queen. On the day of the ceremony, when the palace bells rang, she could hear the movement while sitting in Haoyueju.

Concubine Xu was really afraid that she would be forgotten, so she wanted to talk to Concubine Liu who was in the same situation.

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